Destiny Dawn

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You'd think so, but knowing all isn't always a good thing. Even now, I'm constantly receiving knowledge upon each possible timeline we could go down, that's why I stay silent. I don't want to accidentally steer us down an unfavorable one. I don't like to meddle, abusing my power would have dire consequences

Name: Destiny Fate Starlight-Dawn
Nickname: Destiny
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality:Demisexual Omnisexual
Alias: Nemesis, Goddess of Fate, Princess of Crystalis
Alignment: Neutral
Teams: N/A



Parents: Arien Starlight (Deceased) & Eclipse Dawn
Siblings: Alizeh
Love interest: None

Paternal Grandparents: Unnamed
Great ∞ Grandparents: None
Paternal Aunts & Uncles: Icicle, Zenon & Kylee
Paternal Cousins: Tessa
Paternal Nieces & Nephews: None
Paternal Distant Family: None

Maternal Grandparents: Mage & Nebula Dawn
Great ∞ Grandparents: None
Maternal Aunts & Uncles: Crystal Star, Zenix, Solaria, Celestia & Electrina
Maternal Cousins: Thea & Ophelia
Maternal Nieces & Nephews: None
Maternal Distant Family: None


Darkness, Darkness Manipulation, Shadows, Shadow travel, Darkness Projection, Shadow tendrils, Dark vision, Energy Blasts, Energy Absorption, Energy Based Constructs, Energy Manipulation, Energy Shield, Energy-Enhanced Strike, Energy Absorption, Force Field

Sorcery Ancestry
Mystic Telekinesis, Spell casting, Utility Magic, Magic Blasts, Cursing, Magic Constructs, Magic Detection & Sensing

Pysonic shielding, telepathy immunity, Clairvoycane, timeline viewing, Divine Information, All possible Future Sight, Energy Manipulation, Energy Absorption, Advanced Healing, Immortality, Soul Revival

Inherited abilities
Flight, Fey magic, Size Manipulation (Pixie Form), Prehensile Tail & Wings, Enhanced strength, Enhanced Durability

Species: Half Magian Fairy, Half Demon, Some Angel Traits
Hair: White that fades to black with a blue streak
Hair style: long down hair with a side bang
Eyes: left eye is red, right is midnight blue
Height: 5'2
Piercings: ears & eyebrow are pierced
Weapons: a staff that transforms into a dual sided sword, and future sight book
Other: Wears Glasses, Her future book appears completely blank unless she enables the other person to view its contents

Everyday clothes

Super suit


❝I had a vision and I watched it come alive... And now I'm wishin' that I had a bit more time. I have been achin' in my bones at night, Conversations with my bloodshot eyes, Hard to focus when the pressure makes you blind...❞

Backstory Info
I don't want to play god. I am one of the most recent goddesses to be brought into existence, the first to be born. My father passed before we where born. I do not have much of a story of my own, other than my power. I am a god with the ability to see all timelines, no matter how relevant they are. I stay silent as to not alter the timeline, I never like to speak on my power, but do when I know it won't alter the outcome of events.
I was born here, instead of in the Magi. I actually have a New York birth certificate. Our mother hid us for months, not wanting people of this world to get their hands on us. She trusted very few, and eventually managed to get home after a few years. She usually does not come back here. My sister and I tend to travel between the worlds, to get away from our lives as gods and royalty. I like the city here, it's just so different than home...

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