Blake & Emil (Mending Old Wounds)

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Blake has received an interesting letter and invitation to meet up with an old rival of Bruce, Emil Blonsky. As soon as he, along with his lovers, meet up with Blonsky, and well...let's just say that it was not what they expected.

(This of course is set before the events of She-Hulk.)

Just an average day in New York City. Nice weather, clear skies, sun shining, and people going about their days. Blake Riley, aka Hot Shot, was finishing up cleaning his apartment. He's a lot more older, with a beard and longer hair. He checks his watch to look at the time to see when he's coming back. Then, his phone received a text message from one, Peter Parker, which read:

Peter: Hey, I am going to be hanging out with Kate at her apartment for a few days, is that okay?

Blake then of course texted right back.

Blake: Yeah, it's fine. Just be careful out on the streets when you're patrolling alright?

Peter: I got it, dad. Talk to you soon.

Blake simply chuckles and puts his phone is pocket. He was quite happy to see Peter now finally himself again after that mess with the villains and the unfortunate death of his aunt. He was lucky that he still remembered who Peter was and that he was able to help him. It was tough time to get through, but it seems that everything was going fine now.

As he was finished with cleaning up, he goes downstairs to get the mail. Then, a surprise happened when he reached downstairs. He hears the doors open and looks over to see Wanda Maximoff, Maria Hill, & Darcy Lewis.

"Oh my gosh, hey girls!" He says as he goes over to them to hug them and kisses them on the cheek.

"Hey Blake, we were going to go up to your place and surprise you at your doorstep!" Darcy said.

"Oh, sorry, I was just getting the mail here."

"Ah okay." Darcy replied.

They all followed Blake to where he is getting the mail, to find only a letter. Blake simply shrugged and decided to open it in his apartment. Everyone walked up the stairs.

"So, how are you? How's Peter & Kate?" Wanda asked.

"I'm doing alright. As for Peter, he's doing great, he just texted me that he will be spending some time with Kate." Blake responded.

"Oh that's nice, what's that letter by the way?" She said.

"I'm not sure, I'll look over it when we reach to my apartment." Blake answered.

They all reached to Blake's apartment and settled down. They each talked about what they have been up to recently for an hour. After that lovely conversation, Hill finally tells him about the letter.

"Blake, aren't going to read what's in that letter?" She asked him, while handing the letter to him.

"Oh, right, let me see..." He says as he was opening up the envelope.

"Were you expecting anyone to send you a letter?" Darcy asked.

"No, not really. Maybe it could be from Kamar Taj." He says he unfolds a piece of paper.

As he was looking at paper, he narrowed as he sees something on the top right corner: DODC, or Department of Damage Control.

"What is it?" Wanda asked.

"This is sent from the Department of Damage Control." He said, with a hint of anger in voice. The last time he met the DODC was during the incident with Peter and his identity revealed to the public and people thinking he is criminal.

"What does the letter say? What do those people want?" Hill asks.

Blake cleared his throat and began to read the letter: "Dear Blake, you probably don't remember me since it has been years since we last met. I was hoping you would come to visit and talk with me. I want to bury the hatchet between us. Thank you and hope to see you soon. Your old pal,
Emil Blonsky."

Blake looks over to the girls. Hill and Darcy had their eyes widened, knowing what is going on, except for Wanda.

"Blonsky wants to see you?!" Hill exclaimed.

"Emil Blonsky, like the Abomination?! That big ugly monster that trashed Harlem years ago?" Darcy asked as Blake nodded.

"How do you know this Emil Blonsky?" Wanda asked, confused to what is going on.

"Well, I met Emil Blonsky around the time of 'The Big Week' where I first met Bruce. He was a highly decorated soldier, Russian born, British raise, who was brought in by that government dog, Ross, to take down Banner. Then, of course out of nowhere, he became this monster known as the Abomination. Me and the big guy managed to take him down. I still remember how it really hurts afterwards." Blake explained.

"Oh you mean how you were all beaten up, bleeding, bruised, and almost died?!" Hill exclaimed, remembering those events.

Blake nodded, remembering how not only Hill, but also Nat, Clint, Coulson, Fury, Laura, and a few others were freaking out seeing his bruised state.

"So now years later, this Blonsky writes to you and wants to bury the hatchet?" Darcy questioned. "Are you going to talk to him?"

Blake sighs and sits down, looking at the letter again. He inspects Blonsky's handwriting, which was cursive and perfectly written.

"If he does want to put that mess behind us, then I suppose it wouldn't hurt to talk to him about it."

"If you're going, then I'm coming with you. I have some things to say to that monster." Hill said.

"We're coming too." Both Darcy and Wanda said.

"Alright, I'll see if I can call the DODC and see if we can have a chat with Blonsky.

D.O.D.C. Supermax Prison
Department of Damage Control

Blake, Wanda, Hill, & Darcy arrived at the supermax prison where Blonsky is currently held up in. They stopped at the front gate and presented their IDs to the guard to pass through. They followed a different guard to lead them to Blonsky. They passed through a laser gate and the guard explained to them of the dangers that could happen and had them sign a paper. He also warned them to not cross over the yellow line. Then, a door open that leads them to Emil Blonsky, who was wearing prison clothes and in a glass container.

Blonsky gave a warm smile to them as they slowly approached him. Blake gave a neutral look as well as Wanda and Darcy, while Hill gave a stern look towards Blonsky.

"Ah, Blake Riley, it's been a long time. What a surprise, you brought along guests." He says as he sits down in his chair. "Well, first off...Namaste."

"Uh...wait, what?" Blake said, baffled to what he is seeing. Blonsky is pretty much back to his normal self and not as the Abomination.

"Oh, I bet you all expected to see Abomination, right?" Blonsky asked, pointing to his guests.

"Kinda, yeah." Darcy said as the others nodded.

Blonsky simply chuckled to their answers. "Yeah, well, don't worry. You won't be seeing much of him. You see I completely transformed myself, you know, physically and spiritually." He said as he was smiling.

"So that means you can't turn into that thing anymore?" Hill asked him.

"No, no, it means that I choose not to. I'm just simply Emil here." Blonsky responded.

"Ah, well, okay..." Blake simply said. Then the whole room when into silence. Unsure what else to say next. Then, Emil decides to break the silence.

"So, um...I suppose we should talk about the elephant in the room. You and you're friend...the Hulk."

"Bruce. His name is Bruce." Blake told him.

"Right, Bruce. You know, I tried to kill him and of course, you got involve when you were...younger. And I might add, you have changed from the last time I saw. You've grown taller and grew a beard." Blonsky said.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. I'm older now. Can you get to the point?"

"Sorry, sorry. Anyway, I wanted to say that I am very sorry. About what happened all those years ago. You know, me hurting your friends and of course, you."

"Yeah, you've simply just hurt me by punching me through a building, hit me in the face, and all that." Blake said as Hill glared towards Blonsky.

Blonsky simply hissed, while gritting his teeth, ashamed for what he has done. "That, yes. Again, I am so sorry. I was just simply following orders from the government."

"But you went on a destructive rampage in Harlem, hurting innocent civilians. That wasn't sanctioned by the government." Hill interrupted.

"Yeah, that's because they pumped me full of that super soldier serum."

Their eyes widened as they heard what Blonsky just said.

"Wait, wait a minute, super soldier serum?" Blake asked as Blonsky nodded. "You mean that serum caused you to do what you did?"

"Yes, I mean have you not noticed how I was out there? I was faster, acrobatic, and I survived a kick from the Hulk. You didn't catch any of that?" Blonsky responded.

Blake thought about it for a bit, as he remembered another thing. When he was with Bruce, Betty, and Sterns, Blonsky came in barging in, looking pale, demanding for Bruce to turn into the Hulk.

"Oh my did I not see that?" He said to himself as he then looked toward the prisoner. "Let me guess, Ross put you up to that?" He asked him, which responded with a nod.

"Great, should've known that government dog had something to do with you." Hill said.

"We're very sorry to hear what happened to you." Wanda tells Blonsky.

"Thank you. It's just...I thought I was the good guy, you know? Thought I was going to be the next Captain America or something...but I just turned out to be a monster." Blonsky said, with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Blonsky, I am so sorry. If I'd known what happened, I'd-"

"No worries there, mate, it's all in the past. All I can do now is change and hopefully, trying to make things right. If you don't mind, I've written some haikus for all the people I hurt, including yours, let me just..." Blonsky then reached over to his notes, searching for a specific one.

"Oh, you didn't have to do that, I mean."

"Come on, sweetie, let him read you his haiku." Wanda said to him as Darcy and even Hill nodded, agreeing with her.

"Alright, alright." Blake said.

"Ah, here we go." Blonsky then cleared his throat and faced towards him. He began to read his haiku:

Dull, gloomy and sad

My life right is quite bad

Boring, desolate and dark

My life has lost all spark

Miserable, lost and lonely

This is what remains of me

My only way to redemption

Is to beg for your pardon

I am sorry

Blonsky finished reading as he then looks toward them to hear what they have to say. Blake couldn't help but feel bad for him. If it's anyone's fault, it's got to be Ross for taking this man's life and freedom away from him. Then, Blake steps forward a bit and gives his response.

"I forgive you, Emil." He responded as Emil looks at him with surprise. He began to smile too.

Wanda, Hill, and Darcy smiled too, seeing that they were able to bury the hatchet and maybe start a friendship with the two. They all had conversation for quite some time, before they would all have to leave but they promised they would visit Emil from time to time.

Over in the weekends, Blake would usually go to visit Emil to talk and catch up on what's been going. He even tells him about his relationship with Wanda, Hill, Darcy and even a few others. Emil was surprised to hear about that and even tells him about his relationship with his seven soulmates. Of course, Emil would be there to talk with Blake on anything that emotionally hurts him, like the unfortunate loss of Natasha Romanoff and Tony Stark and how it affected him, still to this day.

After first meeting with Emil, he informed Bruce of what happened. The doctor was surprised and happy to hear what happened as he told him that he and Emil also put the past behind them, with him sending a letter and haiku to Bruce. Blake also informed this to Peter, Clint, and Laura as well as they were very surprised but they welcomed it.

With how the world is changing, he was glad that this one change was something good and not anything that he's been through. He was thankful to Emil for changing that.

That's it! Been a while since I made these one shots. Let me know what other one shot I should make next!! Not quite sure if Blonsky will go back to being evil in the She-Hulk series, so I'm just going along with him being good. See you next time, peace ✌️.

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