Blake & Natasha (Nightmares & Comfort)

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This takes place 1 year after the events of The Avengers

It was in the middle of the night, the cold breeze settling in throughout the city of New York. Over in Avengers tower, a few occupants were currently sleeping there. Three of them to be exact, who were Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, and Blake Riley. As of now, everyone were resting peacefully, except for one.

Over in Blake's room, he was in his bed with eyes closed, but something was happening. His facial expression was saying that he was in distress, he was sweating, and was shaking with heavy breathing.

He was having flashbacks over the Battle of New York when the Chitauri first invaded. He remembered he hitched a ride with Tony to send the nuke to space and hit the oncoming army. His eyes widened in shock and fear seeing the giant ship out in space.

That moment haunted both him and Tony ever since. After the battle was won, both of them talked about their nightmares and tried to help each other but they never got the chance to tell anyone else yet.

Then, the whole scene changes with Blake running, almost of breathe, as fast as he could til he stopped and looked in horror to what he is seeing in front of him.

All the Avengers, his friends, dead on the ground. He ran to them to see if anyone were alive, until he went to see Natasha, the Black Widow, on the ground with her eyes closed. He leaned to check her pulse, til she grabbed his hand and gasped for air. Blake freaked out for a bit and then Natasha began to speak.

"Why didn't you" Natasha struggled to say, until she died in his arms.

"Nat? NAT?! Nat, please don't go!! Don't leave me..." Blake begged. He began to tear up and held Natasha close to his arms. He glances around to see the rest of teammates and looked down in shame, blaming himself for not doing more.

"Why couldn't you have done more?" He thought to himself. He looked up to see the Earth now in ruins

Blake jolted up, opening both his eyes and gasping. He sat up right and was starting to breathe very heavily. He was sweating a lot more. That dream was very intense for him than the others. As he was calming down and his heartbeat was slowing down, he got of his bed and out of his room to get a drink of water.

He checked the time to see it was 2:30 AM. He was sitting on the couch in the lounge to relax for a bit before heading back to bed. Then he heard a voice call out to him.


He turned to see Natasha there, wearing a black tank top and shorts, while he was wearing a simple black T-shirt and shorts.

"Nat, what are you doing up?" Blake asked.

"I should be asking you, Jarvis informed that you woke up early. That never happens. Want to tell me what's going on?"

Blake simply sighed and said, "I just had a nightmare, it's all."

Natasha narrowed her eyes at him, knowing he was hiding something.

"Blake, I feel there is more to it. Please, you can tell me." She sits down next to him and puts her hand on his.

He was hesitant at first, but he knew he couldn't lie to Nat about his nightmares. So he then revealed to her about what has been troubling him. 

"I still have those awful memories, about what happened in New York. Going through that portal with Tony and seeing the giant army, it makes me worried what other big bad is out there. I don't even know if I am even capable of handling something like that. I would lose you, Clint, Tony, Steve, Bruce, Thor, and countless other because I was....weak and afraid." Blake began to tear up and started sobbing.

Natasha's heart broke seeing Blake, the young man who had a good heart, one full of energy and excitement, and whom she fell in love with, break down like this. She leaned in and placed her hand on his cheek, caressing him.

"Blake, you are not weak. You are one most resilient and toughest person I've known. You'd never doubt yourself on any situation we would find ourselves and you'd stand up and take on whatever trouble heads your way. You are an Avenger."

Blake looked towards her said, "Y-you really mean that?"

"Every word".

Natasha then leans closer to his face and lovingly pressed her lips against his. His eyes widened in shock for a second and then, he kisses her back and holds her close. They kissed for what almost felt like hours until they separated for air. Natasha caresses his face and asked, "Blake, would you want to sleep with me for tonight, if that's okay with you?"

"Yes please" Blake said

Then Natasha grabbed his hand and dragged him to her room. Once they reached there, they both laid on the bed and snuggled together. Blake held Nat in his arms and she began to pull him into a deep passionate kiss. As they pulled away, Blake, "Nat, thank you for helping me. I really needed this."

"Of course,  моя сияющая звезда, I will always be there to help you. Sweet dreams, моя любовь." Natasha kisses him on his forehead.

Both closed their eyes and slept, still holding in each others' arms. Blake smiled, now feeling safe and relaxed with Natasha and slept peacefully.

First one shot done!!! What should be the next one shot? Share your ideas!!

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