Chapter 9

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Sorry I haven't updated this story as much. I've been mostly focused on another story I'm working on which is called "What Life has in Stored" . I hope you like this chapter for it's a little longer than the other one's because of what's going to happen. ;)

Ally: Derek Sidreo

Just as Mary heard that name she froze. She sat there with wide eye's like she was paralyzed as her heard of the name that she never heard of before, but it had the same last name as her. She was speechless. Andrew was as shocked as she was, but he had the courage to speak first. "Ally, who is this person." "This Mary's father." Ally replied.

Mary was now paralyzed with those word hitting her like a boulder and those repeated in her head. "M-M-My f-father..." Mary stuttered. Then Ally replied, "If you don't believe me then see for yourself." Ally holds up a file in front of Mary and Mary takes them and looks through them. What was in the file where some photos of her as a child, her mother and a man that has the same eye's as her, she knew that it was father. In the photo's they all looked so happy and were laughing and having fun. It was like they were one big happy family. "Your father was murdered in the woods Mary. And the strangest thing were in the woods the same time he died." Ally said.

Mary was now terrified and her whole body was shaking she didn't remember this at all. "Your Dad went out into the woods with you, according to your mother she said that you wanted your Dad to meet a friend of yours." "Wait. My mother knew about this all along!" "Apparently." "I can't believe it....all this time I have been trying to find out what happened to my father for years...and now...I finally found out more things about him, including that ne has been dead all this time and my mother knew about this all this time." Mary had many emotions filled up inside of her, happiness, sadness and anger. "Mary..." Andrew said has he went closer to Mary to hug her as she was about to cry. Andrew was still shocked about this as much as she is because even he didn't know about this just like Mary didn't either.

"Mary...people couldn't find any evidence on who but....they said that you could have killed him. You were the one to lead him into the woods." "WHAT!? There is no way I would do such a thing!" "Yeah Ally, are you saying that Mary is a murder!?" Andrew yelled at Ally as he was still comforting Mary in his arms as best as he can. He's known Mary since he moved to town when he was 11. But after hearing about this he doesn't know what to think but right now he knows one thing to do and that is to comfort Mary as best as he could. 

"Mary is the sweetest girl that I've ever known and she would never kill anyone, especially at a young age!" "Well maybe Mary has a secret she doesn't know about herself or has forgotten about as she grew older. Or it was physically that did it...but not mentally her." Ally spoke still trying to act calm as best as she could trying to hide her fear of Andrew getting mad at her. "What do you mean?" "Mary do you have any disorders or mental issues that you know of?" Ally ask Mary who had tears coming down her face but then she wiped them away. "I don't know...why?" Ally then shows her the file again but this time with a different paper, it was a medical record on Mary. "Where did you-" "Just look at it Mary." 

Mary reaches for the paper and looks at it and it was just some normal medical stuff. But then she landed on something she didn't expected to see. It was the disorders and on it said that she had a............personality disorder. (I'm thinking of the anti-social personality disorder. Idk)

"I-I have a-a personality d-disorder!" Mary said with fear in her voice. "IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE MY MOM ISN'T TELLING ME!? THAT EVERYBODY KNOWS ABOUT EXCEPT FOR ME!" "Mary calm down." "NO I HATE IT HOW PEOPLE TREAT ME LIKE I'M SOME KIND OF MONSTER WHEN I DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING! I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT!" Mary was feeling so many emotions right now. 


All these are the main things she's feeling and she is crying and then...she ran off. "MARY WAIT!" Andrew goes after her and Ally follows behind Andrew as they were trying to get Mary. "Mary stop running!" "NO!" Mary headed into the streets and then ran all of a sudden she ended up in front of the woods that she wasn't allowed to go near and it starts to rain. She stopped but then heard Ally and Andrew getting closer calling her name and she didn't want them to see her so she decided to run into the woods. "Andrew she ran into the woods!" " Mary stop! I'm going after her call for some help!" With that being said Andrew ran into the woods and searched for Mary calling out her name. 

Later he found her with this tall man that wore a dark suit. He was going to run over to her and tell her to get away from that man but he was hit in the head with something and fell to the ground slowly becoming unconscious. He looked over to see a man wearing a white mask wearing a yellow jacket on having a bat in his hand. He then looked over to Mary who was about to walk away with the tall man when he tried to reach out for her. 


".....I'm sorry Andrew"

And those were the last words that Andrew heard before he became unconscious.

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