Chapter 1: Present to Past

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"Hey, Yami! Could you give me a hand here?!"

"Yeah, okay!"

I put down the soccer balls before running towards where Joey is. Who is currently trying to left up the goal net, but is failing miserably.

"I told you-you wouldn't be able to carry this thing. It takes about two or three people to lift this thing up."

"I know. But I was hoping that through lifting this big up. I could, AT LEAST, catch some 'attention'."

I sigh at Joey's idea of 'catching-some-attention'.

"You two! Stop slacking off and put that goal net away in the storage room."

"We're not slacking off, you idiot!"

That was Seto. He's our P.E teacher for the sports activities that we do for the semester. This week and the next will be soccer until we go back to basketballs. I'm good with sports, but don't favor them that much because of.....'bullying'.

"Hey, shorty! Catch!"

When he said that, I immediately turn around and received a good smack to the face. Apparently, someone 'accidentally' kicked a soccer ball at me.

"Ralph Dumper! Go do 50 laps around the tracks."


"100 laps."


He curse silently to himself before started running.

"That's three points off for cussing at me."

Seto walks towards us while Joey began inspecting my face.

"Dude! You're bleeding!"

True to his words. I felt something wet on my forehead and down on the right side of my face. When I touch the spot I wince because it stings a bit from the impact.

"It's okay, Joey. I'll just go to the nurse office and get it fix. No problem."


Seto stands in front of me with an outstretched hand. Silently telling me to grab it. Understanding, I grab his hand as he pulls me up. I immediately felt a sudden dizziness, which made me wobble. Luckily, Joey was there to support me.

"Take it easy, Yami."

I gave him a nod before Seto started to take me to the nurse office.

"I give you permission to be in charge, Wheeler."


Seto just nodded back to him as his respond before taking me out of the field and inside the school's building. After making sure that no one is around us, Seto started speaking.

"You could of dodge that."

"I could. But I didn't want to."


I know he already knew 'why'. But he still wants me to say it.

"If I did. Then Joey would've gotten hurt. That ball was intentionally for me. So I receive the gift."

"But you didn't have to hurt yourself for him."

"And why not?"

"He may be stupid, but that doesn't mean he's not strong enough to get hurt. He would still be fine."

"Actually, that's not true."

"What do you mean?"

"Just the other day, I found him picking up a fight with a bunch of gangsters. Ralph was there too. Joey won of course but receive a nasty blow on the head. I didn't want to further his injuries than before."

"I see."

I smiled back at him. He may be cold and hard to others, but I knew. When I first met him. That he has a soft side within that cold heart of his.

Of course, I'm not going to say that in front of him. It's like you want someone to execute you to death and go to hell.

We finally made it to the nurse office.

"Hello! How can I help-Yami? Oh, my! What happen to you?"

Cecilia Pegasus. She's our favorite nurse AND our favorite substitute teacher. She has an excellent way of teaching others what was wrong and right and support them along the way. Though some may be bad, she tried her best to manage them. She's also good in First Aids.

"It's nothing, really."

"Exempt for being kicked by a soccer ball, purposefully. Then I guess he is fine."


I harshly whisper to him. Which he grins back at me. I glared at him.

"Oh, my. Here let me take a look."

She started to inspect the wound in my head, which is now turning a bruise. She put some alcohol to clean up the surface. It was painful.

Very painful.

"I-I think...I'm going to die!"

"Sure sure."

"Almost done."

Finally, the awaiting torture has finally stopped as Cecilia put a white cloth bandage on me.

"There. All done!"

"Thank you, Mrs. Cecilia."

"No problem at all."

"Come on. Class is already over and I really want to start packing up for the break."


I wave good-bye to Mrs. Cecilia. Seto has gone off somewhere while I went back to my P.E lockers to get my stuff.


I turn to the person who called me and saw that my other friends are here. Including Joey.

"Hey, guys-"

"Oh my gosh! You really did got kicked in the face!"

Tea Garden, one of my friends, hold my face still and began checking every corner of my face.

"I'm fine Tea. I just went to the nurse office and Mrs. Cecilia said that it'll heal in a couple of days."

"But that would mean you're stuck wearing that thing upon your head."

It was meant to be a joke, but Joey elbows him in the ribs; clearly not in the mood.

"Dude, I'm sorry. Okay."


Triston is still rubbing his rib cage; quite painfully indeed.

"Hey, Yami."


I turn towards Joey to see him carrying my stuff.

"You're clothes are still inside your locker. Hurry and change so that we can go already!"

"Okay okay!"

I quickly slid away from Tea's grip and race towards the boy's locker room. When I got there I put in my locker combination and began changing.

"Then again. Even with this bandage on,"

I took off my P.E shirt and put on my white shirt.

"The girls will probably still come at me."

I sigh while replacing my shorts into leather pants. After that, I put on my arm bands, choker, and finally.

"The Millennium Puzzle."

The chain made a light clashing sound as I lift it up and place it around my neck. The familiar weight falls down upon my shoulder, before putting on my leather jacket.


For the past two years, I have always believed that my life as a teenager will be normal and an everyday lifestyle for all of us. Such as going to school, work, go home or hang out, eat, sleep, then going back to school again. Vice versus.

The future that we have been given to in order to find out what we are most wanted for. Our talents. Our special ability.

Such as:

Joey Wheeler.

His father and older sister run a family diner where they make many creations and transforming within their cookings. Joey is now currently a prodigy to the old man. Every time they have a new customer, or one of their friends visiting, they would have a cooking contest to see if Joey had improved anything at all.

Status: Joey's father (Johnny Wheeler)

Wins- 489

Status: Joey Wheeler

Wins- 0

(Joey: I know you're laughing. *holding out his 'secret' food.* If you want, you can try another of my disgusting creation.

Us: Eeekkkk!!!!

Joey: Peanut butter with spicy hot-dog. (✨ ✨)


Next we have: Tea Garden

Ever since she was a little girl she loves to dance and perform in front of her family. Dancing has always been her biggest dream, and one of her goals to accomplish that dream is going to America and study there. Her family could've given her the money and go to America, but she wanted to stay in Japan for a while until she graduated high school. Not only that. She doesn't want to leave her friends behind.

Status: Tea Garden

Ability: Dancing

Special Addition: Friendship Speaker

Friends: Sometimes think she's a bit exaggerating.


And finally: Triston Honda

Like, Joey. He's a prodigy to become like his dad for building mechanic machinery. Cars, trucks, can, etc. Though it may look like it's a boring job and dirty. Triston loves to build and fix things. One time, my phone broke down, because I accidentally dropped it and later found it, in the water bank that was across from the school building. I have my suspension, but if you haven't thought about how it even got into the water bank, then it's okay.

(Me: Put your guess right here if you figure it out! Name:____________👈🏻

Yami: Moonlight, that is unnecessary.

Me: *shrug* Still want to try it out.

Yami: If you want, then I won't stop you.

Me: You're so considerate and have the utmost caring heart. ❤️

Yami: Thank you very much.)

Although Triston doesn't have any problem with his father, both Joey and Triston are like brothers that have a strong bond with each other. And besides, they knew each other since babies.


As for me? Well.

I'm Yami Sennen.

The only things that I have are my straight A grades and my title as the King of Games.

I'm not sure what kind of future or career that I want. Maybe create my own game sequence, or a game company of my own just like my cousin, Seth. However, right now.

I just don't know.


Two years ago, my grandfather gave me this Millennium Puzzle as a gift for my 16th birthday. However, when I first began putting the pieces of the puzzle together and completed. Strange things have been happening for, not only me, but with my friends. Facing former bullies like Ushio and a guy that force everyone to hear his terrible voice in a karaoke. Face ungrateful teachers, students, gangs, and other things. I even have to save the world twice! Pegasus, the Creator of Duel Monsters, and Dartz the last survivor of Atlantis that want to revive the Great Beast Leviathan. They both want my soul and the puzzle that contains the power of the Shadow Game. But through the years, my friends have been supporting me all the way. Without them, I don't know what to do.


When I finished changing and putting the Puzzle back around my neck; I closed the locker and was about to leave if it weren't for the puzzle suddenly glowing a bright light.

"W-what the-!?"

The wind came out of nowhere and began to surround me. This cause me to close my eyes and brace myself from the harsh wind. It stung me a bit until a beam of light came off from the center of the puzzle; forming an image that caught me by surprised.

"What in the name of Ra?"

The image show of a lone figure standing on top of a hill. The background is cover in dark smoke as many soldiers of men dressed in warrior's clothes fight against their enemy. They charge, roar and scream in despair as weapons of spears, swords, and daggers clashed together. The lone figure above did not take noticed of them as he seem to be looking up at the horizon. I continue to watch until I saw a man cautiously aiming towards the unguarded figured; his spear ready to strike the man in the center of his back. For some reason, a feeling of horror subconsciously moved my body without a will of my own as I ran and reach out towards the figure. To warn him of the near upcoming danger that is only a few feet away from him.

In addition, my mouth opened on its own and shouted,


I thought that my body would bounce back because it was only a wall. However, it proved me wrong because when my hand touched the lone figure within the image; it went straight through. Including my whole entire body.

'A portal?'

A wave of dizziness overwhelmed my senses as I was forced to retreat within the shadow of sleep. But before I closed my eyes; the lone figure was stricken on the back. The figure hunch back in pain as the man behind him ran for his life; leaving the figure to die alone upon the hill. The figure, with all his strength, look up and seem to be staring at me.

A mask of some sort contains two holes for its eyes.

Amethyst. us.....

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