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July 30, 2020

Dear readers,

Great news! I've completed the novelization of Mask of Celibacy! If you're interested in reading a version of this story told in a traditional story format (not a multimedia novella) with fleshed out character arcs and a more well rounded story, you can find the new book on my profile page.

Although the general gist is quite similar, the pacing is better and the story is fleshed out. To give you an idea, while this novella clocks in at around 50K, the novel is about twice that size.

Many side characters also play a greater role, for example Care, Jack the Jock, and Jess' grandparents as well as some new characters like Care's grandmother, Yaya. It also de-emphasizes less savory characters like Sarah and Nicky.

It contains lots of juicy familial conflict, interpersonal conflict, and internal conflict. You might think of it as Gilmore Girls with ultra-conservative grandparents meets a teen asexual version of You've Got Mail where the love interest is actually a good guy, not a complete ass-hat.

If you like, you can take a look! 💃💜 If you like the idea, please add it to your libraries and reading lists. I posted it as a completely different book because it's an entirely new take. 

Now that I've finished the initial draft, I'll give it a substantial line edit. So any feedback (both positive and constructive) would prove invaluable. Thanks in advance!

Hope to see you there! Please bear with me while the story goes through about six to twelve months of editing. It'll be an exciting process! 🎉🎉🎉

Happy reading and writing,

Carolyn Hill

P.S. (June 1, 2023): This story is completed, edited, and has won the Wattys 2021. Feel free to check it out if you have time. ♥ Thank you for all your kind support.

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