chapter 1

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"Aris, Jeffs here" Nina the killer calls from the hall. "Nina I'll be hah stop it Jana" I say as Jana is trying to take sefies with me. I grab my bookbag and slide my gas mask on. I run down the stairs leaveing my roomate in the dark. "Aris, your mean" Jana says and flicks the lights back on. I run out the door and scream "to my air plane". Jeff laughs and says "in your dreams". I hop on my motor cycle and Jeff gets in his black corvette. We drive down the dirt rode sending dirt everywhere. We pull up to a nightclub. "Happy sixteenth birthday" Jeff says and we go in to the club. Jeff goes to the bar and flirts with some girls. They don't even know there flirting with a killer. I order some coke and look for Lui. I find him in the back. We go into the back room and lock the door. Lui then says "since it's your birthday and all I was able to find you some very rare and valuable weapons. I also got the information you wanted". I take the folder and flip it open. I skim through the print and stop when I see someones handwriting. I read it and say "thanks, also I need some help getting into another country want to help". Lui nods and says "anything for a bro". We fist pump and he opens a large crate. I see a M-4, a AK-47, a machete,  with maybe 5 or 6 other guns. "So if you don't mind me asking but what country are we going to" Lui asks. I simply reply "Germany". He smiles and says "I wonder if we can get some fondue in Germany". I laugh because he like to try new things and he has wanted to try foundue for a year now. "I'm not sure if foundue originated from there" I say unsure of myself.  I say "we should build a weapon wall for this cause you own the club and we come here alot to meet so.... Weapon room". I have such a childish way of getting things. Lui and Jeff are 17 but they have alot of ways to get things. I smile and we order food from the bartender. Jeff was drinking what looked to be whiskey but he wasn't drunk yet. He sat the glass down and moved closer to us. "Hey guys Slender needs us right now" Jeff says. Lui gets in the driverside of Jeff's car and Jeff gets in the passenger side. I get on my motorcycle and we drive off to the forest.

A/N~ Yes it's a creepypasta story and there is going to be more action in the next chapter. Lui, Jeff, and Aris are going to Germany, but for what? I want my readers to guess why she is going and I need to know where did foundue originate from? Aris is my own character and if you want I could add your girl characters in if you want cause I don't know many girl creepypasta characters. .. The girls all live in one house and the boys all live in the Slenderman's cabin. So that is so you know why Jeff doesn't live with them. okay bye bye


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