chapter 3

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Hey, loyalbrezze here, before we start the chapter, I wanna remind you that I'll be making a Masked singer one shots story soon. So if you have any requests, go to my wattpad account (@loyalbrezze), and request in my conversation page.

'well, this is the place..' I thought. I looked around. Everything looked.. peaceful. Masks(apparently that's what their called) of all genders were either walking or mounted on horses. I started walking around, gazing at everything in awe. 'is there a lab, or something for me to research at?' I thought irritatingly.

I just had to find someplace to remain for the week, even if I looked like an idiot. I didn't notice a light tap on the shoulder, which made me jump. The mask looked female, but, then again, this is a new area, you never know of genders here.

"Well, howdy, do! I'm ladybug, nice to meet ya, sugercube." The mask greeted. She held out her hand. "I-I'm Abbie.." I greeted back, gently shaking her hand. She tipped her hat at me, smiling. "I'm reckon you're new around these here parts?" She asked. I nodded.

"I can give you a tour if you like." She asked. I nodded , hoping that I could find a lab to research. "I absolutely need that right now.." Ladybug nodded and whistled, causing a red horse to trot over. It looked female with its small size. Ladybug petted her neck. " This here is my steed, Scarlet. Scarlet, this here's Abbie. " The mare neighed in greeting.

I waved, before ladybug helped me on the saddle. The tour went well. We stopped by to talk to a few friends of her's including a cowboy named Turtle and his stallion, Shell. By the end of the tour, my eyes suddenly spotted a young Astronaut leaning against a wall, his hat covering most of his face. Next to him, was a beautiful looking mare with a silver-grey mane and tail and a snow white coat.

"Why don't you go and say hello?" Ladybug asked. I blushed. " I can't do that! I'm too scared! What if I look like a fool? " She helped me off the saddle and pat my back. "You'll be fine. I know him. He's a cool guy. I'm sure he'll like you." I nodded. "Ok. But only because I need help finding a place to live for the week." I started walking over to him, blushing as I got closer.

" Uh... Hi. " I started. The Astronaut tipped his hat up, gazing at me. "Howdy." He replied back. I blushed. I didn't know he was this attractive! "Uh... miss. Are you ok?" The sound of his voice snapped me out of my trace. "Uh. Yeah. I'm good. I'm Abbie. I'm new here." The Astronaut walked closer and held out his hand. "I'm Astronaut. But you can call me Astro. That's what everyone 'round here call me."

I gently took his hand and shook it. He quickly turned and whistled. "Starlight. Come here, girl." In response , the white mare quickly trotted over. Once she neared, she pressed her muzzle against Astro's cheek, slightly purring. "Abbie, this is my horse, Starlight. Starlight, this is Abbie." The mare looked me directly in the eyes before trotting over and gently licking my cheek.

"Nice to meet you too, Starlight." I greeted. The mare quickly retreated to her rider and licked him on the shoulder. Astro nodded, before mounting and holding onto her reins. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Sorry, Abbie. But I can't tell you. But I'll be right. I promise." Astro answered. He gently tapped the side of the mare's sides with his heel and flicked the reins, causing the mare to rear up on her hind legs and gallop away.

I sighed, a little sad. I'm gonna miss him. And I forgot to ask him where I can stay for the week. I felt Ladybug pat my shoulder. "It's alright. You'll meet him again. And besides I know where you can stay." I turned back. " You do?? " she nodded. "Sure do, sugercube. Follow me." She started walking over to a empty building, holding Scarlet 's reins as she went. She opened the door and it seemed like a normal house.

"Here you are. You can stay here for now." She smiled. I quickly gave her a hug. " thank you, Ladybug. " I felt her hug back. "You're welcome, sugercube." As soon as she left, though, I couldn't stop thinking of Astro. Something about him just seemed so attractive about him. I just can't put my finger on it....

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