Chapter 2: Caramel

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I used to be a dreaming mistress.

Now I only love my clan.

I don't know why or how I grew up the way I did, but it's always been...a challenge. See, I'm not clanborn, like the rest of the ninjas are. I was found in the arms of a murdered sorceress, from what Mother LadyBug told me. I had been ambushed, but had survived. My life was spared, but at the cost of my birth mother's. Even so, Mother LadyBug took care of me. I wish I got to know her better. Maybe her death would've strengthened me as it did my mentor, and not have left me vulnerable to what would come next.

Sensei Ninjakid was the one who saved me on that horrible day. Ever since, I've looked up to them like the parent I needed my whole life. Sometimes, they'd teach me with the steely rock-solidness of a father. Other times, they'd guide me with the wise, gentleness of a mother. Most of the time, both. they never saw me as an outcast, but as the best clan member there was. they proved that by appointing me second-in-command. 

However, growing up, I felt like there was some things that our clan lacked: kindness. Love. Hope. We were only there to survive. The clan was really hard on themselves, and each other. As a young lady, I had my own beliefs. I didn't understand why we could all be at peace with those around us, so we wouldn't have to survive, but live. Sensei said that though such softness would just get me and the whole clan in trouble, my great heart would also keep us from slipping away from humane actions.

I think I really pushed my luck farther than it would go when I heard that. I was confused and upset that my own teacher, who had believed in me my whole life, would put down my greatest belief. I ran away. I knew it was babyish, but I just needed space from that...hatred.

That's when I met Noah.

It was a meeting of mistake. I just went by the river, and fell in by accident. The current carried me into Atlantean territory, and, well...things went downhill. 

I was sure I was dead meat when I was fished out by people not of the clan. But then Noah called off his soldiers and spoke to me. Did he not recognize me as a clan member? Perhaps I was just too different to tell. While we did talk, I was...drawn, in some way.

After that, I returned to the clan. I didn't tell them where I went. It would not only get me in trouble, but arise trouble for the NinjaKin. I couldn't risk that. At least, so I thought.

For months, Noah and I met in secret. Sneaking away from patrols, getting out of our camps after curfew, whatever it took to see each other. I thought he was the only one who believed me when I said we could live in peace. 

The keyword is, "thought."

Because, one day, I was found out by Negakid, Ninjakid's twin sibling. I tried to explain what we had done, knowing I would get in trouble, but keep him and the Atlanteans safe, but Negakid misinterpreted, believing the Atlanteans were using Noah as a tool to lure me over as a hostage so they could buy the alliance of the NinjaKin.

Because of this, war broke out between our two factions. I don't know what happened over on his side, but they must've assumed something similar. On the battlefield, the NinjaKin won the day, but I felt like I had lost everything. My friendship, my faith, my hope that we could unite. but the defeated Atlanteans were retreating, I caught Noah's eye. He turned to me with a sad look and mouthed:

"I'm sorry."

Ever since then, I've tried my best to put the past behind me. My mind now says that I was wrong to believe we could ever be united in a world like this, but my heart still sings that we had a chance...

I had hoped the lesson was learned, and that I wouldn't do something as foolish as to walk away from the clan and put my faith in someone from another faction, just because I hoped we could build a bond through each other.

But then the PixelHerdz, and one of their leaders.

Ooooooooooooh, I wonder who THAT could be. But, at least we know there's at least ONE person in this world who has hopes for a better life! Don't go away!

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