Chapter 4: Caramel

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I used to believe that there was always a second chance for everything when the first trial went wrong. I thought if it couldn't work out with Noah, I could try again with someone else. In short, I refused to learn my lesson, given time. 

This was recently after we had moved, in order to gain some distance from the Atlanteans. I tried to ignore it, but I was still hurting over losing a friend and maybe even a loved one. I figured that no one would ever care about me and my feelings like that ever again. 

However, I was wrong again. And now that I think of it, I'm still not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. When the NinjaKin moved, we ended up closer to the Pixel Herdz faction. We were on neutral terms, so we just avoided each other and all was good. 

I should've never been told that. Upon hearing we were neutral with these people, I thought surely THIS would be the faction we could unite with. I wasn't thinking about personal relationships at this point. I just wanted to give my clan an ally they could depend on, to increase our chances of survival. But, again, my heart got me into a situation that worsened things. 

I traveled to the edge of our border with a small patrol to explore the area, when I met him. The leader of the Pixel Herdz himself: PixelNitroz.

I didn't know what to make of him at first. But that changed when he immediately acted aggressively towards us on first sight. I was startled by this. I thought for sure that we were on fairly good terms. His eyes met mine, and...well...he softened up, in the slightest. Like, more rock soft than steel soft. He just told me and the patrol to scat and left.

For some reason, afterwards, I couldn't stop thinking about him after that. I must've not shown it that much, though, because no one said a thing. All I knew was that I SENSED the change when we first met each other. 

A little while afterwards, there was a really bad storm, and I got separated from the NinjaKin when we were trying to flee to stable ground. I nearly fell to my death, but then Nitroz showed up and did the most unlikely thing possible: he saved my life.

When I asked him why; I knew I'd be the last person he wanted to save, I never forgot what he replied to me: "Well, I couldn't let you die like that. There was someone I knew who I couldn't save. I cared about her, I really did! How can I let myself feel the same way for you, a person I've just met?" 

After hearing those words...I felt cared about again. I felt the same way I had around Noah. But the big difference? Our factions weren't at each other's throats. Once the NinjaKin had heard about how the leader of the Pixel Herdz had saved me, they agreed on an alliance. I couldn't believe it: everything was working out! Even better, there were no secrets involved!

Nitroz and I started seeing each other, just like Noah and I did. He was a little gruffer, true, but he was still there for me in every way. Each passing day, our relationship grew stronger, until we realized we couldn't be without each other anymore.

However, it was too good to be true. One day, Nitroz came to me with something very important to say. I assumed he would "pop the question" and unite our allied factions for real. I was far from the truth. He asked if I could join the Pixel Herdz, and leave with them towards the "next chapter."

I was stunned beyond words. I had been given a choice, and behind my clan's back, on top of that! I wanted to be with him, turn my back on my family just to do so? I wasn't sure at first. But then, something inside me clicked: these people were not the ones who had raised me. And though I cared about Nitroz immensely, the NinjaKin would always come first.

Declining his offer was the hardest thing I had to do. He sounded so heartbroken as he turned away, warning me that the NinjaKin had to be out of the territory to avoid attack from the Pixel Herdz. I hated hearing him speak like that, but I knew I couldn't leave my clan.

I returned home and repeated the message. Of course, they were furious, but they left without question. I suppose we have our old ways to thank for that one. Ninjakid told me I had done the right thing, and that no one in this world would be worth trading the NinjaKin. 

In that moment, I agreed without question. But now...I wonder what life would've been like if I had sworn allegiance to Nitroz and the Pixel Herdz. Would I have been happier? I wanted to believe I could find what I had inside the NinjaKin. But there was no person in the clan like Nitroz or Noah.

So, once again, I was alone. But, it DID give me some time to think about my past relationship...

Hehehehehehe...IDEK what to say for this one. But I did enjoy writing it. Specifics on Caramel's "Noah period" coming up after a few more stories!

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