Shot - 1

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Hey all!

Here I am with a very first shot. Sorry for the delay. I hope you all enjoy it.

Target - 200+ votes & 100 comments.

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Murthy Mansion -

A mandap was shown. The baraat has arrived recently. The whole mansion was decorated beautifully. All guests were gathered. Servants seemed busy in preparations. The environment seemed all pleasant and cheerful. But was it really pleasant and calm as it seems?

A girl was sitting in her room folding her knees to her chest. She was wearing bridal attire and crying miserably. Suddenly her room’s door opened with a loud bang & person came inside. He gritted his teeth angrily looking at her and locked the door taking threatening steps towards the girl.

"Listen bitch! Stop your over acting, okay? Baraat has arrived already. Now come on, wipe of your these bloody tears silently and come down. Don't you even think of escaping. Or else you know me better! Don't you? So make yourself presentable because if anyone ever doubted about anything na, then trust me! You would see my worst! Understood?" The person threw his words harshly while the girl flinched at his tone and nodded meekly.

"Words, Nandini Murthy! Open your fucking mouth!" He shouted. Nandini got scared and immediately spoke.

"I.. I.. un..under..stood." He smiled wickedly.

"Now that's like my good girl. I am going down. Come down when you will be called for the rituals." Said the person and turned to leave when Nandini cried and spoke.

"Why? Why are you doing this to me? What did I ever done to you? Please, please stop all this. Don't do this. I can't destroy someone's life. Aren't you already happy ruining my life? Why do you want to snatch his happiness? Please I can't do this. I can't. Don't be so heartless, Harshad! I beg you. Please show some mercy. I beg you!" Nandini cried holding his legs. Harshad turned towards her furiously and slapped her hard. Nandini's face tilted downwards and she cried in pain.

"You bitch! How dare you order me? How dare you raise your voice infront of me ha? Don't forget what I can do which will shake your whole world. Or do you wish to see a demo? Really Nandini? Should I?" Asked Harshad taking out his mobile from his pants. Nandini nodded in no frantically.

"N..nooo.. No! Please.. No! D.. Don't.. please.. please.." She cried helplessly. Harshad smirked and yanked her close holding her jaw tightly.

"No na? Then shut this little mouth of yours and do as I said." Saying this he left the room.

Nandini broke down in tears. She then stood up from her place and applied make up to hide her slap marks. Soon she composed herself and looked at herself in the mirror. She was helpless. And the thing that someone else was going to suffer because of her was eating her from inside. She never wanted that. Only if things could have been in her hands!

Hearing the knock on her door she sighed and turned to leave. Slowly, holding her heavy lehenga she descended the stairs and came down. Few girls helped her to sit on her place beside her groom. He was already sitting there in mandap and was mesmerised to see Nandini. A small curve of smile appeared on his face looking at her.

"Ahem ahem! Seems like someone is lost somewhere! Manik baba! Pehle shaadi khatam karlo. You have whole life to stare at your lovely wife! Concentrate on rituals or panditji gussa hojayenge. Aur agar ye bhaag gaye yaha se toh soch, teri shaadi kaise hogi?" Everyone laughed while Manik gritted his teeth.


"Oh yes, I know my name. Thanks for telling me once again, dude!" Manik shook his head hearing Cabir and glared at him. Nandini was observing everything silently.

Soon enough, all the rituals got completed and Manik-Nandini was declared as a married couple. They took blessings from all the elders. Everyone congratulated them. Manik was very happy and introducing Nandini to everyone excitedly. Nandini was looking at his happiness and was breaking from inside. How is she going to do this? She's not strong enough. Moreover, he's her husband now. She can not let anyone destroy his happiness. She thought something and was determined.

It was the time of bidaai. Harshad came ahead and took Nandini in a hug tightly. Nandini didn't hug him back just closed her eyes and made disgusting face.

"Manik, please take care of my baby sister. She's so innocent. And Nandu, remember everything I told you. Take care of yourself and Manik. Call me anytime if you ever need something. Your bhai will always be there for you, baby. Stay happy always." Said Harshad faking sadness.

Nandini was crying pressing her both lips tightly. This man was suffocating her. Breaking the hug, Harshad looked at her with a warning eyes and she immediately understood.

"I.. I will take care, bhai. too.. take care of yourself. B..bye.." Said Nandini while sobbing. Harshad nodded wiping his fake tears and patted her head. Manik came forward and held her hand slowly. Nandini looked at him on which he gave her an assuring smile. She felt good by his simple gesture. She gave him small smile.

Manik opened the door of his car for her and made her sit inside. Bidding bye to Harshad, he settled beside Nandini and asked driver to start the car. Car started and Nandini closed her eyes taking a deep breathe.

Harshad, Manik and Cabir studied in same college. Manik always thought Harshad as his buddy while Cabir never liked him but because of Manik he had always tolerated him. Manik's parents died long back and his grandparents raised him. And in case of Harshad, his parents died when he was just few months old and then his uncle-aunty raised him. That is what he told to them. Manik felt their pain same as he also lost his parents at tender age. So he always had soft corner for Harshad.

Manik's grandfather was handling their company with Manik helping him. But after his demise, all responsibility fell on Manik and he is handling everything alone. Cabir, being his soul brother gave him a helping hand and now both are managing Malhotra Industries. As they were staying in hostel while studying, Manik never knew Harshad has a cousin sister. After completing their studies, their ways parted but before few months, in the award ceremony where Manik got 'Best Businessman Of The Year' award, Harshad and he met again. Harshad was handling the business of Murthy's as Nandini's parents died right after he came back completing his studies. For Harshad, Nandini was incapable and too innocent to handle this. He told Manik that she was very much in trauma of her parent's sudden death and asked him to handle everything of Murthy's on her behalf. She gave him the rights.

Manik felt sorry for them. Then he visited Murthy Mansion and there Harshad introduced Nandini to him. Manik was absolutely blown by her beauty and innocence at the first meet only. They didn't meet alone ever but Manik always felt an unknown pull, attraction towards Nandini. Harshad understood it and kept Nandini's proposal infront of him. Manik was beyond happy and immediately accepted after confirming Nandini's decision. They never actually got time to talk about themselves. Just few casual meets when Harshad was around and then marriage rituals! They could never ever spent their own sweet time together. When Manik expressed this thing to Harshad, he brushed it off saying Nandini is very understanding and also, they have whole life ahead to explore everything together after their marriage. Though Manik was reluctant but eventually agreed to whatever Harshad said because he was his buddy and also Nandini's brother.

So finally the marriage is done and Manan are heading towards their home, to start a new phase of their life.

Manik came out of his thoughts hearing the car's honk. He looked ahead.

"Sir, we reached." His driver informed. Manik nodded and looked at Nandini who was still sleeping like a baby. Her head was rested on his shoulder. She was holding his hand in her sleep.

Manik smiled looking at her and caressed her face slowly. She leaned to his touch and gave a cute smile in her sleep snuggling close to him. Manik adored her antics few more seconds and thought to wake her up.

"Nandini.. Nandini.."

Nandini opened her eyes slowly while rubbing them and looked at him for few seconds. Manik gave her a smile and bingo! She widened her eyes in realization. Composing herself, she sat straight remembering that she's married now. Manik chuckled lowly. She was embarrassed.

"It is okay. You were tired so slept. No need to get embarrassed. Once we get inside, you can have the rest how much time you want to. So, shall we?" Asked Manik softly. Nandini nodded while Manik got down from car and came towards Nandini's side. He opened the door for her and gave her his hand.

Nandini looked at him and gave small smile before placing her hand into his. Manik's lips curved up into wide smile. He took her near the main door and asked her to wait.

"Naina tai! Raghu! Come out fast!" Hearing his shout, his two servants came out. Naina was holding aarti thali and glass filled with rice in her hands while Raghu came behind holding big thaal which contained red coloured water ( kumkum mixed ).

Naina, an elderly woman of her mid fourties, smiled at Nandini warmly and kept rice full of glass near her feet. She then did aarti of both manan. Manik smiled and looked at Nandini.

"Nandini, come on, now with your right leg, kick that glass gently and enter inside our home." Said Manik. Nandini nodded and did so.

Raghu immediately placed red water thali infront of her. Nandini was about to place her legs inside when she felt an arm surrounding her shoulder and other hand holding her hand for support. She looked at Manik and he blinked his eyes with a small smile. Nandini was overwhelmed with his sweet gesture. Her eyes turned misty yet smile never left her face. She held his hand tight in her grip and started moving ahead slowly imprinting her red footmarks on the floor.


"Nandini! Why are you standing there? And you didn't change the clothes yet?" Manik, who came inside there room found her standing near the window in her bridal attire. Nandini looked at him nervously.

"Actually.. you.. I mean I... Umm.. no.. I mean.. uhh..I..I.." Nandini was stuttering badly while fidgeting with her fingers. Manik smiled and shook his head.

Moving near her, he made her sit on the bed gently and gave her a glass of water. Nandini took it immediately and gulped it down in a speed as if she was thirsty from many years. Manik widened his eyes and rubbed her back.

"Aram se baba, drink it slowly. Koi jaldi nei hai." Nandini nodded and kept the empty glass on nearby table. Manik then asked her softly.

"Feeling better?"

She nodded meekly before looking down. Manik sighed and sat infront of her beside the bed on his knees. Nandini gasped audibly and widened her eyes.

"Aap.. aap kya kar rahe ho? Please, get up. You..."

"Sshhh! It's okay. Relax. I am just talking with you."

"But like this-"

"So what? I am kneeling infront of my girl. My legally wedded wife. I don't feel any shame to do it. You're my other half. I respect you. And only my wife has the power to make me kneel infront of her. Because she's special." Said Manik holding her hands. Nandini felt her stomach twisting inside. Her heart fluttered.

"I understand your inner turmoil, Nandini! I really do. I won't say we are strangers to each other but neither we are friends. We don't know each other properly. I know, we married in a hurry because of Harshad but he also had a valid reason. We can't blame him na? We are so new to all this and obviously, we need time to accept each other. We should get habitual of each other. We should know each other more and more. So lets take our relation ahead slowly, step by step. Lets be friends first. Slowly and gradually things will fall upto its place. Know that I would never do anything against your wish nor will force you to do something. Just I would expect two important things from you." Nandini looked at him with a confused expressions on which he smiled.

"Trust and honesty. No relationship can bloom without trust. Where there's no trust, there can not be any relationship. And honesty... Well, I want you to be honest with me. Like about everything. What you want, what you feel, what you think. Don't supress it. I want you to voice out everything infront of me. Hiding the things from our partners damage the relationship. So I promise you today that, I will always trust you and be honest with you with all my heart. I would never hide anything from you. Would you promise me the same?" Manik asked Nandini forwarding his hand.

Nandini felt her heart thudding inside the ribcage. What would she say? How would she promise? How the hell can she lie to this person? The person who promised her everything without even knowing her and she? What is she doing? She knows everything. She knows what is happening and why! Still she can't do anything. She is a looser. A helpless poor girl.

Her throat went dry thinking all this. Sudden guilt and pain raised through her senses and she felt difficult to breathe. She choked and started to cough vigorously. Manik immediately sat beside her and rubbed her back.

"Nandini! Shit! Are you okay? Ssh! Relax." Saying this he tried to calm her but her breathing was raged and her coughing didn't stop. Manik poured water in a glass and made her drink a little bit of it.

Tears were flowing from her eyes and she was holding him in a tight grip. Her cough stopped and her breathing started to get normal slowly. Manik sighed in relief and kept rubbing her back.

Once he felt she was fine, he made her look at him and wiped her tears softly. Nandini looked at him.

"Are you okay now? Should I call the doctor?" He asked being worried. Nandini nodded in no.

"I.. I am fine."

"You sure?" He asked again. Nandini nodded meekly. Manik smiled.

"Okay then. You get changed and let's sleep. You seem very tired. Go." He said. Nandini nodded and got up from her place. She was moving towards washroom taking her clothes but stopped in middle and turned to Manik.

"Thank you." Manik, who was doing something in his phone looked at her hearing her voice.

"For what?" He asked.

"For everything." Said Nandini giving him small smile. He smiled back.

"The very first and strict rule of friendship. No sorry and no thank you. Understood?" Asked Manik like a strict teacher. Nandini giggled a bit and nodded. Manik grinned.


Nandini went inside washroom while Manik took his pillow and comforter and started making his arrangements of sleeping on sofa.

Soon, Nandini came out and saw him making the arrangements and moved towards him.

"What are you doing?"

"Arrangements of my sleeping."

"What? Why? No. You sleep on your bed. I will sleep here."

"No ways. You sleep on bed. I will manage. Go."

"But it's not upto your height. You will be uncomfortable. Aap nahi adjust ho paoge."

"Arey no. It's okay. Hojayega. Don't worry."

"Please, listen to me na. I will sleep here."

"Nandini... I said na no!"

Said Manik while arranging the things properly. Nandini sighed and thought something. She moved near bed and arranged the pillows in a middle.


Nandini called him in her ever sweet tone. Manik smiled hearing the way she called him and bit his inner cheek to control his wide smile.

"Ji kahiye.." He asked teasing her a bit while turning towards her. She showed him the arrangement she made on bed. Manik looked surprised.

"Nandini yeh sab-"

"Aap bed par so sakte hai. I mean, the bed is big enough for the two of us. And see, we have a pillow wall in between too. So there won't be any problem." She said. Manik looked at her.

"Are you sure?" He asked. Nandini smiled before nodding.

"Yes. Please sleep on bed. Or else I will feel guilty and won't get sleep." She said sadly and her lips formed a small adorable pout. Manik was all aww on her. He chuckled and agreed.

"Okay madam. As you say." Nandini smiled and helped Manik to take his things back on the bed.

Soon both of them lied down on the bed. Manik looked at Nandini who was looking at ceiling. Feeling gaze, she looked at him who gave her smile.

"Good night, Nandini. Sleep well."

"Good night." Whispered Nandini smiling back. Both closed their eyes welcoming the darkness and got lost in the world of their dreams.

Screen Freezes..


I hope you have liked the part. Complete the target to unlock next part.

Thank you.❤️

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