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Cham Syndulla stared down at his sleeping child, and held her close to his chest. The Jedi in front of him was waiting patiently for his answer.

Cham thought carefully about the idea of giving his daughter to the Jedi, his wife had just passed away and he knew he wouldn't do a good job raising her on his own. She would be better off with them anyway. Maybe she could do something that mattered and become something extraordinary.

Cham made up his mind. He nodded at the Jedi, carefully kissed his 6 month old daughters forehead, and handed her over to the Jedi.

May the universe bring us together again one day, my daughter.
I jolt my head up, realizing that I was being called, she must have said my name a couple times considering the worried look on her face.

"Sorry Sabine" I smile gently at her.

"Were you having a vision?"

"How do you even know about those yet?" She shrugs, and I continue, "well it was kind of like that, but more of a flashback of something I never actually remembered"

"Ok- OW!" I see something fly and hit Sabine right in the head. She must have forgotten that we were training again, Ezra and chopper were throwing cans at her so we could see how fast the mandalorian's reflexes are.

"EZRA!!!" Fire formed in sabines eyes as she starts to chase Ezra around.

      So... Sabines a work in progress, very far from where she needs to be in order to succeed as a Jedi. But... so am I, I have no idea how I'm supposed to train her when I don't even know what I'm doing.

     I was never a good Jedi. Based on my personality you'd think I would be. But I wasn't. To be completely honest, I was a pain in the butt, a rebel Padawan, as I was often called. I sucked at following orders 85% of the time because I saw a better way to do things. Also I'm too compassionate, and I form attachments too easily. Like with my... person... Kanan Jarrus. My mind got caught on things that it shouldn't care about, like that stupid vision thing I just had.

    But that's besides the point, this stories about Sabine, not me. At this point, she's FARRRR from where she needs to be, but I'm determined to get her there.

I WILL get her to where she needs to be for success.

I promise you that.
      Bernadette Kalina watched former padawan, Hera Syndulla, expectantly through the force. Her new apprentice was... unusual for a Jedi , but Bernadette could tell they both had big destinies to fulfill, with much heartbreak, but also much happiness. This was only the beginning of their stories.

Ok so I know this took forever, I kinda forgot about this book, forgive me 😂

Also I promise this is actually going somewhere, and it will hopefully be a good book soon, this was mainly a setup chapter. ACTUAL THINGS WILL HAPPEN IN FUTURE CHAPTERS! 😂


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