Chapter 15

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Another two and a half months have passed since the battle with Norman back in Pettleburg City and Ash and the others had travelled far and wide. May had won two more ribbons leaving her with four ribbons and she just needed one more to enter the Grand Festival. Her rivals, Drew, Harley and Solidad already had five ribbons and were ready to enter the festival. She had also caught a Munchlax, a Squirtle and a Bulbasaur since then. Right now she carried Cumbusken, Munchlax, and Squirtle on hand.

Ash had improved greatly as well. He had been to both Fortree City and Mosdeep City and battled the gym leaders Winona and the double leaders Tate and Liza. In addition to battling them Ash had captured a Snorunt that evolved into a Glalie not long afterwards and his Taillow had evolved into Swellow as well. Winona was a master in flying Pokémon so Ash chose to use Latias since he hadn't used her in a while. In a three on three battles she was great and was able to defeat all three of Winona's Pokémon. Winona presented him with the Feather badge and wished him luck in the Hoenn League.

The next gym was against the two psychic users Tate and Liza. They battled together using Solrock and Lunatone so Ash countered with his own duo known as Latios and Latias. It was true battle of psychic type Pokémon. Solrock and Lunatone were very powerful and gave Latios and Latias quite some trouble, but a surprise Giga Impact from Latios and a powerful Dragons Rush from Latias to follow up on managed to defeat them. At the end of the battle Ash was awarded the Mind Badge meaning Ash only needed one more badge to qualify for the Hoenn League.

Max had also had some special adventures as well involving a young and sick Ralts. Max had found it sick and injured and nursed it back to health. He and the little Ralts had become quite close, but Max wasn't old enough to take it as his Pokémon so he had to let it go with a Kirlia and a Gardevoir, but he promised the Ralts that he would return when he became a trainer.

So now on their way to Sootopolis city they heard about a festival that was going on and decided to check it out especially that it involved a tournament with Pokémon battles. Naturally Ash wanted to go and they went to Cameran Palace. "Wow that castle is huge" Max commented awed.

May looked around and saw everyone was dressed in renaissance clothes, "Um I think there's a dress code." Ash and Max looked at her confused before looking around and noticing the people as well.

After entering the castle they went inside and found a dress room, "Wow look at all the costumes" Max said amazed and ran off to find a costume.

"I need something with a cape" Ash said excitedly and dashed off.

"Wait for me" May called going after them to find her own outfit. After trying on many different outfits May and Max came out. May was wearing a pink dress with yellow and white parts on the top with her bandana tied into a bow in the back of her hair. Max was wearing an old time outfit that looked like those special announcers wore back in Middle Ages that announced the king or queen. "Ash are you done yet" May called.

"Oh yeah" Ash called appearing from behind some clothes with a swish of a cape. Ash was dressed in brown pants and long sleeved shirt with a blue tunic vest over it. He also wore a long black cape that had a raggy end at the bottom and it ended just halfway down his calves. Ash was also wearing blue boots with yellow laces on them and to end it he had the same kind of gloves on as well as a blue hat with a yellow Pokeball in it. "Well guys what do you think?"

"Wow Ash looking good" Max said.

"Pika" Pikachu agreed. Everyone turned to Pikachu and they all gained grins on their faces. Pikachu looked between them nervously. Then Pikachu found itself being dressed up. A white and green stripped shirt with puffy cuffs and collar was put over its head. Then red shoes put on its paws and to end it a matching hat with a ball on the end was put on its head.

"Not bad Pikachu" Ash mused with a grin.

"Pika" Pikachu said with a smile. Soon the tournament had begun. It was a simple one on one match and the winner advanced to the next round. Ash used Pikachu for most of the matches until he got to the top eight. After that he switched to Latios. Latios one the rest of his matches easily except his challenger in the final match put up a good fight, but was no match for Latios' power. The opponent used a Weaville and wore a suit of armor. After the match it was revealed that it was a girl under the armor and she introduced herself as Kidd Summers.

Now we skip ahead to the ball scene May was having fun dancing around with a young man around the room. Max was too young for this stuff so he sat with the Pokémon near the food table and ate his fill along with the Pokémon and made sure that Munchlax didn't eat everything in sight. Since Ash was the winner of the tournament he was forced to sit up on a chair near the Queen's thrown and look professional. He wasn't even allowed to go get food, which ticked him off. He had let his Pokémon out a while ago. Pikachu, Grovyle, Swellow, Corphish, Latios and Latias were enjoying themselves doing what they pleased without bothering anyone.

Soon the ball had come to an end and the fireworks would be set off as soon as Ash assumed to pose of Sir Aaron in the picture in the ball room and soon the fireworks were set off. Ash heard a voice crying out from the staff of Sir Aaron and soon it glowed brightly getting the attention of all those in the ball room. The glowing got brighter and soon out popped a Pokémon that was black and blue in color with a black mask on its face with long black ears that walked around like a human with paws instead of hands and feet.

It was the Aura Pokémon Lucario.

After a series of events they learned that Lucario was sealed into the staff by Sir Aaron over a thousand years ago. Lucario had a hard time believing that things had changed so much, but did explain the events that led to him being sealed up. The others couldn't believe that Sir Aaron would ever betray the queen, but they didn't know the whole story.

Before that had all gone on Max followed the Pokémon up the stairs into an attic and for a brief second he managed to see Mew Teleport away with Pikachu and Meowth. After telling Ash and the others the Queen asked if Lucario would escort them to the Tree of Beginning. Lucario was always loyal to the queen, and followed her ancestor's orders. Ash tried making friends with Lucario, but Lucario was rather cold and distant not trusting Ash at all. Kidd was also going to be accompanying them o their journey and offered to give them transportation.

Once morning came they set off on their journey to the Tree of Beginning. Before getting into Kidd's Hummer Ash asked why Lucario thought he was Sir Aaron when he came out of the staff. Lucario responded, "Your aura is similar to Sir Aaron's."

The ride there was not comfortable at all as the off road experience was very bumpy and caused them to hit their heads many times, except Kidd since she did this a lot. They got close to the Tree of Beginning before they stopped because of a bunch of erupting geysers in the roadway. May spotted a hot spring and they all took a break. May changed in the Hummer while Ash and Max were already changed and their Pokémon were enjoying a soak in the springs. Kidd wasn't all the way in. She was just sitting on the edge of the spring soaking her feet in the water.

While Kidd relaxed she took notice of Ash's Pokémon, specifically Latios and Latias as they both relaxed in the water. They weren't built for swimming, but they used psychic to stay afloat. "Hey Ash" she called getting his attention. "If I recall correctly both Latios and Latias are Legendary Pokémon. How did you come in possession of them?"

"That's a very long story" Ash said in nostalgic voice. "It was almost two years ago back when I was still competing in the Johto League. Me and my friends took a break in Altomare."

"The city of Water right" Kidd asked.

Ash nodded, "The very same. I really ended up meeting them by accident since I followed Latias back to the Secret Garden." Ash proceeded to explain the story of meeting them both up until the part where the Soul Dew was going haywire. Even though May and Max had heard the story before they were enraptured by it. Ash's Hoenn Pokémon felt pride at being under the care of Ash while hearing this story.

Latios felt gratitude towards Ash while Latias only felt happiness towards Ash. Kidd was enthralled by the story while Lucario was wide eyed. "As the Soul Dew was dying the spirit of Latios was fading and the water system was going haywire. With no Soul Dew to control it then the water was uncontrollable and it formed a massive tidal wave that threatened to wash away Altomare and all the people and Pokémon that lived there."

"What happened after that" Kidd asked in an excited voice.

Ash turned to Latios "Latios knew a way to stop it. He and Latias went out and used as much power as they could to stop the Tidal wave. Latios ended up using too much power and his life was fading away. But it wasn't the end yet; Latias came to me and had me go up to Latios. With Latias' help we managed to save Latios' life and restore their father's spirit to the Soul Dew. With the Soul Dew no longer in danger from future thieves Latios came along with me and Latias had wanted to come as well and we've been together ever since." Lucario stared at Ash for a few seconds before walking off to be alone.

The rest of the day was okay as they had dinner after reporting a time flower that Ash had uncovered near the hot springs. Ash had also told them the story of his and Pikachu's relationship at the start of his journey. He told them that Pikachu resented Ash and wouldn't listen to a thing he said, but after an incident involving some Spearow was when Pikachu had finally listened to him and was also when they had become friends.

Lucario was off to the side listening to Ash's story and had a flashback to when Sir Aaron was teaching Lucario to sense the aura within anything by dodging swinging logs. "You humans are all the same" Lucario had hissed before walking off. Naturally, Ash did not take too well to this and it ended up with Ash and Lucario wrestling each other down a slope into the lake. Lucario ended up throwing Ash off of him and May had to hold ash back. Lucario jumped out of the lake and walked away. Ash glared at Lucario and then he sneezed.

"That was very inconsiderate of you Ash" May scolded as Ash dried his hair with a towel back at the hummer.

"So what" Ash muttered. "It shouldn't have said that Pikachu deserted me." Hey, even Ash had his limits in tolerance to Pokémon.

"Well you said some pretty bad things to Lucario as well" May countered.

Ash stopped and a sorrowful look crossed his face "Yeah" he said quietly. He knew he went over the line and that his temper had gotten the better of him. Ash had barely gotten any sleep that night as he had kept thinking about Pikachu. The next day they continued on their way towards the Tree of Beginning. Lucario suddenly stopped at a three way turning area.

"Why'd we stop" Ash asked rhetorically as they all got out. Lucario told them that this is the spot where Sir Aaron had sealed him in the staff. Lucario ended up touching a time flower without knowing and it opened up a vision of the past. It showed Sir Aaron on the ledge and he turned and threw his staff down next to Lucario from the past.

"Sir Aaron" Lucario had called before the staff sucked him in and sealed him. The others watched in shock. Then the staff began shaking and so did the ground. They turned and a massive army of Pokémon was coming towards them, but they were passing right through them as though they were ghosts. Lucario freaked out a bit and began firing aura spheres all around nearly nailing Ash who had swerved from side to side to avoid them.

"Lucario, stop" Ash shouted making Lucario stop in mid aura sphere. "It's not real. It's a vision from the past." Lucario had wide eyes as he stumbled back and tapped the flower making the vision stop and the surrounding area went back to normal.

After witnessing what had just happened the others had deduced that Lucario was right and that Sir Aaron had abandoned the queen and kingdom. As Lucario tried to suppress his raging emotions Ash went up and apologized sincerely to Lucario. Lucario felt a change of heart seeing Ash tearfully apologize to him, "Just promise me one thing Ash" Lucario said getting Ash's attention. "Promise me that you'll never abandon Pikachu."

Ash wiped his eyes, "I promise Lucario." Lucario smiled slightly before his senses went off and Lucario closed his eyes and began looking around. "Lucario, what's wrong" Ash asked. Next thing Ash knew Lucario pushed him back just in time as something burst from the ground spinning at a fast speed.

The creature stopped in mid air revealing itself. It had, what looked like, a body made out of rock with normal light brown colored rocks with a few spots that were orange colored. It had muscular arms and small legs along with seven dots on its face with three on the left and right side and one in the middle, "Regirock" it roared landing on the ground behind the hummer. Turning around it picked up the hummer while the dots on its face lit up and beeped.

"A Regirock" Kidd gasped as the others moved aside as Regirock threw the hummer at the spot they once stood at. Regirock turned to them and then fired a hyper beam at them that missed and nailed the landscape behind them.

"Lucario" Ash shouted getting the aura Pokémon's attention. "Get everyone else out of here and keep going. I'll deal with Regirock."

'Are you sure Ash' Lucario asked.

Ash nodded smiling confidently. Max grabbed Lucario's arm and pulled him along, "Don't worry Lucario" Max assured. "Ash ends up in these kinds of situations with Pokémon all the time and he always comes back." Lucario felt a bit reassured, but still worried as he led the rest of them into the tree.

Ash stared at Regirock and Regirock bleeped at Ash. Ash didn't quite understand it since Regirock was talking too fast, but he pretty much got the gist of it when Regirock fired another hyper beam at Ash. Ash jumped and rolled to the side and avoided the attack. 'Well only one way out of this' Ash thought to himself. Getting up Ash pulled out a Pokeball, "Latias let's go" Ash called. Out came the red and white Eon Pokémon. Latias cooed as she hovered in front of Ash. "Okay Latias we're in for a big one here. Regirock is determined to make sure that we don't get into the tree to find Pikachu. I really need your help here."

Latias cooed again, 'I'm ready Ash' Latias said back.

"Alright Latias use dragon rush" Ash called. Latias charged forward and then smashed directly into Regirock. Regirock only skidded back a few feet from the blast. Ash looked surprised, 'That Regirock is strong.' Regirock then beeped again and then fired another hyper beam and it hit Latias hard sending her flying back. "Don't give in; Latias use dragon pulse." Latias held her paws out and a green orb formed in it and she fired it directly at Regirock.

Regirock then jumped to the side avoiding the attack and then jumped at Latias. Latias flew off to the side avoiding the attack. Regirock landed on the ground near Ash kicking up dust and making Ash shield his eyes. Regirock then turned and jumped at Latias again.

"Latias use Mist Ball" Ash called. Latias opened her mouth and a swirling ball formed in her mouth and she fired it and it hit Regirock dead on. Regirock grunted and flew back down to the ground. "Latias descend and then use Dragon Rush." Latias cried out and zoomed high into the air until there was a twinkle. Then she descended towards Regirock with her body glowing brightly. Regirock glared up at Latias, don't know how that's possible, and then fired a massive hyper beam at Latias. The attack hit dead on and Latias cried out in pain before falling to the ground.

"Latias" Ash shouted worried. Latias grit her teeth while groaning and managed to push herself off the ground and hovered back in mid air. "Try to hang in there a little bit longer Latias. Regirock was hit with your Mist Ball so it must have taken quite a bit of damage." 'Darn it' Ash thought 'If we could just land one more solid attack then Regirock would be taken out.' Regirock then charged another hyper beam and prepared to fire it at Latias.

Ash's eyes widened, "Latias dodge and use extreme speed." The hyper beam was fired, but it never made contact as Latias swerved to the side and then flew around Regirock making it confused since it couldn't quite follow Latias' speed. 'Good Regirock can't follow Latias' speed' Ash thought. "Good job Latias now finish it off with a full powered steel wing attack." Latias cried out loudly as her wings glowed and she appeared in front of Regirock and smashed her wings against Regirock twice. Regirock groaned loudly in pain before collapsing to the ground out cold.

Ash pulled out a master ball, "Pokeball go" Ash called. The Pokeball flew towards Regirock and it hit. Regirock turned to red light and was sucked inside. The Pokeball twitched and twirled for a few seconds before going still and teleporting away. Ash quickly ran over to a panting Latias, "Are you okay Latias?"

Latias panted, 'Never better' she gasped.

Ash gave Latias a small hug so as to not irritate her wounds, "Good job I'm so proud of you. Take a nice long rest." Latias cooed before she was sucked back into the Pokeball. Ash stared at Latias' Pokeball for a few seconds before putting it away 'Hold on Pikachu, I'm coming' Ash thought determined.

Meanwhile Lucario was leading the others down a trench away from the battle; 'In here' he said pointing to a hole in the rocks. They all went through and now were moving along a walkway that was filled with tall crystal like rocks.

"So is there any reason why that Regirock attacked us" Max asked.

'It was a warning' Lucario said. 'It must be on the lookout for intruders trying to get into the Tree of Beginning.' Soon they came to the end of the walkway and what they saw they would never forget. It was beautiful and tranquil. Pokemon were playing around and enjoying themselves and looked truly at peace with the world around them.

Not stopping to marvel for too long they continued upwards. Kidd followed shortly afterwards after releasing some observer bots to wonder around and collect information. They continued skywards and up a slope, but soon they found their way blocked by another Pokémon, "Regice" the massive Pokémon beeped. It was massive in size with its body looking like it was made of crystals and on its face it had seven yellow dots arranged in a "+" formation. It had four crystal like rods sticking out of its back, with short building arms with three fingers on each one. Its legs seemed to be cone shaped as it balanced on two points.

"It's Regice" Max gasped.

"Regice" the iceberg Pokémon hissed before firing an ice beam at them and they barely dodged it.

'We have to go another way, let's go' Lucario said and they began backtracking. They didn't get far as another ice beam shot over them and froze the area they were heading to and officially blocking their way. Lucario prepared an aura sphere as Regice was about to fire another ice beam.

"Latios use Luster Purge" a familiar voice called. A long cry got their ears and then Regice was blasted with a purple ray of energy. A Latios came flying downwards and stood in between Regice and the others. Ash was riding on top of Latios. Ash turned and grinned at them, "Sorry I'm late."

"About time Ash" May said relieved. The smoke cleared and Regice appeared looking mad.

"Um... Ash I think you made it really mad" Max said nervously.

Ash simply nodded, "Yeah... get ready Latios." In a softer voice he whispered to Latios "Don't let your guard down for a second. It took almost all of Latias' power to defeat Regirock. Odds are that Regice is just as powerful."

Latios nodded, 'Got it' he said back.

"Stay clear everyone" Ash shouted back to them. "Latios ascend and hit Regice with your Steel wing." Latios ascended into the air, with Ash still riding, and dived back down at Regice and hit it hard with a Steel Wing. Regice beeped and fired ice beam after ice beam at Latios. Latios flew from side to side and avoided the ice beams. Even with Ash on his back Latios' speed was not hindered in any way.

"Wow" May said awed, "Look at them go."

"Latios use Dragon pulse" Ash called. Latios opened his mouth and formed a green ball of energy in his mouth and fired it at Regice. Regice then moved to the side and fired an ice beam in to the air by the ledge and formed an ice path and began skating along the edge towards Latios. Ash and Latios were a little surprised and it cost them as Regice slammed directly into them. Since Regice's body was made of -328 degrees Fahrenheit it was like an ice tackle attack so it did super effective damage to Latios. Latios cried out and fell towards the ground with Ash still clinging on for dear life. "Latios you can do it" Ash encouraged as the ground got closer "Don't give in."

Latios opened his eyes and got himself in mid air and flew back up towards Regice, "Luster Purge at full power" Ash shouted. Latios formed the attack in his mouth and flew faster towards Regice, who was still on the ice path, and once Latios appeared directly in front of it did Latios release the attack and Regice was thrown back and slammed right into the cliff.

"Re-R-Regice" it groaned weakly.

Latios flew in closer to Regice as Ash pulled out another Pokeball, "Pokeball go." It hit Regice dead on and Ash caught it in his hand. The ball struggled in Ash's hand for a few seconds before going still and transporting away. Ash sighed in relief, "Alright Latios let's go land by the others" Latios nodded and flew back towards the others.

Once Latios landed Ash hopped off and returned the Blue Eon dragon to the Pokeball, "We're safe for now" Ash said.

"What happened with Regirock" Kidd asked.

"I defeated it and captured it" Ash said shocking them slightly, "Both Regirock and Regice are back at Professor Oak's Laboratory."

'That battle probably attracted a lot of attention' Lucario told them all, 'It would be best if we find a different route.'

"Lucario's right" Kidd said seriously, "Who knows what else could come for us?" They all followed Lucario down. They followed Lucario through another tunnel and they appeared in another room. Only this one had no walkways except for giant crystals stuck between walls.

Suddenly two familiar voices reached their ears, "Somebody help us" they cried. Jessie and James came flying out another ledge and landed on the same one they were on.

"It's Team Rocket" Ash said surprised to see them here.

Jessie scrambled up and grabbed Ash's hands surprising him more, "You know we're desperate if we're coming to you" she said in a panicky voice.

"That big brute keeps trying to blast us" James cried pointing to the ledge they were just on. Up on the ledge a massive Pokémon appeared. The Pokémon's top half was spherical and grey and black in colour with seven dots in a hexagonal formation. It also had two black arms with three fingers each and cylindrical legs.

"That's a Registeel" Max gasped.

Ash grit his teeth, "Lucario get them out of here I'll follow up behind. Go!" Lucario nodded and led the others up a crystal towards an opening that led outside. Registeel jumped from the ledge and landed on the same platform as Ash. Ash pulled out two Pokeballs since he knew that only these two had a chance at defeating Registeel, "Latias, Latios come on out." The two Eon dragons appeared in a flash.

'Another one' Latios complained.

'Aw' Latias whined.

"I'm sorry guys, but this should be the last one we have to worry about" Ash apologized.

'I hope your right' Latios said, 'the two before already tired us out. If we come across another strong one then this'll be it.'

"I know" Ash said softly. "But we'll worry about that when it comes. First we gotta deal with Registeel. Latias use Mist Ball and Latios you use Luster Purge." Both Eon dragons charged up their attacks and fired them at Registeel.

The others had just gotten through the area and all they heard massive explosions. "Maybe we should go back and help Ash" May said hearing another massive explosion.

"May you know if we go back to help Ash we'll only be in his way" Max countered.

"I know, but..." she said.

"Don't worry" Kidd said. "If what you guys told me about Ash is true then he'll be fine." They came to an exit of the tunnel and now had to run across a narrow bridge to the other side trying their best to ignore the explosions. Once they got to the other side Team Rocket took off while the others turned back and the explosions ceased. A minute later Ash appeared on the other side, but he was running very fast with a terrified look on his face.

"Ash, what's wrong" May asked as Ash neared them. Ash just ran past them quickly.

"Talk later, run now" Ash screamed back.

"What's with him" Max asked. They turned back to see a bunch of snarling Aerodactyl's flying towards them. Each one of them gained a terrified look on their face and ran after Ash, "I just had to ask" Max cried as they took off. Lucario launched an aura sphere and collapsed the entrance so they couldn't follow them.

They rounded a corner to see a horrified Ash watch as Jessie and James were devoured by these strange looking things. "What the heck are those things" May asked frightened.

'We need to keep moving' Lucario said and they continued on down the tunnels. After a few minutes of running they came to an open area and stopped to catch their breaths. Ash looked over to his friends and knew they couldn't keep this up much longer, "Kidd" Ash said getting her attention. "Take the others and try to find a way out. We'll meet up later."

"You got it" Kidd said.

"What about you Ash" May asked.

Ash smiled, "I came here to get Pikachu and I'm not leaving without it" Ash said. Kidd led May and Max out of the area down another tunnel. Ash looked at Lucario, "You're staying?"

'I won't leave until you find Pikachu' Lucario said with a small smile. 'I know you would do the same for me.'

Ash smiled as well, "Thanks Lucario." Ash and Lucario hustled up another tunnel and climbed higher and higher until they came to a three way choice. Ash then heard a familiar cry, "Pikachu" Ash said. "It's calling me."

'Ash' Lucario called as Ash ran off a tunnel. Ash came to a stop at a ledge and the winds were blowing fiercely.

"Pikapi" a voice called. Ash looked over to another ledge and saw a little yellow mouse with a lightning tail, "Pikapi."

"Pikachu" Ash called happily as both trainer and Pokémon began hopping across the crystals to get to one another. The winds were fierce as Ash's hat was blown off and carried away and he was almost blown off the crystal. Pikachu and Ash got closer, but then the winds got extra fierce and Pikachu was blown off the crystal and heading right towards Ash. "Pikachu" Ash called. Ash jumped off the crystal and grabbed Pikachu and they both smiled happily even though they were plummeting fast. A grapple wrapped around a crystal and then Kidd appeared and grabbed Ash before he could fall any further and they both landed safely on another ledge. "Thanks Kidd" Ash said gratefully.

'Ash' Lucario called landing on the ledge they were on.

"I'm okay Lucario" Ash said. Pikachu nuzzled Ash on the cheek making him laugh, "I'm glad to see you too buddy. Pikachu I want you to meet Lucario. It's thanks to Lucario that I was able to find you."

'Hello' Lucario greeted. Pikachu gave off a thankful 'pika' in response.

"Mew" a soft, almost, childish voice sounded out next to Ash. Ash turned to see a small cat like Pokémon with a long tails and large feet.

"Mew" Ash said in awe.

Then Ash heard panting, "And it's thanks to me that Pikachu's okay" said a nasally voice.

"Meowth" Ash said surprised again.

"Mew" Mew said again holding Ash's hat for him.

"Thank you Mew" Ash said taking his hat and putting it back on. Mew chirped happily and flew around Ash. They peaceful moment was broken by a loud roar. They looked up to see Aerodactyl snarling at them, "It's Aerodactyl" Ash said pointing out the obvious again.

'Follow me' Lucario said and they all began going down another tunnel.

"Kidd, where are the others" Ash asked as they ran. Kidd couldn't look Ash in the eye and looked down with a sad look. Ash's eyes widened slightly before he also got a sad look in them. They stopped when they saw too more of those things coming towards them.

"Those things swallowed up your friends" Kidd informed Ash.

"Jessie and James too" Meowth asked timidly. Ash nodded solemnly. Hey he may not have liked them, but he didn't want them dead, "My pals."

'Through here' Lucario said going through another opening. They all followed Lucario up through another tunnel. This tunnel had a very deep slope so it was tough to climb, put they pushed through and saw some sunlight at the end of the tunnel. They appeared in a massive room, 'I'll look for a way out' Lucario said going off to find an exit. Then the other Aerodactyl that chased Ash earlier appeared and trapped Lucario under its talons.

"Lucario" Ash called, but couldn't do anything as two more things finally caught Ash and Kidd. They struggled to get free, but nothing worked.

'Ash' Lucario called trying to break free.

Both of them continued to struggle. Pikachu hopped off of Ash's shoulder and Ash's hat flew off again. Kidd knew she couldn't get out so she pulled out two Pokeballs and released her two Weaville. They looked at their master in shock as she was being devoured, "I'm afraid this is goodbye" she said to them softly before being completely devoured. The two Weaville stood in the spot Kidd disappeared with tears forming in their eyes.

Ash ceased his struggling knowing that he too was going to die. He reached down and pulled out five Pokeballs and released Grovyle, Corphish, Swellow, Latias and Latios. They appeared in a flash and also looked shocked, "Pikapi" Pikachu cried out.

'Ash' Latios shouted.

"Sorry guys you can't save me" Ash told them as his head was almost devoured. "Just take care of yourselves and all the others. I'll miss you guys; I love you" he managed to say before all that was left was his arm.

'Ash' Lucario shouted as he finally broke free and ran over to them.

"No" Pikachu cried in POKESPEECH. Pikachu grabbed Ash's arm trying to pull him out. Latias, Latios and Grovyle also grabbed trying to pull him out as well. It didn't work as the thing through them off and Ash was completely devoured leaving only his hat left.

For a moment everything in there was silent as the ocean after the storm. Pikachu immediately burst into tears and cried. Swellow and Corphish were not that far behind Pikachu. Grovyle clenched its eyes shut and clenched its fists hard together refusing to show tears. Latias had no qualms about that and began bawling as bad as Pikachu did. Latios had silent tears going down his face before he shouted and launched a powerful Luster Purge at the wall destroying it.

Mew watched them all for a second before picking up Ash's hat and tried giving it to Pikachu and the others. Pikachu was not paying attention to it and continued crying mumbling Ash's name over and over again.

Mew watched in sadness before a green glow surrounded it. Mew put the hat down and went over to a crystal getting all attention. Mew touched it and all the crystals glowed a bright green color. Then two green things, the same as the things that swallowed them up, appeared. One of them opened up and dispersed revealing Kidd. She looked around surprised before her two Weaville jumped on her happy that their master was still alive.

Then the second bubble opened up and dispersed revealed Ash. Ash looked up in surprise that he was still alive. "Pikapi" Pikachu cried happily and flung itself into Ash's arms.

"Pikachu" Ash said happily. Then Ash was tackled by Corphish and Latias who were all crying happily. Swellow, Grovyle and Latios all stood back smiling happily that their trainer, friend was alive and well. The two Aerodactyl saw that they weren't threats anymore and left the area. After Ash managed to get up he asked, "Why do you think we were set free?"

"Cause Mew had a chat with the tree" Meowth said as though lecturing a small child "Told it that you weren't nasty germs after all."

"Really Meowth" Ash said flatly. Mew floated back over to Ash with his hat grasped in its hand, "Thanks for saving us Mew" Ash said. Before he could take his hat Mew floated down to the ground with a tired look in its eyes and a flush across its cheeks. "Mew" Ash cried scooping up the little Pokémon in his arms.

Kidd came over and put a hand to Mew's forehead. The poor thing was burning up, "its sick" she said. The crystals around them began to turn red and break down into ashes. "Banks, what's going on" Kidd said over her radio.

"Everyone return" Ash said recalling five of his Pokémon leaving only Pikachu.

"Mew and the tree depend on each other for survival" Kidd said after getting the information from Banks. "Whatever Mew did to bring us back is causing the tree to have a breakdown. Since Mew and the tree are connected if the tree dies then so does Mew."

Mew flew out of Ash's arms and indicated to another tunnel. "I think Mew wants us to follow it" Ash said. They followed Mew down a tunnel and ended up in a massive room with a big gigantic red crystal in the center.

Lucario looked around the room before spying two gloves sitting on a crystal. Lucario gaped and ran over there quickly with the others following, 'Could it be... these are his gloves, but' Lucario said shocked. He looked at the crystal and could see an outline of a man inside.

"What is it Lucario" Ash asked. Lucario closed its eyes and put a paw to the crystals and an aura sphere formed in it. The aura in the crystals was Sir Aaron.

'It is Sir Aaron' Lucario said shocked.

"Sir Aaron must have come to this chamber after sealing Lucario away" Kidd said. "So this must be the Heart of the Tree of Beginning, but why here?"

Ash looked around and saw a time flower by the heart, "A time flower." Ash went over and touched it slightly and immediately a vision of the past started. You all know how it goes as Sir Aaron appeared and so did Mew and Sir Aaron gave his aura to Mew to help save the Kingdom from all the fighting. The last they saw was a blinding flash of light and the sound of Sir Aaron's yell before the vision ended.

Once again silence reigned in the room all except for Mew's panting as Ash held it in his arms, "Sir Aaron sacrificed himself to save the Kingdom" Kidd finally said. "He really was a hero like the legend says."

Lucario bowed low to the crystal where Sir Aaron's remains were, 'Forgive me for doubting you master' Lucario said in a shameful voice. More of the structure began to break down. Mew floated out of Ash's arms and over to Lucario. Mew said something to Lucario that made it look up, 'There's a way to save the tree by using the power of aura' Lucario said. Mew nodded, 'I'll help you Mew.'

"Hold on Lucario" Kidd said. "If you use your aura to reverse the damage then you'll end up in the same suspended state as Sir Aaron."

'Yes I know' Lucario said softly.

Kidd and Ash looked at Lucario shocked, "Lucario" Ash said softly.

'The aura is with me' Lucario said before he began using his aura powers to help recharge Mew's powers to stop the process. At first it looked like it was working, but the aura flickered and died out, 'It's no good I'm not strong enough.'

"Do you remember what you said about me before" Ash suddenly said.

'Ash' Lucario said surprised.

Ash picked up Sir Aaron's gloves from the crystal and slid them on making sure they were on tightly, "You said that my aura was like Sir Aaron's. Well it's time to find out if it's true." Ash put his hands out to Mew and aura began flickering between his hands before forming an aura sphere. Lucario was amazed. Ash had no aura training whatsoever yet he was able to form an aura sphere on his first try.

"Don't" Kidd said warningly, "If you do this you'll end up destroying yourself."

"If I don't do this then the tree will die and so will all the Pokémon that live here" Ash said determined "I'm not gonna give up" he shouted as he concentrated his aura into Mew.

'Ash' Lucario said shocked, but he too began pumping his aura into Mew. Not long afterwards were they both glowing a light blue color and lightning began crackling off their bodies making them grunt in pain and clench their teeth tightly. Ash groaned out forcing more aura in while Lucario growled loudly pushing more of his aura in as well. Lucario looked over to Ash to see he couldn't take much more and so Lucario pushed Ash out of the way.

Ash flew back with a cry, "Lucario" Ash called.

'Leave the rest of this to me Ash' Lucario looked at Ash with a smile 'The aura is with me.' Lucario shouted out and forced almost his entire aura into Mew. Then Mew glowed a bright green color and flew into the heart of the tree and they were now surrounded by a bright green glow. It expanded out and all around the tree was going back to normal. Mew popped out of the heart and looked all better and began flying all about happily.

"Well Mew looks like you're feeling a lot better" Ash commented laughing. Mew cooed happily and flew around Ash and Pikachu.

"You solved the mystery of the Tree of Beginning and helped to save it" banks voice said to Kidd over the radio link they shared. "The media's going to eat this up."

"Yeah" Kidd said softly as Mew flew around her. "Look Banks let's not tell the media. I don't want this place to be ruined by tourists."

"But the publicity" Banks cried.

"Let's just keep it between us" she insisted.

Banks sighed, "If you say so Kidd." Kidd took of her transmitter and put it away.

Lucario sat on the ground in pain as lightning cackled off his body again and he grit his teeth in pain, "Lucario" Ash called worriedly.

Lucario looked up at Ash, "There's nothing you can do for me Ash." Lucario grit his teeth in pain again and ended up activating another time flower that was next to it. It revealed Sir Aaron's final moments of life as he stumbled and sat in the same place Lucario was. Sir Aaron apologized to Lucario for what he did and hoped that when they met again that he could apologize. The rest you know. It ended, Lucario and Ash said their goodbyes and Lucario's body dispersed into aura and left to go be with his friend in the afterlife.

The scene ends with all of them reuniting with each other. Ash would never forget Lucario and the adventures he had here. He decided to keep Sir Aaron's gloves for luck later in the Hoenn League. Ash and the others bid goodbye to the queen and Kidd and they left the palace. On the way down Ash couldn't help, but think that something was following him, but he dismissed the thought. He had other things to think about at the moment.

Like the fact he still had to get to Sootopolis city for his final Gym badge and that he now had captured three more Legendary Pokémon giving him a grand total eight Legendary Pokémon. (Latios, Latias, Darkrai, Suicune, Kyogre, Regirock, Regice, Registeel.) If word ever got out that he had this many Legendaries before he could properly train them then he'd be the target of every Pokémon trainer and 20x evil organization the world has ever known.

But Ash should not have dismissed the thought about something following him so easily for if he would just turn to his right he would see a small flying cat Pokémon with a long tail staring after him before turning in visible and following him as he and his friends headed for Sootopolis city for Ash's final badge.

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