Chapter 23

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One month had now passed and the Lily of the Valley Conference was getting underway. The stadium was beautiful and there were many trainers around. Ash found himself wandering around the island alone after registering and giving Dawn the key to their room leaving Ash to take some time to wander.

"So it's you again" a very familiar voice said. Ash stiffened and clenched his fists and turned around to see the very person who almost stole Latios when he got to Hoenn.

"Sid" Ash growled.

"Now what's with the hostile look Ash" Sid asked pleasantly "Surely you can't still be mad about Hoenn?"

"You nearly stole Latios and tried to steal my other Pokémon in Sootopolis City" Ash growled "So of course I'm still mad."

Sid merely chuckled "Well save your hostilities for the competition Ash. I may not be able to beat you in a battle, but my brother Tobias is more than a match for you."

"Well we'll just have to see won't we" Ash responded.

"Yes we will" Sid said before turning around. He stopped for a second "I think it's only fair to warn you right now. If you try to go against Tobias with anything other than Legendary Pokémon... he will defeat you." Sid then disappeared into the crowds. Ash was silent for a few seconds just standing in the same place before walking off.

The next day came and it officially started the Lily of the Valley Conference. The preliminary matches had been going on all day with many trainers being defeated and many trainers moving on. Ash was forced to face Nando in the first match. Nando was a very nice guy Ash met when he first started his Sinnoh Journey. He was both a coordinator and a trainer and he was tough, but in this match Ash was showing he was tougher.

"Well folks it looks like this match is coming into a wrap up" the announcer shouted. "Currently Nando has lost two Pokémon; his Roserade and his Armaldo while Ash has only used his Garchomp." Yep during the month of training Ash's Gabite finally evolved into Garchomp making it a pretty powerful Pokémon. "Now Nando only has one Pokémon left to use against Ash."

"Kricketune let's go" Nando called sending out his final Pokémon. "Kricketune use x-scissor." Kricketune's arms glowed and charged at Garchomp. Garchomp smirked and simply met its clash with the fin on its arms.

"Garchomp brick break let's go" Ash called. Garchomp's spare fin glowed and it hit Kricketune hard sending it flying back.

"Hang in there Kricketune now use furry cutter" Nando called. Kricketune shot back up and charged at Garchomp and began slashing at it as hard and as fast as it could. Garchomp simply blocked them all with its fins looking like it was bored.

"Sorry Nando, but your Kricketune isn't strong enough to penetrate my Garchomp's defense" Ash said. "Garchomp toss Kricketune." Garchomp grabbed Kricketune's claw as it tried to hit him and threw it back through the air "Now dragon rush" Ash called. Garchomp gained a sapphire blue glow around it and charged at Kricketune in mid air and hit it hard.

"Kricketune no" Nando cried. Kricketune fell out of air and onto the ground out cold with swirls in its eyes.

The ref raised the green flag "Kricketune is unable to battle; Garchomp is the winner. All three of Nando's Pokémon have been eliminated so the winner is Ash." On the main screen Nando's picture was eliminated and Ash's picture remained on there with 'Winner' underneath it.

The crowd cheered as Ash walked over and shook hands with Nando and they congratulated each other on a good match.


A Tangrowth just landed harshly on the ground while an Infernape stood tall and proud "And Ash seals his victory using only his Infernape" the announcer called.

The ref raised the green flag "Tangrowth is unable to battle; Infernape gets the win."

Ash's picture took up the screen with 'Winner' underneath it "now with this win Ash will be moving onto the top 16."

"Good job Infernape" Ash congratulated recalling it.

"With that battle over it's time to find out which trainer will face whom in the next round" the announcer called. The screen flashed and showed who would be facing who. Ash looked up and saw he would be facing Conway while Paul faced Barry. Ash looked around and saw Sid made it to the top 16 as well.

"So we'll be facing each other eh Ash" an oily voice said behind him. Ash turned to see Conway standing there with a smirk and fixing his glasses.

"Looks like it Conway" Ash said.

"Good I look forward to this battle" Conway said. "I've come up with the perfect strategy to defeat your Garchomp and Infernape."

Ash chuckled "I have much more Pokémon than those two, but still good luck Conway." A little while later Ash found himself in the computer room of the Pokémon center and began looking up more information on Conway. From what the database was giving him Conway had a Slowking, Heracross, Aggron, Shuckle, Lickilicky and Dusknoir. "Hmm" Ash hummed 'Quite an assortment. I don't know what to pick to send up against them.'

"Hey Ash what's up" Barry said coming into the room loudly and slapping Ash on the shoulder surprising him.

"Not much Barry" ash chuckled trying to calm his heart down "Just looking up information on Conway."

"Please" Barry scoffed "From what I've seen he doesn't stand a chance against you. Now me I've got to face Paul and he's a tough one to beat."

"Right" Ash muttered.

"So you are Ash" a deep voice said. Ash and Barry turned to see a tall man in the doorway. He had a sharp face with long wavy bluish-gray hair covering his left eye leaving only his one light green eye exposed. He wore a light gray buttoned shirt under a red waist length cloak that covered most of his torso with the same gray colored pants and black shoes.

"That's him Ash" Barry whispered frightfully "That's the trainer that uses Darkrai." Ash's' eyes widened slightly as he remembered the conversation he had with Max over a year ago.


"My guess is that he was born that way" Max said. "He lives with his father in Littleroot town. His parents are divorced and she lives in the Sinnoh Region with his older brother Tobias. I heard that while they were still together that Sid always challenged his brother to everything, but could never defeat him."

"Kind of sad really" Ash commented.

Max nodded, "I've heard a little about Tobias. He is said to be a master trainer in his own League. Rumor has it that his very first Pokémon was a Darkrai."

"A Darkrai" Ash said shocked. Max nodded.


'I guess those rumours are true' Ash thought to himself "Yes I am Ash can I help you with something."

Tobias walked towards Ash and they both stood at the same height "I've heard about you from my little brother. First of all I would like to apologize if he caused you any grief in the past."

"It's no problem" Ash replied. "But what exactly did he tell you?"

"He told me that, like I, you have many Legendary Pokémon" Tobias said. Then a small smile went to his face "I look forward to facing you later in the tournament Ash." Tobias then turned and walked away leaving Ash and Barry alone.

"Legendaries" Barry said looking at Ash.

"Wait until later in the tournament" Ash said before walking away like Tobias.


"Well folks like his previous matches Ash Ketchum may just end this without losing a single Pokémon" the announcer cried as Conway recalled a downed Pokémon while ash merely had his Torterra on the other side of the field. So far Conway had lost his Shuckle and Heracross to Ash's Torterra.

No matter what kind of strategy Conway throughout Ash countered it "Aggron I choose you" Conway called sending out the massive steel and rock type Pokémon.

"And Conway's last Pokémon is Aggron" the announcer called.

"Aggron flash cannon" Conway called.

"Torterra use frenzy plant to guard" Ash called. Torterra stomped on the ground as Aggron fired a silver ball of energy at Torterra. Plants burst up from the ground and blocked the flash cannon attack "Now use leaf storm" Ash called.

The tree on Torterra's back glowed and a bunch of leaves went forward and slammed into Aggron sending it flying back. Aggron flipped and landed on one knee "Aggron use hyper beam now" Conway called. Aggron launched a hyper beam at Torterra and it hit dead on. Torterra groaned from the attack, but withstood it.

"Torterra wrap up Aggron with frenzy plant" Ash called. More vines sprout from the ground and Aggron was trapped in their clutches.

"Aggron" Conway cried.

"Now end it with Giga Impact" Ash called. Torterra gained a purple glow around itself and launched itself at Aggron and they met in a harsh clash creating an explosion. It shook the area and when the smoke cleared it showed Torterra still standing with Aggron on the ground with swirls in its eyes.

"Aggron is unable to battle" the ref announced raising the green flag. "Since Conway has no more Pokémon remaining the winner is Ash Ketchum."

"And that's it; it's over" the announcer called. "Ash has defeated Conway and will be moving onto the quarter finals."

"good job Torterra" Ash called recalling the massive turtle Pokémon.

"You did your best Aggron return" Conway said recalling his Pokemon as he and Ash met in the middle of the arena. "That was a good battle Ash. In the future I'm gonna have to make up an even batter strategy to defeat you."

"I look forward to it Conway" Ash said as they shook hands with the crowd roaring.


"I wonder why we're here in the first place" Aaron of the Sinnoh Elite Four wondered "We usually never come to watch the Sinnoh League."

"Pay attention more Aaron" Lucian said putting his book down. "Cynthia was the one who asked us to come here."

"I know that Lucian" Aaron replied "I mean I just wondered why she called us here."

"If I recall correctly it's because of that boy Charles talked about is competing" Bertha said.

"You mean Ash Ketchum" Lucian asked.

"Yep" Flint said grinning. "I met him back in Sunyshore City. That kid's abilities are amazing; he even managed to tie with my Infernape in battle."

"What" Aaron said surprised "But Infernape is your strongest Pokémon. How could he tie with it?"

"Well he did use a Heatran" Flint replied completely unaware of the looks he was getting from the others. "It was a rather close match with his Heatran being pretty powerful, but I guess I need to step up Infernape's training to be able to beat that Heatran next time."

The rest of their walk was in silence until they got to the stadium and saw Cynthia sitting with Mr. Goodshow "Hey Cynthia we're here" Lucian announced.

Cynthia turned and smiled "Glad you all could make it in time. The matches are about to begin." They all sat down and watched as the first three matches went underway. The first match was Tobias vs. some random trainer. He was knocked out of the tournament with Tobias only using Darkrai. The second match was Sid against another random trainer. Sid managed to defeat him with his more powerful Pokémon. Next was two random trainers and random trainer #1 defeated random trainer #2 and now leads to the final match of the quarter finals.

"Alright folks it's time for the final match of the Quarter finals" the announcer shouted. "On the red side is Paul from Veilstone City and on the green side is Ash of Pallet Town." Both trainers walked out and took their spots on the fields as well as their pictures taking their spots on the main screen.

"Oh yeah I'm really looking forward to this match" Flint said excitedly.

"That makes two of us" Cynthia said.

"And now for our competitors first Pokémon" the announcer called.

"Aggron standby for battle" Paul said sending out his fully evolved Pokémon that took its place on the screen as Paul's first Pokémon.

Ash pulled out a Pokeball "Garchomp I choose you" Ash called. Out came Ash's fully evolved Gible with a roar and took its place as Ash's first Pokémon.

"Aggron flash cannon" Paul called. Aggron formed a shining silver ball of energy in its mouth.

"Garchomp dragon pulse let's go" Ash called. Garchomp formed a green ball of energy in its mouth. Then both Pokémon launched the attacks simultaneously and they met in a clash before exploding on impact. "Now use dragon rush" Ash called. Garchomp glowed and flew towards Aggron through the smoke and Aggron couldn't move thanks to Dragon Rush's effect.

"Aggron use metal sound" Paul called. Aggron roared and a very high pitched sound wave was emitted making Garchomp wince in pain, but it kept going and slammed into Aggron sending it flying back. Paul growled "Aggron metal claw now" Paul called.

"Garchomp dragon claw" Ash countered. Both Pokémon charged at each other with their claws glowing and began clashing at each other. Garchomp got an attack in as did Aggron. They both growled at each other before they both swiped at each other with their other free arms and clashed again.

"Aggron flash cannon quickly" Paul called.

"Garchomp dragon breath now" Ash called. Both Pokémon opened their mouths and launched their attacks that resulted in a pretty big explosion. The smoke cleared after a few seconds showing Garchomp standing tall with Aggron on the ground unconscious.

The ref raised the green flag "Aggron is unable to battle; Garchomp is the winner." Aggron's icon went dark signifying its defeat.

Paul returned Aggron with a neutral face "Well I'll admit the kid's got style" Lucian said.

"Wait until later in the match" Cynthia said "you'll see much more."

"And now for Paul's second Pokémon" the announcer called.

"Gastrodon standby for battle" Paul called sending out a blue and green version of Gastrodon. Gastrodon's icon took its place in Paul's second slot. "Gastrodon use ice beam now" Paul called. Quick as lightning Gastrodon launched a powerful ice beam at Garchomp.

"Garchomp dodge it now" Ash called. Garchomp dodged the ice beam attack, but was unprepared for Gastrodon to appear next to it.

"Gastrodon use water pulse" Paul called. A water ball was sent out of Gastrodon and hit Garchomp sending it down to the ground. "Now use ice beam" Paul called.

"Not gonna happen use Giga Impact" Ash called. Garchomp flew from the ground surrounded in purple energy and went for Gastrodon.

"Dodge it" Paul said. Gastrodon dodged to the side surprising Ash and Garchomp as the Giga Impact ended and Garchomp couldn't move. "Now use ice beam" Paul commanded. An ice beam hit Garchomp hard doing serious damage making Garchomp cry out.

"Brick break now" Ash called. Garchomp turned and delivered a powerful brick break to Gastrodon sending it to the ground. "Now end it with Draco meteor" Ash shouted. Garchomp roared and shot an orange orb from its mouth and into the air. The orb broke into many meteors and rained down on the field. Soon the attack ended showing Gastrodon on the ground with swirls in its eyes.

The ref raised the green flag "Gastrodon is unable to battle; Garchomp is the winner." Gastrodon's icon went dark signifying its defeat leaving Paul with four Pokémon left. Paul recalled his Gastrodon still not making any facial expression.

"Now for Paul's third Pokémon" the announcer called.

"Drapion standby for battle" Paul called sending out a purple scorpion like Pokémon. It gave a loud roar as it took its spot in Paul's third space. Ash didn't know if Garchomp should continue or not, but Garchomp gave a confident look to Ash so Ash decided to stick with Garchomp. "Drapion use cross poison" Paul called.

Drapion crossed its pincers as they glowed purple and launched a X shaped attack at Garchomp. Garchomp tried to defend against it, but it was pushing it back.

"Now use pin missile" Paul called. Drapion's pincers and tail tip glowed and launched many pin missiles at Garchomp and they all hit making Garchomp cry out in pain and jump back.

"Hang in there Garchomp now use dragon rage" Ash called. Garchomp launched a dragon rage at Drapion. Drapion turned and swatted it away with its tail surprising Ash.

"Now use toxic spikes" Paul called. Many purple spikes shot out and they all hit Garchomp head on making Ash have to cover his eyes from the small explosion. It cleared showing Garchomp out cold on the ground with swirls in its eyes.

The ref raised the red flag "Garchomp is unable to battle; Drapion is the winner." Garchomp's icon went dark signifying its defeat.

"Hmm that Drapion is pretty impressive" Aaron noted.

"Garchomp return" Ash called. "Great job now rest easy." Ash pulled out his next Pokeball "Alright Torterra let's go." Out came the massive turtle Pokémon that made a thud on the ground. Torterra then winced in pain as the after effects of toxic spikes effected it "Toxic spikes I forgot" Ash cursed himself.

Paul smirked "Drapion use cross poison." Drapion fired the cross poison attack at Torterra.

"Torterra frenzy plant now" Ash called. Torterra kicked up plants from the ground that blocked cross poison. "Good now use solar beam." Torterra's upper body began glowing.

"Drapion pin missile" Paul shouted. Drapion launched the pin missile attack and it tore through the frenzy plant and hit Torterra in a continuous fire, but Torterra tried its best to push through it to finish the solar beam.

"Alright unleash it" Ash shouted. Torterra launched the solar beam at Drapion.

"Drapion use pin missile" Paul called. Drapion fired more pin missiles into the air as the Solar Beam hit it. The pin missiles then launched and hit Torterra head on kicking up explosions from both sides. The dust cleared showing Drapion still standing, but wincing and then showed Torterra on its belly with swirls in its eyes.

The ref raised the red flag "Torterra is unable to battle; Drapion is the winner." Torterra's icon went dark signifying its defeat.

"Paul's Drapion is in top form today having defeated two of Ash's Pokémon by itself" the announcer called.

"Torterra return" Ash called recalling the down Pokémon "You were awesome now take a long rest." Ash looked out at Paul and smirked before pulling out his next Pokeball only this one was different. It was all white except for a pink circle running around the top with more pink lines extending out from it. "I choose you Palkia" Ash called. Out of the Pokeball appeared the magnificent Palkia in a flash. Palkia roared loudly shaking the arena.

"I don't believe it folks" the announcer shouted excitedly "It's the Pokémon of Space." Paul and the stadium gaped in shock before the crowd cheered loudly.

"I-It's really Palkia" Lucian said in shock.

Cynthia smiled 'Looks like you kept your promise Ash.'

"Drapion return" Paul called recalling the injured Pokémon. 'Man now he has Palkia as well. I better go with an ice type.' "Froslass standby for battle" Paul called sending out the female version of Snorunt's evolved form. "Froslass use ice beam now" Paul called. Froslass launched an ice beam at Palkia.

"Palkia use dragon tail" Ash called. Palkia flew high avoiding the ice beam and hit Froslass with its glowing tail before Froslass could even blink. Froslass flew back and disappeared back into its Pokeball and out came Paul's Ninjask.

"Dragon tail has caused Froslass to retreat and has brought out Paul's fifth Pokémon Ninjask" the announcer cried as Froslass' icon dimmed and Paul's fifth icon lit up with Ninjask.

"Ninjask use Giga Drain" Paul called. Ninjask was the fastest of all Pokémon so it flew pretty quickly around Palkia while glowing green. Ash merely smirked and soon Ninjask began slowing down.

"Spacial Rend" ash said calmly. Palkia's arm glowed pink and then it smashed it right into Ninjask sending Ninjask flying along with the arc of pink energy sending it exploding into the ground.

"What" Paul said shocked "but how..."

"Palkia's special ability is Pressure" Ash called to Paul. "It raises my opponents PP usage so Ninjask was slowed down enough for Palkia to hit it." The smokie cleared showing Ninjask unconscious.

The ref raised the green flag "Ninjask is unable to battle; Palkia is the winner." Ninjask's icon went dark signifying its defeat. Paul recalled Ninjask and pulled out his next Pokeball.

"Drapion standby for battle" Paul called. The tired out Drapion came back out in a flash panting slightly.

"And Paul switches back to Drapion" the announcer called. "But Drapion looks like it's still feeling the after effects of Torterra's Solar Beam."

"Drapion cross poison now" Paul called. Drapion launched its cross poison attack at Palkia.

"Palkia use Draco meteor now" Ash called. Palkia glowed orange and it launched a massive orange ball into the air and it split into many attacks and it began heading for Drapion. It cancelled out every one of Drapion's pin missiles and continued on hitting Drapion making it cry out in pain.

"Drapion no" Paul shouted. The smoke cleared showing an injured Drapion out cold with swirls for eyes.

The ref raised the green flag "Drapion is unable to battle; Palkia is the winner." Drapion's icon went dark signifying its defeat leaving Paul with his Froslass and one uncovered Pokémon.

Paul recalled his Drapion "Froslass standby for battle." Froslass reappeared again "Now use ice shard." Froslass formed a ball of ice in its hands before launching it at Palkia.

"Dragon rage now" Ash called. Palkia blasted through the ice shard easily "Now use dragon rush" Ash called. Palkia gained a blue color around it and charged at Froslass.

"Froslass use ice beam and keep it going" Paul shouted knowing that Froslass was finished, but it was determined to do some damage to it. Froslass continued to launch ice beam after ice beam at Palkia. Palkia dodged and swerved from side to side dodging the ice beams, but one last one from Froslass hit it head on, but Palkia still pushed through and hit Froslass hard sending it to the ground. Froslass groaned weakly as it had swirls in its eyes.

The ref raised the green flag "Froslass is unable to battle; Palkia is the winner." Froslass' icon went dark leaving Paul with only one Pokémon left while Ash still had four Pokémon. Slowly reality set in on Paul as he realized there was no way he could win the battle as he gazed up at the screen. Right now Paul was determined to at least take down Palkia since he couldn't take down Regigigas in their last battle.

"And it's crunch time for Paul" the announcer called. "Will he be able to pull himself together and get back into the race?"

Paul pulled out his final Pokeball "Electavire standby for battle." Electavire appeared with a roar taking its place in Paul's last slot.

"And Paul's last Pokémon is Electavire" the announcer said.

"Well you got to admire the kid's ability to not give up" Bertha commented.

Flint nodded "Let's see if he can defeat Ash's Palkia."

"Electavire use thunderbolt" Paul called. Electavire launched a massive thunderbolt at Palkia who dodged to the side with ease. "Electavire thunder punch" Paul called. Electavire turned and charged at Palkia with its fist cackling.

"Palkia use Giga Impact" Ash called. Palkia glowed a purple color and charged at Electavire. Both attacks met head on, but Palkia was much stronger and blasted through thunder punch hitting Electavire head on.

'Strong' Cynthia thought.

"Palkia Giga Impact" Ash called.

"Here it comes" Paul whispered to himself. Palkia surrounded itself in purple energy and charged at Electavire. "Alright iron tail now" Paul called. Electavire's tails glowed as it leaped at Palkia, but it didn't work as Electavire was knocked off of course.

"Whoa Electavire's move didn't do a thing" Aaron said amazed.

"There's still time" Lucian said.

"Let's wrap this up" Ash said. "Palkia descend and use Spacial Rend." Palkia roared as it flew high into the air before flying back down with its arms glowing heading straight for Electavire.

"Electavire grab onto Palkia" Paul shouted. Electavire jumped up as Palkia fired Spacial Rend. As Palkia flew back into the sky it noticed that it had a hitchhiker on its back. "Alright Electavire use thunderbolt" Paul called. Electavire unleashed a massive thunderbolt doing extreme damage to Palkia since it was part water type.

"Oh that'll cause some serious damage" Flint said.

"Toss Electavire" Ash shouted. Palkia swerved all around the area trying to throw Electavire off, but nothing worked.

"Thunderbolt again" Paul called. Electavire unleashed another thunderbolt doing more damage to Palkia. Palkia tried once more to shake it off, but nothing seemed to work as Electavire had a very strong grip "thunderbolt again" Paul called. Another thunderbolt fried Palkia badly making it cry out in pain.

"Palkia ascend to the sky" Ash shouted. Palkia flew into the sky with all of its strength "Now descend and toss it off." With a grunt Electavire was finally thrown off. "Now use Spacial Rend" Ash called. Palkia flew back down to the ground and its arm glowed bright pink as it was eager to dish out some payback.

"Electavire Giga Impact let's go" Paul called. Electavire surrounded itself in purple energy and charged down at Palkia just as it fired Spacial Rend. Electavire and Spacial Rend hit dead on, but Electavire was pushing it back getting closer and closer. "FULL POWER" Paul roared. Electavire roared and soon they both hit in another explosion. Paul and Ash had to shield their faces from the debris.

Soon the explosion ended and it showed both Palkia and Electavire still standing. That is until Electavire winced and fell down on the ground completely passed out with swirls in its eyes. "Electavire is unable to battle; Palkia is the winner. All six of Paul's Pokémon have been eliminated so the winner is Ash" the ref said raising the green flag.

"And it's over" the announcer cried excitedly. "After a gruelling six on six battle the winner is Ash." Paul's picture and Pokémon disappeared allowing Ash's picture to take it up and say 'Winner' underneath it.

"Alright" Ash cheered as he ran out into the field. Palkia turned to Ash "That was amazing Palkia. You really put your all out in that battle. I'm so proud of you."

'No thank you Ash' Palkia said fully excepting Ash as a trainer. Ash turned to see Paul walking up to his down Electavire who was waking up.

"Good battle" Paul whispered "Great job Electavire." Paul recalled his Pokémon and stood up just as Ash walked in front of him "Ash" Paul said.

"Paul that was an excellent battle" Ash said.

"Yeah, it was" Paul agreed with a small smile and they both shook hands having made peace with each other. Paul turned around and left the arena.

"With the final Quarterfinal match over" the announcer called "Tomorrow's Semifinal match ups are on screen." The screen then displayed who would be battling who. Ash was facing random trainer #1 (Tobias' final match in the Sinnoh League.)

And Sid was facing Tobias.

A large Magmortar collapsed onto the ground "And Ash seals his victory using only his Palkia" the announcer shouted.

The ref raised the green flag "Magmortar is unable to battle; Palkia gets the win." On the screen it showed his opponent had lost all six Pokémon while Ash had lost none and only used Palkia. He had defeated an Empoleon, Granbull, Magnezone, Zangoose, Mismagius and Magmortar.

"With Ash's victory he will now be moving onto the finals" the announcer cried. Ash recalled Palkia and left the arena and met up with Barry and Dawn.

"Ash why did you never tell me you had the Legendary Palkia" Barry cried. "I'm gonna have to fine you for that."

"Sorry you never asked" Ash replied grinning slightly. "Anyway the next match is beginning soon we should go and watch."

"Right" Dawn said and the three of them left.


The battle had gone on for only three minutes and Sid had already lost five Pokémon to just Tobias' Darkrai. All that was left was Blaziken vs. Darkrai. "Blaziken fire punch" Sid shouted. Blaziken's fist lit up and it charged at Darkrai.

"Darkrai use dark void" Tobias said calmly. Darkrai launched dark void and it hit Blaziken and Blaziken collapsed to the ground fast asleep. "Darkrai Dream Eater." Darkrai's eye glowed red before it launched a spectral version of itself at Blaziken and it hit dead on. Blaziken cried out softly before lying still with swirls in its eyes.

"Blaziken is unable to battle; Darkrai is the winner. All six of Sid's Pokémon have been eliminated so moving onto the finals is Tobias the victor" the ref announced raising the red flag.

"And that's it" the announcer cried "It's over. Tobias has defeated Sid and will be moving onto the finals." Sid's picture disappeared allowing Tobias to take up the screen with the word 'Winner' underneath it.

"So I'm facing Tobias" Ash said quietly to himself. "Pardon me guys I need to go and make a call" Ash told them before walking off.


"Ladies and Gentlemen it's time for the Final Match of the Sinnoh League Tournament on Lily of the Valley Island" the announcer cried as the crowd roared in excitement. "And the competitors in this year's final matchup are Ash... facing off against... Tobias." Both trainers looked out at each other regarding each other silently.

"C'mon Ash you can do it" Dawn cheered.

"If you lose I'm gonna fine you so bad" Barry shouted.

"The final match" Lucian said quietly.

Flint nodded "Yep and we'll see which trainer comes out on top."

"And now for our competitors first Pokémon" the announcer called. With a smirk Tobias pulled out a Pokeball and tossed it into the arena. In a flash his Darkrai appeared with a grunt.

"And there's his Darkrai" Ash said quietly to himself contemplating which Pokémon to use. "Alright Regice I choose you" Ash called sending out the Legendary ice Pokémon.

"Oh boy folks it's gonna be a faceoff against Legendary Pokémon" the announcer cried overly excited.

"Regice ice beam now" Ash called. Regice formed an ice beam in its stubby arms.

"Darkrai dark pulse let's go" Tobias called. Darkrai formed swirling dark energy in its hands and both Pokémon fired it at the same time resulting in a standoff.

"Ice shard now" Ash called. Regice formed many ice shards above it and shot them at Darkrai. Darkrai began dodging them back and forth before two of them hit Darkrai sending it flying back slightly.

"Darkrai use dark void" Tobias said. Darkrai formed a black orb in its hands before launching it at Regice.

"Regice dodge and use ice beam on the field" Ash called. Regice moved to the side dodging the dark void before launching an ice beam at the field covering it in ice. Ash smirked "Alright now extreme speed" Ash called.

"Amazing folks" the announcer called "With the field coated in ice Regice is faster than ever. Can Tobias overcome Regice's increased speed?"

"Darkrai ice beam" Tobias ordered. Darkrai began firing ice beams at Regice, but they all missed their target as Regice was too fast to be hit by attacks of that speed. Regice swerved left and right before getting close to Darkrai "Darkrai watch out" Tobias called.

"Too late" Ash said "Regice ice punch." Regice's fist glowed and it punched Darkrai hard making it groan in pain, but it recovered in time.

"Dark pulse let's go" Tobias growled. Darkrai launched the swirling beam at Regice. Regice tried defending itself from the attack, but it was too powerful and Regice was pushed back, but it recovered "Now dark void" Tobias called. This time dark void hit and Regice fell asleep "Darkrai dream eater." Darkrai's eye glowed red and it launched a spectral version of itself that hit Regice head on.

"And dream eater hits head on" the announcer cried "Is this it for Regice?"

"Regice use rest" Ash called. Regice glowed a bright blue before a few seconds before it stood up fully recovered.

"What" Tobias whispered shocked.

"Alright Regice use ice punch" Ash called. Regice roared as both of its fists glowed and it charged at Darkrai. One punch hit it in the stomach while the second one hit it in the face. Darkrai groaned weakly as it landed on the ground not moving.

The ref raised the green flag "Darkrai is unable to battle; Regice is the winner."

"I can't believe it" the announcer shouted as the crowd roared. "Tobias' Darkrai has been defeated." Darkrai's icon went dark signifying its defeat.

"Alright Ash did it" Dawn and Barry cheered.

"That's one down" Aaron said.

"Yeah, but don't forget that Tobias still has five other Pokémon" Bertha said. "Who knows what he still has left."

"Ladies and gentlemen, as incredible as it sounds, this is the very first defeat we've seen for Tobias' Darkrai here at the Sinnoh League" the announcer said as Tobias recalled his Darkrai. "No we eagerly await the identity of his second Pokémon.

Tobias put Darkrai's Pokeball away before giving Ash a fierce look "So who else do you have" Ash asked.

"Well I must say I'm impressed" Tobias said. "No trainer has ever managed to take down my Darkrai before, but this is only the beginning." Tobias picked up a second Pokeball and threw it into the field. In a flash appeared a Pokémon that was like a massive dog with sharp fangs that gave off a mighty roar.

"And Tobias' second Pokémon is Entei" the announcer cried excitedly as the crowd roared. Ash gaped slightly.

"It's Entei" Ash said quietly. "Regice return" Ash called recalling the iceberg Pokémon. He pulled out a new Pokeball that was pure white with a blue circle in the center of the top with blue lines running all over it "Dialga I choose you." out appeared the Pokémon of time with a mighty roar.

"And Ash switches out his Regice for Dialga" the announcer roared.

"Dialga use flash canon" Ash called. Dialga launched a silver orb of energy at Entei.

"Entei dodge and use flamethrower" Tobias called. Entei jumped into the air and launched a massive flamethrower at Dialga.

"Roar of Time now" Ash called. Dialga roared as its body glowed and a blue orb formed in its mouth before it launched its signature attack at Entei. The two attacks met head on before Roar of Time easily broke through flamethrower and hit Entei head on. Entei cried out and flew back to the ground.

"Fire fang now" Tobias called. Entei's fangs caught fire and it charged up at Dialga and chomped down on it making Dialga cry out in pain from the attack since it was part steel so it did quite a bit of damage to it.

"Dialga shake it off" Ash called. Dialga roared and shook its body and flung Entei off of itself.

"Entei fire blast now" Tobias ordered. Entei launched a powerful kanji shaped fire attack out of its mouth hand it hit Dialga head on.

"Dialga use twister" Ash called. Dialga opened its mouth hand blew out a twister that caught Entei in its clutches and Entei was now being swirled around.

"Entei break out" Tobias yelled. Entei charged and broke out of the twister "Now use fire fang" Tobias called. Entei chomped down on Dialga again making it cry out in pain from the attack.

"Dialga use Dragon claw" Ash called. Dialga reached up with its leg and knocked Entei hard sending it off of its back. "Now end it with Roar of Time" Ash called. Dialga launched its signature attack and it hit Entei making it cry out in pain before it collapsed on the ground with swirls in its eyes.

The ref raised the green flag "Entei is unable to battle; Dialga is the winner." Entei's icon went dark signifying its defeat. Tobias recalled his Entei without a word.

"Alright your turn" Tobias called sending out his next Pokémon. In a flash appeared, what looked like, a green metallic Pokémon with yellow lines going down its body; Rayquaza took its spot as Tobias' third Pokémon. "Rayquaza use dragon pulse" he called. Rayquaza launched dragon pulse at Dialga.

"Dialga dodge it" Ash called. Dialga jumped to the side avoiding the dragon pulse.

"Rayquaza use iron tail" Tobias called. Rayquaza appeared next to Dialga and smashed its glowing tail into Dialga sending it flying to the ground. "Now dragon rush" Tobias called. Rayquaza gained a sapphire blue glow around it and charged down at Dialga.

"Dialga you use Dragon Rush as well" Ash called. Dialga gained a sapphire blue glow around it as well that matched Rayquaza's to a tea and they both charged at each other before smashing hard into each other creating an explosion. Out of the smoke they both fell to the ground with Rayquaza hopping up, but Dialga was on the ground out cold.

The ref raised the red flag "Dialga is unable to battle; Rayquaza is the winner." Dialga's icon went dark signifying its defeat. Ash recalled his Dialga before reaching for a new Pokeball.

"Darkrai I choose you" Ash called sending out his own pitch black Pokémon that took its place in Ash's third spot. "Darkrai dark pulse let's go" Ash called. Darkrai launched a swirling beam of energy at Rayquaza.

"Rayquaza use Giga Impact" Tobias called. Rayquaza gained a purple glow around its body and charged at Darkrai. Rayquaza hit the dark pulse head on and slowly trudged through it before crashing into Darkrai sending Darkrai flying back.

"Quick Darkrai use dark void" Ash called. Darkrai formed a black ball of energy in its hands and launched it at Rayquaza who couldn't avoid it due to Giga Impact's after effects so Rayquaza was no fast asleep. "Now dream eater" Ash called.

"Rayquaza sleep talk" Tobias shouted. Rayquaza glowed slightly as the dream eater attack hit. 'Great Rayquaza used Endure' Tobias thought relieved. Rayquaza had still taken some damage, but thanks to endure Rayquaza was able to survive it. "Rayquaza sleep talk once more" Tobias called.

Rayquaza hopped up with its body glowing a sapphire blue signifying it was about to use dragon rush. Rayquaza charged forward at Darkrai. "Darkrai use Giga Impact" Ash called. Darkrai gained a purple glow around itself and charged at Rayquaza. Both Pokémon met in a mighty clash creating another explosion shaking the stadium slightly.

"Clashing Legendaries equal pyrotechnic explosions folks" the announcer called amused. The smoke cleared showing both Darkrai and Rayquaza unconscious "I don't believe it; after that massive clash both Pokémon are unconscious."

The ref raised both flags "Neither Pokémon is able to continue; this match ends in a draw." Both Ash and Tobias recalled their downed Pokémon before gazing at each other silently. So far Ash had a slight lead having only lost two Pokémon while Tobias lost three.

Ash decided to release his Pokémon first "Moltres let's go" Ash called sending out the massive fire bird Pokémon. Now this one was an honour as Moltres' flames were said to light the torch for every region except for Johto. Moltres took its spot as Ash's fourth Pokémon.

Tobias merely grabbed a Pokeball and through it into the arena and out popped a massive flying Pokémon with spiky yellow and black feathers with a long beak. Zapdos took its spot as Tobias' fourth Pokémon. Zapdos took one look at Moltres and squawked loudly. Moltres squawked loudly back in return.

"A battle of the Legendary Birds" Flint said excited.

"Zapdos thunderbolt" Tobias called. Zapdos launched a massive thunderbolt at Moltres.

"Moltres dodge and use Ariel Ace" Ash called. Moltres flew into the air dodging the thunderbolts before flying back down towards Zapdos.

Tobias grunted "Quick Zapdos charge beam." Zapdos squawked and shot a beam of electricity at Moltres that hit dead on making Moltres cry out as it lost the Ariel Ace "Now use ominous wind" Tobias ordered.

"Moltres fire blast" Ash ordered. Moltres fired off a massive kanji shaped blast of fire at Zapdos just as Zapdos fired a swirling vortex of wind at Moltres. Unfortunately the elements were in Ash's favour as wind only makes Fire Stronger so Moltres' attack only got stronger and enveloped Zapdos in a massive fire attack.

"Zapdos" Tobias called. Zapdos flew out of the flames pretty cooked, but otherwise alright. "Alright Zapdos use extreme speed." Zapdos took off at amazing speeds towards Moltres.

"Moltres use your own extreme speed" Ash called. Moltres took off at amazing speeds as well and both Pokémon began flashing around the arena at very fast speeds.

"Zapdos Ariel Ace" Tobias shouted.

"Counter attack with Steel Wing Moltres" Ash shouted. Zapdos flew at Moltres with very fast speeds while Moltres' wing glowed and they both shot past each other and then just flew behind each other. Then Zapdos winced and fell to the ground in a dead faint.

The ref raised the green flag "Zapdos is unable to battle; Moltres is the winner." Zapdos' icon went dark signifying its defeat. Tobias merely recalled Zapdos and put the Pokeball away.

'Never have I met a trainer who has pushed me this far' Tobias thought. "Ash" he called "I'll give you credit where credit is due when it comes to your Pokémon's performance. Not once has anyone made me use more than one Pokémon before."

"Thanks for the compliment" Ash grinned "You're pretty good as well."

"But now the true battle begins" Tobias said pulling out another Pokeball. "For this Pokémon, right here in this Pokeball, will end this. Let's go" he said tossing it into the air. A flash later and there was a loud cry before a Pokémon zoomed down at fast speeds behind Ash before landing in front of Tobias revealing it to be a Latios.

"Latios" Ash swallowed nervously. Latios took its spot as Tobias' fifth Pokémon. "Well we're not giving up no matter what; Moltres use Steel Wing" Ash ordered. Moltres' wing glowed and it shot at Latios.

"Latios Giga Impact" Tobias said calmly. Latios surrounded itself in purple energy and charged at Moltres. They hit head on resulting in a small explosion obscuring them. Ash heard a cry before Latios shot out of the smoke and Moltres fell to the ground with swirls in its eyes.

The ref raised the red flag "Moltres is unable to battle; Latios wins."

"Latios took out Moltres with just one move" the announcer cried excitedly "To say Latios is strong is an understatement." Moltres' icon went dark signifying its defeat.

'Whoa that Latios is probably as strong as mine' Ash thought a little worried. He decided to go with a type advantage on this one "Regice I choose you" Ash called sending back out Regice. Regice's icon lit back up.

"I see Ash is going with a type advantage on this one" Lucian noted.

"Regice ice beam" Ash called. Regice shot a large ice beam at Latios. Latios flew high into the air dodging the attack.

"Latios Luster Purge" Tobias called. Latios built up a swirling purple ball of energy in its mouth before launching the attack at Regice.

"Regice dodge it" Ash called. Thanks to the field still being ice Regice was able to dodge the attack "Now use zap cannon" Regice's dots glowed before it launched a cackling ball of lightning at Latios.

"Luster Purge" Tobias said simply. Latios fired the attack again and it broke through the zap cannon destroying it before it enveloped Regice resulting in another explosion. Finally it ended and Regice slowly fell to the ground out cold from the attack.

The ref raised the red flag "Regice is unable to battle; Latios gets the win." Regice icon went dark signifying its defeat leaving Ash and Tobias tied with each other. Ash recalled Regice and regarded Tobias' Latios carefully and he had a right to. That Latios had just taken out both Moltres and Regice without receiving so much as a scratch.

Ash then pulled out another Pokeball only this one had a small blue triangle in the center "Okay Latias I choose you" Ash called. In a flash there was another cry only much higher as Latias flew down at fast speeds before hovering in front of Ash.

"And Ash chooses Latias" the announcer cried "It's a battle of the Eons folks." Tobias' Latios and Ash's Latias regarded each other since this would be the first time they've seen another one of their species, that wasn't a brother of course. Latias cooed at Latios while Latios gave a small coo back.

"Latios Giga impact" Tobias ordered. Latios covered itself in blue energy and charged at Latias.

"Latias you use Giga Impact as well" Ash called. Latias surrounded herself in purple energy as well and charged back at Latios. Both of them met in a massive clash causing an explosion before both of them shot out from the smoke and both couldn't move from the after effects so they stared at each other again. Finally "Latias dragon pulse" Ash called. Latias held her paws together and formed a green ball of energy before firing it at Latios.

"Latios dodge and use dragon breath" Tobias said. Latios flew up dodging the attack before launching a swirling chartreuse beam of energy at Latias. Latias dodged to the side quickly "Now Giga Impact" Tobias ordered. Latios surrounded itself in purple energy and this time nailed Latias head on making her cry out as she was launched to the ground.

"Hang in there Latias" Ash shouted "Mist Ball let's go." He knew this was the perfect chance since Latios could no longer move. The mist ball attack hit Latios making it cry out and wince in pain.

"Latios use outrage" Tobias growled. Latios' eyes then glowed a furious red and its body gained a red aura around it. With a loud cry Latios charged at Latias and began hitting at her with its paws and wings with super-fast attacks.

"Latias defend with Steel wing" Ash called. Latias tried her best to defend herself, but Latios was much larger and had much larger physical strength. Then a very hard wing form Latios struck Latias right in the face sending her down to the ground. "Latias" Ash cried worried.

The ref raised the red flag "Latias is unable to-" The ref stopped when Latias slowly hovered off of the ground wincing from the pain of the attacks.

"What" Tobias said shocked. 'Not even Darkrai can stand up after taking a full blown attack from Latios' Outrage. Just how strong are his Pokémon?' Outrage then wore off and Latios was now confused because of the after effects.

"Latias now's our chance use Draco Meteor" Ash called. Latias roared as her body glowed orange before launching a massive orange ball into the air. It flew up high before splitting and raining down attacks. Latios had no chance of dodging and took the full brunt of the attack.

"Latios" Tobias cried. Soon the smoke cleared showing Latios on the ground all scorched up.

The ref raised the green flag "Latios is unable to ba-" The ref was interrupted once again when Latios slowly rose up from the ground wincing in even more pain from the attack. Latias was panting from using the attack since it took almost all of her energy in her weakened state while Latios was panting in pain from the attack.

"Alright Latios use Luster Purge" Tobias called. Latios roared and formed its signature attack before launching it at Latias.

"Latias dodge and use Dragon rush" Ash ordered. Latias flew up before gaining a sapphire blue glow around her and charging at Latios.

"Luster Purge again" Tobias shouted. Latios kept firing off attack after attack, but Latios kept dodging them. Then just as Latias got to Latios the last Luster Purge nailed her resulting in another massive explosion. Tobias and Ash had to brace themselves so they wouldn't be knocked off their feet. Soon the smoke cleared showing both Pokémon still standing.

"I don't believe it folks" the announcer roared. "After that massive explosion both Pokémon are still able to stand." Both Eon Pokémon regarded each other before Latios gave Latias a small smile before wincing and falling to the ground completely out cold.

The ref raised the green flag "Latios is unable to battle; Latias is the winner." Even though it wasn't the final match the crowd roared loudly from the display. Tobias and Ash also looked very surprised from the outcome for different reasons.

"Latios return" Tobias said softly recalling his down Pokémon "A very good effort." He put the Pokeball away and looked at Ash "Well Ash this is the very first time I've been forced to use all six Pokémon; prepare yourself." Tobias then threw his final Pokeball into the air and in a flash there was a loud cry and a massive phoenix shaped Pokémon appeared.

Ash gaped in shock "Ho-Oh" he swallowed nervously. Ho-oh took its spot as Tobias' last Pokémon. Ash knew Latias was severely weakened from the battle with Latios, but it was the only choice he had to weaken Ho-Oh. "Latias dragon rage" Ash called. Latias fired a swirling orange ball at Ho-Oh.

"Ho-Oh fire spin" Tobias called. Ho-Oh roared and fired the most massive fire spin ever that easily destroyed the dragon rage and enveloped Latias in a torrent of fire.

"Latias no" Ash cried. The fire died down and it showed Latias on the ground with bad burns covering her entire body. She was completely out cold.

The ref raised the red flag "Latias is unable to battle; Ho-Oh is the winner." Latias' icon went dark signifying her defeat. Now Ash only had one Pokémon left, but he didn't pay attention to that as he raced towards Latias and cradled her injured body as she winced and panted in pain.

"Latias" he whispered softly. Latias opened her eyes and cooed softly up at Ash.

'Did I do good Ash' Latias asked weakly.

"Yes you did I'm so proud of you" Ash whispered.

"You must return to your side and send out your last Pokémon" the Ref told Ash interrupting his conversation.

"No" Tobias called. "Let him care for his Pokémon as it is severely injured." Ash gave Tobias a grateful look before recalling Latias and sprinting over to the stands to Dawn and Barry.

"Can one of you please take Latias to the Pokémon centre to be treated" Ash asked.

"I'll go Ash" Barry said taking the Pokeball. "Don't worry I'll make sure she gets better."

"You better... or I'll fine you" Ash grinned. Barry laughed and took off in a sprint as Ash returned to his box.

"Now we all eagerly await the identity of Ash's Final Pokémon that will be used to engage with Tobias' Ho-Oh" the announcer called. Ash reached up and unclipped the blue Pokeball with a red triangle from his necklace.

"Latios I choose you" Ash called. Now Ash's Latios made its appearance as it came out with a cry and hovered in front of Ash.

"And Ash chooses Latios as his final Pokémon" the announcer called.

"I must say you've battled very well so far" Tobias said "You've earned my respect, but this is our last bought."

"Yeah" Ash replied "But I'm definitely gonna win this for sure."

"That's' good" Tobias said with a small smile "Let's do our best."

"C'mon Ash just one more win" Dawn cried "You can do it."

"This is the most exciting match I've ever seen" Mr. Goodshow said excitedly. The Elite four and Cynthia were very excited as well since they've never seen a battle this intense before.

"Latios dragon pulse let's go" Ash called. Latios fired a green orb of energy at Ho-Oh.

"Ho-Oh flamethrower" Tobias called. Ho-Oh fired a massive flamethrower at the dragon pulse. They both met head on and struggled for a bit before the flamethrower broke through and went for Latios.

"Latios dodge and use Dragon Rush" Ash called. Latios flew up avoiding the flamethrower before surrounding himself in a blue glow and charging at Ho-Oh. Latios hit Ho-Oh head on making Ho-Oh grunt in pain, but Ho-Oh recovered easily.

"Ho-Oh use Ariel Ace" Tobias ordered. Ho-Oh flew higher into the air before div bombing Latios.

"Latios dodge it" Ash called. Latios dodged and flew to the side avoiding the attack.

"Steel wing now" Tobias called. Ho-Oh's wing glowed and turned and smashed it into Latios making him cry out as he flew towards the ground "Now use Sacred Fire" Tobias ordered. Ho-Oh squawked and fired out a rose coloured flame that enveloped Latios melting the rest of the ice on the field as well as burning the ground.

"Latios no" Ash cried. All was silent until Latios burst from the flames "Alright Latios use Giga Impact" Ash ordered. Latios surrounded itself in purple energy and flew at incredible speeds and nailed Ho-Oh harshly. "Alright now full powered Steel wing" Ash called. Latios' wing glowed and smashed into Ho-Oh's head.

"Ho-Oh use fire blast" Tobias called. Ho-Oh breathed in and fired a massive kanji shaped fire blast at Latios.

"Latios safeguard at full power" Ash shouted. Latios glowed a slight blue color as the fire blast smashed into him. The attack began to push Latios back from the attack "Luster Purge now" Ash called. Latios formed its signature attack and blasted through the fire that went right for Ho-Oh. Ho-oh dodged to the side "Now's your chance use dragon rush" Ash shouted. Latios glowed as he rushed at Ho=Oh and hit it dead on "Now Dragon Claw" Ash shouted. Latios' paws glowed and smashed Ho-Oh a second time.

"Ho-Oh ascend and let's get this over with" Tobias growled. Ho-Oh gave a shrill cry and flew high into the air.

"Latios after it" Ash ordered. Latios shot off into the sky after Ho-Oh. Because Latios could fly faster than a jet plane by tucking in his wings then Latios was catching up to Ho-Oh quickly.

"Quick turn and use Sacred Fire" Tobias called. Ho=Oh came to a screeching halt and turned just as Latios was closing in and with a roar Ho-Oh launched Sacred Fire and hit Latios dead on.

"Latios no" Ash cried. Latios fell out from the fire heading for the ground stunned form the attack.

"Now finish it with Giga Impact" Tobias shouted. Ho-Oh flew towards Latios with incredibly fast speeds gaining a purple glow around it.

"Latios you use Giga Impact as well" Ash cried. Latios recovered and flipped in mid air before flying up at Ho-Oh gaining the same purple glow around him. Both Legendary Pokémon met in a mighty clash before they both started falling out of the sky all beaten and bruised up. They were both awake and glaring at one another waiting for the Giga Impact effect to wear off.

"Ho-Oh/Latios" Ash and Tobias shouted simultaneously "Sacred Fire/Luster Purge." Both Pokémon built up their signature attack and fired it at each other from near point blank range resulting in an explosion so large that it shook almost the whole island making everyone have to grab something or they'd fall. Ash and Tobias did fall from the backlash of the attack and the electrical system linked to the outer Screen was shut down from the massive explosion. Soon the shaking stopped, but the dust on the field remained.

Ash and Tobias sprang to their feet waiting for the smoke to clear to see the results. Their hands were clenched and their teeth were grit in anxiety. Finally the smoke cleared showing both Pokémon still up and panting while glaring at each other. Latios grit its teeth and winced and looked like he was about to pass out when Ho-Oh toppled backwards and landed on the ground with a thud. Tobias and Ash looked completely shocked.

The ref raised the green flag "Ho-Oh is unable to battle; Latios gets the win."

Silence reigned on the field before the crowd roared extremely loudly as everyone was jumping up and down. "It's over" the announcer shouted over the crowd. "The winner of the Sinnoh League Tournament at Lily of the Valley Island is Ash." Ho-Oh's icon went dark signifying its defeat leaving Tobias with no Pokémon left so his picture and Pokémon disappeared allowing Ash's picture to take up the screen with 'Winner' underneath it.

Ash had a large grin on his face as he raced out and embraced Latios in a large hug "Alright Latios you're the best" Ash cheered.

Tobias was still before a small smile lit his face "Ho-Oh return" he said softly recalling his Pokémon "I'm proud of you." Tobias walked out and over to Ash.

"Tobias" Ash said separating from Latios.

"Ash that was a great battle" Tobias said "I thank you."

"I had a lot of fun so thank you" Ash said. They both clasped hands together.

"I hope to challenge you again in the future" Tobias said as he turned and began walking away.

"I look forward to that day" Ash said as he turned and waved to the crowd with Latios hovering behind him smirking at the crowd having pride in the fact he helped Ash just win three Leagues.


Fireworks were lighting the sky in the main stadium as in the middle of the stadium stood Mr. Goodshow, Ash and Cynthia. "And so we come to the end of another exciting Sinnoh League" the announcer called. All the trainers that competed in the Tournament were in the stand and staring at Ash with envy as he held the winner's trophy in his arms. the three of them turned and looked up at the main torch in the stadium "And so as the Sinnoh League flame quietly extinguishes we celebrate the remarkable efforts of all of our trainers." The flames in the torch finally went out and the crowd cheered.


The next day Ash was on a cliff staring out at the ocean with a small breeze blowing his cape about with his hair being ruffled slightly. "Ash" a voice said. Ash turned to see Cynthia walking up to him.

"Hey Cynthia" Ash greeted "What are you doing here? I thought you left the island yesterday."

"I plan on leaving later today" Cynthia said "Unless you plan on challenging the Elite Four."

Ash shook his head "No not yet. I know my own strength and I'm not quite strong enough to take them all on. Maybe one at a time, but not all of them."

"That's very mature of you" Cynthia smiled. "I just came by to say that I enjoyed your match immensely. It's already been put on the Pokémon website and it's received over 20 million views on it."

"20 million" Ash said shocked. Cynthia laughed at the face he made; she found it very cute. Ash found himself blushing slightly; her laugh sounded cute.

"Anyway I also came to tell you that Mr. Goodshow would like to speak with you real quick" Cynthia said. Ash wondered why Mr. Goodshow would want to speak with him so he followed Cynthia until they appeared by his private Limo. "I've got him Mr. Goodshow" Cynthia said.

"Thank you Cynthia" Mr. Goodshow said. Mr. Goodshow enthusiastically shook Ash's hand "Ash, my boy that was an extravagant match. I haven't' seen a match that thrilling in a long time."

"Thanks" Ash blushed.

"Now that this tournament is over I think it's time you've earned your prize" Mr. Goodshow said seriously.

"You don't mean" Ash asked shocked. Mr. Goodshow nodded.

"Yes I do mean it" Mr. Goodshow said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small badge that was shaped like a diamond. "This is the Diamond Badge; only given to those who are worthy enough to bear the title as Regional Champion." Cynthia pulled a similar badge out from her pocket and showed it to Ash. "With this badge you... are the Champion of Kanto."

Ash held the badge in his hand as the reality set in on him 'I'm a... Champion.' He did it; Ash had accomplished his dream at only the age of fifteen. "Thank you Mr. Goodshow... I don't know what to say" Ash said overwhelmed by all this.

Mr. Goodshow laughed "Think nothing of it Cynthia said the exact same thing." Cynthia gained some pink in her cheeks and looked away slightly. "Anyway with the title of Champion you must now gather up your Elite Four and chosen Champion of Kanto, but because of the Specialty you are using there a few conditions you have to abide by."

"Like" Ash asked.

"Well first you must know that three of the Four members you choose have to be born in Kanto, which leaves you to have at least one Elite Four member from another Region, but only one. The second thing you have to know is that three of the members have to specialize in a type that has never been used before by any Elite Four member. That leaves your choices very slim; only Electric, Grass, Flying, Rock and Normal type" Mr. Goodshow explained. "You have as many years as you want to gather them up, but I recommend doing it within at least five years."

Ash processed all of the information "Alright I understand. Don't worry I'll find them in time. But before I do that I want to finish my journey first."

"Oh and how will you do that" Mr. Goodshow wondered.

"I've only travelled through four of the seven regions" Ash explained "I still have three Region left to go."

"Ah the Unova, Kalos and Alola region" Cynthia said. "Those three are amazing regions. There are so many Pokémon over there that we've never seen before."

"I know" Ash replied "And that's why I want to go there before gathering up the Elite Four and my trained Champion."

"Very well Ash" Mr. Goodshow said. "If that is what you wish to do then I will meet you in those region when you make it to the victory tournament."

Ash grinned "Alright I gotta go now. Goodbye" he called running off leaving Cynthia and Mr. Goodshow behind smiling at him.


Ash met Dawn on the docks shortly. This was their final goodbye to each other "Well Dawn it's been fun travelling with you these past months, but it's time for me to go home" Ash said.

"I know" Dawn said and hugged Ash tightly. Ash wrapped his arms around her smaller frame. They broke away shortly "I plan on travelling to Hoenn next for the contests over there."

"I wish you luck on that Dawn" Ash smiled "I know you'll win for sure next time." In the Grand Festival Dawn had made it to the Top Four, but lost in the Semifinals. "Giratina" Ash called. A portal opened up and Giratina came flying out and landed on the ground. Ash climbed on top of Giratina "Bye Dawn" Ash called as Giratina took to the sky.

"Goodbye Ash" Dawn called back waving until Ash and Giratina were out of sight.

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