The Corridor of Elders

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Chen and his army had already attacked Jamanakai Village; people running in fear, buildings being burned to the ground, and not a single ninja to be found. The ninja and the other elemental masters were split up in different places all around Ninjago with the empty noodle trucks that Chen used as a diversion. Nya, Skylar, Misako, Sensei Wu, and Sensei Garmadon were in the sky on the new Destiny's Bounty trying to contact the fighters. Unfortunately, all communication was cut and now they had no idea how to contact the fighters. Chen had appeared on the Bounty's monitor. 

He had taken control of the airwaves like how he'd taken over Ninjago. "What do you want?" Wu asked.

"A truce," Chen answered with a smile.

"Like the one the real Anacondrai wanted during the last war? The truce that you destroyed by deceiving both sides?" Garmadon stated in anger.

Lloyd had shared the truth about what caused the last war. Chen would honor his word and not harm anyone if, and only if, everyone leaves Ninjago and never comes back. Garmadon wasn't willing to give into Chen's wicked idea, unfortunately, Wu told Chen to let them think about it. With the ninja gone, they needed more time. But that didn't stop Chen from doing one last thing to divide the brothers. He dropped a bombshell; the love letter that Garmadon had given Misako all those years ago was originally written by Wu. Chen was never going to keep the truce; he only wanted to call in and spill that secret. Chen cut off the video feed, but the damage had already been done.

Meanwhile, at Chen's base camp, Pythor was still running on the hamster wheel being chased by a swamp rat while Tina was tied up to a chair in rope. Pythor could not keep running forever on the wheel. "What's the point in being friendly with the ninja if they're never around to save you?" Pythor complained.

He eyed Clouse's book of spells on a crate that was just a few inches from his cage. That was when he flung off the helmet that Chen forced him to wear then he used the wheel's momentum to fling himself out of the cage and onto the spell book. He opened the book to search for a spell to make himself big again. Tina managed to free herself from the rope; just then the radio came on with a message from Borg. He stated that another village had fallen, and the Ninja had yet to be found. It would only be a matter of time before Chen and his army reached the city. Borg also stated that it was still a mystery to how the Anacondrai returned.

"Not a mystery. They're frauds," Pythor shouted, "A true Anacondrai would never stand for this."

Tina looked over at Pythor, "Wait. What did you say?" she asked him.

"I said, a true Anacondrai would never stand for this," Pythor repeated.

Tina immediately searched her book of spells; she found a spell that could send a message across realms, including the Cursed Realm. She can send a message to the old Anacondrai Generals in the Cursed Realm and ask them for help. Pythor found the same spell that Clouse used to open up the Cursed Realm; if one of the Ninjas reads it then the Anacondrai Generals can come to help them. Tina told Pythor to bring Clouse's book to the ninja while she worked on the message. After Pythor left to find the ninja on the back of the swamp rat, Tina started preparing the spell.

The ninja and elemental fighters regrouped back at the Samurai X cave. The spell was slowly wearing off of Skylar and Garmadon but the tension between Wu and Garmadon was thick. However, by the time it took all the fighters to get to the cave, Chen and his army had already taken over the entire Eastern seaboard and now he was moving inland. With every village destroyed, they grow stronger by the minute. But most of the elemental masters had lost control of their dragons, not to mention that they were outnumbered ten to one. They were all scared but it's not over. They were not about to quit; they were stronger than that.

"There's hope. The Corridor of Elders." Wu stated.

"Corridor of Elders?" Shadow asked.

"I know we don't stand much of a chance taking on his entire army at once, but after he's controlled the East, he'll move West tomorrow and have to pass through Echo Canyons. Our best tactical position is to make our stand where it bottlenecks: Here, at the Corridor of Elders, the monuments honoring our ancestors. It's the narrowest channel, but our greatest chance." Wu explained.

"If we can't stop them here, the rest of Ninjago will fall like dominos," Garmadon stated.

One by one, the ninja went to gather up more allies to help them fight. From civilians of Ninjago City to villagers, the old Serpentine tribes, the prisoners of Kryptarium, and so much more. They may come from different backgrounds, but they all share the same future. Ninjago is their home, a home worth fighting for; now was the time to rise up and fight for each other, fight as one. Everyone gathered at the entrance to the Corridor of Elders, ready to fight against Chen's army. It was a stand-off between the new Alliance and the Anacondrai. The Anacondrai charged at the Ninja but that was when a trap door had opened underneath a few of the soldiers and then Zane iced it so they couldn't get out.

The fight was on; either side was backing off. People were using whatever they had to fend off the Anacondrai while the Ninja and elemental masters were using their powers to fight back. The Anacondrai were trying to push through but the Ninja were not backing down. Chen ordered a few of his soldiers to join him in the sky to fly over the canyon. Shadow managed to take over one of the copters and use it to even the odds. Even Nya, Misako, Garmadon, and Wu joined in the fight on the Bounty. Unfortunately, Chen had something else up his sleeve. He ordered his soldiers to make the canyon bigger to break through the line.

He fired a few missiles at one of the statues which caused it to fall. Thankfully, the Master of Gravity moved the statue before anyone else got hurt. It was too late, the Anacondrai had moved room to break through, and the Ninja didn't have enough people; the Anacondrai had crossed the line. Suddenly, Pythor appeared on the back of the swamp rat and the book of spells. He managed to get to Lloyd through all the chaos. "I have something your father needs to see," Pythor stated.

Lloyd was a little skeptical about trusting Pythor. "Oh, come on. You can trust me because if anyone is going to take over this world, I'd rather it be me. Besides, your lady friend trusted me. We have a plan to end this war once and for all." Pythor explained.

Lloyd grabbed the book and Pythor then ran to the anchor and waited to be brought up to the ship. When they reached the deck, Lloyd placed Pythor and the book in front of Wu and his father. "They've crossed the line of no return. No amount of power can stop this now." Wu stated.

"But the might of True Anacondrai can. And no, I don't mean, making me big. I'm talking about the Generals that were banished to the Cursed Realm. If they saw this mockery, they would stop this travesty at once." Pythor explained.

"No one comes back from the Cursed Realm," Misako stated.

"Not unless you're a Master of Magic. Tina has already used a spell to send a message to the Generals. All we have to do is open the portal long enough for her to free the General's spirits." Pythor claimed, "Unless you would rather banish Garmadon in their place."

Lloyd was not going to curse his father; he was not letting his family be torn apart again. He volunteered to read the spell that would open up the portal to the Cursed Realm. Right on cue, Tina showed up in her dragon form, taking out a few copters that were trying to attack the Bounty. She shifted back into her human form as she landed on the deck. She already sent the message to the Generals, now they needed to open the portal. "We don't even know if they'll help," Garmadon stated.

"The real Anacondrai wanted peace as much as us. It was Chen who started both wars." Tina stated.

"If this is going to happen, I suggest that we do it now!" Pythor stated.

Lloyd started to read the spell, which was working, and a small portal to the Cursed Realm started to open in the sky. The portal had caught everyone's attention including Chen's. Tina then started chanting her spell that would free the spirits of the Anacondrai Generals. The spell was draining her energy, but Tina wasn't going to quit. The spell was complete, the spirits of the Anacondrai had flown out of the portal and now they were cursing Chen's army. Every last one of Chen's armies had been cursed and forced into the Cursed Realm except for Chen, He tried to lie his way out of being cursed but General Arcturus wasn't buying it this time.

"You will never be one of us. Because you're a liar, a cheat, and an imposter!" Arcturus shouted before he cursed Chen.

Chen even tried to beg Skylar who was now back to human to help him, but she didn't. This was his karma, his price to pay for the chaos he had created. Once Chen and his army were in the Cursed Realm, the portal automatically closed, and the war was over; they had won. The Anacondrai Generals were grateful to Pythor that they rewarded him by finally making him big again. They even thanked Lloyd for doing what their kind never could untie the Serpentine and the humans as one. They even thanked Tina for freeing them at last. Because of them, the balance was restored and now the Generals' spirits can be free. 

"You will have our eternal respect," Arcturus stated before he and his generals left.

Now they had made new friends with the elemental masters; they told the Ninja to give them a call if they needed help in the future. Skylar now decided to take over her father's business, just noodles, and not underground crime. Wu and Garmadon finally came to terms with the letter. Tina even agreed to join the Ninja; while Zane was happy that his sister was joining them, Kai was still skeptical about it. As the ninja was helping everyone clean up the Corridor of Elders, Lloyd and Tina were on the cliff watching the sunset. Tina burned Clouse's spell book; even if she wanted to use it, the magic was too powerful even for her to use.

"What will happen now?" Tina asked Lloyd.

"That's for tomorrow to decide. Right now, we celebrate." Lloyd stated.

"In that case," Tina used her magic to summon both her and Lloyd's wings. "Up for a little race?" she teased.

Lloyd gave her a smirk before taking off into the sky. Tina followed after him; all of their troubles were finally over. Or is it?

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