Chapter 12: Kill

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Me and Lubbock are in the kitchen sitting on the dining chairs while putting all of our focus on to making a tower out of fruits that we're here. The side of my forehead was sweating as I was about to carefully place an apple on the top. But then.

"Hey guys what's up?!" The door flung open revealing a cheerful Leone.

The sudden noise she made, made me startled and accidentally move the tower of fruits causing it to fall apart. Some round ones like oranges rolled down the table and fall on the floor.

"Way the go Leone, you made us waste our time by ruining our masterpiece." Lubbock had waterfalls falling from his eyes when he said that.

"There goes my apple..." I said sighing.

"Woah, did I ruin the atmosphere here?" Leone ask.

"Of course you did! How could you ruin the world's tallest fruit tower?!" I yelled then pouted.

"Aw, come on. You know you can't be mad at me forever!" She then stands beside me and began to bury half of my face in her chest making be blush a bit.

"Hmph, you lucky bastard." Lubbock gave me a pouty look.

"This is becoming awkward for me whenever someone is around." I said in a monotone voice.

"Hey Leone, where did you guys went this morning?" Lubbock asked.

She finally let go of me and I sigh in relief. I began to pick the fruits that fell on the floor.

"Well all of us girls went out for a walk around the base while Bulat probably is outside training like always." She answered.

"Is that so? Then I'll be in my room writing on my journal." I said about to leave the kitchen but was pulled over by the collar of my shirt.

"You always write in your room, how about you do something else? Oh! Let's go out and drink!" Leone locked her arm around my neck.

"But isn't it like two in the afternoon?" I ask.

"At least spend time with me here." She said.

"If you say so." I shrugged my shoulders and the two of us walk out of the kitchen leaving the poor Lubbock alone.

We are walking through the large hall of the base while not uttering a word. This made it kind of awkward but good thing Leone broke the silence.

"About that night..." Leone spoke.

"What night?" I asked.

"The night when Mine and Sheele were in danger, how did you know that happened when you're not there?" She looks at me.

"Well.... I had a dream of me being there watching the two of them fighting the enemy and Sheele about to die. It was some sort of omen. But, I'm glad I was able to save the two of them just in time." I said with a small smile.

"You really are a super hero are you?" Leone hugged me with one arm.

"I kill people and save people, so that doesn't mean I'm a super hero." I said my face darkening a bit as I had a sad expression.

"Come on don't be like that, hey how about show me that trump card of yours?" She let go of me and we stopped.

"Trump card? What do you mean by that?" I look at her confused.

"You know the mask's trump card?" She points at my mask.

"How did you know about that when you're not there?" I said.

"Well Bulat told us about that." She said.

"Oh... I can show you but the thing is, using it has a limit. So I'm just gonna save it for later." I said.

We arrive at another room and saw all the girls were there. All of them look at me while I look at Leone.

"So what did you mean by spending time with you? Did you mean by you four or you alone?" I crossed my arms.

"What's wrong with that? Come on! You get to spend with girls right now." She said.

"For a pervert like you, you're lucky to be with girls." Mine glares at me.

"Please don't call me a pervert. I already said I was sorry." I sigh.

"Anyway, we called for you because we need your help." Sheele stated.

"Help with what?" I asked.

Neither of them said a word and just gave me smiles as they showed me a couple of girl outfits. I already knew what they meant.

"I will not wear any of those, I'm out of here." I said about to turn around and escape but Leone pushed me causing my arms to raise up and accidentally touching Akame's breasts.

The girls all look at me with shock and Mine glaring at me.

"See? Y/N, you're such a pervert." She said.

Akame looks at me with a blush as I immediately let go. I got on all fours and look down on the floor.

"I'm sorry I did that!!" I apologized.

I look up to see Akame still having a blush on her face. But it soon faded and her hair covered her eyes. She then proceed to smack me on the head.

"Okay I deserve that.... Ow." I hold my head.

"So much for making him do dress up." Leone said.

"We should just continue it at a later time." Sheele said.

I stand up and grab my pocket watch. It is shown that it is already three thirty in the afternoon. My face had a frown and the others noticed this.

"Y/N what's wrong?" Akame ask.

"I have to go now. Sorry if I wasted your time girls." I said and walk out of the room.

I rush to my room and grab my weapons and cloak. Wearing my mask and cloak, I head my way outside then Bulat suddenly showed up.

"Where are you going, Y/N?" He asked.

"I'm just gonna go out to do something." I said.

"Don't tell me you're going out to assassinate someone. Boss told us to train." He said.

"Even though I'm part of Night Raid now, I'm still the Master of Silence." I said smiling despite my mask covering my face.

"I won't stop you then, but I'm coming with you." He said.

"Uh, sure."

It was finally night and I was sitting on top of a roof along with everyone else behind me. I sighed and look at them.

"Can I ask why everyone else decided to join?" I asked.

"Well we wanna see your skill on killing people." Lubbock explained and the others nodded.

"I'll let you see, but don't interfere. This is my mission after all." I said jumping down.

The others follow me until we reached a large house. We sneaked inside and I saw that there some people gaurding the house. I gestured for the rest to hide and they did, walking towards them they soon noticed my presence.

"Hey! Who are-" I didn't let him finish his sentence when I'm already behind him with a bloodied sword.

His body was cut in half as it fell on the floor. I gaze at the other guards and saw them having terrified expressions.

"So.... who's next?" I asked in a casual tone.

All of them began to run away, not bothering to attack. I look at the others and saw them approaching me.

"Wow, you sure do scare the heck out of them." Leone said.

"They're probably down stairs, let's go." I said.

We arrive on the the lower floor to see lots of men around. They soon noticed me and began to point their guns at me.

"Gun war huh? I can do that." I grab my pistol and immediately shot three of them on the head.

They began shooting at me as I dodge and block the bullets. Second by second, I each slit their throats and all of them drop dead.

"This is boring..." I said ignoring my friends' who were there.

I walk around the house until I finally reached a large room. And there stood my target. Slowly approaching him he saw me, he then had a shock face and pointed his gun at me.

"Who are you?! Don't come any closer! I'll shoot you!" He panicked.

When I got in front of him, I knee him on the abdomen causing him to spit his saliva. He got on his knees clutching his abdomen while coughing. I pointed my pistol at his forehead as he look at me.

"Tell me where the children are and I won't kill you." I demanded in a harsh tone.

"I know nothing about the children you're talking about!!" He shouted.

I then shoot at his left shoulder causing it to bleed through his clothes and earning a scream from him.

"If you tell one more lie I'm going to give you a painful death than what you expected to be." I said coldly.

"Okay, okay! I'll tell you! Please don't kill me!" He begged.

"Now speak." I said.

"They're in the basement. The entrance to there is in the kitchen, the kitchen is two rooms away from here. I already told you now please spare me!" He said.

I lowered my pistol from his forehead and began walking away. I could here him sigh then I stopped walking. I slightly turn my head to where I can see him and shoot at his head. His body lays on the floor.

"I forgot to tell you that I have to kill you, you lied to me so it's fair for me to lie to you too." I said removing my mask.

Leone suddenly appeared beside me and pulled me closer to where my face is buried on her breasts again.

"That's so cool of you! You took all of them out by yourself!" She said.

"Let me go! My mission is still not done yet." I said.

She then let go of me and all of us walk to a another room and another until we reach the kitchen.

"Scan on anything that leads to the basement." I told everyone.

They did what I said and began to search as well. Mine's voice suddenly occurred.

"Found it." She said.

We then went to her and saw stairs that leads down. It was dark so Lubbock brought a torch. All 9f us enter inside and walk in the dark basement. We finally reached a cell where about eight children were locked in there.

Akame cut the bars for me and I enter inside. Kneeling down in front of the kids that I'm familiar with I look at them.

"Are you kids all right?" I asked.

"Who are you mister?" One of them asked.

"I'm the one who always visit you kids, and they're my friends. We're here to save you from that scum that kidnapped you." I said.

"Is the scary guy gone?" The girl who is called Mel said.

"Yes he's gone now, Mel. We're going back to the orphanage now." I said.

"R-really?" I they asked.

I nodded and smiled. They then tackled me to a hug.

"They sure like you, Y/N." Bulat said.

"I always visit the orphanage they're in to give them company. The target must've kidnapped them to make them slaves." I said with a frown.

"We better get them back safely." Sheele stated.

"Come on everyone." I stand up and all of us exited the house.

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