Chapter 21: See You Later

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It was almost sunset. Both me and Esdeath are preparing our food for tonight. I was standing on the shore, the water almost hitting my feet. My sword was in my hand, while my eyes are staring at the large yellow ball that is slowly falling from the horizon. I was so mesmerized by the sun that I didn't realize that Esdeath was calling for me.

"Y/N are you feeling okay? You seem to be deep in thought?" She asked worriedly at me.

"Oh no I was only staring at the sunset. It looks beautiful isn't it?" I asked with a smile.

"Indeed it is.." She said showing a small smile.

"Is the food ready? I'm now hungry." I said walking towards her.

"It's almost done, just wait, my love." She said giving me a smile along with a blush.

Those last two words gave me a shiver down the spine.

"Please don't call me that."

Minutes later, the food was finally cooked and the two of us eat. We were just chatting normally while eating, I'm also realizing that I'm almost forgetting the fact that she is on the enemies side. But good thing nothing important slipped out of my mouth, an hour later, it was finally dark, we're done with eating our meal and the two of us fall asleep. Hours later, we woke up and I was sitting on the sad looking up the stars, while Esdeath joins me. Her hand was placed on mine, I didn't bother removing it and sighed.

"So Y/N, have you decided to stick to your plan on making the Empire anew?" She asked.

Of course she didn't forgot that time, I guess I'll answer half honestly.

"I am, but I'm still thinking if I should continue or not." I said with a slight frown on my face.

"You know you don't have to do that, you can have a better life with me." She said.

"I know that, but I feel like it's not the right choice for me."

"Mind if you tell me what your past is? I think it would be nice to get to know each other more." She asked out of the blue.

"Uh.... Sure, you'll tell me yours too right?" I asked.

This can be a chance to convince her for the second time.

"Well I actually lived in a village outside the Empire that is near there. I was just an ordinary boy like the others until my dad who was a skilled swordsman taught me how to use a sword. And after both my parents passed away from an illness, I decided to be a traveler. Finishing some side jobs and earning money." I said.

"I see, was your father an Imperial Gaurd?" She asked.

"No he wasn't, he learned how to fight because he need due to the many Danger Beasts surrounding our village." I said.

"I see that you have such a nice past." She said.

Not really, some of them are practically lies.

"Anyway, now that you know of my past, I think it's time for you to tell me yours." I said to her.

"I suppose I should. Well it's fair that I should tell you about my past as well." She said with a small smile.

She began to tell me about her childhood and home, which was a tribe in the Northern parts just outside the Empire. Esdeath was the daughter of their chief, the tribe is skilled on hunting Danger Beasts, that includes her despite being at a young age back then. I was so amazed at how she is good at killing Danger Beasts. She then went on to her going out alone to slay a Danger Beast only to return to her home with it being burned down and everyone dead by the hands of the Northern Tribe. She then lived the rest of her life hunting Danger Beasts until she got tired of it. Deciding to join the Imperial Army, she was now hunting humans.

Until it came to the last part of her getting her Teigu. Which was the one called Demon's Extract.

"Woah.... that's a pretty rough past. So that's why you decided to take revenge on the Northern Tribe." I said in realization.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" She asked.

"You said that they destroyed your home and killed everyone in it. That's why I've come to the conclusion of you slaying them out of revenge." I said.

"Oh, you may think of it as a revenge but it's not." She said.

"Then what about the rumor of thousands of the Northern tribespeople that you buried?" I said.

"That? I did buried them." She answered.

"So you didn't do it for revenge?"

"No." She said.

"What about the Teigu you recieved years ago? Was that the reason why you became sadistic?" I asked.

"Not really, I've already been like that before I got the Teigu."

I was left speechless. So all this time, it's not the Teigu that drives her crazy, but it was herself. This is messed up, how am I even gonna convince her anymore? This is hopeless.

I sighed and stand up from the sand, stretching my arms.

"I guess that's all for tonight, I'm gonna go for a walk and probably search for some flying Danger Beasts that I can tame." I said as I walk further from her.

"Oh, I'll go with you. Wait, there's currently one above us right now." She said as she pointed at the Air Manta that was floating above us.

"Can you help me get it?" I asked.

"Sure, I'll go send it down and you take it." She said before running towards it.

I watch her run towards the Air Manta about to immobilize it. Later, I suddenly felt something behind me, i turn back to see the same mark from yesterday that sent us here has occurred. The portal opened again. Now this is my chance to get out of here, I guess I'll leave Esdeath behind here and head back to base immediately.

Entering inside the mark, I saw myself standing on the mountain from where I was, the mark was still there meaning the portal is still open. I wore my mask and cloak and began to flee from the place.

"(The next time we meet, Esdeath. I'll finally make you go against the Empire.)"

An hour later, I finally arrived back in the hide out. Opening the door, everyone else was there, all of their eyes were on me. I took off my mask and smiled at them.

"I'm back!" I said.

"Y/N!" Akame said.

She suddenly hugged me tightly. I was utterly caught off gaurd by this, nonetheless I hugged back.

"Hey you two, stop being lover dovey in front of us. And you! You have a lot of explaining to do." Lubbock pointed at me.

"Come on, Lubbock at least let Akame enjoy her moment. You're just jealous that he gets to hug her while you're not." Leone teased.

"S-shut up Leone! Of course I am jealous, I mean he is so lucky when around girls!" He said.

"You shut up, pervert." Chelsea said to him.

"Hey! At least I'm a man of culture!" He said.

"I guess every is back to normal again." I said as Akame let go of me.

"Yeah... Glad to have you back again, Y/N." Akame smiled at me.

I blush at her smile but smiled back. Seconds later I look away and chuckled.

"Yeah... it is."

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