Chapter 8: Ticking Clock

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In the lively part of the capital, Leone and Y/N are walking in the streets while they're on their mission.

"So you were born in here?" Y/N asked the blonde.

"Yep, I was also popular here because of my back massage." She said.

"No wonder many people know you here. Man I wish many people know me as well." He said.

"Many people do know you! Well the other you specifically, but not the real you." She said.

Some people were then greeting Leone and asking her to spend time with them. As they continue to walk, some men then began to run towards them. Leone freaked out then the two of them started running away from them.

"And you're also being hated by lots." Y/N said with a deadpan expression.

"I know! That's what it's fun about my home!" She said.

"This is not what it's fun about this place!" He said.

In the palace, an imperial soldier is kneeling down in front of the Emperor and the Prime Minister beside him.

"Your majesty, I've received some reports that General Nakakido and General Hemi had abandoned us and joined the rebel army." The soldier said.

The people in the room began to talk amongst themselves. Worried about the rebels increasing and might destroy the Empire.

"We must not lose faith! The rebel army are situated so far south, if we need to remove every last one of the rebellion then we should begin by letting them gather and wiping them all out at once. That should do it right, Minister?" The Emperor finished then gaze at Honest.

"Indeed it is, your majesty. I see you're keeping your composure. But our main problem aren't the rebels."

He paused and eats the meat he is holding.

"Our main problem are the rogue group of assassins and the infamous Master of Silence that had returned to the capital. They killed Captain Ogre and my distant relative Yokal. They murdered the executioner Zanku and took his Teigu! Damn Night Raid and that masked killer making a mess in the capital."

He then pulls the meat with his mouth as he eat it.

"All of this is making me put into stress! I'm calling back General Esdeath." He then said.

The people then had a look of shock and one of them step forward.

"Forgive me Minister but General Budo is already here." He said.

"I'm sure the great general has better things to do than hunt down a hand of bandits." The Minister said.

"General Esdeath huh? She is as great as Budo so it should be all right." The Emperor said.


I continue to run until I finally noticed that I lost track, looking around not a single sign of Leone is there.

"Dammit I lost her." I said to myself.

"You there! You seem to need of assistance!" A feminine voice said.

I turn around to see an Imperial gaurd. She was running towards me while holding the leash of his odd looking dog.

"Proud member of the Imperial gaurd, Seryu at your service." She salutes.

"Gaurd huh? And can I ask what is that with you?" I ask.

"This is Koro! His my Teigu, so I remember that you seem to have a problem?" Seryu said.

"Oh, uh yeah. I seem to be lost and don't remember where was the place I'm supposed to be." I said.

"I'll help you get there while I'm on patrol! Let's go!" She grabs my hand and we started walking.

"(With this gaurd having an Teigu, she will be a burden to us. This is just getting more difficult.)"

After walking around, we finally arrive at the place where I need to be. Seryu stands in front of me while holding Koro.

"This is the place you're looking for right?" She ask.

"Yeah, thanks for helping me." I said.

"I'm honored, let me know if you see any bad guys. Me and Koro will take care of them!" She salutes.

"I will." I said.

"Time to go Koro, bye fellow citizen!" She then began running.

I turn around opposite of the direction she is going. I walk down while thinking about how to deal with her.

"(I'm just gonna keep an eye on her.)"

Night falls, me and Leone were standing on a roof about to finish our mission.

"So this is the red light district huh? Well we should probably finish this mission now." I said wearing my cloak and mask.

"Y/N, can I ask if that mask of yours has something capable of?" Leone ask.

"My mask? This one is actually made from one of the hardest metals so it cannot be easily destroyed, it also helps me conceal my emotions and if I didn't conceal it something will happen. From what I've heard from my parents, this was made by their ancestor who is a scientist two hundred years ago. It's not a Tiegu but it sort of called like that." I explained.

"Neat, and why their? Shouldn't it be your ancestor too?" Leone ask.

"You noticed huh, let's say I was adopted by them." I said.

"I get it, anyway let's finish this. Lionel transform!" She said and soon her hands turned into paws, a tail appeared by her bottom back and a pair of ears grew on her head.

"Cool. This is the first time I see you transform." I said.

"When I am in this form, I could feel I can just take over the world! Now let's go and kick some ass." She said.

I breathe in then out, and soon I don't feel any emotions in me. Me and her started jumping from roof to roof until we reached the place we are supposed to be. We sneak our way inside and Leone lifted the floor. We could see all the women are on drugs and see two men enter the room while having a conversation. A girl in front of them was lying on the ground, she seemed to be not in herself anymore. She clung to the man and he asked his subordinate to get rid of her. He punched the girl and we heard a crack. Despite me being currently emotionless, my anger is kicking in but I controlled it.

"That girl he just hit, she was a friend of mine from back home. I'll make these bastards pay." Leone said.

Me and Leone went to the other room where the men are gathered. We could hear them talking from above, I grab my pistol and walk a bit further.

"You go crash the place, I'll surprise them later." I said.

"Sure." She smirked then smashed the floor she was on.

This startled the men and she began to kill them. I reload my pistol and tap my foot on the floor before kicking it hard that it destroyed it.

"What the?! There's one more?!" The boss said.

"I see my precious lady can handle all of them by herself. So I'll just deal with you myself." I said.

A grunt was about to attack me from behind but in a flash, his body was cut in half by my sword.

"Don't you even bother messing with me." I said.

"Stay away from me!! I'll kill you!" He Grabs his pistol and tried to shoot me but all of them were deflected by my sword.

"I'll just make this quick." I said then stab his throat.

He started to struggle for air but soon he isn't moving anymore and is officially dead. I look at Leone then saw all of them are dead.

After that, me and Leone are walking down the dark streets of the capital.

"That mission was kinda boring." I said with my arms on the back of my head.

"Aw, come on. At least you get to spend time with me." She said smiling.

"So what's gonna happen to those girls?" I asked.

"There's a retired doctor who still lives around here. He'd probably be thrilled to help them. The doc always responded pretty girls so it's all good." She said.

"That great. I'm glad we help them out." I said putting my arms by my sides.

"I only knew some of the girls as kids, that's all." She said.

"All that matters is that those girls get another chance to start over." I said with a smile.

"You know what Y/N? When you make that face, you look really cute." She said near my ear and then licks it.

This cause me to look at her with a dead panned expression as she smiles.

"Now that I've marked you, soon you'll be all mine." She said laughing.

"If you're going to mark me like that then might as well mark you." I said getting close to her.

I swiftly pull her closer to me and kissed her on the lips. She was surprised by this but didn't bother moving. Seconds later, I pull away and saw her having that blush.

"Now we're even." I smirked.

She went back to normal but still having that blushed on her. I suddenly realized something.

"Hey Leone. Mine and Sheele are currently partners in their mission right?" I asked.

"Yeah, why is that?" She asked.

My eyes widen in realization. I began running passed her as she calls for me.

"Where are you going?!" She shouted.

"You go on ahead! I have to take care of something!" I said.

I cover my head with my cloak and wore my mask. I forced my legs to run faster than how I usually am.

"(Please make me be there in time! Mine...... Sheele, I'm coming to save you!!)"

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