4 [Execution]

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Cinder was dragged by her neck to a large room, the chain finally ceasing to pull her as she laid in the room by a wall. Still having trouble taking long breaths due to her crying, she sat there a moment before standing up shakily. She tried to walk around the room, but was stopped by the shackle on her neck, bound like a collar attached to the wall.

What was that sound? Cinder listened to the sound. It sounded like... growling. Hungry, anticipating growls that struck cold fear into her heart.

That wretched voice came over an intercom. "Welcome to your execution! Hope you have fun! Actually, no I don't, hope you cry or something! That'd be fun! Anyway, uh, hope you like meeting my friends! Bu-Bye!"


A door opened at one end of the room, like a garage door. It made a screeching, grinding, metal-against-metal sound that made Cinder flinch. But that was nothing compared to what was behind it.

...well, at least she'd found the source of the growling.

Five large wolves began to creep forwards, eyes glittering with hungry anticipation. All of them were grey wolves, Cinder recognized, with cream and light ash-grey pelts that were thick for winter adaptation. Her favorite animal, actually, she'd always found wolves fascinating.

But now they were going to be the death of her.

The wolves circled around her, pressing her to the wall. Frightened out of her mind, she chuckled nervously.

"Hehe... nice wolves, nice wolves, please don't kill me, I'm not food..." As she spoke she fumbled with the shackle on her neck, attempting to find some way to undo it. She failed.

One of the wolves made a move, sinking its powerful jaws into her leg. Cinder shrieked, falling as the canine pulled her balance from underneath her.

Then, all havoc broke loose.

The wolves charged in, on top of her before she could even scream in pain. Teeth ripped at flesh and bone, the blood pool now on the floor growing as there was less flesh to hold the broken veins inside of her. Red flecks and splatters decorated the floor around a once fully intact human being, the same red blood that dripped from sharp, white teeth that tore and ripped into fragile skin. As the wolves tore and pulled, her body was struggling to remain intact with her neck, as the shackle pulled in the opposite direction while the wolves attempted to rip the body from the wall.

Blue eyes were once sparked with life. Now they roll back, limp as her final cries ebb with her life.


439 words

I swear 90% of those 60 layers were just blood XD

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