XXXII | Truce and Fire

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The room was quiet and tense even before the grand door of the manor opened and royal guards filed in, eyeing everyone and everything in the dining room, even the food. There were an equal number of men to guard Reginald, making the room a little crowded for a dinner of seven. Four were already waiting: Reginald at the head of the table as a king should, Leo to his left, and West to his right. Beside West sat Sasha, eyes on the open doorway, thoughts on her sleeping infant upstairs.

The twenty guards in the room had been preceded by the king's royal cook who tested all the food in the kitchen. Other guards were outside, perhaps just a shout away from drawing their swords on West and Reginald's men.

The first to come through the door was the crown prince. Emory's face was unreadable as he stood not far away from the other end of the table to wait. Not long after, Louis walked in with the queen.

Sasha was used to being surrounded by men who thought themselves powerful, but never had she ever been in a room where the said men dominated every corner without a word. The men in question were Reginald, Emory, and, of course, the queen.

Louis was not a man who gave off a striking impression like his late son, Albert. He looked like any gentry she had encountered in the past. He had graying hair, deep sea-blue eyes, and thin lips. He was tall and slim, his entire clothing probably heavier than him. However, his wife and heir held themselves differently.

Queen Helena exuded a certain arrogance around her, her chin tilted just high enough, her eyes mild but held everything in. Her son was a little different, but altogether impressive. He had a small curl at the corners of his mouth as he nodded his head to greet them good evening.

For the first time, when no one spoke, Sasha hoped she was elsewhere.

"The seats don't light up, Louis," Reginald said, eyes on the man.

Louis stepped forward and took the seat at the other end. Sasha and West could lie foot to head on that table and it would still not be enough to cover its length.

"I was told you have my daughter," Louis said, foregoing pleasantries. Even the way he spoke could not convince Sasha that he was the ruler of the kingdom. The tone of his voice sounded like he was the sort of man who would rather spend his day digging in the garden.

Reginald smiled, looking at the queen. "I wonder why the queen has not told you."

Helena's brow twitched. Emory looked uncomfortable as any child should be.

"Your daughter was sent to Belcourt," Reginald said with a bored sigh. "Upon our suggestion, Queen Helena here agreed that taking Esther inside would give her and the Vandenbergs entry into Belcourt."

If Louis felt anything toward his wife at the revelation, he did not show it. Sasha had to at least give him some credit, most especially when he said, "If you think I don't know about Belcourt and what it truly is, Reginald, I'm afraid I would have to disappoint you. My wife has told me."

"Of course, she did," Reginald replied, chuckling wryly. "But I hope she told you everything," he added.

Sasha shifted in her seat and met Leo's gaze. He rolled his eyes and reached for his wine, gulped it down as his father's laughter slowly died.

"Did she also tell you about how her pathetic family can't figure a way to get back inside after they've been...locked out, shall we say?" His gaze traveled to the queen, whose face hardened as he spoke. "They were hoping the princess would just walk up and open the gates for them so they could regain control of their precious cult."

"Enough." The queen's voice reverberated around the room. "The Vandenbergs have a plan."

"Of course, you don't. You just jumped to the chance when the Circus suggested you give Esther to Arielle." Reginald chuckled. "Because you are in a state of panic and panicky people can hardly think. Did you really believe she'd find a way to let you in? She's probably locked in there somewhere. That is, of course, if she's not yet dead."

Emory threw West a look of betrayal. Sasha's husband merely offered a small smile of apology.

It was not clear how much the king knew, but by the way his gaze wandered to the queen, it seemed that he was finally seeing her in a new light. But then, of course, he did not know the other people in the room, and to act like a clueless fool was not part of his agenda. "What do you want?" he asked Reginald.

"Belcourt has found a way to manipulate the House of Lords and with their help, some of Napoleon's soldiers have managed to get into Sutherland."

"There is no such thing. I'm aware of their desire to side with the French, but I am yet to make that decision."

"And do you think I also made the decision to leave the throne and escape Sutherland?" Reginald shot back. "Like I was before, Louis, you are but a man with a crown. Your power is only effective until it's not."

"There is no way Belcourt would be able to do—"

"Oh, you fool," Reginald interjected. "You don't even know what your wife is capable of. You're only wearing your crown because she has to become queen. So that her family continues to rule Sutherland."

Louis' face hardened. He did not look at his wife. He just stared at Reginald, looking more clueless with each passing second.

"I'll let the queen explain what her family has done to me, to you, and the institution of Belcourt. She's the only one who can tell you how Albert went behind her back and made plans of his own with your bastard, who, we now believe, is behind everything. I heard Albert was wise, but I guess your bastard with Elizabeth Blackwood is more cunning." Louis' face went red with fury. "Now, I'm not one to get involved in family affairs, especially when bastards are concerned, so why don't we move along?" Reginald asked with a sneer. Sasha could only imagine what he was like when he was on the throne. Whoever betrayed him must have had some trouble doing so. "The Vandenbergs were kicked out of Belcourt who is now, as I said, planning to destroy the kingdom by siding with the French. This time, Louis, you're on the same boat I was in years ago. Just this time, you're potentially losing your throne to the worst man alive." He let the silence linger for a while before he stated, "I did not mean myself. I meant Napoleon. He's losing and I believe he's desperate for a kingdom to fight his war."

Reginald took a sip from his wine, swallowed, and stared at Louis for some time. "I suggest we attack Belcourt. The Royals have found a way in. We just need more men."

"Attack an orphanage, Reginald? Are you insane?"

"It will be a bloodbath," the queen said.

"As if you care for the women and children inside, please," Reginald wryly retorted with a wave of his hand.

"If Arielle learns of this, she'll make a move," Emory said, breaking his silence. "With Esther inside Belcourt, it is understood that Arielle is prepared for a rescue. As my mother said, the Vandenbergs have a plan. They can infiltrate Belcourt without anyone getting hurt."

"Unrealistic," Reginald said with a shake of his head. "Sasha, dear, why don't you tell them?"

The royal family turned their head toward Sasha. Not allowing herself to be intimidated, she said, "The Belcourt you knew before Albert died is different now." She veered her eyes to the queen. "When you learned of Albert's involvement with the French, you immediately had him killed without a proper plan." She ignored the furious gaze Louis sent his wife and continued, saying, "Albert was a wise man. His moves were always calculated. Arielle was with him every step of the way, but she also had her own plans. With no Vandenberg to rule Belcourt, she has complete authority over Belcourt. While they both want to side with Napoleon, their reasons were different. Albert just wanted to play because that's what he always liked to do. He was not aggressive because he had a lot to lose as a crown prince and as the ruler of Belcourt. But Arielle does not have much. She only has things to destroy, and that is you and your kingdom, Your Highness." She locked her gaze on Louis. "Her home is not Sutherland. It's just Belcourt. And she will do what it takes to keep it in power as soon as she could. She's not the patient kind. Waiting for someone to infiltrate Belcourt inside is not the best course of action once the French make their move. We cannot waste time." She let her words sink in before adding, "If we take over Belcourt first, we can then gain access to the French soldiers. We have information that Belcourt is due to meet the French. We have to be there, but we have to be there as Belcourt."

"The Royal Circus has a proposition," West spoke. He waited for the people at the end of the table to look at him. "We'll help the Vandenbergs take over Belcourt. We need as much men as we can get."

"If you do so, I'll offer a truce," said Reginald, eyes on Louis. "But not without a price."

"What?" Louis asked through gritted teeth.

Leo turned to them with a smile. "Me and your daughter. A betrothal."


Ruby smelled smoke before she even saw the fire.

"N-No," she choked out as she jumped out of the carriage.

"Ruby!" Dior shouted after her, but she ignored him, running through the crowd of nuns and villagers that blocked the entrance to the courtyard.

"Ruby?" she heard one nun ask.

Stopping, she whirled around and asked, "Where's Mother Marissa?"

None of them could give her an answer. She stumbled back and looked up at the burning window on the second floor of the abbey.

"Someone's already looking for them," one nun said. "It's going to be okay, Ruby. They were with visitors and—"

"Which visitors?" she asked.

"Two women. They retreated to the library upstairs. No one saw them since then. We're missing others, but there are men inside looking for every one of them."

Dior emerged from the crowd. "Ruby, don't go in there. We'll look for—"

Ruby whirled around and ran to the entrance of the abbey, passing through men who were passing pails of water in a line that led up the stairs.

"Oi! Lady! Don't go up there! It's dangerous!"

Ruby felt the heat in the air as soon as she reached the second landing. Two men carrying an unconscious nun were running down the corridor, shouting for her to get back.

"Ruby!" Dior's voice shouted from below.

She turned in the direction of the library and ran as soon as she realized the fire was from the other side of the corridor. A distraction, she thought.

When she reached for the knob of the library door, it was locked.

"Step aside," Dior's voice ordered as he threw his shoulder against the door. It did not give in, but it did when he stepped back and kicked it open.

Inside, four women were waiting. Sheridan and Mother Marissa were tied to a chair, two Soldiers standing before them.

They were momentarily distracted when the door burst open and Sheridan took the chance to throw herself and the chair toward one Soldier. The other went behind Mother Marissa, planting the blade of her sword against her throat.

Robert swiftly landed a kick against the Soldier Sheridan attacked, rendering her unconscious.

"Stop it or I'll kill this woman," the Soldier holding Mother Marissa growled.

"Stay back!" Ruby shouted at Dior. And at the Soldier, she begged, "Please, let her go."

The Soldier shook her head. "It's good that you're not late, Ruby." Blood trickled down Mother Marissa's neck. "We've been waiting for you."

Ruby realized then that she had walked into a trap. They were not after Sheridan or her mother. Arielle just wanted to prove that she was a traitor.

"No, I'm not," she sternly said, stepping closer, holding the woman's gaze.

"Let's not waste our time, Ruby," said the Soldier. "There are others on their way here—"

The shot echoed around the room and Mother Marissa shouted as the Soldier holding her slumped to the floor with a bullet in her head. Ruby whirled around to face Dior, eyes round. "What did you do?" she asked, looking at the smoking pistol in his hand.

"Helping you," he said, walking toward the other Soldier.

"No!" Ruby shouted, rushing to him. She grabbed the pistol and threw it to the side. "Don't kill her," she said, voice shaking, eyes welling with tears. "More of them are on their way here. They knew I'd be here and they've been waiting."

She turned to her mother and, with shaking hands, untied her from the chair. "Go," she said, cupping the woman's tear-streaked face. "Stay with Sherry. Go far away. Somewhere safe. Can you do that?"


She pressed her lips against her mother's ear. "Please, for once, give me what I ask," she begged, choking on her own tears. "Please, Mama."

The woman broke into tears, trembling as she nodded and wrapped her arms around Ruby.

"Don't be stupid, Ruby," Sheridan said from behind her. Dior had already freed her from her bounds. "Don't do what I think you're going to do."

Ruby shook her head as she smiled at her mother. Standing, she faced Dior and Sheridan. "Belcourt only needs proof that I'm a traitor. If I run away with you, then I'm giving them what they need. I have to stay and prove to them that I'm here just like everyone else." She looked at Dior. "I'll tell them I was given the mission to take you here. That's why I came with you. I thought they staged this for my mission."

"They'll soon realize there was no such mission."

"Of course, there was," Ruby said. "Gabrielle gave it to me as my liaison. No one told me she works with the Circus."

"No," Sheridan stonily said. "You're coming with us."

The two Royals rushed into the room. "There are Soldiers a mile away from here," one of them said. "We have to go."

Ruby turned to her mother and guided her toward Dior. "Please, keep her safe. Take the path that leads to the woods." Robert nodded at the two Royals who guided Mother Marissa away. "Wait," Ruby said, stopping her mother to embrace her one more time. "I love you."

"I love you, too, my daughter," her mother said, wiping her tears, her own streaming down her face. "Be safe. Be brave. And come back to me."

Ruby nodded and kissed her mother.

As the woman and the two Royals left, she turned to Dior. "Find my father and keep him safe. Please."

He nodded, face grim.

Then she turned, Sheridan was already shaking her head. "I'll be back," she told her. "I promise," she added, stepping closer, cupping Sheridan's furious face in her hands. "I'll find you, Sherry," she whispered, planting her lips against hers. Sheridan's arms wrapped around Ruby as she answered her kiss.

"I'll never forgive you if you don't," Sheridan said against her mouth. Leaning back, she wiped Ruby's face. "We'll wait for you."

Ruby nodded, tucking Sheridan's hair behind her tears. "Now, go," she managed to choke out, pulling away. To Dior, she added, "Thank you."

"Ruby—" he started, looking at her with worry.

"Go. I'll buy you some time," she interjected. "And fret not." Sniffling, she pulled out a seductive smile. "I'm Ruby. I can do anything. I've fooled Belcourt before. I can do it again."

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