Chapter 1

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"When a girl and a boy normally meet they either become good friends, future lovers or archenemies but in this scenario a woman who's lost everything was about to die soon but a savior came for her and when she opened her eyes and the boys eyes locked with hers a future couple didn't just born but a future fighting duo couple was also born"

"Silent gasp!"

Betrayed that what happened here, a powerful woman was just betrayed by the man that gave her purpose, the man who she vowed to protect and the man who gave her the power to protect her friends

And that man has just slashed her in an area that made her lose a lot of blood right away and more blood seem to slowly fall from her gut

But who are this two you may be wondering well the man who has just slashed his own subordinate is called

Sosuke Aizen

A soul Reaper, former captain, arrancar leader and the man that wields a very powerful item that granted the woman's powers

But speaking of the woman she is now the former subordinate of Sosuke Aizen

Tier Harribel

She is the third strongest espada, espada tres, leader of the three beast and now a woman that is slowly dying

Harribel: *weakly and in shock* Lo-ord Aiz-Aizen?

Harribel's face could only show shock as she stares at Aizen who stares back at her with an emotionless face that presents a small smile

Aizen:Harribel. . . . . . .you are of no use to me anymore

Harribel: *slowly began to fall*Wh-What?

Aizen:You are weak now fall *sheath his sword*

The three individuals that were there watch in shock at what their enemy as done to one of his own subordinates as they watch Harribel fall towards the ground

Harribel body move the other way around turning her back against Aizen as she falls face forward towards ground creating a small crater around herself

And as she lay there on the ground slowly succumbing to death she thought of her final moments

Harribel: *mind* Is this truly the end? will I truly die here after being betrayed? after everything I've done for him and even after gaining such power as my time truly come

Harribel's vision started to become blurry as she look on upwards to see all the fights that were happening around her

Harribel: *mind* Mila, Apacci and Sung-Sun forgive me as I'v-I've failed you

Harribel slowly closed her eyes succumb to the void of darkness that took her in as she accepted her death but then


???:HeyHeyHey don't you dare die on me now

Harribel: *mind* Huh

Harribel seemingly still alive was able to hear the voice of someone that was near her

???:You lost a lot blood but don't worry I'm not letting you die here

Harribel: *mind* What?

Harribel body was moved the other way around faced upwards as with a little bit of strenght she opened her eyes to see someone crouched beside her

???:Hold on there little *starts to wrap something around the cut Aizen gave her* this will stop the bleeding for now but I'll fully heal you back at my home

Harribel: *mind* Who. . . .Who is. . .that

Harribel's vision slowly began to get a little clear as she then sees a male being with dark brown hair but that's all she could see now

Said male finished wrapping up Harribel's injury as then he picks up Harribel like a bride and soon start to quickly make his way out of the area

Harribel: *mind* Why. . . . .is he . . . . .helping me?

Harribel could barely see but she did knew that she was being carried away from the area the battles are happening as she could only wonder why this male is helping her

???:Just hold on okay I'm taking you to safe place so for now just rest okay just rest

Harribel: *weakly* R es st

???:Yeah! just rest lady just rest

And with the words being said Harribel followed them as she soon closed her eyes and rested on the male's arm who said male is now making sure they weren't spotted by either Aizen or the soul reapers

Seeing that no one was after them he took his chances and quickly made his way away from the battle against one of the smartest and most powerful being that has ever existed

Harribel on the other hand just tested finding herself in a very calm and peaceful state in the man's arms

Harribel: *mind* This feeling. . . .it's warm and peaceful as if it feels like I'll be safe around this man forever. . . . . . .just who are you?

Harribel ask this in her unconscious mind that was surrounded by the void of darkness with no one in sight, no objects or places nearby just her

Flouting there with her eyes closed but soon enough she then felt something pierce her chest making her panicky open her eye

Once she opened them she saw Aizen there with the same expression as last time with his sword Kyoka Suigetsu piercing her chest

Aizen:You are weak and pathetic Harribel a complete disappointment

After he said that Harribel upper body stood up as she gasp loudly and began to breath heavily after seeing that nightmare

Yes nightmare because right now we see her sitting on a bed in a nice looking room

And after some time of slowly taking in a few breaths Harribel had started to take notice of her new surroundings

Harribel:Where. . .am I?

Harribel looks around the room seeing how it looks

It was small but comfy as it had the things that were needed in a room

Harribel:Who's room is this?

Harribel asked this question but soon came a new question where are her arrancar features and her weapon

Harribel eyes quickly widen as she quickly look around herself seeing no sign of released form features or her sword but then she spotted at the left side of the room a mirror

Deciding to see what she is right now she starts to get out of the bed but once she started to stand up her legs acted clumsy making her fall on one knee while holding onto the bed but that doesn't stop her as she slowly began to fight through the pain and got on her two feet, then she began to slowly make her way towards the mirror

Once she reached it she got a full view at herself and well she looked very much like a regular human female noticing that the only arrancar feature that's on her is the skeleton that surrounds her neck

Harribel: *places her hand on her neck* Have I become human? but how?

Looking at herself through the mirror Harribel twirled and stretched her body around feeling the human like features while in the end she had grab her breast and made them wiggle a bit

Harribel:Just what is going on?

Harribel then notices a stack of clothes on a drawer that was beside the mirror and on the stack was a note

Harribel: *grabs the note* If you are reading this—

"It means that you've finally woken up that's good 👍🏻 that way you could put on this clothes that left behind for you because if you haven't noticed, you're practically naked right now"

Harribel's eyes widen and a small pink blush appears on cheeks as she looks herself in the mirror again now realizing that she was naked

Harribel: *blush* How did I not notice this *going back to the note*

"So put this on and meet me downs stairs I'm preparing breakfast for us since even though your a spirit you still need to eat because of you're gigai"

Harribel: *eyes widen* A gigai * mind* could that be the reason why I am not in my released state?

After she finished reading the note she folds it together and puts it in one the empty cubicles of the drawer and after that she started to put on the clothes that were left behind by male who saved her

Finishing up by putting on the grey tank top Harribel takes another look at herself in the mirror to see how she looks in human clothes

Harribel:Hmmm not bad

And so after clearing things up in the guest room Harribel had started to now make her way down the stairs of the house and into the first floor

When she started to go down the last few steps she had heard music coming from the kitchen

Harribel: *mind* Who could be playing that?

Finally going down the last step Harribel made her way towards the kitchen as when she looks inside she sees the how the place is

After looking at it for a bit she all notices someone standing in front of the hot stuff listening the music

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

???:Hmmmmm🎶 hmmmmm🎶Hmmm!🎶

A male individual hummed to the music as he is seen cooking up some pancakes and was flipping one of them over


The man had messy dark brown hair, white skin and was wearing a white tank too shirt and grey like sweatpants


He toss one the pancakes he was cooking over his head to the left and into a stack of pancakes that were already placed on a plate

While he tossed that one he flipped another pancake he was making and ones it landed he crushed it a bit so it could take form quicker so after a few seconds he take the item away from the pancake and let's it finish



The male soon stops humming and quickly turns around to see Harribel standing there with her arms crossed

The male revealed his brown eyes and face to Harribel who for sone reason grows a small blush when seeing him completely now

???:Oh you're awake now that's good *smiles*

Harribel: *blush grows a bit* Yes. . . .thank you for saving me

???:Your welcome, by the way the names Daniel Jacobs *tosses the last pancake to the other stack of pancakes that he made* and is nice to meet you espada tres of the arrancar army

Harribel: *narrows her eyes* How do you know that

Daniel:Oh I know a lot of things *starts to turn off the stuff* but I only that your the third strongest because of the three in your right breast

Harribel: *blushes again* You saw me na—

Daniel:Oh don't worry I may have seen you naked but I had no naughty or sexual desire to do anything to you as your health was more important that anything else at the moment

Harribel: *mind* Hmm what kind and odd male this Daniel Jacobs is

Daniel: *puts the stuff plate in the dish washer* now *grabs the syrup glass cup* how about you sit down and get ready to eat * starts to pour the syrup*

Harribel stared for a little bit before deciding to sit down in front of the pancakes he just pour syrup to as he soon began to pour down at the other one

Harribel:Hmm what is this food you humans eat

Daniel: They are called *starts to walk towards the other chair* pancakes

Harribel:Pan. . .cakes

Daniel:Yep *sits down* now come on dig in

Harribel turns to Daniel and sees him grab a fork and a knife which he uses to cut a piece off the stack of pancakes that he made and then takes a byte off that piece

Harribel: *turns to her stack* Ummm

Daniel: *swallows and then turn to Harribel* It's not poison if that's what going through your mind

Harribel:It's not that *grabs the fork and the knife* just thinking on how to do it

Daniel:Just do what I did *cuts off another piece* it's easy piecy *eats the piece*

Harribel thinks for a bit before deciding to do as Daniel and she does it like him as once she took off the piece she takes a bite that makes her eyes sparks

Daniel: *sees her reaction* Wow first bite and you already like it

Harribel:Yes this pancake really is good

Daniel: *nods* I'm glad to hear that you my cooking skill good so enjoy it *continues with his stack of pancakes*

Harribel didn't need his confirmation to continue as soon after he said that he started to devour the pancakes

And after a nice breakfast we transition to see Daniel now washing the dishes as Harribel starred at him do it

Daniel:What's on your mind?

Harribel:Are you a soul reaper like Kisuke Urahara and Yoruichi Shihouin?

Daniel: *stops* A soul reaper like those two?. . . . I guess is something like that

Harribel:What do you mean?

Daniel: *finished watching the last dish* Let's take this to the couch I'll explain everything there


With that they both headed to the living room so that Harribel can now get the answers that she needs from him

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