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Wow..baby boy is so cute.!!!(. Baby boy ,of this story)...😁😁

Sorry for late update!!I missed you guys!.

" Punishment..!!" Yang asked in , confusion...he really lack, gossips news.

" Yes punishment..aunty(mrs.wang) punished him to stay away from little xian for all three days..and we are helping her in doing that" xue replied,with a satisfactory smile...self patting his back.

" Aaa..when did it happened..why no one told me!!"yang complained..on which all gave a big laugh leaving baby boy,who was still confused on how to punish his hubby.

Yang sat a bit far away from them,as he was busy doing arranging his notes...giving spare time time to crazy dudes,to manipulate xian,with there cheap talks.

" Yehh..I got the plan..."Cheng said, jumping in excitement.... blinking at his others friends..to join his plan..

Xian leaned forward, fully focused..."

"So..pay attention,xian all you need to do is....." Cheng was about to continue,when his phone buzzed out, interrupting them in middle.


* Sigh* ...." Pick up the phone,idiot...!!" Xue hissed irritatedly...

Cheng received the call..ten minutes later he joined them back.

" Whose call!!" Hakarian asked.

" Shushi.." replied Cheng taking back his position..." Oh... Juliet (xian), meet shushi after break..she need your measurement for drama costume.." he added.

The first thing,xian did early morning today coming to college,was to give his name back for drama.....leader was too happy,since his headtic was now little less..also making Cheng relief,..that shushi would not be drinking vinegar seeing him with other...else who know ...which person would be replacing xian..

" Okk..I will..but were you saying earlier.." xian said nodding, meanwhile asking Cheng to continue.

" Ohh.. wait I forgot..what was I about to say....." Cheng thought deaply..but no outcome.." hey wait,xue can help us.."

Xue looked in disbelief.. raising his eyebrows.." me ...how will I help.."

" Simple,just tell how yang punishes you when angry.." Hakarian stated..

" He...he makes me eat his burn food..wash the house..and also sleep outside..." Xue revealed his horrific story.. seeking some pitiful emotional help from his friends..but what he got was..

" Worthless"

" Disappointed.."

" Hey you two don't moke me... isn't it torture..to eat his cooked food.." xue complained.

" Yehh..yeh it is,but in xian case it will not work...xian cook well... cleaning house..no chance..Wang mansion shine like gold.. sleeping out..right now xian is at zhan house.." Hakarian one by one rejected all the suggestion,with full of doubts.

All hang there head ,down .. thinking , meanwhile xian just look at the door..somehow to steal a glance of his longing husband.

" Wait I got it..." Cheng uttered,every eye sparkled.. Cheng turned towards xue..

" Xue...have yang done something, naughty...devily.. sedustically... tortured..left you hanging...to punish you.." Cheng asked.

Xue got confused.." I don't get it..what do you mean .."he stated.

" He is asking,if yang is still Virgin.." Hakarian,said straight forward and xian face turned red.

" Virgin,..how will I know , wheather he is Virgin or not..!!" Xue replied,making later to shock..In disbelief.wow..what a great couples.

"Idiot..fool.if not you who will know...he is your lover..your partner..you both live together,and you don't know this little thing about him..shame on you! Shame on you being his lover!" Cheng teased..a serious tease.

Xue lost on deep thoughts..right ,he should know everything about his lover.how can he miss such a important information...he got up immediately,other three looked him in confusion..." Wait,I am going to ask him.??" saying so ,xue left his place, walking towards where yang was still arranging his assignments.

Hakarian and Cheng wanted to stop him,but it was too late..no returning back...they gave up, covering there ears...from the loud yell coming in future.

Now xue was just standing infront of yang,on the other side of the table...

" Yang, I want to ask you something??" Xue said.

" Don't disturb me..I am very busy now!!" Yang replied, without looking up.. focused on his sheets.

" Are you Virgin??"

" What!!" Yang wishpered, looking up...he thought maybe he misheard him...

" Are you Virgin??" Xue asked again.not knowing that other was stucked by lightning.. fire flowing in his vein....ready to burn him live.

* Smack*

Xue head was smached on the table,with yang pressing it tightly...

" How dare you doubt me...you dare to ask such vulgar question to me.??what were you thinking, asking me this..you bast**d.." yang yelled, kicking his ass .. landing kicks on his back.

" No..I ..eew..onwt..so .ddrry..(I won't ask.. sorry)" xue voice muffled between the table and tight grip of yang.

" Sorry my foot...you are seuspecting me... asking I am vir....you don't come to my house..ever again.... asking, foolish questions...yes i am Virgin..got it.." yang yelled, kicking his soul out of his body.

* Puff* *hahahahaha..." Laugh from side caught there attention.... turning towards the laughing stock,yang shouted again.

" Shut up..what there to laugh....??"

" haah..ha.. nothing nothing...just curious... aren't you both living together..how come you are still raw.." Cheng wishpered, igniting the fire more.

Leaving the , aching xue..on floor yang stromed to his other friends.. giving them a hard hit on there head..." You group of  idiots what were you thinking about..my house has three room..and I don't share my room with him* pointing at xue* "

" Ohh.. sorry sorry..our mistake..." Hakarian and Cheng apolized together suppressing there laughter.,which was not at all serious.

Xue stood back on his foot..coming closer to yang he,back hugged him..apolizing..while throwing dragers on his friends.. but looks like it had no effect on other!

" I don't understand,why are you all talking all this foolish talk right now.... especially with Xian??" yang questioned..

" They want me to punish yibo,so he can't leave me again..and they are..."

" Wait wait...don't tell me they are helping you in this" yang said, cutting xian mid way....xian nodded in yes..

Yang sighed.." they really are..xian don't believe them.your yibo is not going to le...." before he could complete,door opened in bang,with loud creapy sound and fumming jiang entered the place.

From his look,he was pissed off....like you got food after full day of starving,and you found that it lacks salt.

Jiang silently walked to them,and sat at one of the spare chair...all eyes following his every gesture.

" Hey,any one of you have helmet...then please wear it!!" Jiang said, surprising every one.

" Helmet!!why??"
" Because I want to break someone head right now.." jiang shouted, slamming the table hard....them burying his face between his palms.

" Wo..wo....why ,what happened??" Xue asked.. composing from sudden shock.

Jiang didn't respond..then taking a deep breath, calming himself he finally, decided to raise the curtain...of mystery." I have been elected as head boy ,of the college..for disciplinary.."

* Clap..clap..* all clapped in prasing him..." Let celebrate,this..." before Cheng could complete,jiang cutted his sentence.. yelling.

" What party..part..y...I was so happy,at that now I can spend...no no..work more with zihuan ge..but now I can't.. because.......

New principal is joining from today..!!" Jiang cried loudly....

" What..new principal..who,what is his name..??" Xian asked in excitement, although he felt guilty for his brother...but he can't stop his curiosity.

" His name...some things..like..solo..som..sokejung yehh..it's Mr.sokejung"

" Who..sokejung...it can't be...." Hakarian explained with widened eyes...." You know him??" asked xian.

" No,I don't ...I thought such expression was suitable right now.." Hakarian replied,..making later to glare at him,while jiang was at urge of killing him...." But ,name sounds somewhat familiar.."Hakarian added.

" Of course would be...he is childhood friend of zihuan ge...to told me himself..,and he was so happy knowing his friend was coming as new principal....aaaà..I want to cry.." jiang ,told them..it was really torture to him.. seeing zihuan so happy.while informing about the third wheeler.

" Please help me" he stated.

Jiang looked every one with  pleading eyes....for help...and his sight stopped at Hakarian,who showed somewhat satisfactory look.

" What ,you can help??" Jiang asked him..

" No I can't ,..but one standing out can definitely help .." Hakarian replied, pointing at the door...and they knew whom he was describing at the moment.

Minutes later door was opened wide,with xue and Hakarian,leaning at the door side ...yibo who was standing out all this time,glanced at them,and rolled back his eyes next second knowing his good friends will definitely not allow him to enter..

" You don't want to come in...I thought,you were crying to enter.!!" Hakarian voice called for his attention.

Yibo blinked several time, composing the new change in his friends attitude.." I can enter..for real"

" Yes"

Yibo,wanted to jump..dance in joy.he had not seen xian since morning,all thanks to them... trapping his baby boy behind the door.

" Are you coming,or we close the door!!" Xue said,in sharp tone..

" No no..I am.com..i." saying so he ran in the direction..once inside ,his eyes searched for his beauty... spotting xian..he was about to go to him,when pair of hands stopped him from moving, blocking his way.

Hakarian and xue , grabbed his dragging him to the farthest spot from baby boy...making him sit ,distance from him..while taking both spot beside him...yibo pouted,but was still happy, atleast he was able to see his xian...his friends are good....

" Now,we need your help!!" jiang said,.

* No..,his friends can never be good!! selfish..." Oo..that why ,I was invited inside"

" You know ,Mr.sokejung friend of zihuan ge" xue asked.....

"Yes..why asking about him??" Yibo answered sarcastically.

" Oh good then..for your information,he is our new principal from today..so tell us about him.."jiang informed him.

Yibo:" soke ge,is principal..he is..so.....wait ,why should I help you,what will I get in return!!"

Jiang sighed, gritting his teath.." ask what you want!!"

" Let me sit there.." yibo,said pointing the place,beside xian..where yang was sitted...

" No way?!" Yang stromed back.." then forget about the information from me.." replied yibo.

Finally,after ten minutes of fighting..yibo successfully got his place..yibo pulled xian closer, circling his hand on his waist.. kissing his cheeks.

" So about soke ge..only one word,he is fragile man.." yibo told them..and made ,then blink several time in confusion...it definitely need more clarification.

" I mean ,he is total book worm...sharp mind..good memory,but lacks confident in other matters.wears round glasses,good height....get frightened easily,..like with dogs,insects... especially darkness.slow guy,so zihuan ge was the only friend of him..they are childhood buddies..he don't so anything, without asking zihuan ge.
But ...but in last year of college something happened,and he left without any trace.... zihuan ge once said that he would not return back,it's rare to know he is coming back.!"yibo completed his description...the listeners of his brief introduction,straightned back..straightly.

Place went in silence... everyone just glared jiang for further commands...." Hey!man..don't sulk like heartbroken lover..tell us what to do next.." xue said.. glare from the other party.

" Let's break his leg..or maybe hand,so he can't join the post today.." jiang replied, shocking others to hell..

" Wo..wo..are planning to stop him or.. trying to put us behind the bars," Hakarian , wishpered yell...." I have better plan!!" Yang added in it.

" Let's scare him to hell...till he ran away,"yang suggested.everyone agreed with it... scaring plan was discussed...with yang being the mastermind.work was distributed among them..and yibo kept himself out of it,since his part of work was already done..in form of giving information....

*Beez beez* Jiang phone buzzed, indicating the message from zihuan, calling him to welcome there new principal.

" Okk..you have one hour,go prepare your work..let's welcome him,in the way ..he never forget!!" Jiang announced,witha thumbs up..

" No,wait..I didn't got my job..what will I do!!" Xian, finally asked..with sparkling eyes.his sight meeting with each eyes one by one,who hurriedly rolled there eyes different direction, ignoring as if they didn't heard.

Xian ,was sad..his friends didn't want him to help!! And it was right they really don't have faith that xian can do ,such work.... without being exposed.

" Yibo,look they are not giving me any work...I will tell zihuan ge everything.." xian complained with teary eyes... hearing his word and his expression brought a shiver in everyone's spine.

" No..no, please don't tell zihuan ge ...we will give you some work..but promise not to tell zihuan ge!!"xue  said at once..xian smiled,in excitement..like a baby getting his candies..." Ok..what my job!!"

" You..you...work as audience,your job is to applause for us!!" Hakarian told him,in serious time.. fully trying to convince him.

" What audience...is that any job..yibo being audience is any job" xian asked yibo...yibo gulped his saliva,he really don't want trick xian,but seeing his friends begging face..he have up..." Yes it,is...very very big job.... believe me it is!!"

Xian smiled satisfied" okk,if yibo says..them I am audience!!"

Soon one by one , everyone started,leaving the place..moving on there mission s..xian was behind,yang,when strong hand pulled him back,Inside...he was pinned on the door,before he could leave..it happened so smoothly..no one noticed..

" Kitti don't you think,you are ignoring your hubby too much today" yibo said, sniffing his neck.

" No,I am not..."

" Ohh...then why ,not stopped them from seperating us!!"

"...."xian, didn't replied instead pouted childishlly what will he say..that they were planning to double punish him...

" Okk..okk..don't,make such cute face,else I will eat you now..right here!!" Yibo,shaked his head.. ignoring all dirty thought coming in his mind...he felt helpless against such adorable face..." But atleast I can get some kisses ,as compensation.. right!"

Yibo asked,baby boy cheeks turned red..but he nodded in yes.and yibo made him kiss his full face from nose to cheeks to forehead... pointing each any every inch.. lastly stopping at lips.." now here"

" Wait first close your eyes,then only.." xian,said..and yibo automatically shut his eyes tight, wating for soft pulp lips.but minutes passed nothing happened... opening them,he found baby boy standing few distance away from him.

Before yibo could reprocrate..baby boy ran out, showing his toungh..teasing him" I won't !!" .

One hour later,

Zihuan and jiang ,along with few other students are standing at the entrance, waiting for ...

Black car zoom inside with fast speed,and stopped infront of them..like a grand hero entry.seconds later car door opened,with a leg popping out..jiang was not interested in seeing his new called principal,he rolled his eyes from other direction.

But, tapping of footsteps,caught his attention..and unconsciously his eyes turned back,to the car..in order to just take a glance of person,whom yibo called as fragile.

And he was stunned,with his wide opened eyes he kept on staring the approaching figure,he was so focused that he didn't realized.. zihuan had already greeted him..and it was his turn to hand over the bouquet.

Zihuan, signaled him..but was ignored... somehow he felt irritated by jiang behavior, especially him staring at the person..was he so handsome,that he can't move....then that case .. zihuan was called heart throbbing boy of his college,in olden days..but why jiang never give such response to him...

Bitting his lips,with cornered eyes,.. zihuan held..snatch the bouquet from his hand.. giving it to sokejung.. breaking the continuous staring process...

" hmmm..soke meet jiang..head boy of this college...and he is mr.sokejung.. new principal." Zihuan made a short introduction.

Sokejung looked the young boy beside zihuan.. extending his hand for shaking.." so,you are Jiang...heard lot about you.zihuan talks lot about you."he praised ... jiang blushed..taking the hands in his...

" Welcome sir...thanks for complementing..but I am not that good" jiang replied.

" No..no,you are good.. working with zihuan is not a joke..you have capabilities...I was eager to meet you,..and surely am not disappointed...by the way,you are handsome too.." sokejung praised,that sounded weired,but good enough to make him blush shyly.

" You are handsome too..I never saw someone,too good like you" Jiang said.... prasing in return,but to his knowledge someone was fumming in deep jealousy..with sockets popping out...." hmmm" zihuan cleared his throat, breaking the prasing session..glaring at the connected,hands.......

As they talk,some more students..making there way towards the office..and this time zihuan successfully took the place between them.. seperating the two.

Sokejung was not a fragile man.all yibo said was quite opposite of what was infront.Tall decent , muscular body..fair skin...grey eyes,because of lens..giving pure perfection with the black coat worn by him.from lookhe appeared to be a drama actor..or CEO of big company.for a moment, jiang was drowling by his looks.. forgetting,he had crush on zihuan..who is zihuan!!his brain thought.

Jiang phone, ranged..and he quietly excused himself...to receive it..not disturbing the two..in there discussion.

On call:

Jiang : hello..

Hakarian: Did he arrived.

Jiang: yes,,yes..and think what he is so , handsome..like a god deity.

Xue: jiang, wasn't he bookworm and fragile man..

Jiang: no..never....he is just best.i am his voice is just magical..

Hakarian: jiang don't tell me you,got a crush over him....we are almost ready with our plan.

Jiang: no..I like only zihuan ge..and what about plan.??

Xue: plan to scare him...

Jiang: don't you dare,do anything with our new principal..else being a new head boy,I will be the first to report you both... spoiled brat!!.

Xue: what..say....

* Beep * beep..

" Has he gon mad, wasn't he one who wanted to make him run away." Hakarian murmured...not believing the sudden change.

" Haa..our work,was in vain" said,xue balancing himself on the wall..." Now what,he is going to complain about us.."

" What ,he going to expose us" both in Union shock...as they ran,to stop all his friends,not to carry over the plan anymore.

On the other hand, zihuan and sokejung along with jiang were romaing all around .. showing the college to new guest.

Hakarian,along with others were about to remove all the setup they did to scare him..when they spotted zihuan ge , coming towards there direction.

" Xian..yibo,go and stop them from coming,as long as possible.." Hakarian, wishpered to them both..and as told...xian and yibo,walked toward s them blocking zihuan and others Midway.

" Good evening zihuan ge.!!" both greeted them...yibo was shocked,seeing change..but a big change in sokejung looks.he himself got confused,is it same some he he was talking about.

" Oh..xian ,you are here ..and yibo too..any thing important!!" Zihuan asked him...

Xian: " no nothingjust came to see you"

Sokejung..who at once, identified yibo because of his straight face..how can he forget such ,no expression statue in his life.

" Ooo..yibo, you have grown up.i remember you being spoiled kid ,but now you are my hand ..and I won't be easy!!..ready for..str....wait who is this beautiful boy!!" Sokejung changed the topic at once ...... seeing baby boy standing there..

"I am Wang xian zhan!.... please take care of me in future" xian bowed in honor of respect..with a big charming smile.

Somehow his name stucked in sokejung mind,and it didn't took him seconds recognizing his identity.... moving forward he pinched xian both cheeks friendly.

" Oh,you are xian..wi...f.... partner of yibo and brother of jiang. Oo you are so cute.." sokejung, pinched his fluffy cheeks...red while blushing and yibo face showed dark expression... glaring him.
Don't touch my xian!!!!!!

Xian and yibo tried,lot to stop them..but they were out of topic...as they were about to move...

" Zihuan ge..I want talk something.." xian blocked there way...but when asked to speak,no words came out..

Lastly, zihuan asked yibo and jiang to escort sokejung around the college..while he talk with xian..and unwilling yibo was dragged by new principal, against all his tatrumns he made.

" Yes,xian say what you want to speak.."

" I..i ..i.."xian voice trumbled.

" Are you hiding something " zihuan asked.

Xian at once looked up,scared .." no I don't"

Zihuan very well , something was suspicious...." Xian,you know you can't hide tell me.."

" No,I can't" he murmuredgood enough for other to here.

" Why can't you..??"

" Ha..mm I promised,"

" What promised"

Xian, sighed...." I promised,not to tell zihuan ge anything.."

" But right now I am your principal,you can tell your principal"zihuan replied,.. tricking xian.

Xian, sparkled.." ohh..right you are principal..not my zihuan ge.. right now so I can tell.." he uttered, zihuan mindly apolized,for taking use of xian.

" Hakarian,xue and Cheng..went to welcome new principal so asked me to stop you." hearing xian words, zihuan felt a pain in his head and heart.

" Who.. Hakarian..xue and Cheng..welcome. .. sokejung.." he said each word slowly and briefly...and Like a magnetic doll,xian nodded in yes randomly.

Xue and Cheng ,was on there mission to hide the small dog....which they just picked from road with the help of  security gaurd...only to scare sokejung,but who knew there own trick will back fire on them...

And right now,they are running in full speed for there life,with dog following them behind.......for escaping from the wild mad dog,both hanged themselves on the iron bars..ment to practice gymnastics,and right now used as life saviour rod.

" Help..some one help...help us" both shouting for rescue,..but this moment being study hour....on one present at the place..... little dog,kept on barking thinking them us bad guys...making them scream lodly.......

There soul was  about to leave there body....when they saw few students approching near..." Hey!! student s..help us.. please help..help!!"both screamed there lungs out, closing there eyes..tightly.

" Look,this dog is so small.." new unfamiliar voice made them,to open there eyes back...only to find dog in someone's embrace..with yibo and jiang standing beside them.

Getting back on there foot,both took a deep breath of relief..." I replaced the tires.." huffing voice,this time not familiar caught there attention..they knew it belongs to Hakarian...and with replacing tires he meant car tires,of sokejung car..that they just damaged hour ago.

Turning back to Hakarian,they found him holding rinches and hammer along with fixing instruments in his hand,that he was trying hard to hide from the only senior present there.

" Mechanical branch!!" asked sokejung.

" No, bussiness Dept.." replied Hakarian at once.

" Then what with all tho...." before sokejung could further investigate, zihuan and Xian reached at the place.. preventing any more discussion.one by one,all the students were introduce to there new principal...and sokejung found it strange,on his first day all the students he met  were friends with yibo.... something suspicious...and top of it, zihuan reminder was good to add fuel in it." Whenever,you find all this group of spoiled brat together,make sure bad days are coming with big trouble following behind."

" Okk let's go back!!I will ask gaurd to take this dog away.." said zihuan,but was stopped by sokejung..

" No..no need ,I decided to keep it as pet..it will be a great company to my little pet tomy...." Said sokejung,..and he was escorted back to office by jiang.

All the head turned to yibo, throwing imaginary draggers on him...yibo,ignored sharp glare, looking in sky....at this right moment,they vowed never to believe yibo ,in there life....lier!!

" Hey!!don't just stand..follow me.." zihuan called them.. hitting there head ..

" Hiss..to where!!" asked in Union.

" Off course for punishment....xian told me that you three were going to welcome sokejung...and I don't think,any explanation needed after seeing that dog .." zihuan replied, pointing at Hakarian,xue and Cheng...with a sharp tone.

" Why only we three getting punished,not yibo and neither yang" complained Cheng,almost crying..

" Because,xian didn't reported there names..not stop talking,and follow before i get more angry!" Yelled zihuan,walking farther.

Three had not even recovered from one shock,when yibo added fire in it..." aa..,my xian is so smart.." yibo said, pissing them.

Surely,no one gets punish when thinking wrong..but sure hanged dead in committing it!!.

" Bye bye..." Yibo waved,his hand.. leaving his sulking friends..in anger... walking confidently.

Don't you think we will let you escape so easily.wait for our revenge....the one you will never forget,!!...three thought,with heads hanging down to receive the scolding.

Zihuan made them,write a letter of apolize once.. twice..almost thirty times.without a single mistake,in neat and clean writing....with appointing the most strict teacher of college,to examine them.

And there hands are paining like hell, reaching the ends...after that what they next was, planning a revenge for yibo.

Planning revenge:

"Hey!!don't right so straight forward..what if someone else read it, except xian!!" Hakarian, explained tearing the page in half.

" What the hell!! It's was third time you torn it...." Xue yelled.." and,you think xian will understand,if we right in complicated language!" Cheng added.

" but we can't take risk,we better explain him on phone call..so don't right straight" Hakarian replied..and they ended up, writing a full description of how to torture yibo,with the hands of his baby boy...

Later that day,they handed the paper to xian,with a big teasing smile on there faces...

Touch Day ended with lots of planning!.

It was almost midnight,after having his dinner..yibo was rolling alone on his king size bed...he was craving for his baby boy,how obssed he had gone,can't even think of sleeping without him...and so left room, exiting from the secret door.. preventing avoiding being caught .. seeking out like a ghost.

For this he even, didn't ride his bike...taking a cab he ended at zhan house..but not at front gate..but at back of there house......

here comes one more problem,he thought maybe he can get a glimpse of his baby boy.....but in this cold night,who kept the window open...and he was standing infront of two windows with lightend room, surely one of them is of xian and another of Cheng,since yibo remembered both brother having room beside eachother..but which belong s to whom.

Yibo , tried to relay on his luck..maybe accident xian opens his window like always......but this cold shivering winds were not ready to help yibo,in his luck.....so finally waiting for half hour ,he decided to make his move.

Picking a medium size pebbles which was not at all small,he was about to smack the glass window,when his phone rang disturbing the silence, scaring yibo...as rock left his hand, crashing his feet.

" aa..h..aaa who's this idiot calling,late night" yibo hissed in pain jumping...which disappeared seeing the caller ID.

Picking the call..

Yibo: hello ,kitti..can't sleep.

Xian: no...what about you..what are you doing"

Yibo: missing you!!

Xian: I also miss you...I want to see you.."

Yibo: your wish .. my order..open the windows..

Xian: window for what!!

Yibo : just so it..

As asked xian, opened the window..and first thing that caught his sight was blowing full moon.

Xian: wow! moon is so beautiful today!.

Yibo: don't look up..look down ..here..

Xian: aaa..yibo?! What are you doing here.

Yibo: didn't you wanted to see me,I am fullfilling your wish.

Xian: thank you,my hubby...love you!! But it's cold,go back...

Yibo: no,wait..I am not going.you throw something down..I am coming up...

And it took, twenty minutes for xian to decide what to throw down...and he ended with throwing series of blanket, tugged together with there ends connected..

Taking the help of the blankets,yibo made his way up ward ..with lots of difficulty....he was just few from the window,when the knot loosened..

" aaa..yibodo fast...it's loosing" xian, screamed in fear.. tightly helding the corner of the rope..of blanket.

" Yehh..just little more"

" No..I can't ,hold anymore..you are too heavy!!" Cried xian,as his grip loosened and it's slowly slipped from his fist..

" Nooooo'.." luckly before yibo could land on rough ground breaking his bones..pair of hand held the rope tightly making yibo to hang in air.xian view moved from those hand to the face of those hands..and was stunned finding it was jiang.

" don't just stand,help me!!"jiang wishpered yelled, bringing xian out of his panic State...both used all there strength pulling him up.


Yibo jumped inside, falling on floor..with xian beneath him.

" I love you.." yibo said.. peeking the soft lips multiple times..

" Hey,you both..stop being lovey dovey..show some sympathy,for single one's..I am still there.." jiang complained, getting up..aaa my back,it hurts.

" We don't care!!don't see of you can't." Yibo, replied helping baby boy to stand up.

This response,from yibo... triggered jiang ..." Ok,fine then let me call Mom and Dad!!"

" No,you can't..." Xian,at once ordered him..how can his baby face,and sweet tone scare someone.

" As if I will listen!!"replied jiang sarcastically.. teasing him.

Xian blocked the door, stopping jiang to leave..

" I am elder then you,why don't you ever respect me!!" Xian asked, seriously..." Oh , respecting you..not even in dreams mr.xian.!!"

" Mr.junior jiang...you should call me xian ge.. XIAN GE.. don't you.." xian, ordered..." Oh,baby boy is angry..baby boy is sad!!" Jiang backfired.

Seeing them both, fighting..that seemed like infinity, without any end..yibo took the initiative to stop them...." Stop arguing,..jiang only this time ..let it go!!I promise,to help you courting my zihuan ge..!!" he tried buttering him.

" Oh..scare me, instead of taking your help..I prefer being single whole my life....but okk,I will allow this time,..so better remember it as a Dept ..from me" jiang said .. agreeing not to inform his parents,and preventing yibo to be thrown out late night.....xian , hugged him,in happiness..." Thank you thank you thank.."

" And,don't make any noise...else I will personally break both your legs!!" saying so,jiang left the lovebirds along in room, shutting the door behind

Once alone,yibo hugged his baby boy tightly.. squeezing him closely...no more seperation..no more boundation.they remained,at the same spot, devoring eachother warmth.   Parting from hug,they felt cold blows of wind,only to find window still open.

Yibo moved,to shut back the window..and ended up, glancing at the moon,that xian called beautiful.

You are not beautiful..not beautiful then,me !!yibo smirked...... closing it.

He had just turned back...was thinking next move..when he was pushed on the bed,with xian hovering over him...and without giving him a second,to come out of his shock... yibo's hands were,tied on the bed ends...with a piece of cloth.

" Aaa..xian,what are you doing.." yibo,asked in shock....

" hehe..I..i am punishing,you so that you can't leave me ever again.."  xian replied... saying so,he left the bed with struggling yibo, trying to get free... minutes later he returned back holding a familiar white paper in his hand,with few words written on it.

Standing infront of bed,xian read the paper and hovored back on yibo, sitting above him..... bending down,he peaked yibo's lips.. shockinghis hubby,and before yibo could respond back,he lost the pulp lips ...kiss lasted only for nanoseconds.yibo wanted to complain..but didn't uttered a words, somehow he was felling with what his baby boy was doing....and he soon got it..that his sweet dreams was going to be a nightmare,when xian repeated same thing again and again... torturing his pouting hubby.

Reading further,xian started unbuttoning yibo's shirt..one by one slowly...... Everytime xian hand, touched the smooth skin of his chest..yibo moan in wishper...all this act of baby boy was, rasing him to tower..to make him fall back,..all yibo wanted to capture xian,only to eat him full night...but Damm !! his tied hand.. stopping him to do so.

" Aa..aa xian,are punishing me..or seducing me!!" Yibo wishpered, biting his lips.. blocking loud moans..

" Haa..when did I seduce..I am punishing you,..see they wrote same what I did.." xian innocently replied, pouting adorably....yibo socket popped out,..." Who.. who..wrote ..what!!"

Xian smiled Shipley.." Hakarian..xue and Cheng helped me ...see they also wrote all what I need to do..they are so helpful.." hearing the name,yibo cursed them mindly...it was crystal,with there help ..it can never be good for yibo.

And as he thought,..it happened....

" aaa..aa" yibo, screamed in pain..when hard slap landed on his bare chest, rasing his all hair up.

" Shhh...don't make noise,else jiang will break your legs"xian, wishpered...this is torture..big torture,first being seduced..then beaten..and now can't scream too.cry cry cry man!!.

" Now,saw will you leave me" xian said * slapping again with scale..." no..no never!!"......

" Good!!....now give me your pen.." xian asked....

" Pen,..I don't have any pen!!"

" Don't lie..look ,here it is written...**grab yibo's private leaking pen your hand* .." xian showed the paper reading the description...yibo eyes widened, reading what was coming next..he wanted to beat up his friends.

" Yibo,why leaking pen, didn't it spoil your books.." xian asked,not getting what pen meant here..yibo,face palmed how can he explain his baby ....it meant his big dick..." I don't have any pen!!"

Xian, thought deaply..what will he do now...yehh Hakarian can help him, fishing out his phone,he gave a call ,to his only helper.. against all the pleading of struggling yibo.

On call:

Hakarian: hello....

Xian: hello..were you sleeping!

Hakarian: no,I was jogging ..of course     I was slee..aaap..ing"

Xian: aa.. sorry,..I will call tommorow.."

Hakarian: no,wait ..talk I am not sleepy anymore.

Xian: ohh..yibo don't have any pen.now what.

Hakarian: * cough cough..say again!

Xian: yibo don't have any pen..what should I do!!

Hakarian:..wait,is yibo with yo..u..at your house..

" Yes "
Hak: hehe..* suppressing laughter* look, clearly..he has one ..in his pant.

" Let me check" saying so..xian throughly checked it..and yibo , zipped his lips tight, stopping all the moaning...to reach others side of the call...

" Hakarian,he don't have any..maybe he forgot at home.." xian told on call...the listeners wanted to smash his head hard.....after few more talk,call ended.

Yibo,took a relief...." Now can you open me !!" he pleaded ...but baby boy nodded in no!....." No,stay like that... Hakarian,is sending me a video....he said he can't tell on phone. ,what to do next!!"

Yibo got a heart attack.. hearing words video.., somehow he knows....how it's going to end...he had think of , something..fast fast!

* Ding.... notification on phone...showed the link,and xian had just clicked on it,when he heard slow crying from behind.

Turning back,xian found his hubby crying..his heart ached, finding him like that..

" aaa..yibo,..what happened.. please..don't cry..tell what happened" xian, begged..cried..in panic.

" It, hurt...my hand hurts..."

Only a word hurt..made xian tremble..his gaze went on yibo tied hands,that had few red bursies mark over it..." Sorry..sorry... please don't cry..." baby boy, apolized.. weeping...and he set yibo hands free unbuckling the clothes.

Once free,yibo pinned xian down on bed.. switching the position....

" Now,tell why this punishment!!"yibo asked.

Xian remained silent.. avoiding eye contact..." Everyone said,you will leave me if I don't do it!!" baby boy wishpered,..yibo cursed so called* everyone.

Making baby boy,look at him..yibo peeked his lips..." No,this hubby will never leave his kitti..never,I love you...don't believe on anyone..just trust me..okk!!"

Xian nodded, smiling once again.

" And,also..stop hanging with them!! they are spoiling you.. filling all crap in your brain." Yibo added,.....xian pouted... disagreeing...

" Okk..fine..you can hang..but never believe there words.." yibo gave up,.... hugging xian.....in all this drama,yibo secretly deleted the video,send by Hakarian from Xian's phone...his doubt was correct...that video was not at all for minor nor innocent.. especially for baby boy.

As night deepned..both kissed , devoring...yibo hands slipped under xian shirt, touching his buds..." No..stop it..if jiang hear us,he surely will tell Mom " xian said, worrying ..that his brother will hear if they make any noise....yibo,went mute...and as he was about to speak,a call on his phone pulled out his soul..

" Shh.." yibo,made xian silent.. receiving the call...and all xian heard was ..yes ..no!!yes..yes..okk..

" Whose call.." xian asked..when yibo hanged the call..

" Lady dragon.." yibo replied sarcastically, confusing xian...." I mean,my mom..your in-law... asking where I am,.. because I was not in my room." Yibo detailed....full conversation..

" What you told Mom.."

" Simple,I said..I am at terrace,since I can't sleep..so went for fresh air!!".yibo told his brilliant lie..." Mom ,will scold if she found you are here..." Xian , seriously informed him.

" Oh , really... since I am already going to be scolded..why not do some crime first.." saying so,yibo kissed baby boy, passionately... and..

Next morning:

Xian was first to get up, leaving yibo still on bed..he freshened up..and went downstairs.

" Good morning..dad..Mon!!" Xian wished them.

" Where is yibo!!"

" He..he is slee...p.." xian words lost in his mouth... nothing came out... finding full Wang family, infront..." Mom dad.." gulping his saliva.

" Oh,so my son is sleeping..let me wake him up!!" Mrs Wang,said smiling brightly.." we will help" multiple voice,from corner.. called for attention...xian , looked at the direction ..only to see all his friends also present there...

" You all..are also here..." Xian unique way of greeting them..." Yehh,they are, uninvited guest today.. please feel like home.." qing,moked them.. especially Hakarian... getting a share glare from mrs.zhan.

" Thank you..we will"

All spoiled brat followed,mrs.wang upstairs..to wake yibo,in truly they are here to check, condition of yibo after wonderful last night...they can't help, laughing.. imagining it.

Yibo was,in deep sleep...." Yibo,get up!!" Xian wishpered,. trying to wake him up!.

" Five minutes.."yibo, murmured.. tugging the blanket above his head.

" Yibo,get up!!" Mrs.wang yelled,... hearing familiar voice..yibo at once jumped down the bed, luckly he was in his full clothes.. because nothing happened last night...

" mom..mom..i i ..a..m.. really right now..ii.  ii..will leave," yibo, trembled, surely his days were going to expand... instead of walking towards the door,he moved to window..

" No,need..." Mrs.wang said..yibo glared at jiang!! killing him..." Don't look,him he didn't informed us..I am here to take xian home!!" she added.

" How come, didn't you said 3 days"yibo asked...

" Oh..last night when I was at TERRACE, certain person forgot to cut his call...and I heard someone calling me lady DRAGON....I don't prefer deaths because of cursing..so changed my plan!!" mrs.wang informed..xian yibo looked eachother.. gulping there saliva...

Mrs.wang gave yibo,pair of spare clothes she brought..from there cupboard..for him to change,.. walking out with Xian.

As yibo and his friend were left alone..yibo , didn't waste anytime..in giving a hard beating to them,for plotting against him..and using xian as spare goat... although it was not successful,but was fun.

Getting ready,they went back downstairs... enjoying with elders...xian was in kitchen, preparing the items .

" What are you making!!" Yibo, back hugged baby boy.. supporting his head on shoulder.

" Pancakes!!"

" Need help!!" Yibo, tightened his embrace...." hmmm..what happening here" Mrs.wang sound echoed,from behind.. making the,flinch.. parting immediately...

" Nothing,I am making pancakes!!" yibo replied at once,..in panic...mrs.wang, smriked.. smiled evilly....she pulled xian, closer..." Since you, are so interested in cooking..then do alone..don't come out before finishing" she dragged,xian out.

Yibo, scratched his neck..how to cook ...he can't even,take back his words,what if his mother make him, cooking full week.he shaked his head,imaginig his life.

Since it was not much tough,all he had to do was mix ready-made mixture of pan cakes..add sugar few graving..and bake it.

Thinking of his baby boy, liking sweet s,he added extra, sugar....

Keeping it for being baked,he moved out... wipping his hand.

All the elders were sitting together talking..while you gets playing GO.

Yibo sat, together with them, everyone was enjoying the game except him...as his face showed several, expression. .. whenever xian and Cheng cling on eachother,when ever they win..as they were partner in it.

" Something smells like burning!!" Xue,said sniffing the air....

" Hey,don't sprouts nonsense.i am not jelous....!!" Yibo yelled back, thinking he was being teased....which he really was.possosive.

" He is talking about pan cakes" Hakarian informed.

" Cakes..aaaa my cakes"yibo screamed, running inside the kitchen.

Later they had,lunch together..with yibo's cooked food..that tasted like poison,and was thrown out for dogs..but dogs, rejected it to.

Yibo decided never to , step his foot inside kitchen whole his life.

Three week had passed.

Xian had already, returned back to Wang mansion..life was smooth... vacation days were over,and new semester had started,with new semester came new subject..and lots of assignment.

Yibo and xian goes to college together,in one car..but xian always get down,few turns far from college,only to prevent any suspicious eyes...and gossips.yibo was against,it..but xian liked this way..it also avoids any kind of love trouble..as lots of girls and boys are behind them..he also had ,many students courting himself.

It was one more tired full day,..as yibo and xue were busy copying notes..and Hakarian, sipping his coffee..while scrolling his phone..at there usual place.

Door opened in bang.. Cheng and shushi came running inside,all breath less...from looks they seems like, running marathon.

" Xian..xian ..where is he!!" Cheng asked..

" Wo..wo,..calm down first..look today shushi came too.." xue spoke... Cheng cut him,Midway yelling..

" Cut the crap,where is xian!!"

" May be in library or art room.." yibo informed them...." Shushi go to library,I will search in art room.." Cheng commended, running out in full speed... worry written on there faces.

" Hey! What happened.. atleast tell us!!" Yibo, called behind..but both didn't stopped ignoring him..

" Fuck!! What the hell.." Hakarian, shouted...in anger... standing up...sane expression as both of them.

Thanks for reading..

one more boring chapter.

I was busy preparing for upcoming exam ,and still is!! So it took,too long to update, so I made it extra large update..

please bear with it..and keep supporting baby boy.lol

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