heat and suppression!!

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Date....with ziyi. It hits xian,his heart pain.tears appeared in his eyes,but were stopped to fall down,not now..not infront of him.
Off course yibo who was busy , selecting among several clothes,the prefect one , was unable to see those tears.

Finally , yibo choosed an outfit , a pair of white shirt, blank pant with a black coat. taking his clothes,he rushed inside the bathroom, to get changed.. leaving behind the only soul , longing soul, trying to be strong.
Coming out ,yibo went to style his hair,xian was still looking him desperately, carrying his faded ,smile..

" Kitti , how do I look!!" Yibo asked standing infront of him , like a magazine cover model.

Xian was pulled out from his daze, .... moving closer ,to yibo," handsome,as always" was all he said , giving him a sweet smile.

Yibo was happy, getting such a complement. .." so I am going,take care" as he was about to leave ,xian stopped him.

" No,wait ..wait only two minutes.." xian ran inside, sliding the glass door, toward the green garden.
and as said, he returned back, hiding something behind his back... standing just infront of yibo,he smiled widly.

" This is for you.." xian said placing, a red rose in his top pocket.....completing his art ,he admired it.." now it looks perfect"

Xian was truely impressed, with his work,but seeing a expressionless face .. stripped away his joy.." is it not good??." he was about to take it out,but yibo held his hand stopping him.

" No, it's fine....but why flower"
" Hhh..you don't like it,but I thought ,there is no one ,who don't like flower.." xian replied.

" Yehh..I like flower,but why are you giving me rose now..??"

" Bcoz I heard,that ..when someone goes on date..they get it.so I am giving it to you.." xian said.

Yibo chuckled,..then laughed,on others dumbness..or innocence.
." ooo.baby boy, the two,going on dates..give bouquet to eachother,like will give to ziyi..not you" he explain.

" Ooo" xian pouted...yibo laughed.

It was correct,how will xian know,what happens on date,..who says what..what they do,he had never gone on any date..waiting for his mr.lion..all what he knows were mere talk,that he by chance heard,..but never experienced..and right he don't even had a chance to..not now, neither the future..
,Both left the room,walked downstairs...where mr.and Mrs Wang were also ready to go somewhere.

Hearing the footsteps coming down,Mrs Wang turned toward them..." Yibo,you are also coming with us.."

" Where??"
" You are ready,and you don't know...where you have to go.." she teased..

" No,mom..I am going out with friends.." yibo said.

" Ohh..I thought,you are coming with us to the company, joined meeting" mrs.wang in disappoinment.

" Hey..wait..if you are going out take xian with you.. he will also enjoy" she asked..

Yibo,was without words, if he reject her,it will follow series of questions,like why,..which friends..and if say the truth, would be dead next moment...he was still in his dielima...xian sensed his condition,took the initiative to overcome this pressure.

" No,mom...I am don't want to go out, will stay at home.."

" But, what will you do alone at home,??" Mrs.wang was concerned.

" Who said he is alone, I am here.." Nancy said.

Nancy came to out of the kitchen,as she stood beside xian..
" He is not alone, today this mom and child will do lots of fun..you all go..go hang out there, we will enjoy here " she held xian,closer....xian clinged,on her, nodded his head, showing his teeth.

" Aap....I also want to enjoy,I want to join too..can't I skip this meeting.." mrs.wang asked her husband.

" No,you can't..you are share holder of the company,your presence is important.. beside what will I do without you,I need company too" mr.wang said,teased her.

Mrs.wang blushed, pinching him, stopping him from flirting infront of children s ..he jumped in pain.... others smiled..

" Why this , meeting need to be today" she pouted, unwilling to leave..

" Come-on..your son in-law is not running away..you will get next chance, we are getting late" mr.wang pulled her outside the house.
Yibo also went out, ..Nancy went back to her work, asking xian to wait for her in room s....
Xian returned back to his room, closing the door behind,he slammed his body to the floor, with back resting on door,he squeeze his legs, pulling the body in ball..hid his face, between the knees ..silent sob ,was heard,..

A slim man in his fully black attire,was standing infront of big doubled door,.. trembling in fear....time to time wiping the water droplet s appearing on his forehead,in that high conditioner environment...hands shaking,.. taking a deep breath ,he turned back, deciding not to go inside..but was stopped by certain voice.

" Nervous??" tall , handsome fully professional man said, coming closer to him.

Other nodded,held his head down...
" Can I withdraw now..please you present this " he said giving the file to that certain other.

Instead of taking the file,he grabbed his shoulder supporting his body,making him stand still..." Jiang look here " zihuan softly asked.

Avoiding few times,jiang finally looked up....as there eyes he left a shiver in his bones,but those hands holding him we're warm.. supportive.

" You did, hard work for this day, handling college and business is very tough..but you did ,this is just last step..you can't backoff,this is what you always wanted....be strong.."

" But!!"
" No but.. it's not bad being nervous, everyone feels nervous..I was nervous too for first time..even it gives you more energy.." zihuan encouraged him.

Moving back infront of the door, " now can we go..ready" zihuan asked.

Jiang closed his eyes, taking long breath he walked forward..door opened showing a big room,with many professional deligets,among which Mr and Mrs Wang along with Mr zhan were, sitting on there respective places.

Bowing to them,confidently..Taking there seats .. zihuan started the meeting...friendly welcoming everyone,he introduced Jiang as a project leader to them....allobrating the main reason of this meeting, he passed the stage to jiang..who confidently took the leads, deep inside he was about to faint.

This meeting, went for two hours ,where Jiang explained the motive of the project, discussing it's profit loss.. timeline, needs..many more.
As he finished, zihuan was first to clap.. followed by everyone, they praised him..for such a nice briefing,at small age..
Mr zhan had a tears in his eyes,today he was not his father but a bussiness man....his happiness was beyond sky,seeing his son taking over his burdens....mr.wang patted his back, bringing him to reality, jiang came closer, and hugged his father..

" When will I get this chance!! again" Mr Wang commented,.... referring to his spoiled child yibo..

Taking and congratulating Jiang ,they all moved toward the shared dinning hall..

" Mr.zhan your both sons are tallented..and handsome too" one off the deligets said.

" Yes, correct..I met him on his wedding, he is indeed handsome..but why don't he also join jiang in company" other said.

" No,his interest is in arts..I don't force my children's ..jiang always wanted to join me.." me.zhan replied.

" Mr.zhan..would we be hearing any new wedding in your family..like your daughter or jiang..??"

Mr.zhan looked jiang ,who turned his gaze in opposite direction, avoiding eye contact .." no,not probably" he laughed.

Yibo reached,the aloted expensive restaurant..where he was welcomed by one of the waiter,who lead him,towards reserved VIP area, .. opening the tint glass door, yibo moved inside....it was warmly, decorated

Ziyi was waiting for him, seeing yibo entering the room,she hugged him tightly.." thanks for coming"

Yibo was , bit tired from exams ..but after so much request of her he had to agree,and there he is.
Parting from him,her eyes fell on the red rose pinned on yibo's coat pocket.

" You are looking handsome baby!! this rose suits well" she completed.

Yibo smiled, looking at the flower..taking it out,he placed it infront of her " for you"

" Me!!"
" Yeh.... someone said, people on date gets flower" yibo replied.. laughing internally.

" Thanks baby..put it in my hair" she said..yibo tugged it in her hair..

Moving inside,they sat opposite to eachother. Waiter attended them,.. order was placed ,meanwhile ziyi got up, she took out a champion bottle from the box full of ice cube destroying the deco..that was ,nicely placed centerly on the table..

Filling two glasses, with chill fluid,see move closer to yibo, ..

" Baby.... drink!!" She said sedustically.

Yibo, moved his glance to her, " no,I won't drink..I had to ride back.."

Ziji face curved a bit, reflecting an evil smile..' no baby not today..' she thought, moving the glass more closer.." baby,just one sip, ..you are not getting drunk in one sip.."

Yibo,took it from her, but his thought wonder in flashback..one sip,..this one sip can make someone more cute,then usuals..' adorable' he wishpered,which doesn't reached the evil ears..but next moment he can't hold, as he laughed loudly.. rembering the narration, xian did because of one sip.

Ziji was dumb folded..what Happened to yibo, laughing like crazy.." baby what happened!!"

" No... nothing..haha..just rem..rembered an ..haha.incident.." yibo replied controlling his laugh.

Yibo phone ranged, he was about to pick it..but ziji snatched it from his hand" no baby you can't..it is our day,and you are mine today.." she said placing the phone on table,in silent mode.

Waiter, returned back,all the dishes were placed on the table, bowing them,he went back .. giving them there privacy.

Yibo was busy , munching his food.. without paying any attention on ziji,who was doing his best to attract his eyes,..it was like,he was in rush to finish and ran out..

" Ouchh" ziji , yell, showing his deep necked clothes, which was wet now ,as she mistakenly spilled the drink on them..she thought,yibo would look her, her cutsleves dress will capture some stare, to her disappointed yibo forward tissue to her,..which she took in frown.

Everytime yibo glance at her,his eyes get glued on the red rose in her hair, reminding him of that cute face,..his mesmerizing smile,....more briefly he was haunted by some ghost,which instead of scaring him ..was plastering a wide smile on his poker face.

Yibo, didn't noticed how much time ,the black screen lighted up.. showing the calls, message which were ignored in this world.

Xian was still sitting on the floor,how long doesn't matter....all that mattered were his broken heart,and swollen eyes...tears had long dried up..but silent sob was heread till now.
His pain was not over yet, he felt sudden heat in his body..his stomach craving in pain..body burning hot..his breath became wild.

He was in critical phase..it was not time yet,why so sudden,his mind wondered..taking small struggling step he picked his weak body, walking toward the drawer, he tried to find the packet...one he secretly brought from her mother house....he looked hard,but could not find it,no where..from drawers to others..bags,..he dragged his body,pain was making him weak..his mind had lost his senses,he couldn't remember where he put the packet....

struggling for sometime,he moved towards the closet.. checked for it... finally he found it,on the top most shelves, hidden behind the clothes, wrapped in papers.. grabbing it in his hand,he searched for water..but at that moment,his legs have up, he fell down..his body was hot,but he was shivering ,.. trembling in unbearable sensation he had all along his body. Little, calming ..plaesent aroma filling the room...he squeeze his body, holding his stomach,which was craving nonstop..he wanted to move,but his body didn't supported him..can't even slid.

Door to opened,as Nancy entered the room with pancakes in his hand,
Tary fell on floor,with loud thud, xian glance her with half opened eyes...Nancy ran to him, capturing him in her hand.

" Xian, ...xian what happened.." although she knows, what was the situation,but she panicked.."

" MomG .".xian wishpered pointing the packet, felling beside him.

She picked it ,and look the material inside it,to find heat suppersnent , supplement..in it..
" No,you don't need it..I will call yibo" she said.. fetching her phone out.

Xian, stopped her, grabbing her hand ...." It won't work, I need this"

" What..what..does it means??" She asked in trembling voice,xian hugged her tightly,it didn't took her much to understand what it meant....yibo and xian are not together, they were never together!! All those past incident were just a blind mistake,they misunderstood.

Nancy , helped xian to sit on bed, she gave him what he wanted....after taking his meds. ..xian was bit calm, Nancy sat beside her.." now can you tell what ,you are hidding"

Xian,was without words, but there is no point in hidding....he hugged her , burying his face in her arms ..Nancy also, hid him in her embrace..xian started , telling her the truth,which he was hidding, the joke destiny played with him..the secret from which he was fighting alone,no one there to share it.

With each words, the tears rolled along xian cheeks, the passage which had gotten dried a moment ago,was freshen again...each drops holding, a long lasting pain , fell down.but this time he was not alone,his momG was there to share it...Nancy,was both shock and worried,who can this slim looking guy had so,much courage to smile even after all this,... without a word...how can one send his husband, ....with...??.tears were rolling down her eyes,she clenched her fist,in anger..anger on life,on time..on yibo,..on her silly lies....and most she was angry , because her son was in pain,while his mate was enjoying out.....it was good that yibo was not present here,or what she did she don't know.....she was ready to revel this truth,pull out the cover which his silly son was covering behind his smiling face,but xian stopped her, making her promise not to interfere....he need time..they needed time ,there relationship needed time..yibo need to see his love, without any force..

Nancy was holding,him... tightly xian jumped out from her embrace, and ran inside the bathroom, ..Nancy ran behind her in worry..xian throwed out all the things, including with meds he just ate, as heat strike him once more....Nancy washed him ,and helped him to lay down on bed.. covering his body with blanket...xian asked for more supplement, she stopped him......but seeing xian pain she had to give it.. little bit.

Leaving the sleeping xian she , increased the room temperature,to make it chill ..she left the room.

" Soory, my son...I promised not to interfere in this trust,but I didn't promised to not help you!!" Nancy thought,she dialled the number... once twice thru.....not accepting.


Yibo and ziyi had finished there food, silently..there was nothing like date,yibo was busy in his own world,which reminds him of friendly face..

Waiter came ,inside ..all the remaining dishes ,and plates were removed......waiter asked for sweet, giving them the menu.

Scanning around the menu,yibo's eyes stopped at a point, ice cream!!..his thoughts wonder in past once again,the day xian and he ride the bike ..time on beach..his craving for ice cream..and first time he was hugged by him...

" Ice cream.. chocolate flavor" yibo said.

" But , baby you don't like sweet!!" Ziyi asked,

" Now I like it!!" Yibo replied with a smile..
" Same for me" ziyi said,waiter went out ,and returned with there ice cream.

Silence once again.....yibo, digged in his ice cream..on other hand ziyi tried once again, attracting him..as she licked the spoon, sedustically..but in vain..

Not getting any response,she frowned.... enough of this act..she got up, decided to attack staright.... pulling of yibo,she sat on his lap,..and kissed him..

Yibo was shock,on sudden press against his lips.. parting his lips from her" what are you doing??" Ziyi"

" What we should do, !!" She said,as she crashed her lips once again.this time kissed her back, ..both lips moving in rhythm, but..it was sweet...ziyi started rubbing his ass on yibo,lower half, creating a erection down there, yibo moaned,as he opened his mouth, ziyi slipped her toungh.. inside,yibo can't hold, he held her by her waist from one hand, while other dipped in her hairs.. pulling her in deep, passionate kiss..toungh fighting eachother... Ziyi hand moved lower,till yibo lower part, squeezing it intentionally.. arousing him more....

Yibo pulled her closer, his hand messaging her hair....but when his hand touched, something soft cuddle in her hairs , he ones his eyes,....to find rose in his hand, and a cute face flashed infront of his eyes..

He pulled,back .. parting himself from her,..he coughed..which made ziji to jump out from his lap..

" Sorry!!" Yibo said..

" Baby,what happened!!" She spoke , holding his hand..

" Ziyi,I am not well, I should leave" saying so yibo,walked out picking his phone from table,in one hand,while rose still in others hand , without looking back..

Ziji shouted,from behind..but yibo had already vanished..

Coming out of the restaurant,yibo hit the Tyre of his bike in frustration....what was going on with him...he checked his phone, to find 50 misscalls..plenty of message..from Nancy.... without waisting time ,he rode toward his house.

Thanks for reading.😀😀😀

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