is it a r-e-u-n-i-o-n...

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Longest chapter....enjoy!!

" aaah...s.. shit" yibo, hissed in sudden tint sensation..pain freeing xian when he bite his palm,which covered his mouth to escape.

As the grip over his body loosen,xian wanted to ran ...ran for his life..his heart...""

While on the other side realizing that his prey,was about to fast reflex yibo grabbed him again...blocking all his means to run away.

"" yibo's one hand,encircled around his slim waist pulling him back.. slightly making his legs leaving the ground..while being rubbed on them,while the right hand was covering his mouth tightly...not allowing a single sound to come out.

Xian started struggling under his grip, hitting his around his waist..while his mouth was squeezed.. ..yibo didn't showed any mercy.. dragging him towards the car.

" Leave me...m..let me go.. please let me go.." xian screamed, reaching the car..when yibo released his mouth,but still holding him firmly.opening the door of passenger seat ..he pushed him inside...

" No..,I don't want to go anywhere.. please leave me" xian begged,tears falling from his eyes..he was struggling.. pushing yibo move out.

Yibo on the other hand,knew ...he can't let him go. He grabbed xian both hand with his one hand..while unbuckled his belt with other hand.... wrapping it around Xian's hand,he tied it with the headboard.

" No.. please...dont's hurting..PL.. please don't do this" xian tried to free his hand, pulling it ...but the belt went tighter and tighter....making red buries on the white skin.

Keeping his ears shut on loud scream's and his regular begging,yibo closed the door..and he himself went toward the driver seat.once inside,he throwed his backpack on back seat, turned the key... heated the engine.... without wasting time..he drove off.. ignoring all the begging.

" Stop it..stop the car,I don't want to go anywhere with you..stop it now" xian shouted ,but later speeded up the car.

Yibo fetched out his phone and dial a number....when it was received,the only thing he said was ' i am coming there, prepared every thing." ...xian was more than shock,what was going to happen with him,non stop tears rolled down his cheeks.

Before he could protest or ask...his phone rang... vibrating inside his trousers pocket,seeking yibo's attention.

Yibo diverted his eyes from the road meeting the swollen almond eyes, which didn't do anything against his Rocky heart...his hand slipped inside the pocket taking out the phone.xian wanted to move back...protest ..stop him..but he can't...his hand were still tied up,...all he could do,was beg..and cry...

" Jiang" yibo murmured,seeing the caller ID..he smriked,turned his glance on the others,who was panicking.. pleasing to let him go...he cut the call.

Yibo cut the call and switched it off.. throwing it behind..." No.. please .. please stop the car.i i want to go home....they are waiting for me..let p .. please slow down...slow .d..down.." xian screamed loudly, shutting his eyes,when car speeded it's phase.

Even Without turning to look at xain,yibo could feel who scared other was ! From the corner of his eyes,he could see baby boy trembling like a fledgling....he was squeezing his eyes shut with tears falling down, holding the leather belt, if it was the only thing that could save his life...his lips shuttering.. wanting to make some noise..speak..but nothing came out.  Slowly slowly he was cuddling himself in a ball...his breath were heavy..and head swinging..making him dizzy.

Yibo very clearly knew ,xian is afraid of fast driving..yet he was using this method to scare him...stop him from begging.. screaming. Ignoring his plea..he kept on increasing the speed.

At certain junction,yibo made a right turn.... taking the car off the main road into a small trail of desserted road,which was accompanied by nothing other than street dogs and wild road side trees and grasses..not a single streetlight or human to be seen.the only source of light ,now was the white head light of the car..  lighting the muddy road...but yibo didn't had hint of he very well knew this way,this place...and where it goes to.

Now it was silent..xian could not spell a word..yibo focused on the boy didn't knew how long time had passed,he kept on squeezing those already swollen eyes.....untill the car started to slow down.

Opening his eyes,baby boy  didn't took a second recognizing the place where he was been brought to...yes it was the place,same place where he got married..the same place where he saw yibo for the first time... Wang's outhouse.

The gatekeeper (caretaker),whom yibo had called on there way.. opened the large metallic slipped inside inside ,once again in fast speed before finally stopping.

Yibo killed the engine, getting out....xian was still struggling with his heavy breath,his head was swinging in air..making him feel like pucking at the right moment, didn't realized when the belt around his hand were unbuckled..freeing them only,to be gripped and dragged inside the outhouse .

In his anger,yibo dragged him in.. pushing him inside...xian couldn't balance himself..he fell on the floor...yibo locked the door behind,before turning to face him.

" Shout...shout now" yibo yelled.

" for you mom..your brother..your Shiji..shout ...can't ..can't shout..anymore...why ..why..did your voice got stuck ??..shout them,make them hate me...can't do... because they can't here..they can't come to protect you..... Aaaa..I said speak.." yibo shouted.. fumming in anger.

Baby boy ,who was on the floor... didn't turn to look him.." please let me go.."

Yibo became more angry, hearing him...with fast move he held xian by his shoulder pulling him stand,...and next moment xian was pinned up on the wall...

" Let me go..let me go,..why ..why .. should I let you go.....who are you to ask..who are you force me,to let you go...can't you listene me for once...I only wanted to talk...look at me..look at me,when I speak.."

All this time baby boy avoided looking him...averting his sight to either side..or on the floor...and still he didn't dare to look him .." we have nothing to talk....let m.e....." xian was cut in middle, when yibo shouted again.. pinning him more tightly.

" No..we have to talk..there much to talk...can't you even give me a I so I disgust you..that you can't even look at to you hate so much.." yibo yelled,..xian remained silent.. struggling to free himself.. pushing him..but his strength was incomparable against the one pinning him.

" Why did you sign the paper... divorce papers ...who gave you right to decide can you sign them... without thinking about want to leave I so worthless now.tell me..tell wait...

.... didn't you got someone better then Cheng is better then he not waiting in marry think I can't make you happy..I am want to leave me...and marry him..speak..tell he more good then me!!" Yibo shouted,..

Xian could not hold anymore.. hearing all this crap...his heart shattered in this what yibo think about him??...he gathered all his courage...and pushed yibo back.... slapping him.


" There is nothing between him and me...he already has a girlfriend...he likes someone else..." Xian yelled in anger, same time regretting ..for slapping him...not needed!

" If so...why ..why did you sign the paper why??" Yibo yelled back,.. unseeing the slap ,he just got.

" Because I loved you!!"

Xian shouted.. felling down on his knees...his hand on the floor.. supporting his body,not to collapse..he cried loudly..tears rolling down his cheeks.  Yibo was stunned..froze at his place..his heart beating fast.  He don't know what to do...feel happy,jump in excitement...or feel sad for such a bad timing...his senses had stopped working...but his happiness didn't last long,when xian spoke again.

" Sorry..I made a mistake....I made a mistake loving was never to be should not he happening..but I can't..I can't stop myself, falling for you..* sniff..sob*
Everytime you make near me..* sob..* I fell even deeper..but ..but...* Sob* it was not your always made it clear..this marriage had no value...we have no future..we were not meant to be together..still I tried..I was greedy... selfish..I wanted to be near you.....I became your partner..your friend..your only roommate.....and also your cousin. ...I was happy" xian wishpered...he had a smile.. little smile, remembering his golden past...yibo was just quiet...listen everything.

" I was happy..more then happy ,when you were near me...we played..we treated me like friend....I thought maybe you like me,even as if friend too....but I forgot,we can't force anybody...I broked...when you said,you hate hated me all time...I disgust don't want me anymore... knowing you were forced in marriage,..but I believed we can be friends..but I can't even become that...*sob..sniff*"xian cried.. hidding his face....yibo moved forward,he wanted to hold him.. embrace him,but feeling the hand trying to hold him..xian a once shifted back... again making a distance between him and yibo.

" No.. please no..stay away..... don't touch me. ..i..i can't..can't...when you said,you don't want to see my face...I did all..I never wanted to show this disgust face to you..but again.. again I became selfish,I couldn't hold myself from seeing you..I wanted to see you...but you ignored me....I never wanted to sign those papers,I could not..but ziyi said..I was hurting you.. trapping you in unwanted relationship...

Yibo,eye widened..who said???

......she said,I should free you.....give back your you dreamed I let you go.....a gave everything you wanted..but still..still you don't understand never understand think I am cheating hurts yibo hurts..." Xian finally completed all he had to say... wiping his tears he got up..on his foot.

" I gave you everything..that you wanted...I don't have anything,to give you more...may be it was the only end of this marriage..." Xian said...he took few steps to leave the room,but yibo blocked him.

" Xian..I..i..l" yibo was saying..but xian cut him in middle.

" Yibo,I ever made you happy.. even for second..then please don't stop me...I have nothing to give you" xian said ,walking pass him..

Yibo was silent...should he stop ,to make him feel more sad..or let him go against his will...tear appeared in his eyes...." Xian...if..if you left me today,you won't see me again.." yibo wishpered, turning back..but the other had already left the place closing the door behind... unknown to him what ,yibo said...

What do he meant by it???

Xian was standing inside the hall way, leaning on the wodden door. Loud noises .. flipping of table.. chair,.. throwing of stuffs...screams.. cracking of glasses could he heard from inside the room,where he left yibo Alone.

All xian wanted to run away, escape from this place...from yibo..he had no strength to,enter the room ...and check him. He just want to go home,but how???.....he had no phone...he can't drive...surely no cab could be found,at late night.. especially in this area....and on the top of it, weather...that was also wild,rain could be expected any moment.

Finally thinking to seek help from the ask him drop back home..he moved from his place.. slowly he approached the exit..but his foot stopped,when a loud cracking..thumb sound entered his ear..along with loud painfull scream.....and everything became silent. No more sound..nor cry.

" Jiang..what happened..did he received your call" Qing asked...she was worried,xian had not returned was already late night.
Xian told them..that he will return before 7 ...but there no sign of him..neither a call.

" No..Shiji..his phone is switched off...." Jiang replied, walking fro-back....,he was worried... regretting his decision to let him go alone ... repeatedly calling him,but only no reply..(how be received,!!)

" Jiang ....did xian stayed there for night..or may be for dinner..." Qing suggested other options.

" No..Shiji,you know xian will never stay there..." Jiang straight forward denied,..they very well knew ..xian will never stay there..also in presence of yibo..never.

"call zihuan,may be he can" Qing said..but jiang cutted her mid way... denying.

" No..I will not call him...Shiji you wait here,I am going Wang mansion..I will bring him back.." Jiang said, grabbing the car keys..and his wallet,..

" me immediately, if something happens" Qing said ...jiang nodded his head in understanding..and move out.qing sat back ,on sofa.... bitting her nails.her eyes fixed on phone.. waiting for any message.

Road was busy..with traffic, because of rough weather.. everyone hurrying to return took little more then it usually take,for jiang to reach Wang mansion. Once reaching there he parked the..and ran inside the house, calling xian name

" Xian..xain..come out,I am here..xian xian.." jiang called him...both Nancy and zihuan who  were sitting , nervously...while making failed attempt to know where yibo went.

They got up..were shocked..,seeing Jiang coming inside calling xian doudly...

" Jiang..what are you doi.."

" Where is him...I came to take him back.." Jiang said, cutting zihuan.

Nancy looked down.. avoiding any contact...while zihuan remained silent...

" Xian is not here!!" Zihuan wishpered,good enough to make him hear.

" What..what do you mean by he is not here...he definitely came here...tell me where is he.." jiang asked..coldly.

Both remained silent, unaware what to reply... there silence,was making other more frustrated..

" I am asking something..where is my brother.. where is xian..and don't you dare lie to me"he shouted,

" He is with yibo...yibo took him somewhere.." zihuan replied.

" What!!!" Jiang was shocked...even panicked...he moved two steps back...before balancing himself again.

" Where.. where did he took him ....ask him to return back now.!!" Jiang yelled anger

Zihuan remained calm.." we don't know where  they are...I called every place..where yibo usually goes,but information about them...and yibo is not picking my call.."

Listening his reply,jiang did not wanted to waste any more time..he was about walk out..but zihuan stopped him.." no,wait..where are you going"

" To find them.."

" can't go ,like this..where will you find them..I already searched every possible places...and weather is also not good...stay here ,maybe they return . They will be safe,.. nothing will happen to xian..yibo is with him.."

" And that's the biggest problem,that your brother is with him....for a moment,if xian stay alone with an stranger..I can allow him,but your brother never....never in dreams.." jiang shouted ...his words made , zihuan pissed...he gritted his teeth.

" Shut up...what do you think of my brother??   Why do you kept on blaming him...he is not a criminal,who is going kill someone.   He would never hurt xian..he loves him...they have right to ,talk.. remain alone....for God sake,they are already married" zihuan shouted back..only to make jiang laughed in mocking way.

" haah..haha....,for you knowledge mr.zihuan the marriage you are talking about do not exists anymore...and about , really think I will believe it..after all what happened. Your brother yibo,is more dangerous then any fucking criminal..God knows what will he do..with Xian" jiang yelled , pointing each and every words...

" Okk..fine,you are correct...they are not couple anymore...but for last time believe me,xian will be safe...... please don't go .. please wait just some more time.." zihuan pleased.

Somehow jiang accepted his plea...he agreed to wait there passiently.

Xian stood there frozen... thinking about the loud scream, imagining something wrong happened..his heart was pounding fast...he waited to hear any noise..voice from inside..but it was complete silence...

He took small baby steps.. slowly one at a time..with each steps his breath getting heavy,as panic stuck him... reaching the door ...his hand trembled  holding the knob...taking a deep breath he opened the door.

A fearfully sight.. welcomed it was scary, atleast for him. everything thing was messed up..table ,bed up side down..all room stuff , lying on the floor.. broken mirror.. piece of glasses scattered on the ground,and there is yibo...

Yibo was ... slammed on the floor.... glasses circling him,if he moved an will go straight inside him..blood flowing out from his hand.

" Yibo.." xian screamed, seeing the sight..he ran to him, luckily he had shoes in his foot..else ... glasses would have shown mercy,from cutting his feet.

Xian removed the pieces of glass... bending down...yibo was holding a broken glass in his hand tightly,..which was perching deep in his skin..dozzing the blood to rush out..but he didn't felt anything..not a bit of pain...his eyes were blank..,with no sight.

" Yibo leave it.." xian said, trying to remove the broken glass from his hand..but yibo was not ready to let it go.. gripping it more tightly.." yibo I said leave it" xian screamed...

Yibo left the glass..xian pulled him stand still,..he dragged him out of the room..out from this mess... making him sit on the sofa comfortably...he started searching for first-aid box.. opening each drawer one by one,but he can't find any.

Xian was not familiar with this place,leaving here only for a day..that also during his wedding,when everyone was there to help him....he had no idea ,where he could find it.....he searched for it... finally dropping the task,he ran out of the there car.

They surely had basic first aid in car...he returned with it.
Taking his place beside yibo on sofa,xian pulled his hand forward..and started treating.. cleaning it.

" hiss..fff" xian hissed in pain..when wet cotton sijed on liquid touched the wound,while nothing came out from yibo's mouth..not even a wimper.xian always hissed ..slowly cleaning it...sometime..blowing air to ease the was like,baby boy was the one who got hurt...and it pained him.

" I love you...." Yibo said, wishpered.

Hands caressing his wound paused for a moment before resuming back on his work. Xian didn't said.. anything..neither replied..not even reacted.. showing any reaction.
Yibo very well was not not enough to make believe him...after this much happening,only three words can't eraser everything...xian would be .. thinking it as a lie .one more joke.

Xian finished wrapping the bandage around the wounded hand...before xian can stand..or leave again,yibo grabbed his wrist ,this time softly .. stopping him.....

Surprisingly ,xian didn't pulled them back...yibo got up ..and pulled xian soflty with him upstairs..away from messed.. bloody boy just followed him, without objecting....

Reaching the terrace..yibo freed his hand   standing just infront of inch distance....

Cold wild wind touched there skin,....silence trapping them both.

" Xian.. yesterday we played a remember....when I. became it my turn to speak,and you will listen.." yibo said, taking his both hand in his hand...xian remain quite..eyes still facing down.

" Xian you know..I am an idiot.. stupid..fool a lier...I did many mistake s..and the biggest mistake I did was to not accept hurt make you did everything for me,even if it hurted..but  I ..i didn't do anything..i could not became good friend..neither good son..nor a good brother...but I want to become a good husband.... whenever I saw you close to other,I felt they are taking you away from me...I was jelous.. jelous of everyone...when you started hiding thing... probably not..I thought you were cheating me...maybe you like some one else...I felt pain in heart..but I couldn't understand...

.....yes you are right I never understand...I dumb ..fool  ....I know you don't be liking me anymore..but please.. please don't leave me..don't go...I can't live without you..I will die... please give me a chance..for last time....I love you..I love you xian" yibo said his heart..each and every word was pure..and true.

Xian legs gave up,like his heart which he was being trying to been trying to keep intact.yibo held him immediately,before he could fell down... slowly both kneed down ...tears rolled down xian. eyes..but here he was not only one crying..yibo also had tears ..

" don't love me.* Sniff* you hate hate me" xian cried.. hitting yibo's chest...who didn't stopped him.

" No..I don't hate you..I can't hate one can hate you..I love you, believe me" yibo pleased him..

" You said,..*sob* don't want to see disgust you"

" No..I was are my only source of can I wake without seeing this beautiful face" yibo replied caressing his cheeks.. soflty.

" I am useless..a burden..I troble don't want me in your life.." xian continued hitting him..madly.

" am o e who is useless.. trouble are the most precious gift I ever got..but foolish, could never protect you...I want you.. everytime..every moment..I can't live without you.. believe me" yibo hugged him tightly.....

Xian hugged him back.. burying his head in his nape...crying .. mending his heart...yibo held him tighter, squeezing him in his embrace....his one rubbing his back calming baby boy..while other caressing his soft hair s.

Both remained at same much they missed it??how much they longed for it ??two heart that were seperated , finally found there way to meet again...with standing all the up and downs..Among the swirling cry,both remained embracing each other...

" Now stop crying...silly cry baby.. always fastly show me your smile" yibo said, wiping Xian's tears..

" Cry baby!!! I am not...look you are also crying" xian protest.. pouting.

" Who said..I was not...those were your tears...that felled on my cheeks.." yibo denied,still trying to keep some of his attitude.

" Liar. always lying.." xian teased... smiling widly....mean while pouting.

Swiftly Yibo moved forward silencing him..he joined there lips......xian gasped..and the air he collected in his mouth was blown straight on the face,..infront...he coughed.

" Huuu..* cough*.. sorry.. was my first..also too sudden.." xian apologized.. coughing.

" No it was not your first!!" Yibo replied..xian looked him confusly...and before xian Cry again... felling yibo was misunderstanding him...yibo added..." I -i am Sorry..I stoled your first kiss ..when you were drunk.."

Xian was stunned,he don't what to to feel.wheather he should be happy bcoz yibo was one who took his first kiss..or sad bcoz he don't remember his first...but his face turned crimson red..when yibo elobrated full distribution about his secret sin,that he they..he did it.

Completing his words,yibo cupped xian face.. bringing him out of his senses.

" I hate you..I hate you..why you didn't told me about are very bad....bad ..I marriage broked even without a kiss...I will die all alone.. regretting.." xian said, hitting him on his chest.

" sorry sorry...and I hate you hate is my love.......xian it hurts,stop hitting.....and talking about kiss we can do it now" yibo held xian hitting hands, pulling him closer... laughing loudly.

Xian stopped hitting,as both looked in each other eyes..." Can we??"yibo asked.

Baby boy nodded in yes... closing his eyes..while pouting his lips forward..ready to kiss....he waited ,but nothing lips touched his.

" Yibo...are you there??" xian asked, still closing his eyes.

" Hmmm"
" Why not doing want to do it??"

" I want..very eagerly...but first open your eyes,I want to see those sparkling pearls when it open fast,I can't wait!!" Yibo said..asked.

" No..I won't" xian denied..he was shy,his heart beating fast..dham..dham..

" Then don't regret....I still have your signed divorce papers..I will..s..i..g..mhhmmmm" before he could complete,xian opened his eyes and crashed there lips together.. silencing him.....but due it his sudden attack,yibo can't balance himself ,as both fell on floor..with Xian above him.

Parting ...they stare each other ...yibo was just teasing him,that paper were long torned up and throwned in fire....but he liked what xian did.... smiling on his little baby boy,yibo flip him down.. switching there position...he kissed him.

There lips moving in rhythm..sucking soft pulps lips,yibo bit it.. gaining a moan from one beneath him...xian grown slightly parting his lips,and yibo got a chance to enter his toung... exploring every inch...each part of his hot carven.

Seeing him getting breathless,yibo broked the kiss.. connecting there forehead.

" W..w..why did you..y..bite my lips??"

" Bcoz you didn't opened your mouth.." yibo replied with a smile.

" Do I need do, open my mouth???" Xian innocently asked.

" My little idiot..silly baby..yes you need to open it" yibo said getting up from his body.

Xian also got up, standing ..but yibo was not standing.. instead he was sitting in the floor.

" Yibo ,let's go's cold here" xian said... pulling him

"'s better here,come sit beside me.." yibo said, tapping the place beside him on the floor.

Xian looked him, pouting.. bending down ...he parted yibo's legs,to open wide...xian sat in middle making himself comfortable between them.."now it's better" he murmured,his back resting on  yibo's chest,while head hang on his broad shoulders.

Yibo was shocked,seeing him..but then smiled circling his hand around him, bringing him closer ..embracing him...he rested his head on xian nape, sniffing his scent.. felling the warmth.

" Xian sing something for me" yibo requested,..resting on his body.

You entered my life ..
Filling it with bright...
Longing wish ...coming full..
waiting to become from two.

Fate played his game..
My dream came true..
We became one from two..
You mended my, broken ❤️
Promising never to be apart..

" are sleeping!!" Xian asked finishing the song.

" No..I am not"

" It's cold here!!" Xian said...

" But your are warm.."

" It's going rain.."xian told him.

" Then let's ,shower together!!" Yibo replied.

" Yibo,it's dark.. I am scared"

" But I am happy.."

" You are happy,I am scared.." xian pouted ..staring him.

" No..I am happy because wife is here with me"

" Wife!! Mate!!! Who is your wife..I am not your mate.did not you said our marriage was fake, we can only be friends.... nothing more" xian teased..but his words,made other expression less.

Yibo at once got up ,from his place..and ran..went down leaving xian.

" Sorry.. sorry,I won't tease you again.. please don't go..yibo..yibo.." xian begged,from behind..but yibo misheard him.

Xian once again,broke crying..did he really messed up everything....

" Xian.." yibo called him, coming back.. minutes later..

" Xian ,look what I......hey wait why are you crying..why this tears." Yibo asked him..

" I thought you got angry and  left.." xian replied, sniffing..... sobbing.

" haa..idiot, I promise ..I will never leave you again..and I am not angry.." yibo,wiped xian tears...making him smile.

" Where did you go!!"

" Ohh.....see what I brought....let's get married again,..this time for real..with acceptance.." yibo showed him,the things he brought.

Xian scanned him and the stuff s.. blanket.. a big old princess crown..not exactly..." Hahaha....yibo.haha..nice joke..haha"

" Hey ,xian don't laugh..I am serious" yibo coldly uttered,making xian jaw drop

" Ooo.. seriously..and how are we going to do that...we don't have, wedding headband..nor wedding ring,....and who will be my groommaid" xian question,making lots of fault in his suggestion.

" xian when groom and bride are present,we don't need other things..but still brought all necessary things needed."

Yibo wrapped the blanket around xian lower body,tieing it at his waist.." think it as your wedding robe.."

Then he put the princess crown on Xian's head,well it was little small for him..but it can work.." now this is your headband.."

Tuguing the flower on his crown....on his ear..over his clothes.." now you look like a perfect,bride.."yibo completed his master work.

Xian pouted,..he was looking  like a little cute joker ..right now,but he don't mind it.. untill yibo is Happy...

" And talking about priest..I can do that role..for groommaid, imagine jiang and Shiji, standing beside you...and ring ,we have that.." yibo said,taking out the wedding ring from Xian's finger....

" Now wait here,come when I call you..not same way,like you entered on wedding day" yibo went back.. little far from xian,... preventing him to see what he was doing.

Xian eagerly waited....." Bride can ,enter the stage..and stand infront of groom" yibo,announced.... hearing his call..xian ran to excitement...

Yibo jaw dropped...." Go,back and come again... seriously like bride"

Xian went back..and came back.... slowly , smiling,..step by step....shyly...yibo gulped down his saliva,seeing him....(earlier was better)he thought..he didn't realize when xian stood infront of him...

" hmmm" xian cleared his throat.. bringing him back to senses.

" Hmm"
Yibo as priest: .." now  mr.yibo..will you accept mr.xian as your would be wife..your mate..for life time"

Yibo as broom: " yes I do"

Yibo as priest: " do you accept mr.yibo as your your mate..for this life time..for next life..for each and every life...."

Xian: for next life's too long,let me think"he giggled.

" Xian..say yes,you can't backoff now..say yes..else I will kindap you for life time.."

Xian: okk..ok yes I do..I accept you as my stupid loving ,caring husband"

" Thank you.. thank you..for giving me a chance"yibo said, pulling him closer..

Yibo as priest:  now you both can seal the marriage.." coming closer.

Xian: " hey wait..that never happened in our marriage..we didn't do this part that day"

" But this is my wedding..I am the priest here..I can do whatever I can we seal this relationship.." yibo said..xian nodded..and moved forward .

But before there lips can meet ..a tiny drop of water fell on Xian's nose..." Aaa..yibo it's going to rain,let's go inside" xian , yell...moving back..but was pulled back again.

" No..we need to finish our marriage first" yibo said.. capturing his lips..there face was close.. meeting at the center.

Rain didn't gave them a chance..before draining them ..sokking there body with water...that cold sharp merciless showering droplets,had full intention to broke there sweet moment..

But little did the couple , cared about it.this was it,times was there..they only  wanted this... embrace..kiss devore..devote to each one can seperate them now,neither this dark sky..cold shivering winds.. wild .. roaring thunder... sparkling lightning. They served them ,with there blessings... witnessing there reunion.

" Hey,why is your brother video calling me" jiang said..aaked , zihuan..who was sitting far from him.

" Who is calling..??" Zihuan confusidely ..did he heard correctly.

" Your brother..yibo"

" Then ,why are you waiting..pick it up.." zihuan ran to him.. excitedly..

" Why should call him" jiang denied ... zihuan gritted his teeth....snatching the phone from his hand..

Zihuan: hello..yibo....

Xian : .." zihuan ge....why is Jiang phone with you." ..he was surprised.. seeing him ,on screen.

Zihuan: xian....

" Who..xian..let me see" jiang, pulled him.. coming in the view of camera.

Xian:" jiang..why are you with zihuan"

Jiang:" idiot..that my question..I came to pick you Wang mansion...why is your phone switched off"

Xian: " ohh.. sorry, battery died..I am calling with yibo's phone" he pouted.

Jiang:" yes..yibo...where are you..where did he take you..did he hurt you...or tortured you...are you fine...tell me I will come pick you up...don't lie to me..if he did something wrong with you..I will kill ..h.." he panicked..

Xian: " no..he loves me.."

Jiang : " wait..what?? say again"

Xian: " yes..he loves me..he confessed me..he don't hate ..yibo loves me jiang..he want me"in excitement.. giggling showing most beautiful smile.

Jiang: " xian are you sure...are you not dreaming...if it is play..then I don't like it..don't joke"

Xian :" no..Jiang ..he really loves me.. believe me.."

Zihuan: " don't worry xian..I believe you...I know he loves you...and this idiot brother of your will believe too!! But where are you..and where is yibo"

Xian: " thanks ge...we are at Wang outhouse.....and yibo had gone out.."

Jiang : " he left you alone..!!.."

Xian: " no..he went,to bring our bags from car..."

Jiang : " ohh..then it's okk..but if he dare to leave you again..I will broke his legs.." coldly.

Xian:" can hurt by hubby...."

Zihuan..:" don't worry xian....I won't allow anyone.. anyone ,not even jiang to hurt yibo..and not you too...okk bye....sweet dreams.."

* Beep..beep* call ended.


Yibo return back....and was welcomed by most mesmerizing sight.    Xian was standing at the window.. looking outside,the falling water..winds blowing his hair...soft tint light, sparkling his face. White bathrobe on his body, giving perfect shape to his body..belt tied,knoted around his slim waist....his beautiful thin legs,.. exposed down.. because bathrobe was short,could only hide the part above his knees....

Yibo was his sexy look.

" Kitti...what are you doing" yibo,back hugged him..

" You came...where is my bag,..I have to change my clothes" xian asked, turning towards him.

" Don't change,you looks good..and sexy in this robe" yibo blinked at him..

" Pervert" xian murmured.

" For you..only you....xian let's make love..will you " yibo asked ... hesitating..,still he don't want to rush.

" I love you too.."

" hhnnn..I love you too...but I said to make love.." yibo ,removed his confusion... asking directly.

" Are they"xian innocently asked.

" It''s..for I love you....our heart become s one....or making live ,our body become making live ,we cuddle together on bed..taste.." yibo tried to explain.. before he could continue,xian jump in excitement.

" I are taking about sleeping together...we can,you don't need to ask for it.." xian giggled,.. jumping happily.

Yes we sleep together in that..?? Yibo thought.

Xian looked at the bed..and pouted.." no,wait..we can't..we don't have.." yibo shut his mouth by his hand, silencing him.

" Don't we really need it" he asked.

" Yes..very important, prevention is better then cure....did not we always use it, during sleep" xian replied...yibo mouth opened in shock..his baby boy is getting shameless, talking about sex and prevention so easily.

" Okk..wait,let me check..I think I have it.." yibo walked to his bag, picking it up..he started searching for it.

Seeing him,xian laughed.." yibo,we don't keep it's in closet" xian said,moving toward s the closet.

" I got it.." both in Union.

Yibo jaw dropped, looking blanket in xian hand..was he talking about , blanket all the time..??" thinking so,he hid the item in his hand behind.

" Yibo,see..we still have dry blanket's can warm us.." xian moved closer to him.

" hmm"
" Yibo..what are you hidding show me.."xian pulled ,the item out from his grip...

"" xian eyes widened...he flinched...and the things fell down from his hand.

" you have bought..tthis... used it..what were you planning to do.." xian fear..sweat appeared on his forehead, felling hot suddenly.

Yibo picked the packet, throwing it on the bed he moved forward..while xian started moving back.

" I didn't buy it.. someone gave it to me..on our wedding,but I never got a chance to use it.. untill today...I thought of throwing it,but surprisingly it came to exact timing.....I really didn't planned to do it ,today...but I can't hold now.. especially after ,you seduce me with this look of your.." yibo said, licking his lips..moving forward...

" I i ..i..d..d .did . didn't see.. seduce..y" xian stepted back...his back touched the door,..while yibo kept on approching closer to him.

Xian,was more then.. nervous.. frightened... butterfly flying in his tummy..while heart pounding fast...he immediately turned back, holding the door knob run away..

But door never opened.....😘😘😘

Sorry for late update.

Next chapter ,will be mature..block blaster....(not for innocent ones)

Thanks for reading.

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