Memories..of life....

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Seeing yibo chortle at such a treacherous situation, xian stopped..

What was that for..why was he laughing like a drain.making spontaneous sound and uncanny face,.did someone cracked a joke,but why yibo only one to the others was still without any hint.... confused..hell going on..
Keeping his thoughts a side xian asked.." why such laugh..??"

On the other hand,yibo holding his stomach pain out of laughter..was going to fall about..

" jump..hahaj"yibo replied , struggling hard to speak..

" Ha..yes.. didn't you said we are going from window.. although it is stupid idea.."..xian spoke his mind.

" Hey..did you just called my idea .. STUPID.." yibo coldly spouted.

Xian eyes widen, trauma filled him.." ..i..was saying it is very unique idea..that with my small brain I can never think off...I was just trying to figure out how to jump out...we can't fly like we have to go with rope ..or..."

Xian words cut out when broke in another laughter...more weird..

" You..are smart but too innocent to be tricked...are you really going out from here...I was just teasing.."

" Teasing.." xian frowned.

" Yes, was joke, or you really attempt to do it...what if said to jump from mountain instead of window..will you..haha..hihi.." yibo pokked..him.

Xian went pale,..sillent..not getting words  to say. Only his pounding heart knows ..the answer..He will if yibo ask him to do it... muchbetter if yibo accompanied him..he will follow him to the eternity..end of world.. beyond it.. doesn't matter, wether heaven or  hell .

He just needs a little space in ,his mate ..SOALMATE.. lovingheart..where he could live peacefully..,till his last breath.

Hearing no reply from xian.. realization hit his mind.. maybe other is embarrassed..he went too far ..yibo bust his gut and apologized..
Sorry..I won't tease you anymore.."

" It fine,I li..k.....I don't mind it........."

Yibo looked up..the person whose face was hanged down.. blushing.yibo was trying to recruit, didn't he heard like..or was it a mistake,..when xian spoke again.

" So  are we not going out??" Sadly.. disappointed.

" We are...." Before xian can ask next question..yibo held his hand softly.and xian was dragged by him.. toward the door.Glass Door.(read the description of the family)

Sliding the glass patio door to the side,which opens in the small green conservatory (similar to greenhouse)..they walk passed , mini water pool, blooming flower plants..few earthen pots cherished with medicinal herbs.. seedlings and sapling.. xian was confused ,but didn't ask ..

On reaching the end corner.yibo stopped infront of a wall...
"Here , " yibo murmured.

Xian took a glance at the wall..and turned to face yibo.

It was a huge wall joined with glass top...wall was emerihsed with beautiful painting..more precisely it was a scene of room from indoor .bed ,table with lamp..and a wooden door.. although it was just painting mixed with colors..but was so lively..MASTER PIECE.

"Is it beautiful..??" Yibo asked.
" Ha..mmm..yes it is ,,as a art student,I can say ..the painter of this .was perfect in his skill.." xian appreciated.

" Ooo..let's go.." yibo moved forward..

" Wait!!! " Xian  panicked.
" don't say that we are going to climb the wall or cross this cemented wall..but let me remind, we are not good climber..nor a ghost...we are humans,with all sort of flesh and bones..we can't penetrate through thick walls like wondering ghosts...without soals........* Pause..*. ....

ahhh noww I got it..***yibo blinked his eyes*** ...oh finally you are going to reincarnate yourself in magician..spell some magical mantras to open this painted door.." xian teased and laughed loudly..

This was yibo time to teased..he sighed.." maybe yes.." said yibo while moving forward..

Xian calmed down..
Ahh..stop it..I am not going to be tricked...a..g..a..i ..." Xian words lost its existence, as it gulped down his throat along with his saliva...

Xian eyes were opened wide ,in disbelief. Unable to control this surprise that brought boosebums to him..the door really opened...large gate revealed.. leading its route way out of  the mansion..

He jumped in excitement.."'s magical.. unbelievable..I have been seeing this wall everyday..but never thought it store secret exit..going who made it is a GENIUS...I adore him..he is my idol from now.."

" Thank you.." yibo said..making xian to cover his sparkling face..

" My grandfather was his late work.before he died.." Yibo told ..

" Hmm.. sorry.."

"..ahhh.. don't be sorry.. although he not with us now ..but his memories still remain s.." yibo said softly.

" He made this wall
" Hmm..your grandfather was a genius,...kind hearted ..his skill speaks his personality.i regret not meeting him before.i wish one day I could also make something this magnificent." Xian wishpered .. staring the the wall.

Yibo will." Let's go.."

Walking outside the wang mansion yibo asked him to wait while he went to bring the vechiel.xian was standing at the side of road supporting his body on Street lamp, giggling happily..foot moving on rythm ..dancing in his heart... suddenly a bike stopped infront of him...the man in helmet..bit that dangling dim light ,was there...he held a helmet I front of xian ,and waved it.. signalling xian to take it.....xian looked him from top to bottom..he was bit scared..

" Sorry...I don't need husband is coming.." xian denied the offer..

Man didn't moved..xian stood there moment the man took off his one day ,how many time is xian going to be was yibo...

Now can we,your husband arrived.." yibo teased..xian cheeks went pink..but hidden from others mids of darkness.

" I thought we are going in car.." said xian.a statement,sounded like question.

" boring,I have my hook up.." said yibo while wearing back his helmet..

Xian didn't made any movement..
" First time??" asked yibo.

" No.. second..first with jiang" replied xian..

" Scared??"
" Little.." complete lie..tremble show his fear.

" Don't worry ,I am good with bike..!!" Pleased yibo.

" Hhhmmm..."
" Now  get on..." yibo

" Drive slowly.." saying so xian positiined..on the bike.

Yibo.. turned the key in the ignition to the on position.squeeze the clutch with left hand..and pressed the ON button with right hand thumb.. engine fires..yibo let go the button... smiled eveily... pushed the choked .bike drove with the speed of winds..

Xian panicked in fear..he held yibo waist tightly..from behind.. closing his eyes.. not to look . With the speed of bike,xian grip became more tight...he opened his see around..passing by building s..all seemed like  movie..played on fast track.xian didn't know how far they from much time passed..where are they going..neither had any intention to ask .. shut his eyes back..and focused on smelling crisp,aromatic , lavender....clean mint anise perfume...resting his head on yibo's back...

He did not opened his eyes untill the bike stopped..xian opened his eyes,cold wind strike the body touching his soft smooth skin.. creating little shiver..

Both drove down the bike..and looked it..both moved forward..side by Union.

They were welcomed by the Buzzing sound of the sea with it's dominant strength.sea waves were crawling gently dranching the sand softly doushed the beach..but actually it was creeping it way steadily toward them..or the opposite... ebbing tide were harmonious..ocean was forging its own sea song..pleasent..soft, Sweet..and melodious...

gushing cold water was metronic but, comforting.sea was kindling its own symphony.. lapping, murmuring sea was hypnotic....

Yibo stopped..while xian removed his shoes..and moved forward barefooted....

Reaching closer to the sea..cold water brushed his white skin..xian stretched this limbs.. opened.. enjoying the wind and water at same time.slumberibg in it's blue robe ,the sea greeted him while half Moon of the beach softly blessed it's beloved angel...

" should have told me in advance..I would have taken something to cold ice cream.." said xian pouted looking yibo ..and turned back to see the sky.

Yibo stood there dumb folded..did xian just now..said something..yibo was so lost in the view...image of a man,slim body.. stretching his dark night..flavored with water as bed beneath... moon shining on describing his presence....

Cylinders of light act like a blanket...neon dark blue..mixed was threaded with silver thread.. diamond sparkle filling the roof , natural blanket....

Xian was enjoying his scenery..untill his serenity was ruptured by the raucous cavern loud sound from behind..which echoed in the environment..he turned back.

His heart skipped a beat..when he realized ,he was alone..he looked around..there was no presence of any human nor his shadow..yibo was not there..did he went back leaving xian.... suddenly he saw a figure moving in opposite direction..

But it was not his husband..a crispy  man was moving closer.. ghostly, strange..freaky completely drunk,.. struggling to stand still....xian trembled in fear..scared was not enough to explain his situation.. in such cold night,sweat  water droplet appeared on his forehead..

Xian didn't know what to do,how to react..then he heard his name... familiar voice called him...he turns in called direction..
Yibo was standing there, holding ice cream in both hand , that he just bought from near by 24 hour convient food store.

A sighed of relief ..xian felt..he ran fast,..and hugged his life.. circling his arms around yibo ..he buried his face in his chest..... yibo's hold on ice cream loosen and it fell down tasting the ground.. feeling the other trembling in his arms..yibo embraced him..xian grip became tight seeking for his warmth..deeping his nails on yibo back.

" Shhhh relax ..I am here" yibo calmed him..

They remained there ,in each other embrace... feeling the warmth..two different body scent becoming one.

" are scratching my skin.. little white kitten.." yibo screen and teased.... together.

Xian face turned pink..if it was not dark yibo would be calling him little strawberry..right now.... xian let go yibo ..and moved back..both embarrassed .. silence filled them..only nature spoke at this moment..

" Ahh.. our delicious ice cream fell down..we could even take a bite...looks like I have buy again.." yibo was first to speak..he was about to go again,when xian held his hand stopping him.

" I don't need it.." said xian..

" You sure" confirm yibo.

" Hmm"

" Catch me.." shouted xian ..and ran , challenging fast his mood changes.. happy sad.. excited.. happy scared.. again Happy..but maximum was happy..thought yibo..and chased him. Both splashing water.. xian swinging by yibo tight grip.. laughing loudly...

After playing for hour..they searched for a comfortable place and sat on a nearby iron bench....

" Yibo can I ask you a question" asked xian.

" Yes"
" Is the wodden door from earlier..the same secret used to fetch me back on that day..when I got drunk....
Memories flashed his mind. no I mean why did Grandpa made such door." Xian said.. wanted to hit his head.

Yibo smiled.." yes it is the same .when I was 9 years old..Wang mansion was that time Grandpa was healthy..but I don't know why doctors asked him not to go out..and prescribed tight he took out a new idea to move making such a door.... hidden secret door..about which he ,I and zihuan ge only had any knowledge.At first we used it to order fast food ,home delivery from restaurant which we eat secretly in my..our room...........but time passed.. Grandpa got ill.....and every one found about the was locked after grandpa death.and no one checked it after that."

* Sigh* " them .I became 15 .. highschool student....I wanted to enjoy,go out..late night party..move freely,like grandpa.but Mon and Nancy never allowed late night I opened that secret door ,which was no more a secret again...and see till today no one were payed any attention to it.. even you too.... thanks to grandpa, we can visit here today.." yibo completed his explanation.

" Your grandpa was very caring person.. loader..I have heard about him a lot with my parents mouth. I always wanted to meet him..but never got a chance . My parents says..he had a long sight..he can predict future..also he was the one to fix our marriage...I still wonder why he made such a weird marriage agreement ,when we were so small ,kids....yibo do you also......."xian stopped when something landed on his shoulder..

Yibo was snoring in sleep,maybe tired,his ...head was resting on xian shoulder..xian smiled....

Xian moved little ,not to wake him up..yibo traced his way down on xian his head was resting on his lap.. xian took out his woolen outer jacket and covered him.. ruffling his smooth hair..... xian planted a kiss on yibo's forehead..

"Happy first month anniversary mr.husband.." xian wishpered softly.

Xian will never forget this was marked as important , encraved in xian month passed them being was his and yibo's day .it was the day yibo took him out for first time..first not so perfect date.....his first ride..with yibo on his bike... feeling yibo so close...first time  hugging yibo....first play with his hubby...first personal talk...first time sharing secrets.....first pet name,he got .. white kitten....and maybe first kiss...not sure..!!

Many thing happened this night,that xian will remember till his last breath,lst day..hope yibo must be beside him at that time..lots of happiness ,lots of memories, for future..xian will smile when ever he will recall them..
Xian leaned back, resting his head on the edge of the bench.

Time is great master..let it play....till it can.

When yibo opened his eyes, first thing he saw was xian face.... sleeping xian..head hanging in air..up down.. sometime close,at second moment far.... unwilling yibo hands moved closer to touch xian face..... waking him up.

" You got up.. good morning" xian said smiling.

Yibo stood up..when he realized where he was..where they were ..still on the sea shore..same spot.

" We are still hereWhy didn't you wake me up.." yibo asked..

Getting a smile from other.." you were sleeping peacefully..I couldn't ..."

" ...hmmm........ok let's go home it's already 4 :30.."yibo said looking his watch.

" Aaa.." xian stood up and felt a pain in his legs..yibo assisted him..both drove back took one hour to reach the mansion.

As they entered the the mansion....they were stopped in the hall.

" Where are you coming both spend night outside.." Nancy asked coldly.

Both had forgotten,they went out from secret door..but returned from front door..Nancy was only one who opens and close the door there was no other reason lie.. xian was about to apologise..
" I...I .s..o.."

" stopped us from behind bad luck...." Yibo said.

" Ha.. sorry but where are you both.. coming from??"

". We are not coming..we are going... actually going for morning should look after your baby weak he is getting day by day..he needs physical exercise.... I am taking him for walk.." yibo added and dragged xian out..once again.

" Meet you at breakfast.." yibo shouted, moving out..

Nancy was.. shock..when did you o started morning walk,... shouldn't he be sleeping right now..everyday xian wake first..makes tea and then yibo wakes up ....offered with herbal tea.

At breakfast..table.

Everyone was eating .. silently..
When zihuan spoke..
" Last night..." .. yibo's chopsticks fall... while xian coughed ..... everyone turned towards xian,...not realizing yibo,who was smiliarly shock.

" slowly .. don't rush.." Nancy rubbed his back..

" You are okk... xian " asked..
" Yes I am....fine.."xian drank full glass water.

" What were you saying zihuan??" asked

" Last night..Mr. Joseph.. principal of yibo college slipped in his bathroom...and he fractured his legs...

Everyone felt pity...for him.while yibo and xian took a relief.. heartless!!!

.......but maybe he also injured his back...right now he is on bed as we share the biggest share..mean responsibility of college,I will be taking  care of his work... untill he is ready to come..or someone is transferred from other branch..."

" Zihuan will be our principal from now ." asked xian.

" Yes...just I want yibo to assist me in handling family bussiness.... partly" zihuan offered which was rejected by yibo..

" Ge....I have exams coming soon..same time my sports..and race are hanging on my head.. beside you know how good I am in study..if I don't work hard..I may fail.."yibo excuse.

" I know ;but we need family member to handle it.." Zihuan replied..

" Ask xian,he is help.." yibo said and ran out.

Zihuan turned to face xian...xian chuckled..
" Ge,you know..I am not good in bussiness.. that why I took art as my subject..I can't help..."

" But"
" Jiang can help ..he is good in it..he also sometimes manages our bussiness....if you want.."xian offered a replacement.

" I think it is good ....he is also a family....and it will be good for him too..he can learn from zihuan.." approval.

Zihuan approved to.

In college.

" Sir may I come in.." jiang asked knocking the door.
" Come in.."
Jiang entered..and was shocked..his heart pondering hard..eyes widened..

Zihuan was sitting on the principal place..
" Mr.jiang you came.." zihuan said..
Jiang came out of his long was he staring his crush..
" Mr.zi...zihuan...good...morning.." jiang replied ,..awarkwardly....

" Relax.." zihuan .. softly said..
" Xian said principal want to meet me.." jiang answered...but what was the question.

He came out of the office talking for long time...and jumped in victory...

" Looks like things went love.." xian teased from behind..leaning at the door.
Jiang blushed fce..cheeks went pink..

Message popped on xian phone .****
** I can't come during lunch..I am busy...tell everyone..White kitten..*****from yibo.

" Looks like things really went well with you too.." jiang teased..

Xian blushed.. cheeks turning crimson red....both looked each other a d laughed loudly..

Other friend.. waiting at far. ..saw them.. strange .. behavior..are they Ill..maybe family desiese..harmonal hybrid illness..was all they thought.

Long chapter..

Thanks for reading...
Let see who will get his love first..jiang or xian??

Or no one...??

Xian..will get yibo or not???

Will jiang confess his felling???

Both Brothers  sailing in same ship..??

Time is master..... let's it play..

Vote  and comment on..
Love you all.

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