pancakes..for whom?

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Xian day started with the sightseeing..
He was sitting on the floor, leaning at the corner of bed ,with hand supporting his face..
Eyes fixed at white figure sleeping infront of him.xian was staring yibo,who was In deep sleep..what was he dreaming..??

He was so was the only time where xian can closely look yibo ,his hubby.. without the fear of being caught; his fair jaw..,long pointed nose..and those seducing lips..
Xian was lost in his thoughts..when he realized..that the man infront was sliding...bright morning light crossing the glass window was falling on yibo's face.. disturbing his sleep..
Xian blocked the Ray..placing his hand in middle of his path,..again a peaceful sleep..
His eyes locked at others..which were beautiful., When they are shut..but once it more a cold look ..
Is he really cold or is he cold only with me..xian thought..
His puffy hands,which was out of his control.. started tracing his towards yibo hair..soft , smooth xian ruffled them..which made yibo to blink his eyes..

What had xian done.. before yibo could see him..he knee down hiding himself under the bed....not hearing any sound..or shout.. xian took a relief..may be yibo was back a sleep..he stood back..only to notice a pair of eyes.. glazing him..yibo was awake and glazing him in suspicion..

" What were you doing under the bed..??"yibo asked..

" ....i...was.. checking the floor!!"was that came out of xian mouth..

" something fell down , I was picking it back.."realizing what he said.. xian changed his words..

" You got it ??"
"Yes......I bought your morning tea..with less sugar"xian started pointing the tea on table..

Yibo picked the tea..started taking a sip..xian went inside the was a relief..he was not caught..

" I prepared hot water for bath..!!"xian spoke coming out of the bathroom..

Yibo finished his tea and went to freshen up..

After freshen up and showering..yibo can back in room...xian was not there..but something was strange.

All yibo necessary stuffs, wallet,watch..socks,..along with a pair of shirt and jeans were placed on the matches each other perfectly.

Yibo had never In his life allowed anyone to decide what he was going to wear or do..but seeing the things on his bed ..which suited eachother..goes along with the would be a waste to reject them..beside it's hard to choose another that bundle of clothes..
He wore it..

Wen Cheng was sitting in the garden with his other friends..they were the worst student s , skipping the lectures was the first priority..
Xian went I fear..but he went closer to them..

Few of the boys stood up to hover on xian but cheng stopped them..
Looking that no one was shouting on him..Gaining all his strength xian placed a box infront of him..

"Sorry"xian said in his trembling voice.
" What for??"Cheng asked

" For what happened yesterday..i am sorry.. really sorry!! I never thought it would become a big issue..if i had a bit of knowledge about it ..i would have not done it.. sorry..
Because of me your your I'mage was mistake, i was not careful ..please forgive me..if you want i can apologize in public..I will talk to the club to remove that post.. sorry"

" No need do all that,I am not angry with you, beside that post is already been removed.."

" Really.."xian eyes lighten up..

" Yes..why you don't believe...or you wanted to be there few more hours.."

" No no..that's not what I meant..i am happy that it was removed.....please except this.."xian replied pointing at the box.

"What is this??"
" for"

" I forgave you..and you are avoiding me..just by giving me these pancakes.."Cheng said ,making a funny face..

Xian could not stop from laughing.. seeing the one acting strange infront of him..

"Okk...say, what you want.."??

" Be my boyfriend!!"
" No.. I can't." His laugh was replaced by shock....
" but if you want we can be...friends "xian suggested.

Cheng thought for sometime..and then agreed..

" Done..".. Cheng placed his hand forward..for shake hands..
Xian took them..
" But what if you fell for me"Cheng said teasing xian..

" Nice joke.." xian refused laughing on others words..

It was lunch time..

Hakarian and yibo were in college cafeteria.. waiting for others to join them..

Jiang came and sat beside Hakarian..

"Where were you Jiang , i did not saw you ..??"
" I went to meet xian..later sis called me"
" Who Qing??"haka*confirmed..

" How many sis do i have,beside her!!"

"Ha...don't be angry..i was jocking ."

" Good news for you!!",
"Good news...what is it..tell.." haka* asked in excitement..

" Sis will be our new graphic teacher.."

" Really....I got a chance"haka* was filled with joy..
Finally after a long wait ,he got a chance to hook on his crush..

" Don't be too excited..she is tough to handle...and .. beside don't forget she will be your teacher"Jiang broked his dream in middle.

" Why there is any rule.."..

" Which rule??" Haka*was cut in xue..
Xue and yang joined them..

" Nothing....let's order something.."

" Hey..wait wait..firstfinish this.."Jiang intrrupted and placed a box opened infront of yibo..

" What is this??"yibo asked.
" Can't you see it is pancakes"jiang replied in hard tone..

" I know that,but why giving to me"
" Xian gave ..he said you did not had proper breakfast!"

" Have you gone is lunch time..and we have cafeteria,..if I felt hungry i can eat here"

" Don't you dare yo call me mad..and also..xian gave me the box in morning,i forgot to give you.."

."..hey wait..where is xian.." haka* asked..avoiding a big fight.

Yang:" he had some finish..he will join us..Soo..look he came"

Xian entered the cafeteria with Cheng..
Hakarian,yibo and xue .. dropped there jaws.. witnessing xian ...along with Cheng.Did not they were a live sensation tomorrow,how did they got together..

"Hey him..he is wen Cheng, computer science new friends.."xian introduced him..

" Xian, you don't need to introduce ..we all know each other..right yibo"Cheng replied .

" Yes.." yibo nodded ..coldness can be seen on his face..

" Okk...but meet him,..he is brother...and this is xianyang my childhood friend, .."

Jiang and yang greeted Cheng..
All sat together.

Cheng:" Where is this sweet smell coming from..??"

Yang:" is from this pancakes.." pointing at thee box.

Xian turned toward Jiang ..griiting his teeth..
" Hhh don't be angry..i forgot..and look he is not eveneating

They ordered there lunch..

Yibo all other friends were xian and Cheng became they know about yibo disliking him.
On the other hand yibo was relived
that this matter ended so easily,without his and xian relation being exposed..but was unhappy with xian getting Close with Cheng.

Was yibo way he don't like xian that much..for felling was just his concern..about xian.

But are not we concern about one..who are close to us..was xian really close..

What was going to happen in there life....will yibo ever realized xian love ..or the life will take a u-turn..
Wait for it..
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