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Yibo remained there dumbly. He couldn't understand,what tag will suit,, angelic..not either!! Looks,like new tag should be invented to , frame him.

There stood, a gloomy face with his most wellshaped body. If God ask,what is perfection??xian will be the answer.
In his black stripped pant,not much though,.tightly covering his thin legs showing his knees,from cut.his black shirt with red roses printed on them,lavousish with sparkles,tugged inside his pants, reveling his slim waist! Sleeves folded up,Silver metallic chain circled around his waist,used as belt.. slightly falling from side. moving upside,top two buttons of his shirt open, exposing his milky white skin.....with two three metallic star lockets hang around his neck, different lengths making a pattern.... Bit more up,.. little red lips! with corner mole,which was more dark then regular,did they used marker.
Little makeup, well that not his eyes!! Hey, what's that??

Golden round glasses on them, with twinkling almond,sharp eyes...bit ruffled hair,..and top of that sweet smile which never fades!!

(Sorry it went long!)

In all ...bottom, sexy.. middle was confident and his blushed face showing his innocence and childness..with evil, seducing messed hair.

After lots,of praise and complement section both yibo and Xian rode to there destination.well that was also a case,others wanted to make baby boy look more stunning so yibo had to drag him out from there custody.what if it gets more !!

" Yours eyes are not hurting??" Yibo asked, to xian sitting beside him on passenger seat.

" No,why??"
" Because of Len's,on glasses!!"

Xian smiled widly.." there no,Len's.. " he said, showing it to him.

Yibo, gasped.. Right it was just Len's... riding his car, handling the accelater, yibo frequently ,tried to stole few glances of others.. Everytime his eyes,fall on open shirt, he smirked.

" Xian... please , ..close your..Butt.o." yibo trembled.. couldn't say anymore.

" What??"

" Window..close your side window!!" Yibo said, internally slapped himself.

Felling,starnge too..weird yibo , increased the coldness of the car.

" It's too hot!!" he commented.

" But , I thought it feels  cold" xian said, facing him.

Yibo,. eyes sparkled.." yehh..right right,it is you should wear more clothes.. atleast button the shirt"

Xian pouted.." no way,momG said not to..they look stylish, beside yours is also opened" he said, pointing yibo's own open shirt.

" If I close,then will you" yibo asked.

Xian thought" no ..never!! I have to show my lockets"

" Is it necessary??"

" Yes, very much.. Nancy, said,they are supper expensive..I should show them.." xian innocently answered.

Yibo frowned, how to tell him what it meant..but before he could say anymore, horn from the car brought him back on road.. rolling his gaze,he put his concentration back at infront.
Surely, he had double work babysit...and second bodyguard.

They reached there stop...xian eyes widened In surprised he had never seen such a place,in his life..all he attended were marriage and family parties,along with his siblings...yes they were always there to look after and give him warm company.Mrs.xian being a strict mother,never allowed her children to,visit or even be part of such events,where all had fake smile,and darkness in there heart......

As soon as car parked,xian wanted to jump out..but was stopped by cold hands, holding back his hands.

" What??" Xian was confused.
" Few rules for you,to follow!!"

Xian pouted.. blinking his leashes.

Taking a deep sigh yibo started, telling him his recently made rules.

" Firstly,you will not speak to any stranger! Well here all are stranger!
Secondly, not eating too much, especially no drink..not even a sip..
Thirdly , smile little less..only curve your lips.
Fourth , say me before doing anything.
Fifth,you will not leave my if it's fine with you,then comeout" yibo went out of the car waiting for xian.

No later xian joined him....all what yibo told him, the speed it enter his ears,with same speed it flow out from other ear!! All xian know ,he is going in,ealder party not like always visited. He was mesmerized in his surrounding,when yibo grab his hand , pulling him inside.

Xian was looking everything in excitement,in wonder..colored lights..loud music.. gathering of people's netly dressed.. variety of dishes,cakes.. chocolate...ahcohol bottle, some at hidden corner was tough for him to get what were couples,doing at diverting his way he focused on , food.

Yibo, knew he was without wasting time,first thing he did was..make a plate for him, with some cakes , non alcoholic chocolate! and was very unusual , yibo going to food counter, instead of meeting ziyi, well who can say it's his fault?? He had a grown up baby boy,to feed.

Yibo eyes never leaving xian,who was busy eating while sightseeing his surrounding...yibo feared,if he blink his eyes, xian will vanish,bcoz few will kidnap him,or some will adopt him..for some reason , looking him so joufull made yibo's heart to jump in joy,as it ponders..but it didn't last long!

Ziyi ,was eagerly waiting for him... finally spotted him..she ran,not was troublesome with high heels... coming closer to yibo, she smiled..which soon change to frown seeing xian beside him,with hands cuffed together... plastering a smile on her face,she hugged yibo, kissing his cheeks....while greeting xian.

Xian return,her greeting with a simple'hi'

" Baby,come let me introduce you with my colleagues.." ziyi said, pulling yibo..yibo left hand still holding xian was pulled to..xian right hand holding his plate.

One by one ,she introduced yibo as his boyfriend to everyone. ...but to her daze, everytime other look yibo, prince charming..there gaze shift to beautiful young boy beside him.yibo had experienced such situation many times,so it doesn't bother him..while xian blushed hard..his cheeks growing red, with each praise.. gaining more attention...,that frowns's her party after all.

whenever, anyone extended his hand to shake with xian , baby boy look at yibo, getting a nod he he extend his too..only to find both hand occupied,one with yibo other with plate, yibo had to take the plates, his hand...leaving ziyi arm.

It was an adversitment success party,most of people here were belongings to entertainment world,having a sharp eye to pick up real grams from trash..and cute couple being extremely pretty ,got lots of offer to work in acting line,..which yibo politely denied.

It would have continued similarly,if ziyi had not dragged yibo,on dance floor.leaving xian alone .

Romantic music played, couple occupied the stage.. moving in rhythm..with the flow...but yibo's,eyes were blued on baby boy.

Yibo,foccus on dance??"ziyi said.

" But xian!"

" What xian...he is not a kid anymore, he can take care of himself..!!" Ziyi smirked.

Yibo laugh" no..he is a boy.."

Both , dancing in pattern.. tapping on floor,.. swift movements...yibo, lost his concentration,and tripped.... pressing ziyi feet under his..

" Ooouchhh" ziyi scream in pain.
" Sorry..ia.m sorry..does it hurt" yibo asked in corcern.

Ziyi frowned" off course it hurts..where were looking"

Yibo helped her, to walk at corner sitting on the empty chair..while apolizing...." Should I call doctor??"

" No....bring me some ice!!"

Yibo, thought for sometime..and walked to the drink counter..asking for some ice... meanwhile forgetting xian.

Ziyi, took out her phone ..and dialled a number....full with talk,she hang up..with a smile...yibo returned.. messaging the foot,she felt good again.

Yibo, turned to look xian..but he was not there..he disappeared.... scanning among the guest s yibo, spotted him .. walking upstairs...he tried to walk,but ziyi held his hand.. ignoring her yibo ran in his direction..with ziyi behind her.

Xian was sitting a his place, ..

" Mr.are you with mr.yibo" waiter asked..xian nodded.

" They called you upstairs!!" Waiter said, showing him the way.

Without giving second thought, xian took his phase upward..what there to think,yibo called..but waiter said they!!

Xian walked for sometime, not getting anyone presence,he decided to return back,....he had few steps,when a whink sound enter his hear.

Someone,was whimping in pain.. looking hearand there,he found young man, kneeing down.. holding his legs in pain.

" Sir, you okkk...need help" xian asked,softly.

" Yes, I got sprain in walk till my room" man said.

Xian bent down, struggling to make him wrapped him arm around his shoulder....
" Sir ,which room??"
" Just the corner one!!" man replied.

Both entered the room shutting the door., xian made him sit on sofa..." Sir you need something??"

" Yes, there is painkillers in drawer.." pointing the one beside the table.

Xian gave him the meds,with water..which the man rejected.. asking for vine instead..xian gave him,the ahcohol bottle,..which was in the minifreeze inside the room.

He was about to move back..when he was , held by that man ..he had grabbed xian wrist , .. freezing him.

" Share a drink with me!!"
" No,sir I don't drink" xian half lied tried to pull his hand.

Grip became tight" just more"

" No,sir..please let me go" xian panicked.

Man held him tightly, squeezing them,which had started paining xian....
" You can't go with out drink" harshly.

" Sir , please..I don't want to.." xian , tried harder.. freeing from him..which made them, hit the table..making bottle to fall,with thud..snnnn.

Yibo,was looking for xian in collidoor..

" Baby,no one is here..let's go back" ziyi said.

" No,I saw xian.. coming up..he is here" yibo replied.

" Baby, what will he do here, is down stairs..let's go "

Yibo ignored her, continued his search....paused..when he heard loud breaking sound from one of the room.

He walked closer,door was closed.... thinking weather to disturb or not,but hearing xian voice from inside..he opened find xian struggling to free his hand, while beating him with other hand...

Hearing door to open,both turned ... seeing yibo in anger, standing at the door.... man's grip loosen, and xian freed himself from him..and ran towards yibo, hidding himself behind him ... tucking his clothes,backhugging him.....

Yibo, looked xian....scared and his brushies,on his had gone red,with tight grip.. before turning to that man fast track,yibo grabbed,him by his collar,bumping him on wall.

" How dare you,touch him!" Yibo shouted.

" I did not..he came..him..." man tried to protest..

" Shut up,you bas***d.." punched him hard, on his face..

It hit ,him .cutting his lips,.blood doozed out from the corner of  mouth.

Yibo,made his punch again,but xian scream .. stopped him.

Seeing blood,xian panicked.. screamed in fear...yibo throwed that man on floor, hitting him with legs,few time...he walked out, taking xian with him.
That didn't stopped,in middle leaving everyone behind both ,drove back....

Ziyi was left speechless..she froze at her spot.she had never seen, such temper of furious...that man,got up from floor, wiping the blood ,he came closer to her.

" Ziyi" he called.

" Shut up!! What did you do??"

" You said that!!"holding red cheeks.

" I said,to take xian far from stage and party.. especially yibo..not to assult fool.." she yell.

Man laughed," I thought,he was your boyfriend.." he commented.

Ziyi, gritted her teeth,and stromed out.

Way to, Wang mansion was quite, full one spoke,soft music from , radio tried to ease the mood, but no outcome.yibo glance xian, few times..all excitement had long gone..the happiness,smile..while coming here was not on way back,he was in shock..

They reached,home.. straight to there was quite too,no single shadow,well it was good.

Xian was sitting on his bed, in was killing yibo..yibo knee down infront of him..he took,xian both hand in his squeezing it softly.

" Say something,!!"

Xian bend,down supporting his hand on other shoulder....they stayed likewise..soon yibo felt wetness on his skin.

" Sorry.... please don't be angry..i am sorry" xian sniff...

" It's okay..I am not's fine....but wait why are you sorry" yibo asked.

Xian raised, up.." I didn't follow your rules.. sorry!!..I should have not left you.."

" No,you did not..I left you!!" Yibo console him.

" You are not angry??"
" smile"
Xian smiled.." but should haven't beaten him,so hard,he was hurt..blood was flowing from his mouth. ...he only asked for one drink," he innocently asked.

Yibo face palmed himself..wheather should be happy, xian care for everyone and his childness..or sad on his stupidity.. anything could have happened.

" Okk.. forget it..from tomorrow get up early" yibo ordered.

" But ,I get up early everyday..before you" xian stated.

" Yehhh..get more early,you need exercise.."
Xian moodoff" why??"
" To be strong!!"
" I am..Nancy make me drink milk,..I eat too...I even do hard work..I am healthy" xian pouted.

Yibo laughed" yes, healthy but not strong..need exercise to protect yourself"

" You won't protect me??"
" Should I!!" Yibo teased.
Xian frowned" yes!! you obliged to do it..from today you are my official superhero!!"

Before yibo, could protest, phone rang cutting his words.xian checked his phone..

" Whose call.. late night??"
" Alarm!!"
" You set alarm this hour..its almost midnight!!"

Xian didn't reply, instead got up, walking out of room..yibo wanted to follow..but xian stopped him.." don't move,stay here.. please!!"

minutes passed,..yibo waited..but xian didn't returned..yibo left the room....he had just , reached the stairs when light went off...

"" yibo called.

Using his tourchlight ..he came down.." anyone there..Nancy.." he went in kitchen, lighted the candle....

he was in hall, .... hearing sound from behind, turned back..BOoM..

Someone tried to scare him,yibo did even flinch..

" Happy,.. birthday.. happy birthday couple.." lighted up.

Full family came out,.. shouted in excitement.. wishing both of them.
" both child had grown up, .." said, kissing xian and yibo's forehead.

" Happy birthday brother..xian" zihuan wished.. others too.

Xian pouted" mom,yibo didn't scream.." making everyone laugh.

Zihuan connected zhan family and there friends on video call, they cut the cake.... together...after wishing and talking all went back to there rooms..

Yibo and xian had ,also came back..but going directly to sleep,xian pulled yibo toward s the garden..other allowed.

On reaching at corner,xian pointed at small wodden house..made by him.
" Kitti, don't you think it's too small for us to even enter" yibo teased.

Xian, blinked.." not for it" yibo did what was asked.

As soon as it opened,two bunny rabbit, jumped out black..other white.." your gift" xian said.

Yibo smiled, widly.." you love them??"
" Very.."
Both sat there, .. playing with them..
" Which one ,you liked??" Xian asked.

Yibo, looked them.." black..yyy"
" Okk,then blacky yours..whitey is mine" xian said, enjoying with them..

Bunnies, hopped around them.....up down....xian extended his hand to yibo....yibo was he asking for his hand..he placed his hand above him.

" No,..not's my birthday too" xian hopefully.

Yibo,had not remembered his own day,how will he remember his..and gift long

" Who ask for gift!! for himself!!" Yibo tried to reverse..

" I..ask..I asked everyone!!" Xian said.
Yibo gasped in ,shock.." you..asked..they told you!!"

" don't believe..see, your is giving us couple mom dad.. couple watch,one you me.. zihuan ge gave us new car..I can't drive ,so you keep it...jiang didn't told me,.. it's secret!!..... Shiji will give me new edition of favorite novel..for you...

Xian paused..yibo raise his eyebrows..

.....for you, extra marks in assignments...yang art set..Nancy forgot to ask her..xue...."

"'s enough , got it..I will see it,when they give it..." Yibo cutted him.

" My gift!!"
" Hhhh.. consider me in Jiang category, it's secret" yibo, took relief....xian pout.

Time passed..xian tummy growled in hunger.." yibo,I am hungry!!"

" Hh.. didn't you eat in par..t" yibo didn't mentioned it.

" It was hour before....wait I will bring something" xian stood up to grab food,from kitchen.. returned back with beer can and snacks..

Placing it infront of them..he munch the snacks.." yibo, cheers.." xian was about to take a sip.

" No, cheers..only drink"
Xian pouted.." only one.."

" No"
" Yibo"
" Xian.." yibo scared him.

Xian gave up, .... secretly  waiting for didn't took much was getting cold , yibo went to take blanket,for both of them.

When he came back..xian head was down..
" Xian" yibo called.
" Kitti"
" Baby boy.."

" babies are sleeping.." xian wishpered.

Yibo, dumped his forehead....he shaked him, getting his attention..

" Aaaa..Daddy came back.." xian sat on yibo's lap.

It went too long.. sorry!!
Thanks for reading.😊😊😊😊

This story crossed 1.15 k views..thanks to my precious readers.

What will happen next!!

Will chatter,box narrate a new fiction..or something different??

What should, yibo give him..??
May be his heart..or take Xian's.😘😘

Stay safe!!..and rembere me..😊😊😊😊💜💜💜💜💜💕💕💕💕💕💜💜💜

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