wait..and encounter!

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As the first ray of sun, shower it's brightness.. killing the darkness behind,yibo huffed on his bed.....the harsh, clicking sound of his alarm disturbed his sleep.

Extending his hand,he made the alarm die down in middle,about to continue his sleep,which he can't anymore...since it was already broken by that damm alarm.

Opening his eyes,he was welcomed by most beautiful face with it's charming smile.

" Xian!!" Yibo wishpered.

" hmm" was replied from other side.

" What are you doing down there!!"yibo asked, sitting straight on the bed.

" Ohhah.. something fell down,just picking"

Yibo ,brows roused...as he gave a slight smile." don't lie...you were staring me!!"

Baby boy, blushed pink..in embarrassment, giving a nod in confirmation..he hang his head down.

Yibo laughed wildly... rolling down on his bed..

" Kitti..am I handsome!!" he sarcastically asked.

Hearing the question, small almond eyes lit up...nodding continuosly in yes..." Yes,very handsome..as always."

It made,yibo his heart dance in joy a big relief... everything was like he wanted.

" And my kitti is too cute!!" Yibo said.

Baby boy ,frowned..." I am not cute..I'm beauty.....no..no.i am handsome." he declared pouting.

It was most adorable,view one can ever get early morning...yibo bet.
Cute pout on , white face..having a mix of pink cheery blossom...like a red Dot on white canvas, attracting every catchy eyes.

Yibo's, hand unconsciously moved forward ready to touch those cheeks,when the click of door knob call his attention.his hand never reached it's spot.....xian vanished in thin air,like a mist if dream.

Sliding the door apart, Nancy entered the room with a tray with, morning herbal tea.

She placed the tray on the table,and turned back...toward the door.

" Breakfast is on the ,table...eat before you leave" she said,was about to leave... without glancing any look on the bearer of the tea.

Before she could stepped out..yibo stopped her..asking one of the same question.

" Nancy..will xian return today??" he asked softly.

" I don't know...go ask your self"she coldly replied,in all her anger.

Yibo, head hung down,in disappoinment..

" Why can't ask...or you don't have guts" Nancy said,...her words,had both a unanswered question and , challenge.

Once again yibo was alone in his room...like last five days.

Yes , five day have already passed..and yibo had not seen xian..not even heard his voice...it was not like,he could not go to zhan house,to meet xian...but the scold...order or one can say threaten he got from Jiang , stopped his feat everytime.
More of ,he don't want to deal with them right now.All he wanted to do,right now was meet baby boy ....and then what!!!!!

No answer,he preferely don't no what he will ...be doing,saying to him.idiot just apolize.'''

Picking the ,cup of tea he took the sip..only to spit it next second,only xian knew what type of tea he like....or more preferely yibo was habitual of his taste....and Xian too.

Finally leaving the cup half filled...he moved to his closet,taking the pair of spare clothes he went for shower.

As cold water,burshed down from his head , wetting his skin his thoughts wonder back in his past..there past.

One can also see his eyes  getting watery,but unfortunately it was because of soap that accidentally went in them..it was what yibo brain told him...against his aching heart....but did he really used soap.??

What ever!!

From last five days,yibo continuously goes to college,without any skip....not because he magically got sudden interest in studies,but to meet someone.
But he can't, because xian had stopped coming to college......everyday he goes,roam around and return back.

His friends,had also parted with him...now yibo was all alone.
Hakarian and xue ,see him each day...but only see.No talk,no hanging out....there group had long scattered with one wrong doing .
the place where they usually meet ,there hideout was slowly converting to deserted place...place for birds to settle there after that incident, neither of them had put a foot at the place.

Finally getting ready,yibo went down...... sitting at the dinning table ..with table..fork.. spoons..and placed stored food as his company and family.from that particular incident neither zihuan and nor Nancy had shared the same table with him...
Last time they all had ,dine together was .....when there chef was with them.
Zihuan had changed his schedule ,by leaving the mansion before yibo gets up and return back late night,to avoid any encounter with him.

Finishing the food,yibo left for college..with same hope...but deep inside he knew,....''

Reaching at his destination ,parking the bike at his usual place...yibo walked toward the cafeteria.
Hakarian,xue ,yang and jiang were there inside the cafeteria sitting together.
Seeing yibo, entering the place...jiang was first to get up and leave the spot...it was hard for him to control himself...how hardly he was maintaining silence...without bursting out in anger, Everytime he sees him, enjoying his life...with his girlfriend.

Jiang ,had to attend the college because xian don't want his siblings to worry  about him,and kept on pending there work.
Xian wanted both and Qing to continue there job,but qing being protective denied to leave him alone at home...so Jiang had to continue his regular work.....

xian had started feeling himself burden..reason for all that happened....key for everyone sadness . Yibo's each and every words always , echo in his ear... reminding him ,how useless he is!!       corner of his room ,was now his favorite spot...where he cry full night, suppressing his sobbs..moan only to hide it from others.

But both jiang and qing knew xian very well...his small heart, unhappy smile...dull face narrated a big story behind them...the way he lived.

Qing cook all his delicious food,which xian refuses after having a bite,his health declining day by day.
Jiang always try to make him laugh..tease him...fight for video game s... watching his cartoon,kid movies...which he almost hated.

But anything for xian !! sometime s he get success ,when xian smile..alomst laugh,but remembering the words that yibo screamed that day..I hate your face..I hate your smile!! ..second later burst in cry..soking , with tears.

Maybe ,if yibo ..included tears also in his hate list....I could have stopped xian..from shedding it's pearls!

Zihuan often visited, atleast once a day...jiang was angry on him,but he don't deny his request for meeting xian....only Qing talk to him ,beside baby boy never alter a word.

Qing, assigned Hakarian as his representative for managing the library,which made Hakarian, to get responsible side keeping his lazyness...it was what he can do atleast.
Talking about jiang, he had stopped seeing zihuan in college..for any office work, he discuss it at home...only work they discussed about.

Looks like,the three relationship was dangling on it's edge...with couples ..xian being the center of support..once his is over ,others will not last long.

After jiang, disappearing from the cafeteria others also don't waited to long...taking there stuff they moved out... yibo ,who was just about to join them stood , dumb.
It was odd for other students,who had witnessed there great bonding,..seeing them spacing out from yibo.

Who care!!....I ??

Staying there for few minutes scanning the surrounding..,just to show that he was not left back alone...he also walked out.

Well he still cares about his image! ice cold prince.

Yibo was walking, around the collidoor..towards the auditorium (rehearsal place) for practicing his part in play.

He was just few steps away from the place,when his feet stopped..wild winds touched his skin, bringing shrill.

Infront stood ,same figure..with it's natural beauty.
Xian turned back.. felling the presence.there eyes meet... little cruve brushed his lips,which soon getting cold glaze from yibo.

There eyes, fixed on eachother..as time skipped....yibo shaked his head, to get out of his imagination..only dream....he took his steps forward, decreasing the distance..and closed passed him.

Opening the door, he reveled himself...

Ziyi ,cling onhis shoulder planting a kiss on his cheeks.

" Yibo baby...where were you! I was waiting??"

"...." Yibo remain silent.

" Okk...let's not waste time...get ready to practice,..toady script 4" she said, handling him the script.

Both started, practicing there line.. everything at ziyi side was perfect but yibo who gave only his half heart in play, was making lots of mistake s..he can't even alter a single line correctly..which irritated ziyi and other too... doing it for about an hour,they all decide to take some rest...and continue later, seriously.

Sitting together,every drink was placed infront.
" Hey,where is the leader...call him too!!" one of them said.

(* Here leader,stands for one leading the play as director.... host*)

Minutes later , leader joined them,but he too tensed...seeing him yibo asked.

" What happened,why are you tensed??"

" Nothing,..xian denied to play the role anymore..he is not taking part in play.."leader replied with a sigh.

" Why??"
" Personal reason"

Yibo went quite...he knew what was the reason.

Leader turned toward,ziyi.." ziyi ,you were one ..who selected xian...so now you will have to find his replacement" it was a request,same time order.

"Okk..I will....f.i.." ziyi couldn't say anymore,yibo cut her in middle.

" No....no need,xian will do his part.i will talk to him..untill them let's practice,other part." Yibo said,ziyi just britted her teeth.

" You sure" leader confirmed...yibo nodded.

They continued ,drink and discussing the script......but yibo , had some confusion.

" How did xian told you...I mean did he called you" unable to , control he asked.

" Why will he call...he came ,to meet me...and to deny,..he apologized also.." leader told him

" He came!!!"yibo in shock .
" Yes, didn't you saw him outside..."

Yibo ,brain went blank..." Shit!  he was real..he really was there" he ,shouted... running out.

Others,looked him dumbfoldely..what happened!!     ( Earthquake.😲)

Yibo, ran all along the collidoor..but it was late,too late...

Xian, was right now at there hideout.getting no response from yibo he didn't waited any longer.. straight to this place,far from college..from crowd..from yibo .

Squeezing his legs,to his chest.. sitting on chair...his tears wetting his shirt...while silent sob, echoing inside the hall.

*Ring* * ring*
His phone ran...seeing the caller ID ,he wipped his tears...taking a deep breath he , scrolled the green point on the screen.

Xian: mommy..( I made,few changes...from here, they will call there parent as mommy Papa....while in-law s mom dad.."

Xian:hello mummy.

        Mrs.zhan: xian..how are you ,baby??"

Xian : fine ...very happy.

''' aa..let me...let me talk too..."

Mrs.zhan : ha..xian ,talk to you mom!"

Mr.wang : ha..hello baby..how are you..!"

Xian : fine... healthy...how are you..and dad..Papa..

Mrs.wang : all are fine.....okk wait, I am making video call pick it up.."

Xian : no..no..

Mrs Wang : why??

Xian: I..I am in college..and network is also not good....it won't connect properly." He lied.....bcoz...

Mrs.wang: okk...then I am ,keeping it on speaker...your mummy is pinching me from back..haha.ha"

Xian : ha..ha..(fake..)

Mrs.zhan : xian,why is your voice ,dull.. something happened.+ ..yes , baby..I wanted to ask too..(mrs.wang)

Xian: no..no .. nothing, little cold......

Mrs.zhan: off..ohh..xian. ,look after your self...did you took medicine,

Xian : yes.. mummy.

    Mrs.wang : don't, worry..I will ask Nancy to , give you some homemade meds...its effective.

Xian: okk...mom ,where is dad..and

Mrs.wang : ohh..they busy in office
                    work. Me and your mummy came out on Shopping...your mommy really had bad taste..hihi.."

Mrs.xian : youuu...don't ,forget I gave birth to ,your handsome baby xian...and also choosed yibo...was I wrong??....xian you tell do I have bad taste..

Xian :...no,...you choosed the best.!

Mrs.wang : stop joking...I know my yibo best!!😏....ohh..wait ,I forgot to ask...what do you want baby from here..tell me ,I will bring everything you want .

Xian : anything..you like!!

Mrs.zhan : xian,you better tell her,else she will buy full mall...and we will end carrying the luggage hihihi..

Xian : hah..ha..

Mrs.wang : baby,your mother knows me best...so now tell fast...I am noteing "

Xian: * deep thought*  big teddy bear....shoes.....Sony max headphone............

Mrs.wang : hnnn..baby , this all we get at our place...say something more..

Xian : I don't , Know..bring whatever you like.

Mrs.wang : okk done...

Xian : when are you coming back...I miss you.

Mrs.wang : oooo..h look, my baby miss me...not you mrs.zhan..he mis me..

    ' no,way..he was talking about me ,right xian...he misses his mother not in-law....you heard wrong..'

Xian : aaaa...mom.. Mummy ,don't fight .I miss you both both...come back fast.."

Mrs.wang : yes,baby..we Miss you too..and your smile....we will come fast.

Mrs.zhan : take care xian....  don't make any , trouble... We love you..bye.

Mrs.wang : no baby...make more trouble..and became more naughty,I like my cute xian..love you baby.😘😘😘

Call ended.* Beap*

Xian held,the phone tightly... cuddling more,into a ball...

" Please some fast...I miss you..please come back..xian misses you.." he wishpered,crying loudly...as trail of tears ,fell down once more.

* Ring * * ring*
His phone rang once again...it was from jiang. He was desperately searching him,....xian just came to , take his name back from play..also apolize for causing more trouble.

Jiang ,had escorted him ..till the auditorium, but when he came back..xian was no more there...

" Xian ...where are you.!!"
       " At hideout.."

" Wait...I am coming."

After 20 minutes, jiang opened the door and..he walked to xian.

" Xian...what happened!" he asked , finding him crying.

" You lied...you tricked me...you lied"

" Huuum..what..??" Jiang , was confused.

" Yibo...yibo...,he is still angry with me. He won't want to talk. He ignored me....he.. didn't looked me!!" xian said, between his sob.

Jiang hugged him.. patting his back. when xian ,was little calm ..he spoked again.

" Xian..xi..look here!! What did u
I told you......he is not one angry..you are one who is angry." Jiang said,

Xian nodded,.. getting the point...

" No, not like this..speak it...I want to hear " jiang demanded..

Stopping his pating ..heavy breath..
"I...a..m.." he wishpered.

" Louder,my ears are not working properly...louder" jiang ordered,well his ears were perfectly good in all tip and top..

" I..i..am the one angry with yibo..i will not see him...I will not listen him...I will not talk to him...I will ignore him...forget all he said...I am good boy...I won't allow him ,near me...I won't....cry " xian repeated all ,jiang told him...each and every words correctly।.

Jiang smirked.." did you, do it??"

Xian ,hang his head down.

" Didn't you promised,not to cry again....do you want me to call Mom and Dad.." jiang said..xian looked up,in reflex.

" No..don't...don't tell them ..I won't cry anymore.i promise" xian begged,to stop jiang from doing,that he feared.

Jiang sighed" okk..I won't,but you need to keep your promise. ....now give a smile.." he said,wipping his tears.

Xian smiled..little,just a curve of lips..

" No...you are not doing, properly...I am calll...

" No.." xian ,cutted him... smiling widly..." You are,very bad.. threatening me.."

" Only for my cutie!!" Jiang said, gaining hit from xian.

" I am not cute..I'm handsome!!" he pouted...jiang hugged him, laughing wildly....and they walk out,back to college.

Coming back ,to college....

" Xian, you have any work left...??" asked jiang .

" No"
" Then,let's go home...my work is over too." Jiang said, heading towards the parking area.

" No..wait.lets me wash my face,else Shiji will scold again!!" xian complained... thinking ,about series of questions she will ask.

Jiang , scanned him closely" right! you look like rotten meat...." he teased, laughing.

" Shut up!!!.."

They walked, to the bathroom..jiang stood outside..while xian went in.

Standing infront of the basin..he took a glance of himself,in mirror...right he was looking like rotten meat. messy..pale.

Opening the,tap..water drained out. Filling the ,water in the cup of his palm..he splashed it on his face.

Once..twice ..thrice.

man, beside him..offered him handkerchief.     Xian,eyes were blurry,bcoz of water...he took that piece of cloth.

Drying his face with it...he turned back,to look the figure..

" Tha...n.." his words ,got stuck in his throat,leg froze..and eyes wide opened.

It was yibo...he was already inside the bathroom in one of cubicle s.

Both stood ,there staring each other. This time,yibo knew xian was for real ..not a dream..or imagination.time passed,sockets, focused at particular direction..

As theatmospherebecame..sofacating......yibo moved forward, breaking the contact." Xian..i ..i. ..

" Xian ,why are you taking too lo..n" Jiang came in.

Finding,yibo inside with xian...his blood boiled. Xian was helpless infront if yibo....

Jiang held xian hand , dragging him out." Xian we need to leave!!"

Yibo walked, fastly behind them... blocking them, at each steps....." Xian..stop.please listen..jiang wait..!!  he begged from behind.

" Yibo, get side...." Jiang shouted.

" No..please listen once.xian please...hear me.." yibo pleased...xian , gave him a chance.

" I..i..am...

" Speak fast!!" jiang yelled.

" Yes..i i...am..a....o...i .." yibo, tried ..his voice trembled.he never thought what to say,when meeting xian.

Jiang smirked " see..you have, nothing to say.."

Jiang , pushed yibo to side...and dragged xian forward.yibo once again followed them...

In this , walk -stop..they don't realized..all those confuse eyes on them. .. student started gathering around them..making a crowd.

" Xian.." yibo shouted,in frown.. grabbing his hand.     Xian stopped walking , because of sudden pull.xian left hand was in yibo's hand while other in jiang hand.

Jiang turned back,when xian stopped suddenly...his gaze landed on there hand..." Xian , you are coming with me!!" he ordered , gritting his teeth.. pulled him.
Yibo grip , more tightly... dominating other side.

Xian , stucked in middle.....his crazy brother..and angry yibo.. hubby...both pulling him.not ready to leave.

" What is happening here" loud voice, was heard from behind.... attracting there attention.

Zihuan walked to them..yang, witnessing the situation getting worse,had informed him .

" His this ,way to talk in college" .. zihuan rolled his eyes ,on crowd.." and ,what are you all watching,do t have work to do..get lost.." he shouted.in anger.

Soon the crowd disappeared.... leaving them alone...

" Zihuan ge.." yibo, called him..but his voice stopped,...when zihuan shouted again.

" Shut up..just keep quite...I am not your ge.. neither brother.right now I'm head of this college..your principal.. director of this place..."

Yibo,zipped his mouth.. zihuan glance xian stuck in middle..then jiang..who was looking down..... ignoring his blood eyes.

" And you jiang...I can think of yibo doing this..but you...you will do such act.i never thought...have you gone mad...let him go.....leave xian hand.." he shouted, yelled on jiang...jiang heard him with all his ears..his grip on xian hand loosen, he left his hand.

Yibo, still holding him.." and, you ...do I need to repeat myself.." zihuan , said to yibo...coldly .

" No..zihu...sir...I want to talk to him" yibo replied,making grip more tight.

Zihuan fummed... hissed..he turn to xian.his face became calm..voice soft.

" Xian..do you want to talk to yibo??"he asked, soflty.    Xian stayed silent.

" Xian do.. want to talk??"

" No" xian ,said freeing his hand from yibo, using his free hand..

" No,I don't want to talk!!" Xian , replied looking straight in yibo's eyes...jiang and xian left.yibo just watched them disappearing.

' you are also angry with me." yibo said. ..as blacky(rabbit) didn't came near him.. hopping far from him.

' I know you are!! ...today I met ,xian..your mom...I miss him..you miss him too....he was looking beautiful,but he never smiled seeing me.(why should he!) ..he didn't even gave me a chance....it's too much now.shouldn't he , atleast hear me once..

( well did,he heard him..when he begged him)

I could not speak...not even a words,before him...why will I do,if he won't listen me..not give me a chance.....".  Yibo talked to , bunnies.  Blacky, stayed far from him, hopping on green grass... ignoring him. Only whitey ,came near him... picking his clothes.. hopping beside him.

Right, firstly blacky play,near yibo..but right now he stayed , distance away from him...and one..white, who firstly always , hissed..fumued on yibo,..stay close to him .... maybe animals really  have,power to feel pain of there master...

Yibo,picked white in his hand .. swinging him in air...brushing his nose with the tip of his nose...

" Please tell me what should I do...he won't listen to me.....no wait..." Yibo's eyes,lit up.....

" If he won't listen...then I will make him read!!" saying so,he jumped on his feet..stroming inside.

Taking a note book,he made himself comfortable on the chair,with table infront... placing the notebook,he opened a fresh page, grabbing the pen from penstand...he started writing.

**** Xian..I want to say that...* Paper crumbled ,..then on floor.

Next sheet.....'''' kitti..my cutie...I am very ......''' crumbled and on floor.

Soon full floor was, filled with torned papers.....why was it's so difficult for yibo to say something. His Mastermind perfectly worked,when shouting on xian...yelleing his anger ,making him guilty...even declaring his punishment.....he never felt,what impact it had on the baby boy..

Xian , his weak soul ... getting through , nightmares...buy he was strong,yes he was....... after hearing all this,he still was living! Was he???I doubt.
Living without,smile.. without feeling...no had pain as feel... without dream..and without someone particular, ...if this is life...then he was leaving.

Only three words..just three mere words,was all ..that yibo had to say. Three words, that can bring everything back to normal, happy again.xian will never think twice before forgiving him...three words" I am sorry!!" wasn't too much

But right now,all xian felt was hatred ..hate for himself.he would have never came back to college,if jiang didn't tricked him... didn't asked him to deny himself for play,...to apolize ...in person.
Xian ,just wanted to hide himself...never to come out. He just don't want to show his , disgust face to yibo....even if he it kills him inside slowly. He would do.. fulfill every wish of,lion...till his last breath, even if cost over his own happiness.and not to show his face,o e of those wish.

Unable to ,write any single line...he came back to his bunnies.maybe this place gives him some idea..since they both..yibo & xian had,spend there wonderful moments at this place..with these bunnies.

Struggling for , for hours..yibo finally finished writing his letter.his letter of apolize..or may be ,who know!!..

" Done.." he , shouted in excitement.. lying down on the green grass..floor.he read it multiple time... checking every words...' I will ,give it to xian tommorow.....but it's weekend..I will put it ,in his post box...

Soon sleep ,covers him

Next morning ,jiang came out of his house.. opening the post box ...he took all the ,posted letter out..and went back inside.

Going through the letters,some bills... office documents..Qing books delivery receipts..his hand , stopped at one particular letter.

To : xian zhan.

" Xian ..there is a letter for you...come here" jiang shouted,from the hall.

Xian came out ,from kitchen... wipping his hand on his clothe.." letter for me..here!! why here..it should be send to Wang mansion know..." he doubted.

" It has your name, may be sender don't have new address ..now come fast.." Jiang replied,calling him.

Xian took the letter.." what is it??"

Jiang smirked" how will I know..look yourself"

Xian , torned the corner of the envelope..taking the thing out from it.

Once opening it,his eyes widened..legs weakened......
" Xian,what is it??" jiang asked.... getting no reply.

Everything before xian eyes, went dull..dark...head heavy ..dizzy..he fainted..     jiang was fast enough to hold,him before his body touched the floor.

"Shiji...Shiji..xi..s" jiang , shouted..

Shiji ,ran out from kitchen...to find xian passed out..in jiang arms .

Both escorted xian to his room. Reading the letter,Qing held her fist.

Comforting xian, dramatically and emotionally...making him eat the food and sleeping pill...they let him lay down. .. hiding him under the blanket,they left his room.


" Jiang...take out the car??" Qing demanded,in anger..

" What..where..." Jiang wanted to ask,but did not... getting dark expression from her.he knew where they are going .

As said,jiang took the car out from parking..and both both drove to there destination.

It didn't took,much ...to reach Wang mansion.

" Yibo...yibo...come out..yibo" qing shouted over her lungs, entering the mansion in anger.

" Yibo ..come out...yibo"

" Jiang...miss Qing...you are here..what happened.....wait ,did yibo do something reckless.. again" zihuan ,said welcoming....almost hearing the loud growl.

" Why don't you ask your , brother..what he did..." Qing shouted in frown... calling yibo , to come out

" Qing..calm down ...please tell us what happened..." Nancy pleased,but her request was in heard...but two angry guests.

" Yibo..come out now..."

" Shiji...jia.." yibo,walked down the stairs...closer to them..hearing strong call for him.

Once, yibo coming in there view...qing griited her teath..blood boiling hot.

" Shi..j..I"

Slap* ...slap..

Thanks for reading.🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

I know,...I didn't worked hard on this chapter...sorry

Well I ,wanted to show yibo .. feeling guilt...but (I can't lie!!😏😏😏)

But believe me,he really was very guilt on his act....he really was !! I sway..

Did anyone ,felt pity for yibo..( my hands, down)

Please share your,view .. comment..and criticism++++.
Stay safe.💜💜💜💜💕💜💜💜💜😁

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