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Something bad was going to happen. I could feel it in my gut. We had learned from a young age to follow our instincts, and mine was telling me that something bad was going to happen to my Lara. The best option would be to take her and leave, but that wouldn't do any good. I didn't know what kind of danger we were running from or when it was going to catch up with us.

My eyes darted over to her where she lazed on the couch. Her eyes were closed and her hands were slowly rubbing her stomach.

Amazement once again filled me. My seed had taken root. My baby was growing inside her womb. I was going to be a father. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. Images flashed through my mind. One where our child was already born—a baby—and then a toddler. Another image where Lara was once again pregnant.

We were lucky the first time but there was no guarantee that Lara would get pregnant again.

I shifted from foot to foot as I felt the restlessness slightly intensifying. It would feel great to head outside for a walk, but I wasn't going to take the risk after what happened the last time. I had missed a lot of things during the months I was stuck in the hospital. Thankfully everyone had kept me in the loop—I haven't told Lara that I had heard every single words she and everybody else had spoken to me.

That included the real reason I had been asked to come here. It made me furious to know that my brother and I shared a mate. Fate was playing a cruel game with us—especially since Lara would be the one who could end up hurt.


I opened my eyes and turned towards her.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded. With one last glance out the window, I turned and made my way over to her. My legs were shaky and I hated it. I felt weak. Nobody had been alerted of my disappearance from the hospital but I knew that it would only be a matter of time before they start searching. Swallowing, I hesitated and then sunk to my knees next to the couch.

"We should call the doctor."

"I don't need a doctor, Lara." I gently pushed her hands aside and placed mine on her stomach. "How long before we start feeling the baby move?"

"Another three or four weeks, I think."

I nodded before lowering my head to press my ear against her bump. My eyes fluttered closed as pain filled me. I wished I could hear our baby's heartbeat just like Ethan. A sigh fell from my lips as my body slumped against the couch. Lara's hand slowly slid into my hair.

"You look sexy with your hair this long," she whispered.

I smiled but it quickly faded. "Did you like it?"

"Like what?"

"When Ethan kissed you."

Her hand froze. Forcing all emotion from my face, I raised my head and turned it to face her. Lara was staring up at the ceiling. She had sunk her teeth into her bottom lip.

"No secrets Lara. I need to know the truth."

"Will it make you angry?" Slowly her gaze lowered to mine.

"No. Tell me."

Lara sucked in a breath and slowly blew it out. I swallowed when I saw the tears filling her eyes. She nodded and then burst into tears. I sat frozen for a few more seconds before moving. Getting to my feet, I slid my arm under her body and lifted her. I took a seat on the couch and placed her on my lap.

"It's okay," I whispered, hugging her closer.

"It's n-not okay," Lara cried. "I don't k-know what's happening to me. I shouldn't like it. I s-shouldn't w-want him like I want you."

I stroked her back. What could I tell her without making things worse? She felt guilty because she was attracted to Ethan. Her feelings for him weren't as strong as her feelings for me, but I knew the longer we stayed here, the more her feelings would grow. There was no denying the fact that Ethan and Lara already had a bond. I didn't know how strong it was yet and I didn't want to stick around for it to grow stronger.


I glanced down at her.

"I love you."

"I love you too, sweetness."

My head lowered but just before I could kiss her like I've been dying to do, the front door burst open and my mother rushed inside. She came to a sudden stop when our eyes locked. Her mouth dropped open and then slammed shut.

"Stupid boy," Mom muttered as she raised her phone to her ear. "He's with Lara. Call off the search."


Half an hour later we were surrounded by my family. The doctor had also been called and after being told to take things easy and given a list of instruction, he left again. There was no sign of Ethan and Avery and that made me feel relieved. I couldn't handle her at the moment. The only thing I wanted to do was spend some alone time with Lara, but I knew that it wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

Mom and David cooked dinner with Lara helping occasionally. When they were done, we sat down to eat. I wasn't allowed to eat solid food just yet so I was stuck eating a mixture of thin soup. Eating didn't sit very well with my stomach. I only managed to take about four spoons before I pushed the bowl away. It would be a while before I could stomach solid food.

Lara and mom offered to clean the kitchen while my fathers' and I headed into the living room.

I gratefully sank down onto the couch. When I raised my hand to run it through my hair, I saw just how badly I was shaking. Devon realized it too because he gave me a sympathetic look. I quickly glanced away from him. I was mad at them. They've always been trying to get me and Ethan to share things. They were always comparing us. My achievements were never as great as Ethan's.

"How are you feeling?" David asked.


He sighed. "We need to talk Silas."

"We need to do a lot of things," I muttered. "Lara is not Ethan's mate."

Both men tensed. I gave them a grim smile as I shifted in the seat to get a little more comfortable.

"I heard everything."

Devon cleared his throat. "That's good. We didn't want to keep it from you any longer. Ethan said the same when we told him about this."

So he knew before me.

"Lara belongs to the both of you," David said after a few minutes of silence. "The three of you share a bond that can't be broken. No matter how much you deny it, you—"

"There is no bond between the three of us, and there never will be."


"Ethan is mating Avery. His decision has been made and I'm not going to allow him, or any of you to give Lara any false hope. She doesn't understand anything about mates and I want to keep it that way."

"One way or another she needs to be informed about our culture and traditions."

"Why?" I questioned. "We'll be leaving soon."

Devon growled. "So, you're just going to run away again?"

"What if the baby is born and he can shift?" David asked.

I scoffed. "The chances of that happening are slim. Lara is full human and I'm more human than Lycan."

"Anything is possible, Silas. You don't know for sure that the baby won't be able to shift. What if you send the kid to a public school and he starts to shift? You'll expose us all. The last thing we want is for someone to start asking questions. I don't want a repeat of how all this started," Devon said.

I sighed loudly and turned my attention to the window. Different scenario's flashed through my mind. It would not only cause problems for the pack but it would also put our son or daughter in a lot of danger. What was there to do then? Stay here until we know for sure that there wasn't a chance of our kid shifting? Or take a risk and go back home?

If we stayed then my kid would go through the same things I went through while growing up. He or she would be teased and made fun of. They would always be at risk and it would make Lara worry. The stress was already pilling up for her. She had told me about all her fears when she thought I couldn't hear her.

What the hell are we going to do?

To top it all off, the feeling of impending danger was only intensifying. What if the danger was related to the pack? What if someone from the pack wanted to harm her and my child? What if it was Kyle?

"What happened to Kyle?" I questioned, glancing back at them.

"He's been suspended from duty." Ethan was the one who answered.

I watched him as he walked across the room to the bar where he poured himself a drink. He downed the drink and poured himself another one before turning to face us.

"You need to let me know if you wish to punish him or not so I can set it up," he muttered before taking a sip of his drink.

"That's not a good idea," David said. "You're not fit to fight, Silas."

I ignored him. It was my right to fight Kyle for what he had done. He had harmed Lara and he could've killed her. My hands curled into fists. "Do I have permission to kill him?"

Ethan smirked. "You fight to the death."

"Good. Set it up."

I was going to make him pay for what he had done.


My head snapped to the side when Lara suddenly exclaimed. She stood in the doorway, hands clenching the hem of the shirt she was wearing tightly. The colour had drained from her face which made me aware of the fact that she's been standing there long enough to hear everything that had been said. I struggled to my feet and made my way towards her.

Lara tilted her head back and pleaded at me with her eyes. I gripped her hips and pressed my forehead against hers.

"I need to," I whispered.

"Please, don't. What if you die? I only just got you back. You can't leave me again Silas."

I pulled her against my body and hugged her tightly. If something happened to me then Ethan would take care of her and the baby. But what if he ended up hating the baby because it wasn't his? What if he mated Avery and she wanted nothing to do with Lara living with them.

My parents would take them in. They would care for them but my Lara would suffer. How long would she be able to see Ethan and be around him with his chosen mate before she broke down?

"I won't leave you," I promised. 

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