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"It's a good idea."

"You expect them to fight in a war?" one of the elders yelled. "They will be killed instantly."

Mummers filled the room. I glanced around at the elders leaning towards each other to give a piece of their mind to one another. My eyes darted down to Devon who sat silently in the chair next to mine. Our eyes locked. I could see the anger slowly shimmering in his grey eyes. I slammed my fist down on the table when the voices rose. Silence instantly descended.

I found the list Val had made on my desk when I went in search of a file. She made some good points. If we could get the elders to agree to this, it would make things a whole lot easier. We were going through with this either way, whether they agreed or not. It was our responsibility to take care of the pack.

"Valeria suggested to have the kids learn how to fight and we agree." I held my hand up to silence them. "No one said anything about the kids fighting alongside us. She pointed out that they need a safe place to hide if we're attacked again."

Devon stood and leaned forward. "We lose more children and elders because they don't know how to defend themselves or they aren't fast enough." He straightened. "If it so happens that they find themselves in a life or death situation, they would be able to fight. The weak need to protect themselves in any kind of situation."

"We are going through with this, whether you agree or not," I said softly. "You are our elders and we respect you, but when it comes to the well-being of our pack, we will make the decisions."

"Meeting dismissed," Devon called.

I sank down in the chair again and watched them as they exit the room. Once the last man had exited, Devon walked over to the door and closed it. His shoulders sagged. Running a hand through his hair, he made his way back over to the desk and sank into the chair again. He looked pale and tired.

I hesitated before I took a seat. Pulling the notebook closer, I ripped the top page off and placed it aside. I picked up the pen and started making a new list. It was divided between things Devon's pack could do and things my pack could do.

We both had people we could trust. We needed to work through this list without alerting the traitor of what was happening. It was easier said than done.

"I'll take care of these and you can take care of those," I muttered as I turned my chair towards him.

"Do you think going against the elders is wise?" he asked softly.

"Probably not, but I'm not going to sit back and allow more people to die. Val made some good suggestions. The elders are still bitter that we choose Val as our mate and that's why they are against everything she suggests."

"I'm just sick and tired of all this," he muttered. "She acts like it doesn't get to her but I know it does. She wants the pack to accept her."

I placed my hand on his knee. "They will. Val will find a way to make them accept her. One way or another."

His eyes locked with mine. I could feel the heat rush through my body. My heartbeat increased. Devon sat up straighter and moved his leg. My hand slid from his knee. It hurt a little but I knew pushing things was going to make it a whole lot worse.

Val had given us something but it hasn't gone farther than some touching. There has been less touching too. I had one night of pleasure. It was more than I could ask for.

Devon leaned forward. "I want to try something."

I frowned but gave him a nod.

My whole body froze when he reached out and gripped the back of my neck. Devon tugged me closer at the same time he leaned forward. I watched as his eyes closed a second before his lips smashed down on mine. Shock held me immobile as his lips moved against mine. It only took me all but five seconds to realize what was happening.

I closed my eyes and gave myself over to the pleasure of having his lips on mine. It was different than Val's. His weren't gentle. His lips were firm and demanding. I leaned closer and reached out to grip his shoulders. A shudder raced through me when his tongue traced my bottom lip. I instantly parted my lips, but his tongue entered my mouth a little hesitantly. The first brush of his tongue against mine made me growl.

I stood and slipped an arm around his waist to pull him up and against my body. One arm slipped around my waist, while his other hand slipped into my hair and tugged sharply. Pain shot through my scalp, making me wince. His hold loosened slightly.

Devon turned and pushed until my ass hit the edge of the table. I gasped and broke the kiss. We were both breathing harshly. Electricity crackled and snapped between us. It was just like it felt with Val. Our eyes locked.

His hands slipped from my hair to my cheek. "I don't know why you make me so hard. You're the only man who makes my cock ache."

"The same goes for you," I whispered. "You're the only one."

He sighed and leaned forward. His lips brushed mine briefly. I gripped his hips and tugged his body against mine again. The hard ridge of his cock was unmistakable. I liked the way his breathing started to speed up. I liked the way his big body shuddered against mine. I slipped a hand between our bodies and gripped him firmly through the material of his pants.

Devon sucked in a sharp breath. "W-what are you d-doing?"

I smirked. "Sit back and relax."

I gave him a push and gestured to the chair.

Devon hesitated and then took a seat. He gripped the arms of the chair tightly and stared up at me with a little anticipation. I swallowed the nervousness that suddenly filled me and sank down to my knees between his legs. My hands shook as I reached for his belt. I undid it and reached for the button. The sound of the zip was loud in the silent room. Devon's hold on the chair tightened, making it creak.

I glanced up at his face when I reached inside his pants to grip his cock and pull it free. His lips parted and his eyes fluttered close. I wasn't sure about this. I had no clue what the hell I was doing, but I wanted to touch him. I wanted to offer him some kind of pleasure.

He was hard and pulsing in my hand. Licking my lips, I leaned forward. I hesitated and then licked the tip. I moaned and wrapped my lips around the head of his cock when his taste hit my tongue. Devon's body jerked. I opened my mouth widened and took him deeper. I have never given a man head before. It was alien, but it felt amazing.

I liked the way he buried his hands in my hair and thrust his hips upwards. He wasn't being gentle about it either. I slid my hand between his legs to grip his balls. His loud moan filled the room. I sucked him harder and with more urgency. Devon's hips bucked upwards, causing his cock to slip deeper into my mouth.

I gagged and instantly pulled away from him.

"Don't stop," he breathed. "Fuck David, I'm so close."

I wrapped my lips around the head of his cock and sucked. My other hand squeezed his balls. Devon growled and a second later I felt him coming. I swallowed every drop of his seeds before pulling my lips away from his cock and licking them. Some cum had escaped from my mouth and it slowly slid down his cock. I leaned forward to clean him up but the door suddenly opened.

We both froze. Horror washed through me.

"Are you having fun without me?"

My shoulders sagged. I let out the breath I've been holding before glancing over my shoulder at Val. She smiled wider when our eyes locked. Val glanced at the door. I followed her gaze to find her slipping the lock into place. My lips twitched as she turned towards us and slipped off her shoes. Her hands went to the hem of her shirt.

"I thought you were going to bake with the women?" Devon asked softly.

Val shrugged. Her eyes dropped to the floor. "I changed my mind."

She was lying. I glanced at Devon as I stood. He was frowning at her. Our eyes locked and he gave me a small shake of his head. We'd asked her about it later. By the time Val reached us she was dressed in only her underwear. Colour flooded her cheeks when she realized we were both watching her.

"What were you guys doing?" she asked softly.

"Talking about the list you made," Devon muttered.

She raised an eyebrow and glanced down at his lap. I smirked when his face flushed. We were busted. I reached for Val and tugged her against my body. My head dipped and my lips caught hers. She moaned. Her body melted against mine.

Slipping my hand up her back, I unhooked her bra. Devon stood and stepped up behind her. He pressed open mouth kisses along her shoulder and the back of her neck. A loud knock on the door made me growl. Val sighed and pulled away.

"Yes?" Devon called out.

"I'm sorry to interrupt Devon, you have a phone call," Wrin called.

"I'll call him back."

"I told him you were busy and that I will have you call him back. Alpha Alark says that he wants to speak to you immediately. It's important."

"Fine." Devon took a step back and reached down to fix his pants. "I'm coming."

With one last glance at us, he made his way towards the door. Devon unlocked it and stepped out of the room. I waited for the door to close behind him before I gripped Val's hips and lifted her onto the table. Her eyes widened but she didn't utter a word. I gripped the band of her panties by her hip and tugged. She gasped as the material ripped.

I smirked. My hand slipped between her legs. She was soaked. Val gripped my cheeks and pulled my lips to hers. I kissed her as I circled her clit. She moaned into my mouth. Her hands slid down between our bodies. It was my turn to moan as her fingers wrapped around my cock.

"I can taste him in your mouth," she whispered against my lips. "I wish I was here to watch you."

"You can tonight."

She smiled and then moaned when I slipped a finger inside her pussy. Before things could go any further, the door was thrown open. My head snapped up. The growl died down when I realized who had entered. His eyes locked with mine. I knew there was trouble even before he opened his mouth.

"Alark found a note."


"I recognized his smell," Alark said. "I had one of my men watch him since he arrived. He was reported entering the house but never leaving it. I don't know how he got out without any of us noticing it."

"What about tunnels?" Val asked softly.

I glanced across the table at her. She was sitting on Devon's lap. Her attention was focused on the phone. We were in a conference call with Alark and two of the other ally packs. They were alerted when Carl escaped after the attack on us was planned. When Alark went to search his home, he found a note that was addressed to Devon and me.

Only Devon knew what was written on the note. He hasn't told me. Whatever was written on it was something he didn't want Val to know, that much was clear.

"We don't have any tunnels."

Val bit her lip. "Our pack had old tunnels that were built underground. We never knew about it until a punch of teens got stuck in one of them when they collapsed." She paused. "You don't know what was there before the town was built. There must be rain tunnels or whatever you call it."

"She has a point," Devon muttered. "Pull up the blueprints and check it. If there are tunnels you need to seal them off."

"I've heard of tunnels build underground that was used in the war for surprise attacks," the Alpha of a nearby pack said softly. "Only a few knew about it. We discovered some the other day. Some of the elders knew about it."

"The elders are becoming more untrustworthy."

"I agree," I muttered softly. "There are too many secrets. We rely on them because they have more knowledge, but they don't share it. We have a lot of unanswered questions."

I glanced back at Val. Was it our blood that allowed her to grow fangs and claws or something else? Was her Lycan blood so dominant that it allowed her to shift? What if we keep on giving her some of our blood and she fully shifts? Her body would be too shocked to handle the sudden shift. We could lose her.

But if we stop giving her our blood then she would grow weak. God knows what the elders would do to her when they found out she could shift partly. No, it was best that we kept this between us. We would continue to feed her our blood, just not as much as we were giving her.

"You need to be on alert Alphas," Alark said. "He went after you mate once, he might try again."

"This time we will be prepared for him," Devon promised. "We have already started making perpetrations."

"Good. If you need anything just give me a call. I will talk to you again, Alphas," he hesitated. "Luna."

I reached over and ended the call after greeting the others. Leaning back in my chair, I stared across the table at Val and Devon. They stared back at me. We had our work cut out for us. A war was coming our way and we needed to prepare. Devon's eyes locked with mine. He gave me a nod without Val seeing it. He would tell me about the note later.

Val stood and stretched. Her eyes darted between us. "Don't just sit there. We have work to do, boys!"

"We have work to do," I muttered. "You are going to sit behind that desk and look pretty." 

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