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I paced up and down the hall. It was hard to keep hold of emotions. The urge to storm through those doors and demand to know what was going on was killing me. Why hadn't I heard from them? Why wasn't I allowed to be by his side? What if he didn't make it? What if. . .I shook my head and sucks in a deep breath then slowly blew it out.

"I am in control," I whispered to myself.

I walked over to the chairs against the wall and took a seat. The moment I sat down I realized just how tired I was. I felt faint and I knew it had something to do with not having eaten a thing at all. I pressed my shaky hands against my stomach and stared down at it.

"I'm sorry, babies. Mommy will feed you in a moment."

My head snapped up when I heard the yelling. I jumped to my feet expecting the doctor to come running through the doors but it wasn't him. Nobody came through the doors.

"Move out of the way! Move out of the way!"

I spun around and saw to nurses rushing towards me. They were pushing a bed with someone on it. I quickly pushed myself against the wall. As they passed, my eyes darted down to the person on the bed. My stomach turned when as my eyes darted over the blackened skin. The man was burned from head to toe with bones visible on some parts of his body. I stared until they disappeared through the doors.

It wasn't long before more shouts came with nurses pushing a bed. This time I instantly recognized the man on the bed.

"S-Silas?" My hand shot out to grip the bed. "Silas?"

He turned his head towards me and his eyes fluttered open. The air was knocked from my lungs when I saw the pain in his eyes. His image became blurry as tears filled my eyes. I reached out to press a hand against his cheek.


"S-sorry," he croaked. "I-I tried."

"It's okay."

"I couldn't save him," he whispered. "E-Ethan. Couldn't. S-sorry."

Panic hit when his eyes fluttered closed and his head slumped to the side.

"Silas? Silas can you hear me? Silas."

An arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me away. I clutched at the bed and screamed for him to wake up but he didn't. Someone forced my hands from the bed and pulled me away so I couldn't reach it. I screamed and kicked and trashed as they started pushing him through the doors.

"No!" I screamed clawing at the arms preventing me from going to my mate. "Let me go! Silas!"


"Let me go!"

"Lara, listen to me!

"I need to go to him! He needs me!"

Hands cupped my cheeks and forced my eyes away from the doors. I blinked rapidly to clear the tears form my eyes but they kept falling. Another arm wrapped around my waist and pulled my body back against a hard one. The hands cupping my cheeks gentled but not by much. They were still firm which stopped me from turning my head.

"Lara." I recognized Valeria's voice. "Listen to me. Breathe, Lara. Think about the baby," she whispered.

I instantly stopped fighting them.

Breathe Lara. Breathe. You can't shift. You'll lose your babies.

It took me a moment to realize that I had already started shifting. I closed my eyes and did what Silas had taught me. After a few minutes I calmed enough to stop panting. The urge to shift and fight my way to my mate was still there, but it wasn't so strong anymore.

"That's it."

"Silas," I whimpered.

"You need to let the doctors do their job. They need to be treated."


She nodded. "Ethan and Silas. They got caught in the fire." Her voice cracked on the last few words and what composure she had left crumbled. A sob fell from her lips and her hands dropped from my cheeks. The arms around me loosened and then dropped away. I slumped against the wall and slowly slid down to the floor.

Silas and Ethan got caught in the fire. That meant the first bed they pushed through the doors...

"Oh god."

I stumbled to my feet and hurried over to the trashcan as bile rose in my throat.



I jerked in fright when the man suddenly spoke from above me. Blinking, I glanced up and then frowned. David held out a plate of sandwiches and a glass of water.

"I'm not hungry."

His eyes narrowed. Placing the plate and glass on the chair, he crouched in front of me and placed his hands on my knees. David's eyes darted over my face and then dropped to my stomach.

"I know that you're not hungry," he muttered, "but your baby might be. You're pregnant Lara, you need to take care of yourself and the baby."

"Babies," I whispered. "We're having twins."

Shock flashed through his eyes. David stared at me in astonishment for a few seconds before he smiled. He chuckled and reached out to press a not so steady hand against my stomach.

"Twins." David shook his head. "It must run in the family."

"Yeah." I reached down and pushed his hand away.

He cleared his throat and moved back a little. "I made those for you. Please eat something, Lara. You mate would kill me if—"

"Mates," I interrupted. "I have two mates and both of them are in surgery."

"I'm sorry," he said softy. "I didn't mean it like that. I—"

"Why do you always take Ethan's side?" I asked him. "Why do you always push Silas away? Why did you make him leave?" My voice rose with every question. "You have two sons, not one! You can't choose one over the other!"


"You're very shitty parents! I hate you for what you've done to Silas. You—"

"What about what you've done to him?"

David straightened. "Val."

Valeria slapped his hand away and glared down at me. "You have no right to throw accusations at us when—"

"They're not accusations are they?" I questioned softly. "They're all true. Every single thing I said. You forgot about Silas the moment he left."

"Shut up!" she snarled. "You know nothing! Nobody knows anything!"

David stepped in front of her when she took a step towards me. He said something that made her eyes snap towards his but only for a few seconds before she glanced back at me. Her lips pulled back into a snarl.

"You blame us for hurting him but what about you? You made them hate each other."

"No!" I stood and pressed a finger against her chest. "You made them hate each other."

David wrapped and arm around her waist and picked her up. Valeria trashed against him and continued to yell at me. He covered her mouth with a hand and glanced at me over his shoulder at me.

"Please eat Lara."

I watched them as they walked away until the disappeared around the corner. With a sigh, I took a seat in the chair and stared down at the plate. My stomach grumbled as a reminder that hours has passed since my last meal. The thought of eating made my stomach roll. I didn't think I could stomach anything, but I had to try.

Grabbing the plate, I placed it on my lap and picked up a sandwich. I stared down at the tomato, cheese and lettuce. Everything was fresh which made me feel a little guilty. I shouldn't have said those mean things to him. He was only trying to be nice.

Blinking away the tears, I took a bite and slowly chewed. Before I knew it I had eaten all the sandwiches and drank the glass of water. I curled up on the chair and wrapped my arms around my knees. My eyes started to droop even though I kept fighting the exhaustion that had gotten hold of me.

I straightened when someone took a seat next to me. Turning my head, I frowned at Devon. He was staring at the wall opposite us with his brows dipped into a deep frown. I took note of his dirty and ripped pants. He had scratches on his arms and torso along with some burns, but they weren't as bad as Silas's and Ethan's. It looked like they were already healing.

"I don't suppose I could get you to go to one of the rooms to have some rest," he said.



"I'm not in the mood for talking."

"Good," he growled. "Then listen while I talk."

I pursed my lips even thought I wanted to lash out at him too. Why couldn't they just leave me alone?

Why did we have to come back here? Why couldn't we have stayed at the island? Why was all this happening to us? Why couldn't we be happy? Why were we doomed?

Not doomed, I told myself. We were cursed. 

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