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A shocked silence hung over the pack.

Everybody was staring at me with wide eyes and mouths hanging open in shock. My hand gripped Silas's arm a little tighter as we started to climb the step of the podium. The whole pack had gathered near the burned pack house. Silas had explained to me that the podium was used for meetings that involved the whole pack. Like today for the funeral, everybody would meet here for a short service before the men would carry the bodies away where they would burn it.

No woman was allowed to attend what they called; the Burning Ceremony. They said it was too traumatising for us to witness something like that.

Silas led me over to where his mother stood with Wrin and another man that I've never met before. Valeria nodded at us but Wrin and then man completely ignored us. I swallowed as we turned to face the pack.

They were still staring at me. I was glad for the veil that hit my face from them. It was a mask I could hide behind until I was safely back inside our bedroom again. I didn't want to do this. I wanted things to go back to normal. I wanted to wake up in my own bed and laugh at the nightmare I had that felt so real.

I really wanted it to be a nightmare.

"We are gathered here today in honour of the members we had lost a few weeks ago due to the fires," Devon said loudly enough for everybody to hear. "But most importantly, we are here today to honour a man who gave his life to save his son and—" he suddenly broke off and cleared his throat.

Devon glanced at David who stepped up next to him. He moved and pressed a hand to Devon's lower back so that the pack members wouldn't see but everybody that stood behind them could see. It was a sign of comfort. David was offering Devon some of his strength.

"We came to honour and mourn a son, a friend and an Alpha," David said softly. "Ethan will forever be remembered as a brave and honourable man. He will be outlived by his son, Luca"—David broke off and turned slightly to glance over at me—"and possibly a daughter who is yet to be born."

My arms automatically curled protectively over my stomach. Nothing has been proven that one of these babies had been conceived by Ethan. Or maybe it has but I couldn't remember that ever being discussed.

Hadn't everybody been informed of Luca being kidnapped by Avery? Why hadn't they informed everybody? They could've helped search for them. The more eyes and ears, the better.

I snapped back to reality when Silas wrapped an arm around my waist and led me forward. Valeria now stood between her mates with her arms hooked through theirs. They were waiting but I had no clue for what.

"Lara?" Silas leaned down until his lips brushed my ear. "Would you like to say something?"

I instantly shook my head. What was there to say? It was too late to tell Ethan everything I wanted to tell him. There was nothing I could say to the pack either since I knew almost nobody. I was never introduced as a member, and neither was Silas.

Were we members of this pack?

My eyes darted over each and every face of the people who stood close to the podium.

"You all remember our son, Silas," Devon said. "Silas will be standing in as Alpha until a suitable replacement is found."

They weren't happy. I watched the anger and disgust and a whole lot of different emotions flash across their faces. A few of them actually voiced their opinions.

"We don't need a half-breed to lead us!"

"He's not worth the title!"

"The lying bastard can never be Alpha! He'll lead us to destruction!"

"He'll destroy us all!"

"I'll take over. I'm deserving of the title!"

"No I am!"

The voices rose until the sounds of nature were drowned out by their yells and growls. Some of the men were actually starting to push each other around as they made their way towards the front. Were they going to challenge Silas? What if they tried to kill him?

Panic hit, making my breathing speed up and my knees weaken. I reached out but Silas pushed me behind him. He gripped my hip and tugged me against his back. I reached out and instantly gripped his shirt. His body was tense and his grip bruising.

"Silence!" Silas growled loudly. "I said enough!"

Within a few seconds everybody was reduced to silence once again.

"You want to fight me for the title? Fine. I will fight but first we will give my brother the funeral he deserves." He growled again. "If you still wish to fight me, then we will meet back here when the funeral is over."

Silas turned around and lifted the veil slightly so he could look into my eyes. His were dark which made it easy to tell how furious he was. Leaning down, he pressed his lips against mine for a few seconds before he pulled away.

"Stay with my mother."


"Please, Lara," he begged. "I need you to promise me that you will stay with them."

I licked my lips and after a moment's hesitation, I gave him a nod. "I don't want you to f-fight."

"I have to."

Silas lowered the veil and stepped away before I could utter another word. I watched him walk away with a heavy heart. I knew that he wasn't saying goodbye, but somehow it didn't ease the fear that was starting to eat at me. What if he didn't make it back?

What if I lost him too?


None of the women wanted me here.

They glared at me and made no move to talk to me. A few of the women had walked up to Valeria and offered her their condolences before walking off again. Valeria wasn't even talking to me which I guessed was the reason for the other woman ignoring me. She had walked off a few minutes ago to go and talk to someone she knew.

My eyes darted around the room. Most of the women had accompanied us back to Valeria's house where some tea, coffee and snacks were offered. They sat in groups of three or four, softly talking to each other. A few women were crying and others were counselling them.

I straightened, and slowly made my way out of the living room and towards the stairs. I was almost there when I heard my name which made me pause. Changing direction, I headed down the hall towards the bathroom. The door was slightly ajar and a glance inside revealed a group of girls a few years younger than me.

"It can't be true, can it?" one of them questioned another. "I've never heard of an Alpha cheating on his mate."

"But did he cheat? I never believed that Avery's his mate."


"Have you noticed how they never act like mates whenever they're out in public? It usually looked like Alpha Ethan wanted to be anywhere but with her. He flinched whenever she touched him."

"But where does this other girl come in? She's wearing the traditional wear which means that Alpha Ethan and she were already mated."

One girl nodded. "And did you hear what his dad said? He possibly had a daughter that's yet to be born."

Swallowing, I stepped back and hurried towards the stairs. I needed to get away. I couldn't bear to hear anymore. Weren't they ashamed of gossiping about a dead man? My stomach clenched as I made my way up the stairs towards our bedroom. The moment I had entered the bedroom, I pulled the veil off and dropped it aside. I kicked of my shoes and walked into the bathroom.

I didn't realize how much I was shaking until I pushed my hands underneath the water.

How could everything go so wrong? 

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