Mated To The Dragon- Ch. 14

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A/N: Dedications:







































On to the next chapter!

Mated To The Dragon- Chapter Fourteen

When Scarlet's eyes fluttered open, she met the blurry blackness of the night.

How did it get so dark?

She allowed her senses to slowly come back to her, and with them came her sight.

Blinking, she attempted to sit up. It felt as if a hammer was pounding her skull inside out, and a whimper of pain seeped through her lips. Not even a second passed before a pair or enlarged arms encircled her.

She was pulled against that of which felt like a firm wall.

"I'm sorry. I didn't stand up to my promise, and I am so sorry." A voice apologize. The tone was spiraled with regret.

"Dargon . . . ?" She whispered, looking up at the male's face. She activated her wolf vision, and her eyes glimmered a steady green, illuminating the darkness.

As if sending a returning gesture, his own eyes shone a bright orange-ish golden; resembling his dragon.

Dargon scanned over her face, and slowly, he brought a hand up to stroke her cheek. The affection made her wince, for he was touching the tender spot that Sin had hit her at.

She placed a hand atop of his. "It wasn't your fault."

"Perhaps it was better if I had let you go."

"No!" She belted arms around his neck. Until Dargon had come along, she had been feeling so lonely. She never had anyone to love her, or hug her, or show any kind of affection.

He made her feel special, and wanted, and she couldn't bear the thought of him ever saying he wanted to leave her.

He slowly placed arms around her body, supporting her light weight. "It was only a thought. I would never leave you, Scarlet."

They closed their eyes with the embrace, and when they opened, the original humanly color returned. "I want you to come with me." Dargon said.

"I ca-"

"Not for long, just until morning. You have been asleep for over nine hours. The sun will rise soon." They parted unwillingly.

Dargon helped Scarlet to her feet.

She kept her head hung low, trying to ease the pounding mallet that treatened to split her head in two.

He smiled, and her world seemed to light up. What happened previously with Sin faded away the moment Dargon placed his hand in hers.

Butterflies flittered and fluttered around in her fit tummy as he pulled her along with him.

It took everything in Scarlet to force the workings in her numb legs to operate, but when they did, she was able to pace alongside her handsome mate instead of lag behind awkwardly.

Dargon led Scarlet through the thick leafy greens of her home, where the wolves she were use to seeing no longer lingered.

Where had everyone gone?

She only gazed around a few seconds before bringing her eyes back to the one thing that she could claim rightfully, and the thought no longer sounded selfish.

She deserved it, so, she smiled.

Their walk had been accompanied in a peaceful silence. They would share a laugh at absolutely nothing, but the beautiful sound of their voices conjoined continued to make Scarlet's heart beat a million miles an hour.

Towards the middle minutes of their romantic pace, Scarlet noticed that she were the only one who appeared to be in high spirits, and she desperately wanted to know why that was so.

Reluctantly she pulled Dragon to a stop and looked deep within his eyes.

A smile coated his face . . . but it didn't reach his eyes. It was barely visible through the darkness of the night.

"Is something wrong?" She asked, almost afraid of the answer. She had never experienced the action of comforting.

She rarely received it herself!

But she knew . . . something was wrong with him . . . and she wouldn't feel content until she found out what it was.

He placed a hand on her cheek; his smile subtracting. "I have something to tell you,"

"You can tell me anything." She whispered gingerly.

"What I said earlier . . . might have been a fib, Scarlet. Please don't feel saddened for what I am about to do . . . but . . . Scarlet," He took a feel breath. and for an odd reason, Scarlet found herself copying his action.

"I'm rejecting you."


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