Mated To The Dragon- Ch. 3

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A/N: I dedicate this chapter to tigerlola92 for being my first voter and rockyou1111 for being my second voter. Thanks you guys. <3

Mated To The Dragon- Chapter Three

Mmmmhhh . . .

It happened again, Scarlet heard it. It was the moaning noise from before. She softly tracked the agonized groan, and to her surprise, she saw a boy . . . Well . . . A man. His age? She couldn't be sure.

After all, it was dark out, and her wolf sight wasn't really helping. Everything was slightly blurry from an earlier incident of which her Alpha hit her, as she had spoken without being addressed to - and this was only the day before. A minor altercation that ended in a rather anticipated outcome for the deliverer.

She took a step closer in hopes of helping him, but when she thought of him physically striking her as well, it made her rethink her decision. She stepped back, and slowly tilted her head up towards the moon.

Her fangs retracted, her claws forced themselves back into tender flesh and her bones curvatured in splitting positions, reducing within her body.

She whimpered out, which soon turned into a tiny moan as her frame returned into that of a human. Sighing in relief that it didn't hurt as much as it did last time, she examined the male.

His eyes scanned over her. She was aware that now she was completely naked, but she felt little of it. After all, it wasn't as if the clothes she wore before would cover much anyway.

Plus, it was dark. He couldn't see her, could he?

As she looked at his shoulder, she noticed that something had been poking out of it. It was a short wooden stick, though towards the wound, silver glistened in the moonlight. Her knowing eyes increased in size.

She took another step back.

"Please Scarlet . . ." His voice was smooth yet firm at the same time. Perhaps it was his current condition that morphed his words so deeply?

"How do you know my name?" She whispered. She sounded like a little girl; innocent.

When he only replied with a grunt, she knew that he was being drained of energy from loss of blood. She had to help him, to remove the staked arrow that was implanted deep within his flesh, or he would soon die.

But how could she touch the silver without facing the terrible consequences that lie ahead?

A jolt shot through her body the moment she got on her knees. It was the fact that they were so close. Scarlet could not name the pull, but it was intense yet so gentle. It tugged at her body, her heart, and that was saying something. She was almost sure that she lost her heart the moment her Alpha bit her. He had convinced the girl that she were his mate. Filled her head with ideas she wouldn't have otherwise known till years down the line. He just needed someone to throw around; to prove how dominate he was. If every person's lifespan depended on the amount of times you lied before reaching your expiration date, Sin would be long gone.

The fact that he made a fool out of her in such a indigestible way showed through the many scars that permanently marked her body.

Without knowing, Scarlet had pressed her hand towards the arrow. She instinctively winced, but the unimaginable impact she was told would come, never did.

She blinked.

They were lies, all lies. The silver did nothing to her skin, but even if it did, she was sure it would have been nothing compared the brutal torture she endured day by day . . .

Exhaling, Scarlet whispered, "This will hurt . . ." As she wrapped lean fingers around the wood, a guttural growl emitted from somewhere deep within the boy's throat. It was a warning, obviously directed towards her.

Scarlet pushed her other hand on his shoulder for support. Instead of feeling cloth from what was supposed to be his attire, her hand made contact with skin. He was undressed . . . just like her.

He wasn't a human, or a vampire. She already knew that, and she'd also crossed out her own breed, but she knew he'd undergone some form of transitioning to be in this state. And his odor . . . Was he the criminal behind the mass murdering? Scarlet leaned towards him and inhaled.

He was. He was the one who killed all these people. The scent radiated off of his exposed body like the refreshing waft of clean clothes when you opened the dryer in the packhouse.

Her thoughts drifted towards the weapon that was lunged into his shoulder blade when he resisted her assistance, crying out as the arrow shifted into thick tissue. She wrenched the object out, and the male vigorously thrashed around on the ground. Rich blood profusely poured out from the open wound.

She got up, stepping away from the seizure-like episode. He arched his back, dark hair flopping over his head. The she-wolf listened to his agonizing and blood curdling screams, ones that felt like they were coming from her own chest.

The masculine figure grew in size, echoing growls into the night. A powerful wind blew, and the cold air bit at her skin.

As he neared the end of his exceptionally intriguing yet disturbing transformation, Scarlet stood frozen in place, staring up at the beast that peered down at her with glowing flaxen eyes. His green scaled chest heaved up and down with every breath.

Large wings spread out, and instead of harming her, he laid down, placing his head within his webbed paws as a grateful sign of submission. He let out a soft chirping noise, proving that he was under her power in one way or another.

In this form, Scarlet knew that it was true. She never thought it would happen.

Not in a million years did she expect the day to come, let alone with a creature of this magnitude.

She had been mated to the,

"Dragon . . ."

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