Mated To The Dragon- Ch. 9

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A/N: Dedications-




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Mated To The Dragon- Chapter Nine

Scarlet wolfed down the meat in a heartbeat. She savored the taste, and licked the bones clean before tossing them one-by-one into the growing pile of fleshless caresses.

A rustle in the bushes sent her senses flaring. She looked up, eyes focusing, ears on edge, body ready. Even though she were in human form, she could call upon certain . . . necessities . . . to aid her.

Figuring it was a raccoon or bunny or some sort of small animal that wouldn't put up a fight, she allowed her canines to grow in.

They tickled her gums, and soon, her nails began morphing into claws.

Scarlet stopped the transformation there, and quietly, she snuck up to the greeness. It shuffled sharply as if whatever was there was now trying to get away.

A deadly smirk played on her lips as she imagined what tasty creature was given to her this time.

A lust for hunger was overpowering her scent as she swiped dagger-sharp claws at the bush.

The branches that held it together snapped, and leaves fell to the ground due to her action.

Slowly, Scarlet's built-in weapons departed. All that was left was a deep rose red that tinted her cheeks.

This was no bunny, nor raccoon.

She couldn't eat this creature . . . this perfect creature.

Scarlet let out a tiny whimper, throwing arms over her body to cover whatever she could, because here she was, standing bare-skinned in front of a curious-eyed Dargon.


"You can look now," Scarlet mumbled as the dress Maria gifted her with swooped down.

The musculine male peered up at her. An uneasy feeling twisted and turned in the pit of his stomach. Was it jealousy?

Jealousy that the dress was the one who covered and warmed her body and not him?

That the fabric was the one who pressed against her butt slightly, and gave her one loose hug.

He wanted to do that. It wasn't fair. Why did her attire get to have all the fun?

Then, the single thought crossed his mind as he realized how utterly stupid he was to feel such a strong emotion towards a dress. No one has ever done that before? Why did he have to be so creepy and make himself the first?

"-Could talk," Scarlet whispered.

He blinked, oblivious to her statement.

"Huh?" He asked softly.

She smiled lightly. "I said that I would very much like it that instead of staring at me as if I did something wrong, you could talk." She repeated.

Had he been staring? Poor Dargon didn't know. Now he was really creeping her out. He was just waiting for her to get up and flee like the others. Why was she staying? Staying with a beast like him? Wasn't she aware of how many lives he snatched away because of his own anger and depression? Why, she was so beautiful.

So perfect.

This has to be a ridiculous dream.

Her hair, her eyes, her nose, lips . . .

"Your doing it again . . ." Scarlet murmured unsteadily, shifting uncomfortably.

He sighed. "I'm sorry," He voice was deep and clear.

Scarlet fought a shudder, and quickly changed the subject.

"Do your kind have mates?" She blurted the first thing that came to mind, unaware until it was already spoken.

Mates? Dargon pondered thoughtfully.

"We do not." He said.

She nodded, forgeting that he wasn't a werewolf. Dragons didn't have mates. What was she thinking blurting something like that out?

"We have Bounders." He informed.

"Is that another term for mate?" She questioned.

"Is "mate' what you wolves call your partners for life?"

"Yes," She answered.

"Then yes." He replied.

"I've never heard of a bou-"

She was cut short as the previous conversation with Maria came to mind.

"Exactly. No one else noticed. Not even I, but when you returned, I immedietly smelled something. The scent of him. I thought that he would parish like the last of his kind. But I felt it as well. I felt another mating going on within the pack. I was quite surprised when I realized it were you who had been bound to the dragon though."

Bound to the dragon?, She thought.

"Bound . . . bounder . . . I'm . . ." She couldn't think straight. "I've been . . . bound to the dragon . . ." She looked up at him, confusion written across her features. "You?"

His eyes confirmed it. "You are my bounder Scarlet, and I have come to retrieve you from your devil pack."

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