13| Chapter Thirteen

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My eyes fluttered open. The TV was switched off and the rest of the room was in complete darkness. The other lights I had switched on earlier was also off leaving everything dark. My heartbeat started to increase as fear washed through my body. I gripped the blankets tighter as my eyes darted around. It was just like that night I was attacked. Finally finding the courage to sit up, I reached forward to search for the remote. Instead my hand closed around the phone I had dropped earlier. The screen lit up with the press of a single button. I used the light from the screen to find the remote. It was lying on the floor in front of the couch. Quickly picking it up, I pressed the button. The TV didn't turn on. What the hell is happening?

I cautiously stood from the couch and made my way towards the wall where the light switch was. I flicked it on and off a few times but nothing happened. I didn't know how to feel at the moment. I was alone in the big house in complete darkness. A thud came from upstairs.

“Slade? Fury?” I called as I stepped into the foyer.

My voice echoed the around the walls. I felt tears pricking my eyes as I caught a shadow in the doorway. Maybe my mind was paying trick on me? Maybe it was my imagination and the shadow wasn't really there?


“It's okay baby,” he said softly. “It's just a power cut.”

“Where's Fury?” I asked as I took a small step closer.

“He's outside,”

“Why?” I pressed a random button on the phone before raising it to flash the light on his face.

He was smiling down at me but the smile didn't reach his eyes. I frowned at him. Opening my mouth, I was ready to speak again when the phone started ringing. Both our eyes dropped to the device in my hand.  

“Hello?” I answered softly.

“We're on our way home now. We'll see you in a few minutes,” Fury said softly.

My eyes snapped up. I could feel the blood draining from my face as I stared at the man in front of me.

“F-Fury?” I swallowed, “There's someone in the house that looks like Slade.”

“Lexi?” The static on the phone made it hard to hear anything that was said after that.

I felt a gust of wind before I smelt it. The stench of death suddenly filled the air making me gag. A second later the phone went dead cutting off my only connection to the twins.

“Alexi?” The man in front of me spoke softly.

I stepped back as he stepped forward. It took a few seconds for the thought to snap into place. If this was really Slade he would've been able to hear who was on the phone. He wouldn't have called me Alexi and he definitely wouldn't smell like the fucking dead. My back hit the wall. Slowly raising my hand with the phone, I held it up in front of me before pressing a button. The screen lit up. I screamed letting it drop to the floor as I run. My hand closed around the door handle of the front door, but before I could open, it was thrown open. Another scream fell from my lips as the most disgusting thing I've ever seen, darted to me. I tumbled backwards and a second later it was on top of me with his face directly above mine.

“You are as pretty as master says you are,” he snarled, sniffing my neck before pulling back.

I stared up at it with wide eyes. His eyes were glowing bright red and his teeth were sharp and yellow. A drop of saliva dropped from his wide mouth onto my chest. I whimpered, clawing at the floor as it started to burn my skin.

“Such a shame I can't have you.”

An ear-splitting sound started filling my ears causing pain to flash through my head. It was too much, the pain in my head and the pain on my chest. I blacked out.

* * * *

When I came to again, the body that was once on top of mine, was gone. The ear-splitting sound had stopped but snarls had replaced it.  My chest was still burning and my body felt numb. The ground shook violently as a loud explosive blast filled the air. My body slid across the floor with the force of the explosion making my back hit something. Pain flashed through me causing my vision to blur and a cry to fall from my lips. My ears were ringing. Smoke surrounded me making it impossible to breathe or see anything.


I couldn't speak. Why is my head spinning?

“I found her!” A hand closed around my hand as an arm pulled me up against a strong chest.

It was wet against my cheek. The room tilted dangerously when I was picked up. My eyes fluttered close as he started carrying me out of the house. Cold air hit my skin. Different sounds hit my ears causing the headache to intensify. When my body was lowered, I finally opened my eyes. Bright light surrounded us making it impossible to see the expression on his face, but I saw the blood clearly. I reached out, pressing my hand against the bloodied skin.


“Shh, I know princess. I'm fine.” Fury gently gripped my hand then lowered it to my stomach. “Don’t talk princess, just relax.”

Another bang echoed around us. With difficulty, I turned my head to the house. Part of the roof was gone and the other part was in flames. The windows had shattered with the force of the second explosion. Some of the walls had also collapsed leaving debris in its wake.

“S-Slade…” I whispered.

Tears filled my eyes as the fear of losing him filled my chest. The thought alone made me want to weep. I couldn't lose him. I couldn't lose either of them! A hand cupped my cheek, gently turning my head back. Fury's face was hovering inches from mine. His lips were moving but I couldn't hear a word. Just then Slade started running towards us. He  was covered in blood from head to toe.

“We need to move!” He yelled.

Fury picked me up and cradled me against his chest as he started moving towards the trees. My eyes started to close as the pain in my body intensified.

“Stay with me princess,” Fury muttered.

It was the last thing I heard before I was swallowed by darkness.

* * * *

“Stay with me princess,” I muttered.

Her blood was already soaking my clothes. The warmth seeping into my skin as the sweet smell of the crimson liquid filled my nostrils. The beasts rose making my muscles tense. He already had a taste. Years ago when they first met. It was by accident of course. He still remembered that taste. Sweet blood.

Twigs snapped behind me. I glanced over my shoulder seeing Slade trying to catch up. On other circumstances I would've slowed down to allow him to catch up, but not tonight. Alexi needed a doctor, she's already losing too much blood. Halfway into the forest more pack members appeared. Some were shifted into their animal form while some stood in human form ready with weapons. I ignored them. Five minutes later the pack house came into view. Lights shone brightly from almost every window. The outside was a bustle of activities as they raced around readying for an attack. A path cleared as we broke through the trees. Seconds later I entered the house finding a bunch of teens standing in the entrance hall. I growled, flashing my fangs. Satisfaction filled me when they scattered away.

“Sire,” an omega appeared. “Follow me.”

She walked down the hall leading the way into the Alpha's private living room. A sheet had already been laid out on the couch with a pillow and a bowl of water. Leaning down, I slowly lowered Alexi onto the couch. I stood back letting my eyes trail down her body. She was covered in dust and blood. Her arm was angled in an unnatural way. The shirt she was wearing only hung from her shoulders and her back. Her chest was burned badly, only raw pink skin was left. I moved out of the way as an elderly male doctor entered the room. His face paled when his eyes fell on my mate. He dropped his black case next to her on the floor. Then he was touching her and barking orders at the waiting omega's. I bit back a growl when he cut the rest of her shirt away from her body.

“What attacked her?”

“We don't know.” Slade entered the room. His eyes were instantly drawn to our bleeding mate.

The material was slowly pulled away fully exposing the damage done. I sucked in a sharp breath. Slade dropped a few curse words as he stumbled back. The cut on her hip was so deep that fat spilled from it. If a werewolf obtained these kind of injuries it would have healed with some stitched within forty-eight hours. But Alexi was human.

“She's human?” The doctor glanced between us.

Slade nodded glancing at me. I could feel the waves of fear starting to fill me. The unspoken words were hanging heavily in the air. The walls were starting to close in on me. We couldn't lose her again.

“There must be something you can do!” I barely recognized my voice.  

The doctor placed two fingers against Alexi's neck before glancing down at his watch. He sat like that for a few seconds before dropping his hands and standing.

“I'm sorry Sire,” he looked at Slade, “there's nothing we can do for her. Even if we manage to treat her injuries, there's still a chance the she won't make it. She's too weak.”

I growled. Within seconds my hand was wrapped around his neck. I pushed him against the wall as I tightened my hand around his neck.

“She's not weak,” I flashed my fangs, “you have no right to speak about her like that. She's not going to die!”


Slade gripped my shoulder making me feel more agitated. He pulled me back. The doctor dropped to the floor coughing.

“Leave us,” he ordered. The door slammed shut behind her. “You need to calm down.”

“Don't fucking tell me what to do!” I span around slamming my fist into the wall.

Plaster gave way at the force of my hit. She can't die! We just found her. We've barely spend anytime with her. She won't die. Not today not ever! Kneeling next to her, I moved the hair plastered to her neck. My eyes zoned in on the pulse beating faintly. Her pulse was weak.

“Whatever you're thinking brother, just drop it,” Slade crouched by the couch. “We've been through this before Fury. Even if we save her now we will lose her in the future again.”

I shook my head.


“Save our beloved.”

My eyes trailed over her. The horrible wounds that was still bleeding. I looked at her face taking in her pale skin and lips that were turning blue.

“Get the doctor,” I briefly glanced at him. “I won't let you die princess.”

Slade hesitated but got up after a few seconds. I watched him as he walked towards the door. Again he hesitated. With a short glance over his shoulder he walked out of the room.

“Not again.”

I shifted closer. Lifting my arm I bit my wrist. I flinched at the sharp pain but quickly moved my arm to her mouth. Using my other hand, I raised her head.

“Drink princess,” I whispered.

Her lips slowly parted. I watched her throat work as she started to drink my blood. A groan fell from my lips. Closing my eyes I leaned closer so my face hovered over hers.

“With your hybrid blood you'll be able to heal anyone or anything.”

The unwanted words flashed through my brain. It made me hate myself for what I was made to be even more. My eyes fell to Alexi and for a brief second our eyes locked. There was so much pain in the dark brown depths. Her eyes fluttered closed again after a few seconds. I slowly pulled my wrist away from her mouth, then wiped the blood from her lips. All that needed to be done now was for the wounds to be cleaned and bandaged. Then we wait.

“What have you done?”

My body was pushed away from her. I fell to the floor staring up at my brother as he hovered over me. His eyes darkened as he growled.

“What have you done Fury?”

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