15| Chapter Fifteen

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My brows furrowed as I slowly turned onto my side. I was completely stiff which made the process slow and slightly painful.
Sucking in a deep breath, I relaxed waiting for sleep to pull me under again. It didn't. I was wide awake no matter how badly I wanted to go back to sleep again. Letting out a low groan, I finally allowed my eyes to flutter open. I blinked a few times to get use to the dim light. The lamp on the bedside table was on casting a low glow around the room. My eyes fell on the tape that kept the needle in place, then moved to the chair. One of the twins sat there sleeping silently. It was hard to make out who it was since his face was tilted back and into the shadows. I frowned.

Something was off. I could feel eyes burning into the back of my head. Swallowing, I slowly turned my head to glance over my shoulder.

“Fury,” I whispered.

He sat at the window by the window seat. The light from the moon outside casted an eerily shadow upon him. His eyes though, his eyes seemed to be glowing brightly as he watched me. I turned onto my back again so I could look at him without straining my neck.

“Welcome back little mate,” he muttered.

“Where did I go?” I frowned at him.

“You've been out since the attack.”

I pushed myself up on shaky arms. Pain shot through my head making me wince. I just woke up and already I had a darn headache. A cool hand brushed against my cheek. My eyes snapped up to find Fury next to me. His eyes trailed over my face in concern.

“Should I call the doctor?” I shook my head then gave him a small smile.

“I just have a headache.”

He didn't look convinced. With gentle hands Fury pushed me back down. He hovered over me for a few more seconds before straightening.

“I'll go get the doctor,” he muttered.

Before I could even utter a word he had already disappeared through the door. I groaned. Men were so confusing sometimes! With my eyes glued to the ceiling I thought back to what happened. I remembered everything clearly. The sound of the explosions echoed in my ears as the image of the bloodied twins flashed before my eyes. I couldn't decide what near death experience was scarier. If I was on an IV then I guess this one was worse than the other two. I couldn't remember much after being carried by Fury into the forest.

My eyes darted to Slade. His chest rose and fell with every breath he took. Slade looked extremely peaceful from where he slept. I had the urge to touch him. It became so strong that I pushed the sheets back and slowly sat up. I sat on the edge of the bed for a few seconds and then stood on shaky legs. My legs felt like jelly. How long had I been out? I had to use the arms of the chair to keep myself up. I was weak and I absolutely fucking hated it.

My eyes darted over his face. He had a beard. It surprised me. This was the first time I've seen him with facial hair. He looked even sexier. More rugged like his twin. I slowly reached out with my right hand to move the hair from his forehead. A gasp fell from my lips when his hand shot out to grip my wrist. His eyes fluttered open a second later. Slade stared at me silently until he seemed to realize who it was.

“Lexi,” he whispered. His hand cupped my cheek gently. “You're awake.”

“It appears so,” I muttered.

My eyes widened when he gripped my hips then pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him. We were in a very intimate position and one I liked very much. I licked my lips before leaning forward to press my cheek against his shoulder. He smelt nice. Shifting my head, I pressed my nose against the skin of his neck. His body tensed. I instantly pulled back to stare up at him. Slade gave me a small smile.

“Where's my brother?” He asked softly.

“He went to get the doctor,” I muttered, my eyes dropping to his lips.

A faint memory of those soft lips brushing against my forehead flashed through my mind. I glanced up at him. Then without giving him any warning, I leaned forward to press my lips against his. His chest vibrated against mine as his hands gripped my hips tightly. Pain shot through me causing me to whimper against his lips. His hold instantly loosened but only to push me back. Our eyes locked. With deliberate slowness Slade licked his bottom lip. I bit back a moan as my stomach clenched.

“You should get back in bed,” he whispered with a voice that sounded deeper than usual. “Go baby.”

I swallowed, but slowly climbed off his lap. With my cheeks heated in embarrassment I laid back down on the bed. My heart was beating erratically in my chest. I smiled as I pressed my fingertips against my lips. I just had my first kiss. My eyes darted to Slade again to find him watching me with a smile. A few minutes later the door opened and Fury entered. An old woman dressed in a white robe entered behind him.

“Hello dear,” she greeted as she walked over to the bed. “How are you feeling?”

I sat up as I gave her a small smile. “I'm feeling okay. Just have a slight headache.”

The twins stayed in the room as the elderly doctor checked me over. As she did so I finally noticed my state of undress. I was only wearing a large long-sleeved t-shirt with a pair of briefs. Thankfully the shirt was lose enough to hide my beaded nipples from them.

“You need to take it slow for the next few days,” she ordered softly as she took out the IV’s. “Your body needs to get use to moving around after so long of staying in bed. As for food, I suggest you start with light meals and the work it up to heavier meals. I'll give you a subscription for some vitamins and so forth.”

The rest of the words were directed towards the twins. She spoke softly to them by the door which made it impossible for me to hear. I played nervously with the sheets as I waited for them to finish. Once the doctor finished she said a goodnight before leaving. Slade followed her out which left me alone with his brother.

“Are you hungry?” Fury asked. “I can get you something to eat.”


“Yes princess?” he muttered.

He seemed nervous. Getting up on my knees, I crawled to the edge of the bed where he stood. His eyes followed my movements. I stopped in front of him then sat up on my knees. My head only reached the middle of his chest. I liked the fact that both the twins were taller than me. It made me feel safe. My eyes locked with his as I moved a little closer. I crooked my finger at him telling him to come closer. His lips twitch as he bend lower so our faces were inches apart. Like I did with Slade, I pressed my lips against his without warning.

His hands shot up to grip my shoulders but he didn't push me away. Fury groaned making heat wash through me. It sounded so fucking sexy. His lips parted mine and a second later his tongue entered my mouth. I moaned as I reached up to grip his shoulders. His hands moved down to my hips as he stepped closer. Fury pressed me tightly against his body when he angled he's head to deepen the kiss.

Then he pulled back to stare down at me.

We were both breathing heavily even though the kiss only lasted for a few seconds. Clearing his throat, he took a few steps back from me. Then, without another word or glance in my direction, Fury walked out of the room.

* * * *

The house was huge. A three-story building that was build in a clearing in the forest. Green grass decorated the space around it for miles. Off to one side was a large building where people walked in and out on a regular basis. There were flowers planted in different colours too. Slade told me that there was a total of about thirty bedrooms. Fifteen on the first floor and fifteen on the second floor. The third floor was like a house all on it's own. There was an open plan living room and kitchen, the two spaces were only separated by a bar. Three bedrooms, one which was the master room and two bathrooms. I was told by Fury that the whole floor was ours. No one else was allowed up there without permission from either of the twins.

After the kisses we shared I've barely seen either one. If they checked up on me, it was only for a few seconds before they disappeared again. I was still on bed rest but I've managed to get most of my strength back. I could move around on my own now and I've already started eating solid foods again.

I step back under the warm water to wash the conditioner from my hair. It felt good to be able to wash myself without the help of someone else. I stood under the warm water for a few more minutes before closing the valves. Getting out, I grabbed the blue towel and wrapped it around my body. The medium-sized mirror was fogged up which gave me a blurry image of myself. I licked my lips before reached out to wipe the mirror clean. For the second time in a week I silently stared at my reflection.

I looked so different from before. My skin was paler than usual but that was expected after being under for a few weeks. I had lost a lot of weight but I liked my new figure. It certainly made my boobs look bigger! My eyes widened as they locked with my reflection. Leaning forward, I took a closer look. This had to be a dream right?

"Oh my God," I whispered.

Spinning around I pulled the door open and stepped into the room. Without giving a thought of my state of undress, I hurried into the hall. My voice echoed as I called out to them. I got no answer making the panic in my rise. There was no way this could be possible, no fucking way! As I turned a corner my body collided with another. I stumbled back but big hands caught my arms to steady me.

"What's wrong?"

I looked up at Slade, the words dying down when our eyes locked. His hands instantly dropped from my arms as he took a few steps back. Slade turned, storming down the hall with large strides. I followed. Shivers ran down my spine as growls slipped from his lips. He pushed open a door making it bang against the wall loudly.


Before he could complete the sentence Slade threw a punch at him. I screamed, cupping my mouth as Fury stumbled backwards. He barely had any time to steady himself before Slade lashed out again. I rushed forward trying to step between them. Fury instantly pushed me aside seconds before charging at his brother. They slammed into the wall making photo frames drop to the floor.

"What the hell is your problem?" Fury yelled, between each breath as he dodged his brother's hits.

"I feel like fucking killing you!"

I stumbled back against the wall clutching the towel tighter. Seconds later Slade landed on the floor in front of me. Fury came down on top of him, keeping him locked in place. He let out a low warning growl. Their fast movements had slowed giving me the opportunity to see them clearly. Slade's hands had turned into claws, his arms were covered in dark hair, and his teeth had lengthened to sharp canines. My eyes moved to Fury. I swallowed hard. Like his twin, his hands had turned into claws, his arms weren't covered in dark hairs but his eyes however, were extremely dark. Fury parted his lips showing off the sharp lengths of his teeth. Only four of them were sharp, the two outer teeth were longer than the other two.

"What did I do now?"

"You gave her your damn blood!" Slade yelled.

"She's here, isn't she? Lexi healed. Isn't that what you wanted?"

"Of course I wanted her to live! You gave her your blood without thinking of the effects it would have on her. Twice! You gave her your blood twice! Look what you did!" Slade growled, pointing a finger at me.

A squeak fell from my lips when Fury turned his head to look at me. His black eyes locked with mine. Letting go of his brother, he slowly stood. I pressed myself tighter against the wall as he walked towards me. His eyes trailed over my face as he frowned. Fury leaned forward, brushing his nose against the side of my neck. He sucked in a breath, pausing, before repeating the action. Stepping back, he glanced at Slade still laying on the floor.

"Her blood is mixing with mine," he glanced at me, "it's normal."

"Normal?" Slade struggled to his feet. "You call that fucking normal? Her eyes are purple!"  

"It always happened with those they experimented on. Their eyes changed colour as soon as the blood started to mix or work out of their system." Fury turned towards me. "It's just your eye colour that changed? You feel fine right?"

I nodded numbly. My eyes darted between them, taking in their bruised faces. Blood trailed from the corner of Fury's mouth slowly down to his chin. Stepping forward, I reached up to wipe the blood with my finger. His eyes widened but he made no move to step away or any closer. I stared down at the crimson on my finger. His blood healed me? Simple blood that looked the same as mine, healed me. A hand closed around my wrist snapping my attention from the blood. Lifting my hand up to his face, Fury wrapped his lips around my finger. He started sucking on it causing my body to react. Heat pooled between my legs, my stomach tightened as desire washed through me. It was like a switch had been flipped a second later. He dropped my hand liked it burned him before stepping away from me.

“Go get dressed Lexi,” Slade ordered.

I nodded, clutching the towel to my chest as I hurried out of the room. When I reached the safety of my bedroom I finally allowed the breath I'd been holding to slip past my lips. I'm pretty sure it's not normal to be attracted to both twins.  

I really needed to find out more about this mate thing.

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