30| Chapter Thirty

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The closer we walked towards the ballroom the more panic began to set in. How many people were in there? Was it the whole town? The whole kingdom? Would I meet their parents?

“Breathe princess,” Fury whispered in my ear.

We stopped in front of two large oak doors. Guards dressed in the loyal uniform stood in front of it, each with a sword at their hips.

“We will be with you.” Slade smiled down at me.

He pecked my lips. I gave a small nod before sucking in a deep breath. The twins took hold of my hands. They hooked my hands through their arms then nodded at the guard. As soon as we entered the room everything fell silent. Everyone turned toward us. A guard made an announcement which I couldn't hear. My heart was beating in my ears as I took everything in. There had to be at least five hundred people here. Maybe even more if you count all the guards standing at all entrances. My eyes trailed around to take everything in.

Above us– in a glitter of diamonds– hung a large chandelier right in the middle of the ceiling. The room was large– almost as big as the pack house. There were windows all around for natural lightening, doors that led out to balconies. Two tables with food was set up at one side of the room with drinks and other stuff. Fury said something which caused the people to give an applause. I allowed them to lead me through the room. We greeted people I've never met before. What felt like hours later they finally led me to a corner of the big room. Leaning back against the wall, I sucked in a shaky breath. I pressed a hand against my stomach as it turned dangerously.

“Lexi.” Fury placed his hand against my cheek, making my eyes flutter up to his. “Are you okay?”

“J-just give me a minute.”

Bile rose in my throat making my eyes widen. I pressed my other hand against my mouth. They seemed to catch on. Fury wrapped an arm around my waist. The air around us shifted. Seconds later I found myself in a bathroom. I sank to the floor on my knees in front of the toilet.  
Gripping it I heaved, emptying the contents in my stomach. When I was finally done, I leaned back against Fury. I felt tired and totally drained all of the sudden.

“I'll call a doctor,” Slade said softy. He knelt in front of me to wipe my face with a cold cloth.

“N-no, I'm fine,” I gave him a small. “It's just the nerves.”

He searched my face before letting out a sigh. Slade leaned forward to press his forehead against mine.

“Okay, but if this get worse I'm calling a doctor.”

I nodded. I surprised him when I wrapped my arms around his shoulders to press my face against his neck. I breathed in his familiar scent, feeling my nerves die down slightly.

“I'm okay.”

We entered the ballroom again a few minutes later, but this time unnoticed. Fury kept one hand pressed against my lower back while Slade held my hand.

“Good evening.”

I glanced up. My eyes widened as they locked with electric blue ones. Prince Erik smiled at me. He shook hands with both the twins before turning slightly. My eyes widened as they fell on the woman standing at his side. She was a little taller than me. Her brunette hair was braided down her back. Her skin was pale which made her forest green eyes stand out. The ball dress she wore was exactly the same colour as her eyes. Her body was slim with wide hips and a narrow waist.

“This is my wife, Roxanne,” Erik introduced us softly.

I gave her a small smile in greeting. My eyes moved to the twins as they kissed her cheek.

“My son, Blade,” he introduced the same man I saw at the café. “This is my daughter Mia.”

The girl looked like a replica of Roxanne, just a little younger with blue stripes in her hair.

“And last, my eldest son, Reagan and his mate Blaze.”

I turned to look them. Shock flashed through me. Reagan looked exactly like Erik, his eyes were a darker shade of blue. His messy hair was dark and he had broad shoulders with narrow hips. On his arm was a beautiful girl with shocking golden brown eyes and dark hair.

“Hi,” I smiled at them, squeezing Slade's hand. “Nice to meet you.”

We made small talk until silence settled around the room making me frown.

“Your Majesties, the King and his Queen,” A guard announced as the doors opened and they walked in.

The man looked like them, but his hair was grey at his temples. His face was wrinkled, yet he stood tall and muscular. The woman at his side, however, made my blood run cold. Her skin was almost completely transparent. She was tall, about the same height as the man next to her. Her body was stick thin and her hair a silver. It was her eyes that scared me the most. Eyes that seemed really familiar. They were blood red.


I sucked air into my lungs, feeling shivers of fear racing down my spine. I knew her. Red eyes snapped to me as they walked past us. Her lips pulled up into a smirk, one so familiar. Where do I know her from?

“Baby…” Slade's lips brushed my ear as his arm wrapped around my waist.

“I know h-her,” I whispered.

I knew they heard me when both of them tensed. Their attention snapped down to me. Leaning my weight against them, I curved myself into their body as the man and woman stopped in front of us.

“Are you ready? It's time to begin the ceremony.”

Without waiting for a reply, he turned disappearing into the crowd. The woman's eyes trailed over me before locking with mine again.

“Nice to see you again Alexi, it's been so long.” With a sweet smile, she turned following behind her husband.

“What the fuck?” Fury frowned. His eyes followed them until they disappear in the crowd before he turned to look down at me. “How the hell do you know our mother?”

That was a very good question and one I had no idea how to answer. Thankfully neither of them persisted. They led me through the crowd over to a stage that had been set up.

“Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention please?”

We walked onto stage to the back where we stood. I glanced up at them before looking at the large crowd. My grip on their arms tightened. Everyone was staring at me.

“You have all been invited here to celebrate the coronation of my sons,” the king spoke up. “I'm afraid that my age is starting to catch up on me, therefore I am no longer able to fulfill all my duties. There has been lots of talk about this, lots of objections. If you do not accept my decisions to hand over this kingdom to my sons, then leave now.”

The crowd started muttering amongst themselves as the king fell silent. My eyes widened as a large amount of people started leaving.

“They are from neighbouring kingdoms,” Slade whispered in my ear. “They don't like changes, therefore they won't accept us.”

Nodding, I tried to focus on what the king was saying, but I couldn't. A feeling of dread started filling me. I could feel it. Something was wrong. My eyes scanned the crowd again. They stopped on a man leaning against the wall. The same man that was back at the house– one of their guards that checked the house.

“Slade,” I looked up at him before glancing back at the man.

“What's wrong?”

“That guy to the left leaning against the wall. Is he one of your men?” I questioned, watching as he frowned his eyes scanning the crowd.

“No, he's not,” his body tensed.

The king said something again causing the people to start clapping. Slade leaned down, his lips brushing my ear.

“Stay with Erik.”

I nodded, taking a step back to stand next to Prince Erik as they walked forward. My heartbeat increased as more men started filling the ballroom. They were all dressed the same– acting the same. I glanced at the woman, their mother. Her eyes caught mine. She gave me a smirk. It all clicked. They need to leave. Everyone needed to leave before they get hurt or killed. This was all planned. Everything.

My eyes snapped to the side as I saw Erik walk up to the twins. They started speaking softly.

“He's telling them,” Roxanne said from my side, her green eyes searching my face. “You're right.”

As the words left her lips, Blaze and Mia stepped closer to us. Reagan and Blade stepped in front of us, blocking us from view.

“Ladies and gentlemen men-”

The words were barely said when a loud scream filled the room. Bangs followed. Screams filled my ears as everyone started to panic. Someone grabbed my arm pulling me into a dark tunnel. The screams and other sounds was getting further and further away.

“Keep moving,” I heard Roxanne order.

I stumbled, falling to the floor with a cry. My hands scraped against the wall as I tried to break my fall. Gentle hands grabbed my arms and pulled me up. An arm wrapped around my waist to pull me along.

“S-Slade and F-Fury…”

“They are behind us. Keep moving.” The voice was unfamiliar, but gentle.

I didn't know for how long we moved through the dark narrow tunnel. What felt like hours later, we entered a small room. Lights flickered on causing me to blink rapidly to get use to it. Roxanne stood to one side talking softly with her daughter. Blaze guided me over to a couch then pushed me down onto it. Kneeling in front of me, her eyes locked with mine.

“You need to calm down,” she said softly, her eyes dropping to my hands. “You're bleeding.”

I stayed silent as she cleaned the blood. I could barely feel a thing. My mind was on my mates. This was all planned so there must be a reason for it. What if someone wants them dead instead of me?


My eyes snapped to Roxanne, she gave me a gentle smile. “Here's some clothes, change into this. Mia will help you with your dress.”

Nodding, I stood taking the clothes from her. I walked off to the side placing it onto a shelf. Kicking off the heels, I allowed Mia to help me pull the dress off. I quickly pulled on the jeans and t-shirt before turning to see that they had also changed. My eyes fell on the dress. Sadness filled me as I saw the blood on it. Why did this always happen? Turning from the heap of material, I allowed my eyes to trail around. There was an oak desk with two lamps on it. Some chairs and old leather couches. There were more lights placed on the walls– gas lamps. The roof was endless, I couldn't tell where it ended. The walls were round. Just old dirty bricks which made me frown.

I sat down in the chair again then pulled my knees up to my chest. With every passing minute my fear began to rise. What if this is how they die? Like in the dream, they all died because of me. A creak filled the air, making me jump in fright. I watched wide eyed as the wall moved creating a doorway. The tunnel.

Reagan and Blade entered. The door slide close behind them. They were a mess. Their clothes were torn and covered in blood. Reagan had a large claw mark on his arm where the blood dripped onto the dust covered floor.

“I'm okay,” he said softly as his mate flew into his arms inspecting the wound. “We need to get out of here.”

His eyes trailed around the room until they stopped on me. “Someone wants to kill you.”

My eyes dropped from his. I knew that! I knew someone wants me dead! The same person that arranged this attack. That was killing hundreds of people because they couldn't''t find me.

“We need to go back to the human world. They won't look for us there.”

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