5| Chapter Five

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The car was silent apart from the radio playing softly. Slade was concentrating on the road with both of his hands on the steering wheel. He looked tense.

“I'm sorry.” I broke the silence between us. He glanced at me.

“For what?” His voice was husky, making me bite my lip to stop the moan from escaping.

It vibrated right through my chest down to my groin. What the hell is happening to me?

“F-for yesterday,” I stuttered, face heating. “I didn't get you the files you needed.”

“Don't worry about it,” he said, as he turned the car down a busy lane.

“But you said-” I jumped when he spoke harshly.

“I said don't worry about it!”

My mouth slammed shut after that. I turned my body slightly away from him to stare out the window.We were stuck in traffic, the cars were moving at snail's pace due to an accident that happened ahead of us. I needed to look for an apartment or some place to stay as soon as possible. I couldn't live with Mr. Tyson and his very hunky brother.

“I'm sorry,” he said, after he pulled the car over at the curb in front of a very expensive looking boutique.

“We're not going to the office?"”I asked, confused. I turned to him with a frown.

“Later,” he muttered. He got out of the car walking over to my side and opening the door. “Come on I have a meeting in a few hours I don't want to be late.”

I got out of the car, watching as he locked it before turning to me. Placing his hand at the small of my back, he led me forward into the boutique. The shop was big with racks of clothes spread all over the place. At the back was shelves of shoes from boots to high heels.

“Morning Mr. Tyson. What can I do for you?” A woman greeted us as soon as we entered.

She was tall with hazel eyes and brown hair. Dressed in a skin-tight black dress, she wore three-inch heels which showed off her tanned legs. The front of her dress had a small dip giving a glimpse of her cleavage.

“I want some of your best clothes fit for the office and something casual,” he told her stiffly.

The woman gave him a smile before turning to me. Her smile faded slightly when she locked eyes with mine. Her face instantly turned into one of distaste.

“Follow me.”

A few minutes later I stood in one of the dressing rooms surrounded by clothes. After trying on a few, I finally settled on a black pencil skirt with a white blouse.

“Let me see,” Slade suddenly called from outside the dressing room.

Biting my lip, I looked up at the mirror in front of me feeling very uncomfortable. I liked wearing clothes to hide my curves, I didn't feel comfortable showing off my body. I had a thin waist with wide hips and my boobs were on the medium side.

“Alexi,” he said with a hint of impatience.

I bit my lip before stepping over the clothes and opening the door. He was sitting on one of the couches typing away on his phone with a frown on his face. As soon as he heard the door open, he looked up. Slowly he lowered his phone, his eyes travelling over me. I smoothed my palms over the skirt as I looked down at my feet.

“You don't like it?” I asked softly, shifting from foot to foot.

I gasped as dress shoes suddenly appeared in my line of vision, making me look up. His eyes had darkened to a darker shade of green.

“You look amazing,” he said softly. Reaching up, he took a strand of my hair pushing it behind my ear. “Absolutely breathtaking.”

The spell that had settled between us, was broken when the girl from before cleared her throat. Slade took a step away from me, running a hand through his hair.

“We will take this,” he told her taking a seat again. “Get her some shoes, heels if you have.”

I winced. My ankle wasn't so bad anymore, but walking around in heels for the day would definitely cause pain. Just keep your mouth shut Lexi, I told myself, you might get a job!

* * * *

Two hours later we arrived back at the office. I was instantly ordered to get him some coffee as he stormed into his office slamming the door shut. He paid for all the clothes I had tried on along with the shoes and some new undergarments. After ordering the women to deliver it to his house, we left for the office.

During my lunch hour I used the computer to search for apartments close to work. One specific one caught my attention, but the price was way above my price range. Not that I really had one.

“You are not happy with staying at our home?”

I jumped, spinning around to see Fury standing behind me with his eyes focused on the computer.

“I...uuu..” My face heated when he turned to look at me. I watched as they widened when his eyes trailed down my body.

“Wow,” Fury breathed.

He swallowed, taking a step forward making me step back. I tensed as I felt the edge of the desk pressing into my butt. He pressed his body against mine causing a shiver to run down my spine. Moving the hair from my neck, he leaned down trailing his nose along my skin.

“You smell so good,” he said huskily.

One of his hands slipped around my waist. My mind instantly turned to mush. I could smell his cologne mixed with another scent I couldn't place. A shocked gasp fell from my lips when his cold lips made contact with the skin on my neck.  

“Just one taste.” He mumbled, making me frown. Taste?

One hand gripped the side of my neck. His thumb under my chin tilted my head up and a little to the side. I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips as he kissed the skin above my vein. His lips left a burning sensation behind which was strange.

“Fury?” I whispered, tensing as I felt something sharp against my skin.

“Mm?” He hummed, wrapping an arm around my waist to press me closer against him.

Fury slightly bend me backwards pressing his lips harder against my neck. I used my hands to press against his chest trying to push him away, but he didn't budge.

“It won't hurt,” he promised, just as the elevator doors opened.

“Fury!” Mr. Tyson yelled.

Seconds later his body was ripped from mine. I stumbled away from the desk. My foot caught on something causing me to stumble even more. I tried to steady myself, but ended up twisting my foot, the same foot that got hurt yesterday. I cried out, clutching my ankle with unsteady hands.

“Fuck! Shit!” The words flew from my mouth before I could stop them.

“Lexi. Shit, are you okay?” Fury was kneeling next to me.

“It's your fault!” Slade knelt by my feet.

Without warning he moved my hands away from my ankle. I felt the lightning bolts again when his skin came into contact with mine. I shivered, my eyes snapping up to his. His eyes caught mine. He was frowning down at me with his jaw clenched.

Would I ever be able to satisfy him?

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