Part One. Chapter Two. Alex

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And so came the day that I had dreaded for the last four or five weeks; Marcus' birthday. It's not known why that their internal wolves come to let them know just who the Moon Goddess had them paired with no sooner that when the moon reached its zenith on the night of their birthday, be it, full crescent or new. But I've heard it described as being sudden, being hit with an irresistible scent and the need to know where it originates from. However, it will only occur if the younger of the pair is also eighteen, otherwise the wolves will hold back on uniting them. That can be painful if there is an age gap, but those who have faith in their Goddess endure. Those that don't... well I have heard rumours that the human side can overrule the wolf side, but that can lead the wolf into retaliating. I have read things on rogue shifter's, that they either become almost completely human physically, but generally more aggressive and quick to snap or almost completely animal, but without the fear of humans that a lot of wild creatures have and greater intelligence to boot.

Marcus' birthday came and went, the wolves went out on a drinking session after the zenith past, something I can't and won't join in unless I wish to risk alcohol poisoning. His mate did not appear that night. In a way, this, to me, is like a plaster that has yet to be ripped off and worse, it is tugging at the hair follicles on my arm. His mate is younger than him. I am also younger than him. And Charles met his mate a week ago and that mate is a man.

I didn't know that that could happen. Obviously, homosexuality is not that rare in humans or vampires, definitely not fey who will fuck anything that moves given the opportunity. It is rarer in elves and practically unheard of with dwarves. But I didn't know it could happen with shifters. Though vampires and fey and shifters are all the Moon Goddess' children and she is all about bringing forth couples to create a new generation of grand babies for her to smother.  Vampires live forever and may be paired with mates a few times over the centuries, if say one dies of unnatural causes. Fey are promiscuous until the moment they are bonded, but may also bond to multiples. I heard their King has like ten wives, though this may be exaggerated. But shifters very much mate for life and though occasionally, the Moon Goddess will gift them a second chance mate if they are rejected or lose their first mate too soon, they will stay with that mate, have babies and live to a grand old age before dying with that mate. Seeing as male shifters cannot produce babies under any circumstances, I was surprised to hear of the mating of two men.

Marcus let me know that it was very rare, but not unheard of. The Moon Goddess had her reasons, he said. He wouldn't allow anyone to belittle Charles and his mate's relationship or suggest that it was a mistake or anything. He reminded me why I loved him so much. It also made me hope way too much.

Charles was happy, that was the main thing. He gushed about his man, earning him evil eyes from David, who was still sour that his mate wouldn't be the woman of his dreams. "Let me hear you again when you are suffering because we've all gotten our mates pregnant," he said, unkindly.

"David," Marcus warned with a growl.

"There is always adoption," I mentioned before adding, "though I guess I've never known how you guys feel about that."

"Adoption is rare," Marcus mused, "not because wolf children won't ever have to suffer becoming orphans, but more that those orphans will be taken in by family members almost without fail."

Charles placed his hand on my arm. He is one of the few members of the pack that I actually have to look up to view. He winked at me. "Thank you," he said softly and I actually blushed. I'm sure any homosexual thinks about children or the lack of at some point, even if it is just to decide that they are fine without them. Male fey can get pregnant to male mates and even a few rare human men can also fall, but generally most would have to consider surrogacy or adoption.

"You're welcome," I said, with a small stutter. This was all becoming too soft and pink for the me who was already standing on his own personal knife edge. "So... Halloween this year..."

"Late horror marathon?" Marcus groaned. "Have you not outgrown your love of bad horror movies yet?" I grinned. Each year for the past five, I have invited them around to my place to watch some of the cheesiest and worse made horror movies of all time. I think they only come due to the copious amounts of popcorn, nachos and pizza I serve in advance.

"I have five epic doozies for you all this year!" I let them know as they all groan in mutual sufference. They'll all attend anyway. "And besides, I want to meet Charles' mate and anyone else's who happens to come along before then!"

I really wish I had not said that.

Halloween was midweek, so the movie marathon occurred on the Friday afterwards.  I checked myself out in my full length mirror.  I had slithered into a pair of form fitted leather skinnies with a slash of rips along one thigh and wore a black tank top, a white ripped t-shirt over the top.  The t-shirt had miscellaneous, red splashes over it.  I paired all of this with a selection of metal bracelets and a collar.  I'd painted my already pale skin white and had deep black circles over my hazel eyes, black lips and had styled my boring, brown hair with gel.  It would flop back down in a couple of hours, no amount of product could hold it to style, my hair refused.  I'm not sure if I am meant to be a zombie or a corpse caught by a rapid wolf, but it's not like I was planning on going out trick or treating.

The doorbell rang and I descended the two flights of stairs to answer it.  "Welcome, to my humble abode!" I said, dramatically.  They all rolled their eyes.  They were used to this.  They never sought to amuse me though and play along side me.  They were all wearing civvies.  Boring! 

"Where's the pizza?" Frankie asked, pushing his way past, with a couple of other beefy wolves following suit towards the kitchen.  David came in, giving noises and looks of disapproval, I have no idea what his problem is.  And then the huge, man with the gorgeous skin tone like he was baked to perfection in the sun filled the doorframe.  He was holding close to him a petite sweetheart.  If I fully embraced my gay I would squeal something like that I just wanted to wrap him up and hold him tight and lavish him with love.  He couldn't have been half Charles' height and was pale like snow, with stunning green eyes.  I'd never met a wolf like him.  Yes, this tiny, gorgeous being was a werewolf, but nothing that I had ever expected.  But then, I have always been surrounded by musclemen from the pack, I could barely identify ten percent of the pack in person, so it wasn't any wonder really.

"This is Adam," Charles introduced and his mate gave me a small smile as I welcomed them in.

"And this is Jenny," Marcus said.

I hope I did not visibly freeze as my heart most certainly did.  Marcus was wrapped about a pretty girl, not much taller than Adam.  She had frizzy hair and smattering of freckles on her nose and gentle eyes upon her round face and Marcus was looking at her as if she was the next top model.  I think I smiled as I ushered them through the door.  "Pizza and snacks are in the kitchen.  You remember where that is right?"  I sounded happy enough, right?  I didn't sound like my world had just fallen apart around me and that I was crushing the remnants of my heart under my foot, right? 

Besides, I could not hate her, she was so sweet and nice and she was not faking it at all.  I could tell, I know fake, I see it every day in the mirror.  The pizza was consumed before I could nab a second slice and we all headed for the entertainment room, where I had set out several bowls of popcorn.  Jenny did not last half a movie, despite the acting being so false it was hilarious, she really was scared and Marcus ended up leaving to take her home.  I saw him out of the door with a slight wave, before gathering myself together and heading back to watch the movies.  The others didn't seem all that bothered to leave so we ploughed through all five movies.

I woke up in the middle of a heap of men some hours later, the guys, as usual, having fallen asleep wherever they were.  A couple had even turned into their wolves and snored louder than their human counterparts.  One of the guys farted, which is what had woken me.  So nasty.  My face felt like it was peeling off, so I headed up the stairs to wash it off in the first floor bathroom.  As I was planning on heading to finish sleeping in my own bed, I passed one of the guest rooms to hear soft moans leaking from the partially open door.

Damn my curiosity if I didn't glance in.  I don't think that I have ever seen anything so erotically beautiful and so arousing.  The petite Adam was straddled upon Charles, his body swaying back and forth, both as naked as the day they were born. Their skin tones contrasted as yin and yang and both seemed to glow beneath the sheen of sweat coating them both. The sweet moans were spilling from Adam, his head thrown back and spine arched in ecstasy as he moved, his round bottom spread wide and somehow enveloping the huge girth, a hint of which could just be seen. Charles held gently onto Adam's hips, his eyes staring at his mate as if nothing else existed in the world for him, as if his mate was all that mattered. He was staring at him, deep in his own pleasure, but brimming with love.

I backed away from the door, by heart racing in my chest and my member rock hard and straining in my ridiculous leathers. Charles loved Adam. They were mates and he loved him. I loved Marcus, but we were not mates and never would be. I think it truly hit me then, more than when Marcus had arrived with his mate at the door. Marcus would never love me that way.

I ran to my room, to bury myself beneath my blankets and let the tears finally flow.

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