Part Six. Chapter Fifteen. Michael

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With my mother upon my arm, I left the confines of the pack house, breathing deeply the fresh air as it surrounded my body. Even though the imprisonment was more mental than physical, it felt as if the last chains had been cut from me when I left the place I once called home.

I glanced to where my father was turning red, one vein particularly prominent above his temple seeming to pulse as his anger built. It was not difficult to see what had set him off; felines of all shapes and sizes were lounging upon high branches, their amber, yellow and green eyes peering through the plush leaves. There was also a large tiger lazing about upon the roof of a house close to the pack house. He was being 'threatened' by the middle-aged woman who lived in the house with a broom. I don't think Damien was afraid however.

My mother whimpered slightly, I think feeling more the rage of my father than the dominance of the majority of these beasts. I patted her hand, before noticing Gabriel, with the potential Beta, Glenn, at his side. He was putting on a small show for my father, ordering his men to various positions that had no real meaning in the long term of things. I carefully guided my mother towards him, while my father continued to bluster and shout as if his words could force the cats to submit to him.

"Gabriel," I called out softly, pausing as two mischievous wildcats ran across my path, the sand cat batting the tail of the spotted Margay as they played.  Even my mother couldn't help but chuckle over their antics.  Gabriel paused and gave me his full attention, to which I smiled and nodded my head.  "She is out of harms way."

A shudder caused by a mix of relief and finality shivered down his body and it was as if I could physically feel the restrictions he had placed upon himself vanish.  His aura began to seep from every pour.  He was an Alpha-in-waiting, but he was done waiting.  The wolves close to him immediately reacted, submitting to his presence without hesitation.  Others, such as the woman with the broom needed a moment or so longer, but she too cast her eyes down and tilted her head to one side, elongating her neck.  It took much longer for my father to realise what was happening due to the mired anger coursing though his veins, but once he felt it, he turned to face Gabriel with a sneer.

"So this is all your doing!" He yelled.  "You want to challenge me?  Just see what happens to your mate when you lose!"  Several gasps were audible from the ordinary wolves of the pack, who had been busying themselves trying to dislodge the felines or simply came out to complain to the Alpha.  The old man failed to notice and the shift in power continued with slightly more fluidity.  "Shaun!"

"Yes, Alpha," the weak wolf approached nervously, completely suppressed by the aura's of both his Alpha and Gabriel.

"Bring Evangeline here," the old man sneered, bringing much growls of protests that were still silenced with a word from him.  "She should witness as I discipline my son.  I'll remind everyone here who is the Alpha of this pack!"

Shaun ran inside the pack house to do his bidding, while Gabriel and my father began to remove their clothes.  Gabriel passed his to Glenn, who took them quietly, while my father threw them disrespectfully at Giles.  Less than a minute passed before both men had shifted into their wolves, my father was all black, his dark amber eyes the only colour upon his body.  Gabriel was a lot like me, silver, but with a single white paw.

In my mind's eye I sensed their wolves communicate and could already see the outcome that my father refused to admit to, my own wolf stood stoic like a witness to this forthcoming battle for the Alpha position.  He clearly felt secure enough in his own body  and content with our small family that he had no need to become Alpha of the pack he was driven out of.

Shaun came running out of the packhouse and I noticed the black wolf glance his way.  Shaun shook his head, while wringing his hands together.  My father immediately growled threateningly, still convinced that he could make 'his pup' submit.  Gabriel did not bother growling back, simply stared him down and the two wolves began to circle each other, readying themselves to attack and defend.  It seems patience was something Gabriel had in abundance, as he remained unruffled as my father leapt slightly forward in a feint attack once and again.  With neither having any effect, my father backed off for a moment, his pink tongue licking at his black nose, before he leapt again, but this time with intent.

Gabriel's wolf sank down, the muscles in his legs winding back like springs, until his stomach nearly brushed the ground as he waited for the right moment moved beneath my father's rushed attack.  His teeth scraped against my father's chest near his neck, before the black wolf realised his mistake and turned awkwardly, scratching at Gabriel's face.  A line of red appeared upon the silver wolf's dark nose, but it was not deep.  Gabriel immediately turned, his neck curling his head even more so as he protected it from his sire's teeth.  He then pressed forward with his own attack, not allowing the old man a moment to regain his footing.

The wolves continued to scratch and bite at each other, but although Gabriel had several visible wounds, it was clear my father was the one being pressured.  He panted heavily, his tail drooping and his footfalls heavy.  His wolf was clear from the beginning that his son had taken his position from him, it was the man who refused to admit that it was time to let go.  He made one last desperate attempt, putting all his strength into that one attack.  However it was easily evaded and the old man stumbled before he found teeth grasping neck and low growls demanding he submit.

He had no other choice.

Gabriel was now the Alpha.

Those who were already in wolf form howled in unison as the power exchange was finally complete.  Both men changed into their human forms, but strangely, my father appeared suddenly aged.  They were both handed back their clothes and my mother raced to my father's side to inspect his wounds.  He slapped her hand away at first, causing her to whimper a little, but he reached for it and took it in both of his.  "Sorry, I'm sorry," he whispered to her, to which she called him 'a dummy' and hugged him warmly.

As he continued to apologise, Gabriel finished putting his clothes upon his body and then addressed the full crowd.  "From this day forth," he said.  "I am your Alpha.  I will tolerate no bigotry, no speciesism, no homophobia.  Those who were banished due to their true mates gender or species, I welcome back.  Those who wish to seek their true mates, I will assist where I can.  We can no longer shun the outside world, doing so simply leads us to destruction.  I also welcome new talks and a new treaty with the pride."  As he said this last sentence, the large tiger, nodded his head and leapt down onto the attached garage, before leaping to the ground.  The numerous cats within the trees did the same.  Two thirds of them (and all the wildcats, which poured from houses and bushes) began making their way towards the border.

A wolf came bounding up the the new Alpha, panting with exertion before shifting back and nervously addressing him.  "A-Alpha," he said.  From his build, I would say he was a warrior, but changes could unnerve even the strongest of wolves when they were unexpected.  "There's these people... at the gates.  They wish to speak to Al... the former Alpha Haze.  They have something called a... court order?"

"Bring them in," Gabriel replied, calmly and the wolf shifted back to do his bidding. Seeing the felines mostly gone, the ordinary pack members returned to their business, there were even a couple of older pups who came running out to play as if nothing had happened.  Gabriel buttoned his sleeve, turning before an unpleasant voice disturbed the slowly spreading peace.

"I see congratulations are in order," Alpha Rider was standing in the shadow of the pack house, Nadine was at his side.  That woman came running up to me, smiling, grabbing my arm as if she was entitled.  I began to unwind her tight grip as Alpha Rider continued; "However, that does not deter from the fact that I have an agreement with this pack.  That my daughter is wedded to Michael Haze and that he then becomes the Alpha of the pack."

"That 'agreement' is null and void," Gabriel replied.  "Whether my brother wishes to challenge me for the position of Alpha is something that will remain between us and has nothing to do with you.  That and Michael has never once said that he agreed to this marriage."

"Of course he agrees," Nadine said, tightening her grip.  "Don't you, my love."

I shuddered and pulled my arm away with greater force.  "I do not know what gave you the impression that I would agree anything with you, but the fact remains that I have two mates, who are also my husbands.  My 'relationship' with you was on a professional basis only."  Several cars began to approach where we were gathered, stopping and parking haphazardly along the road.

"Impossible!" Nadine yelled.  "I always get what I want!  And I want you!"  The spoiled creature then turned to her father.  "Daddy!"  His attention snapped back to his daughter and he smiled.

"Well, this is a disappointment," Alpha Rider declared.  "I did so hope that we could do this without too many difficulties.  But I suppose I will have to withdraw my loans."

"That is fine," Gabriel replied.

"And certain secrets that I kindly suppressed, will undoubtedly now come to the surface," he continued as if Gabriel had not spoken at all.  "But one couldn't say that I didn't try." I heard a soft whimper from my father, but that could be due to the fact my mother was trying to clean a cut upon his shoulder. She never had the most delicate of touches.

"Oh secrets?"  I rolled my eyes as that woman sauntered down the street, swaying her hips catching the eyes of many of the felines that remained and not too few wolves either.  "Do share, Alpha Rider." Several individuals followed in her wake.

His eyes narrowed, his aura beginning to leak, but strangely, though it felt dominant as an Alpha's should, it also felt wrong, slightly off.  "And you are?"  he asked, but she did not have time to respond.

"Get your filthy paws off of my man!" A certain red head yelled out with indignation, causing a smile to creep over my face.  Within his shadow peeked two hazel eyes, which glanced at me with longing.

"Excuse me," I said to Nadine, happiness welling within me.  "I wish to return to my mates now."  And with that, I walked hurriedly to their sides.

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