Part Three. Chapter Six. Michael

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Author's note; 18+

Saturday was full on hectic. One of my patients suffered a sudden stroke, although he was in only after a gallstones operation and only due his impressive age was he recuperating within geriatrics so we could keep a sharper eye on him. It was a good job too, Clover was quick enough to catch the early signs and he was given a CT scan to help determine the severity. Fortune was with us and we were able to treat him using drugs given intravenously.

We then needed to find beds for a number of patients as there had been an accident. A trip had been organised for a group of elderly men and women and the coach that they were on was involved in a collision. Fortunately, there were no deaths, but a couple were injured quite badly. Emergency doctors wanted to keep a few in under observation for the night. Trying to find beds at short notice was always a challenge, but fortunately, we were able to safely discharge one lady into the care of her family and were due to discharge a gentleman as he had made a full recovery and was deemed well enough by social services to return to his own home.

One of the incoming patients was quite short with the nurses, declaring that he did not need to be kept under observation. His scent hit me quite profusely, declaring that he was a shifter. Not only that, he was a bear. Unlike most shifters, bears didn't gathering in packs or prides, they attended social gatherings a few times a year in designated areas to keep in touch with their own, find mates, catch up with the local gossip. Otherwise, a happy bear was a solitary or small family bear. I requested his care be left to me, explaining to my superior the man's species.

The old man and I had quite the chat and in the end, I declared him fit and called him a taxi, which I paid for. I also left him my work number. I'm one of the few shifter doctors in quite a large area, there are certainly no more in this hospital, even though a ward for supernatural patients was open in the private side of the hospital.  If he had any issues, he could talk to me.

And just as I thought that the last hour might be a little calmer, Clover decided to probe me for answers about the health of my human mate. She was like a mother wolf when it came to Alex and was worried about my intention towards him. Although she had been the one to encourage him to talk to me, she also knew that I was a wolf and would never get serious with anyone who was not my mate. If she was a younger, spryer woman, I swear she would have performed a backflip when I advised her that my intentions towards him were serious and that he was my mate.

Speaking of whom, despite the on going, full nature of the day, my wolf had been sulking at the back of my mind, clearly aware that his second mate was not close by. After the merry chase that Alex had lead us on before, I could sense his worry that Alex might not return home. During every checkup, every emergency and every suggestive word certain nurses made, at least a few of my brains cells were thinking of Alex and only of Alex. Of course, I still thought about my rough and ready tiger, but Eric was only a thought away, Alex was not marked by us and that caused an underlying sense of insecurity.

But while I allowed myself to acknowledge this, I did not allow it to interfere with my work nor afterwards... unlike Eric.

The lights were out and no dinner in sight when I arrived home. Eric was lounging on the sofa in just a t-shirt and boxers, flicking through the numerous television channels, but not bothering to settle on anything. "Hey, babe," I called to him, while loosening my tie. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing," he said in a tone that was thick with sullenness.

"Nothing, huh?" I sat down beside him and leaned back, resting my head as I glanced at the ceiling. "So, you aren't missing him or anything then."

"Never said that," he pouted. "Did he say when he will be coming back tomorrow?"

"No," I shook my head. "I didn't want to press him. He's opened up to us, now we need him to trust us. Besides, he'll probably head to his place when he arrives back in town, don't you think? I believe he has work on Monday."

Eric looked less than pleased about that and crossed his arms about his chest. "But I miss him."

"Me too," I sighed. It's hard to believe that just a few weeks ago, I knew nothing about Alex or having a second mate. He had quickly buried his way beneath our skins, even though he tried so hard to keep his distance. I only hope we are as deeply within his thoughts as he is in ours.

My stomach rumbled, but I knew not to ask Eric to cook whilst he was feeling low. His cooking tends to reflect his mood. The number of times it had been burnt because he was angry or he had skipped the meal to favour dessert when he was sad was in the high double digits. "How about I order for pizza?" I suggested.

"I want chicken," he stated. "And peppers and onions and sweet corn."

"I know, love," I readily agreed, whilst craving a meat loaded portion for myself. That was what those half and half topped pizzas were for right? "Cookie dough and ice cream for desert?"

"Do we have any chocolate sauce left?" He asked, looking hopeful.

"I ordered it with last weeks shopping," I told him.


He cheered up a little after stuffing himself on pizza and dessert and we ended up in the shower together, where naturally we ended up fooling around together. I washed every inch of him in my favourite scent, taking extra care to soap his pink nipples, his proud member and his puckered hole. He melted beneath my touch, purring beneath my ministrations, before cheekily waving his firm butt in my direction. I didn't need to be asked twice as I used a little of a scented oil that we kept in here before penetrating him.

He hissed as I groaned, it had been a while since I had topped him what with all the varying shifts and mate chasing of late, so he was tighter than I realised. It did not stop him from bucking backwards and swallowing my penis whole. I grabbed his hips, more to steady myself than him, before slowly withdrawing from his heat. I plunged in deeper, thrusting sharply and once more backed out at a teasing speed. He yowled as I continued to connect us this way, keeping him still as I commanded our pace, angling each thrust until I found what I sought. He shuddered as I stabbed and stroked his prostrate, fighting to gain some sort of control, but the only thing I allowed was for him to seek completion with his hand, while I sought mine with in his channel.

All too soon I began to falter, my pace became hectic and we began to buck against each other. I thrusted into him and he pressed back into me, our bodies demanding fruition. Skin slapped against skin and I reached around his body and teased those pink nubs as I watched him stroke frantically his member. Barely moments later, my teeth were in his shoulder and he was painting the tiles white with a roar. I erupted inside him and had to lean against his back as my spent body began to finally feel the effects of the long day.

We washed the remnants of our love making away, before drying off and crawling into bed naked. Hopefully the next time we came together, there would be a third body joining us.


Eric's mood proceeded to darken further as the day progressed and from lunchtime onward, he lay fully furred upon the bed, not even allowing me to approach. I allowed him to sulk as I cleaned up the pizza boxes from the living room and placed coffee cups and breakfast plates into the dishwasher. I took a hoover to all of the carpets, with the exception of the one in our bedroom as Eric battered the machine with his large paws when I tried, as he proceeded to pout.

After finishing cleaning the bathrooms and mopping the kitchen floor, I finished watching the end of the movie that Alex had fallen asleep during (we had gone to bed once we had realised, so I didn't see the conclusion), before attempting to get Eric to rise from our bed.

"Come on, you lazy tiger," I chided him. "Weren't you planning on making me suffer some fish chowder thing tonight?" He lifted his large orange and white head to glance at me, before letting it flop onto his paws once more. "Well, I don't mind cooking, but it will be steak..." Eric snorted, knowing that if I cooked, dinner would be burnt steak. Before I could try to reason with him more, the doorbell chimed.

I sighed and left the sulking beast to his own devices, while I went to answer the door.

"Alex!" I said, surprised, but obviously delighted. He looked uncertain as he scanned my face and I quickly realised that I probably held a look of shock or something. I softened my expression with a smile and happily noted he returned that with a small one of his own. I stepped back to allow him entry, just as I heard a large bang upstairs and the lazy cat thudded down the stairs like an excited kitten. His purr was deep and loud as he glanced over our mate, before he curled his whole body around Alex's thin legs, scenting them thoroughly before heading to the kitchen. Eric shifted as he walked, now revealing his naked bum to our blushing mate, while continuing to swish his hips.

"The chowder will be ready in thirty minutes," he claimed on entering the kitchen.

"Can't you put some clothes on first?" I groaned, concerned about Alex' reaction. But my boy just giggled a little and then two thin arms curved about my waist and I felt the warmth of his body against my back.

"I missed you," he confessed. I took his hands in mine, separating his arms, so I could turn to face him. His hold about my waist became tentative, but I did not pause to reassure him, instead I cupped his face in my palms. His skin was smooth, little or no hair must grow upon his jawline. I paused, before leaning slightly down to place a kiss of greeting upon his lips. His mouth parted almost the moment I touched them and my tongue slid inside without thought in order to taste him. He willingly submitted and the lust I sated just the night before began to flare. I separated reluctantly from him, his flushed appearance not helping my arousal. But I buried it down, believing he was not quite ready for me... us yet.

He blinked as he refocused upon my face and I smiled and said; "Welcome home."

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