Part Three. Chapter Three. Eric

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My tiger was purring like a contented kitten having just drank a bucket load of cream. Well, it's not like a saucer would do it for an animal the size of mine. Our mate had allowed us into his home, which we had discreetly marked with our scent and had looked impressed by our gym, which we had showed him around. We didn't take him into the men's locker room, we didn't want any shifters in that room getting any ideas. He was mine and Michael's mate. When he complimented our looks, we decided we couldn't resist tasting him anymore.

His lips were deliciously soft and pliant, fitting perfectly to my own. He seemed unsure, not reluctant, more likely inexperienced. My tiger purred at the idea that we might be his first, I was equally as satisfied and ran my tongue across his bottom lip, trying to encourage him to allow me access. But before he could respond, we were interrupted.

"Eric, your client is here," Sylvie called as she poked her head into the room.  She didn't even raise her head from her iPad as she spoke.

"I should leave," Alex murmured. My tiger yowled in distress and I imagined myself wrestling the big cat.  Silly beast thought Alex meant to leave and not come back.  Still, I found that I didn't really want him to stray from my side either.

"There's no need, sweetheart," I decided to reassure him.  If I recalled, the V.I.P in question was a shifter.  That person should understand wanting your mate beside you.  I glanced at the coffee machine had had a spark of inspiration!  "In fact, are you familiar with this brand of coffee machine?" He peered down at the device and nodded. "Then you can be on coffee duty!"

"It needs more water," he said.  "I'll go get some." I stole a quick taste of him before leaving him to it.  My mate was too addictive.  It was almost a repeat of when Michael and I first met, just less violent and Alex was way more sweet and cute.

And so my cream filled tiger and I went to the main reception desk to meet with my client.

"You don't look like a V.I.P to me," I told my 'client', crossing my arms as he lounged in his chair, two huge book ends either side of him.  Not that he was any smaller than they.

"Of course I am," he retorted, flicking his long orange hair over one shoulder.  "I am very important.  You are looking at the Head Warrior of the Pride!"

I let loose a slight sigh.  "Things got desperate since I left then," I said, pityingly.  "To think that Uncle had no choice but to rely on you once he retired."  The bookends growled loudly, but the centre piece silenced them with a wave of his hand.  He stood and approached me, his pupils narrowing vertically.

"Still an arrogant bastard," he growled at me.

"Still a showoff," I replied.  The seriousness vanished in the next heartbeat and he threw  his arms about my back and I did the same to him.

"How's it hanging, coz?" He was my cousin, Damien, he was Uncle's other nephew from his mate's side.  Technically speaking, I was probably the stronger of the two of us, but he worked harder than me.  I was too lazy for that.  Why work so much when you were already overflowing with natural talent?

"Why did you think it was necessary to book an appointment?" I asked him as I guided him and the two warrior's with him towards my office.

"How else was I supposed to get your attention?" He whined.  "You never come to the pride lands anymore."

"Damien, I came to visit three months ago," I pointed out.  Although Michael and I had long since left our pack and pride, the King still considered me a part of the pride, so requested I visit from time to time.  Personally, I think it's because he likes the tax income I bring in as a pride member.  If I wasn't listed in his books, all my taxes would go to the central government, completely bypassing his coffers.  Don't get me wrong, he isn't a greedy cat, but the more money in the kitty, the better off the pride and the less complaints he has to deal with because the scratched up furnishings in the 'pride house' hadn't been replaced yet.

"But I wasn't Head Warrior then!" he pouted.  Seriously, was he really only five months younger than me.  He was acting like a kitten who'd had his feathered toy taken away.

"So you did come to see me in order to show off," I said.

"Too right!" He replied.  One of the warriors rolled his eyes heavenward, but Damien didn't notice, he was peering into the exercise gym and the high tech equipment in there.  Currently there was a bear shifter lifting weights and an elf running on the treadmill.  "The equipment is to supernatural standard?"  I nodded in agreement.  The pride had a few pieces, but generally we trained old school, ten mile runs, barbels, tree climbing, that sort of thing.  "That must have cost a bit."

"The loan repayments still keep me up at night," I lamented.  "But I am running a healthy profit, so I'll live.  Still drink your coffee black with three spoons of sugar?" 

"Yeah," he replied and I lead him into my office.  My beloved was fiddling with the water tank, trying to get it to slot into place, without much success.

"Hey, sweetheart, need some help?" I purred and captured him in my arms, completely forgetting about my cousin, who was behind me.

"No, I've got it," he told me and sure enough, it clicked into place.  He smiled up at me triumphantly.  I wanted to kiss him again!

"Eric," Damien began, a low growl building in his throat.  "Please do not tell me that you are cheating on your goddess given mate!"

Alex struggled in my embrace, but I curled my arm about his waist and held him firm against me, before nuzzling his face trying to reassure him.  "No, Damien," I said.  "This tiger is twice blessed.  I have two mates.  Alex, sweetheart, this is Damien, my cousin.  Damien, this is Alex, mine and Michael's second mate."  I swear I heard his jaw clang against the floor.  His warriors were also openly startled by my claims.

"Are you sure?" Damien asked, nervously.  He sniffed the air and could clearly tell that Alex was human.  That and the fact that we hadn't claimed him yet.  "I've never heard of the goddess bonding one of her children with additional mates.  Well, with the exception of the fey, but those guys would claim anything with legs given half the chance."

"I'm sure," my tiger purred, adding his two claws worth, letting Damien know that he definitely did not think that the bond with Alex was a mistake.  The cats relaxed a little and Alex subconsciously followed suit.

"This is," Damien still looked a little lost for words, but it didn't last long.  "This is amazing!  You definitely need to come back to the pride lands and let the King know.  I'm sure he'd want to give you his blessing on your mating as well."

I sniffed slightly, reading between the lines.  "He would just use it as an excuse to throw a huge party and lord around getting everyone to do the work for it, while taking all the credit."

"Hmm," Damien agreed.  "Don't you know, that's how he gets the back log of paperwork dealt with.  He sneaks in excuses such as 'Ah, if I don't get these reports filed, I won't be able to help set up the hall.  And I so wanted to make this party the best!'"

Alex snickered slightly, burying his face into my shoulder.  I think he was worried that his laughter would offend the large cats.  "Really?" I said as I thought over his claim.  "What a great way of getting rid of excess paperwork."

"Don't you even consider it, Eric," Sylvie sauntered in, almost twisting her ankle as she carried several bits of paper to her chest before dumping them onto my desk.  The warriors looked a little wary of her.  After all, she had just 'invaded' my territory without so much as an excuse me.  I did warn her, once upon a time, that cats liked their space, but either she didn't recall that, or chose to ignore it.  I'd gotten over a while ago.  I think if it was anyone else, though, I would have pinned them to the wall and fired them.... before wondering if that was such a good idea as there is paperwork that has to be filled out for that...

"Aw, but Sylvie," I whined.  "I throw amazing parties."

"I remember," she said, pushing those fake glasses of hers up her nose.  "And I also remember that I have been arrested twice because of you and your parties!"

"Why?" One of the otherwise silent warriors asked, curiously.  I snickered softly as the four foot plus nine inch heels of a woman glared at the 6 foot 4 warrior with a death stare.  He actually retreated a step.

"Those are the applications for administration staff," she pointed to the papers.  "I filtered out all of the rubbish ones who only filled out the form to convince the Income Support office that they are 'desperately' seeking work and left you to look at the ones who might actually work out."  And with that she walked (wobbled) out of the room.

"I think the Dwarves down the pub were lying," the other warrior said suddenly.  "There is no way they are kings of their own homes if their women are anything like her."

"Yeah, Sylvie is a special case," I replied.  "I am so glad I was smart enough to hire her."

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