Part Two. Chapter Six. Eric.

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I was sitting in my office, behind my desk, trying to ignore the paperwork that was building up to one side. I flicked through them when it was proved that I could not. Wait, weren't there application forms to join the gym in amongst them? "Sylvie?" I yelled out to my assistant. "Why are you giving these forms to me?"

My office was probably a little extravagant for a gym. There were the expected items: the filing cabinet where I hid the utility bills and complaint letters (not that there was many and most mentioned a missing item in the vending machine like Oreos or Type AB positive), the computer on my desk and a waste paper bin filled with junk mail. I didn't need to know what deals were available at the nearby trade store, I didn't need another menu from the local Chinese takeaway and I really did not want to hire a gardening team, I had a maintenance crew for that sort of thing.

But I also had a large sofa bed against one wall... just in case Michael decided to 'workout' in his spare time and the door next to that lead to a large ensuite shower room. I wasn't about to go to the men's locker room and use the communal showers. Then there was the side table, with my own personal coffee machine sitting on its surface and it's drawers contained my snacks, mostly chocolate ones. There was also the huge photograph on the wall of a massive orange and black striped tiger and a stunning silver wolf. Family portrait. That would need to be updated soon.

My assistant came wobbling in on those nine inch heels she insists on wearing. To be fair, she is really lacking in height otherwise, but her small feet just were not made for human shoes. "What's wrong, boss," She asked, pushing her gold rimmed glasses up her pert nose.

"Why do I have to deal with application forms?" I asked with a slight whine. "Isn't that why I hired more admin staff?"

She raised one excellently shaped eyebrow. "You haven't hired them yet," she informed me. "Those are the application forms for the potential employees. There is also the bank statement, the phone bill and a few arrears letters to sign. Some of your regulars are getting complacent. Really, you should make them set up direct debits, I know they are your friends and all..."

"But they always pay eventually," I dismissed her concerns. Some of those people were self-employed, lone shifters and vampires. Earning a regular income was more difficult than she realised when you were used to the pack or pride or flock bailing you out or lending you cash while you were desperate. I let loose another sigh.

The little dwarf clicked over to me and climbed into the chair opposite. "You're really out of sorts today, Eric," she said, leaning forward as she spoke. "What's wrong? Is Michael not letting you top again?"

"That's not it," I complained with a growl. "I have a mate."

"I thought Michael was your mate," she said, confused.

"He is," I replied. "But he found out that we have another mate, but hasn't let me see him yet!"

"I'm confused," Sylvie admitted. I don't blame her, it was confusing enough for us to accept it and we were living it. "You and Michael are mates, paired together by your Goddess, right? Not chosen mates?" Chosen mates are those we picked ourselves, generally because we have gone far too long mateless. And those who rejected their Goddess given mates chose a mate for themselves. But they will never be as happy, never feel as complete as they would with their fated pair.

"We are fated mates," I confirmed. "Michael was totally stunned when he met our other mate, I've never seen him so lost for words. But he says the boy is skittish, thinks that he might have been rejected by his first mate and wants to take things slow." My tiger roared in my head his impatience and I had to agree with him. "He's taking too long about it."

"Then go do something," Sylvie encouraged me. "It's better than having you mope about the office and being all useless. I'll look over the applications for you and weed out the useless ones before you come back in tomorrow." I offered her a bright grin, she was so right, what the hell was I sitting back on my hind legs for. I'm going to get my second mate!

It was almost 2pm by the time I got to the hospital in my red Maserati Quattroporte.  My baby purrs like a kitten when she is happy and the ride was smooth, no useless roadworks slowing me down like there usually seemed to be lately.  I hadn't been to this hospital before, but as expected, the parking fees were ridiculous.  I poured change into the machine, just to park legally for a couple of hours before I entered the hospital and studied the map.  Which ward did he say that he is currently assigned too?

Once I figured it out, I headed to the elevator, where this tall, feisty brunette attempted to talk to me.  I think she ordered the wrong size as she was bursting at the seams of her uniform.  "Sorry, not interested," I told her as her familiar perfume assaulted my nose.  So this is the bitch that's been in heat for my mate.  "I have a partner."

"Don't be like that," she said, throwing her shoulders back so that her globes of fat were pushed forward more.  "I'm only asking you out for coffee, where's the harm?  She doesn't have to know."

"You are right," I said with a loud purr, causing her to shiver as she realised that she had fooled with the wrong cat.  "He doesn't need to know as it's never going to happen.  Oh and I would appreciate if you stayed away from my mate in the future."

"Your mate?" She squeaked.  "But who... I haven't... I wouldn't dream of..."  She backed away into the corner of the elevator and then fled when the doors opened.  My cat grunted in satisfaction before yawning widely.  I chuckled inwardly at his antics before I took a deep breath of air.  Ugh... chemicals.  I looked around at the nearby rooms, before heading to the reception area where a few visitors were sitting around waiting in order to visit their loved ones.  I grabbed the arm of a small, male nurse.  This type of pretty thing would have been right up my street once upon a time, but Michael persuaded me otherwise.

"Excuse me," I said, politely.  "Do you happen to know where I would find Doctor Michael Haze?  I'm his husband."  That tidbit of information had this adorable little thing drop his jaw so low, I thought it might hit the floor.  He pointed me in the correct direction and I thanked him for his time.  As I headed through the first set of doors to the ward, using the obligatory hand gel as I past, I noticed the nurses station appearing to my left.  A couple of nurses were chatting there, pausing and preening as I came into view.

"Can we help you?" One asked with a high pitched tone that she might have thought sounded cute, but to me it was like claws on a chalkboard.  I sniffed the air and caught Michaels scent beneath the sterile hospital aroma.  There was a second delectable sweet scent interwoven with his.  It was fairly strong at this station and made my tiger purr and kneed the ground, happily. 

"No need," I advised them.  "I know my way."  I followed the entwining scents and hurried along to where Michael's name was proudly hanging beside the door to his office.  My tiger urged me forward, both out mates were in there!

"Now then," I could hear Michael say, though it was slightly muffled by the shut door.  "That would be our cue to go get something to eat."

I didn't wait for them to leave, I opened the door and let my presence be known.  Both turned to look at me, Michael had a slight frown upon his face as his body relaxed from its protective stance caused by my sudden intrusion.  I didn't care about that right now.

"Alright, where is he?" I demanded.  Michael rolled his eyes to the ceiling then glanced down at the boy sitting in the chair beside him.  Oh, he was so beautiful.  He was long and yes a little skinny, but that just made his eyes look larger, brighter against the paleness of his skin.  His hair was the colour of milk chocolate mixed with dark.  His clothes were simple, but the royal blue t-shirt over navy chinos suited him.  And his scent was drawing me in, I could not resist.  "This is him, right." I wanted to wrap him up in my arms, so I did and buried my nose into his neck.  So amazing.

"Eric..." Michael growled, exasperated.  Screw him, he'll get over it.

"It's your fault," I reminded him as my skin shivered with sparks of delight as I held him.  This was unreal!  I actually had two mates; my hunky specimen of a wolf and this gorgeous young man.  I attempted to explain away my impatience, not that I could care less what Michael thought at that moment, I was far too content.  "It took you way too long to introduce us."

"I'm sorry, Alex, Eric," Michael sighed as he apologised to both of us.  "Alex, I should have told you earlier, but... Eric is also my mate, which means he is also your mate.  Do you understand?"  I turned to beam at my beloved boy, but noticed instead that his eyes looked a little unfocused all of a sudden.

"So red," he said, before he fell unconscious in my arms.

"Michael!" I said in a panic and my mate kneeled beside me. He lifted Alex's eyelid gently and shone a light into his eye. "Well?"

"He will be fine," Michael reassured me. "I think we may have just overwhelmed him a little." I released a sigh of relief and gathered my sweet boy into my arms. "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?" I asked with just a hint of sarcasm. "I'm taking him home."

"I'm not sure that is wise," Michael warned me, but he could see that my tiger was not interested in letting our second mate go. "Alright, I'll speak to his superiors. Just, be careful. I'll be home as soon as I can." I smiled and carefully leaned over Alex to share a quick kiss with my man. Michael met me halfway and our lips met briefly before he pulled away and placed a chaste kiss on Alex' forehead.

"I'll be good," I reassured him. "I promise."

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