Chapter 25: Prophecy

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"How the hell did this happen? I thought we were already wolves." I explained.

I led them to the council room where a few of the Elders were.

Elder Watson (Wyatt and Willa's dad), Elder Kim, Elder Waverly, and Wes.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Ah, Great Alpha Luna. What brings you here?" Watson asked.

"Please, just call me Delilah. We're practically family already." I responded.

Wynter stepped forward. "We have questions."

They all looked at us in curiosity. "What is it, dear one?" Kim asked.


Delilah's P.O.V.

They all looked at us in curiosity. "What is it, dear one?" Kim asked.

I stepped forward as my mates stayed where they were. "We need answers. The four of us have been hearing these voices in our heads. Each of us hear a voice that claims to be our wolf? What's the meaning of this?"

Elder Watson gasped before his eyes widened. "If I'm not mistaken, the prophecy has been fulfilled."

"What prophecy?" Willa asked her father.

"Oh, for the love of wolves, I never thought this would happen." Kim added.

"Okay, now, you're really making us worry, I bet." Wynter said, which I nodded to.

Wes came over and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Come with us, sweetheart."

My mates and I all followed the older wolves into the library we had. It was dark in there, the only light coming from the giant fireplace that was present. The walls were all made from stone and the chairs were all made from fur. There were also portraits of the previous Alphas, Lunas, Betas, and Thirds.

Elder Watson scanned the shelves of the library as my mates and I were seated at the table. The rest of the elders were circling the table.

Once he grabbed the book he was looking for, he blew on it and brought it over. He opened it and flipped through pages until he got to one.

"Here we go. There's the prophecy." he said.

"What does it say?" Wyatt asked.

"It says, "The Great Alpha shall be found when the pack is at the peak of vanishing. She will be the most powerful wolf in existence. Once she claims her throne, she will be the ruler of the entire werewolf species. The Great Alpha will be given three mates, who she'll desire and love. The three, in return, will show her the same and stand by her side by all means. Once the time comes, only the Great Alpha and her fellow mates will be given powers beyond the existence of wolves that will come from the Great Alpha herself once they each join her as one. The four wolves' inner beasts shall awaken and have their full abilities. Only the alpha will be the rarest, most powerful wolf called the purple star wolf. Together, the four wolves will protect Seabrook, forming alliances that are deemed rare along the way, from any danger that is to come." "

"So, the prophecy says that once we found our mate, we would have an inner wolf?" I asked.

"Correct, however, it happens when the Great Alpha has officially mated with her mates." Elder Kim replied.

I blushed a bit, since I was already officially mated to the three wolves at my side. All separately at different times, but I wouldn't trade those moments for anything.

"So, our wolves are part of us?" Wynter asked.

"Indeed, young one. There's two sides; your human side and your wolf side. Your inner wolf is the one who talks to you in your mind and is the one who comes out when you shift. Sometimes, we have to turn off the wolf side and fight as a human." Wes replied.

"Now, since you claim that you're hearing voices in your head, that's your wolf talking. It also means that you'll shift soon. Once the four of you shift, you will have powers that not even the most experienced werewolves can overpass." Elder Watson explained.

My mates and I looked at each other with smiles. I knew they were just as shocked as I was. But, it meant that we were destined to go through these changes together.

I loved them with every ounce of my life and I can't believe this is happening to us.

"Now, in order for you all to shift, you have to concentrate. Since it'll be your first time turning into a wolf, it will be a painful experience. However, if you let your inner wolf take over and just let it go without resisting, it will go faster." Elder Waverly added.

I smiled at them and nodded before getting up, my mates following. I bowed my head to show my respect to them.

"Thank you so much." I said.

My mates and I got up to leave  until Wes stopped me.

"Can I talk to her in private?" he asked.

They nodded before leaving the premises and my uncle turned to look at me. "I need you to be honest with me."

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him.

"What's your wolf's name?" he asked.

"Hera. Why?" I asked.

He looked shocked, but he had a proud look on his face. "Sweetie, she's the most powerful wolf in existence. Just like the prophecy said. She's the rarest wolf in the universe. The purple star wolf. Legend has it that she was created from the moon goddess herself and waited until she found the perfect person to become one with. She chose you, Delilah."

I gasped as I smiled. "No way."

"Yes way, babygirl." I heard Hera's voice in my head.

"It's true. She didn't want any of the previous alphas. She waited and found you. I'll tell you this, from what legends say about her, she will become not only part of the person she chooses, she will be their best friend. Their lifelong partner even after death when the moon goddess calls. Hera will protect you and she will love you. Legends say she's fiercely protective and loyal to the chosen one. The amount of it she has is greater compared to normal wolves." Wes finished.

"Well, I guess I should consider myself lucky." I said.

He hugged me and I smiled, responding. "Oh, your mother would be so proud of you."

"I miss her so much, too."

We stayed like that for a couple moments before pulling away and he smiled, caressing my cheek. "You look just like her."

"I loved her once. Back when our pack and the Rogue Pack were allies. But, we were teenagers. She met your dad and I had to move on. I met your Aunt Winona and I've never been happier. I still miss and love your mother, but at least she's watching over you I bet."

"Uncle Wes, do you think you can help me out when I start shifting?" I asked.

He nodded. "Sure, sweetie. We can start training soon."

"I can't wait to come out and see your world." Hera whispered.

I'm looking forward to it, Hera.

"Now, go on with your mates. They're probably a bit worried." he said.

I nodded before hugging him and leaving the library. I walked out and saw my mates in the entrance of the wolf den.

"Everything alright, babe?" Willa asked,

"Yeah. He just wanted to talk a bit." I answered.

"Luna Delilah! Can we go outside?" I looked and saw a couple of the pups there.

"Sure, little ones." I smiled as they ran out. My mates and I followed them and sat outside, watching them play.

You didn't think this was the end of the story, did you?

A/N: That's it for Mates! Thanks for reading and enjoying it!

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