Chapter 5: Soulmates

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Delilah's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning feeling very sore and my wrists was still aching from yesterday.

Today was the presidential debate and there was no way I could cheer with my wrists bandaged up and my body aching from the beatings I got yesterday.

I got my phone and decided to let Addison and Bucky know I couldn't cheer today due to 'medical reasons'.

Surprisingly, they bought it and told me I didn't have to cheer until I felt better.

Getting up from bed, I went to the bathroom and showered. The water stung my cuts, but I managed. Once I was done, I freshened up. Once I got back to my room with my towel wrapped around me, I put cream and fresh bandages on my wrists.

I took some pain medicine and soon got dressed for the day. I got dressed and applied some makeup to hide my black eye and busted lip, which the swelling was going down a bit.

(A/N: Just the outfit, not the drink)

I put on my wig, grabbed my phone and backpack, and opened my window.

I didn't bother going to get breakfast in the kitchen. I could just get something at school.

I quickly exit through the window and closed it. Without wasting a second, I bolted and started walking to school once I couldn't see my house anymore.

Once I got there, I was at the cafeteria and got some breakfast, sitting down at an empty table. After a while, I saw Addison and Zed walk over to me.

"Hey, Del." she told me.

I smiled at her. "Hey, Addy."

Zed hugged me gently. "So, what's this I hear about you not cheering today?"

I looked at Addison with a 'Really? You told him?' look. She shrugged and had a nervous smile on her face.

"He was nosy, I had to tell him!" she said.

"It's fine. I'm just not feeling good today. I had to come to school because my parents made me." I said, feeling sick to my stomach when I referred to my dad's residue bucket as my parent.

She will never be my mother. And he will never be my father. I don't care if we're blood. They will never be my parents. Because I have no parents. My aunt had to leave when I was young. I have no family.

"Oh, well, hopefully you'll feel better." Addy told me with a hug.

"Are you still going to the nomination?" Zed asked. I nodded.

"Of course I am. I'll be in the stands watching." I replied.

After we ate breakfast and talked, we headed to the auditorium where the nomination would take place. Well, they did first because I had to put my backpack in there.

I felt like someone was watching me, which made me turn and look, but I couldn't see anybody. It felt like there was more than one pair of eyes staring.

Maybe it was just some of the paranoia that I have developed over the years form the abuse.

I shook it off before closing my locker and heading back to the nomination. I smiled as I stood next to a close friend of mine named Zara, who was a zombie. I met her through Zed and she was very sweet. She had a secret crush on Eliza and I thought it was adorable.

"Hey, Del. Are you feeling okay? You don't look like yourself." she asked.

"I'm good, Z. Just a bit tired." I replied. She nodded and smiled as we clapped through the nomination.

"Are there any more nominees for president? Just a reminder that being part of student council means that we get to hang." she said, making all of us go quiet.

"Anybody wanna hang?" she asked awkwardly. Dead silence.

You know, when someone is embarrassing themselves and you can't help but feel embarrassed yourself because of how cringy it is?

Yep. That's why.

"Anyone want to hang out?" she asked again.

"Anyone? Oh! We could come up with our very own complicated high-five! That'd be fun." she smiled awkwardly as she embarrassed herself more.

Jesus Christ, lady, just stop.

The band began playing and we all cheered as Bucky came out and did his entrance. The cheerleaders were cheering and I just shook my head.

"You're not cheering for him?" Zara asked.

"Hell no." I replied. She laughed before clasping her hands together.

"Thats why I love you so much." she said. "You know it, zombae."

"Great news! We have a brilliant and cheertastic candidate running for president this year. Me!" he said.

Everybody started chanting his name and I just rolled my eyes.

Suddenly, I gasped as I saw Zed fall from the bleachers and land behind Bucky. He pushed him out of the way as he tried to get his balance.

Wait, was my best friend running for president also?!

"Zombie strong!" he shouted.

"Whoo!" I cheered as I clapped, regretting it as my wrists began hurting.

"My name is Zed and I am running for president." he announced.

I gasped and I could tell Addison and Bree were very happy as well as the zombies.

"Zed can't steal my spotlight! What about the whole anti-monster thingy?" Bucky complained.

"Anyone can run for president, Bucky!" Addison retorted.

"She actually has a point, Mr. Bucky." the principal said before walking off.

"A zombie president?" Lacey whined. "Eww!" the rest whined.

I scoffed as I covered my ears, not wanting to hear them. Everyone cheered, including me as Zara and I high-fived.

"Okay! If you vote for me, I will bring you prosperity and awesomeness!" Zed announced.

Almost everybody cheered until that feeling came back. The feeling of someone watching me.

"As you president, I will make Seabrook a place that embraces both zombies and-" he started.

"Werewolves!" Bree pointed out.

My head snapped in the direction she was pointing at. "Um, no. Why would we want...werewolves!" Zed shouted.

The doors opened and a huge pack of werewolves came running in and snarling.

"There she is!" a girl with frizzy hair shouted as they ran towards Addison. Me and Zara quickly got up and went to her, putting her behind us.

"Where's the moonstone, white hair?" the same girl yelled. "I think you've got the wrong person!" Addison said.

I looked at the three werewolves in the front, analyzing their appearances.

One of the girls was very beautiful. She had brown, frizzy hair with a white streak and brown eyes. There were three slash marks on her left cheek and tattoos on her arms.

The guy next to her was very handsome. He had brown hair with a patch of white on the front, brown eyes, and two slash marks on his cheek as well. He also had tattoos on his arms.

The girl next to him looked beautiful, yet adorable. She had long, brown hair with two space buns, one of them white as well. She had somewhat of an arrow marking on her face and a few tattoos on her arms, but not as much as the other two.

I felt myself get drawn to them, as if I had to go and run into their arms and hug them.

Wait, I think I've seen them before.

It took me a minute to realize what was in front of me.

My soulmates...

"Our razor-sharp claws will gut 'em and splatter their blood!" one of my soulmates threatened. She looked at the two next to her. "Too much?"

My other soulmates looked at her before the the taller one eyes flashed as well as her necklace.

"Wolves! On my command!" she ordered. The wolves began growling and snarling, ready to attack until my other soulmate stopped her. After a while, she looked at him. "Wolves, stand down."

I realized that she was the alpha and he was the beta. If I wasn't mistaken.

"Sorry. We werewolves so admire your town and we just came here to join your school." my alpha soulmate explained.

"What? They can't join our school!" Bucky protested.

"Technically, the Forbidden Forest is within the school district." Zara pointed out.

Addison looked at the wolves. "So, welcome to Seabrook!"

The beta and alpha smiled awkwardly before Addison went forward and waved.

"I'm Addison Wells. Nice to meet you." she greeted before looking at me.

I stepped forward as I eyed my mates. "My name is Delilah Greene."

Their eyes widened and their eyes lit up.

"I'm Willa Lykensen." the alpha greeted.

"I'm Wyatt Lykensen." the beta said.

"I'm Wynter Barkowitz." the adorable girl greeted.

I never felt so much happiness in my life. These three were my soulmates. The people I've been dying to meet and needing so badly have finally come to me.

"So you're my..." I didn't even have to finish the sentence.

They all nodded and I sighed in relief as I jumped forward, wrapping Wyatt in a tight hug. He responded quickly before I felt Wynter and Willa hug me as well.

I felt warmth and peace. I felt comfort and loved. For the first time in years. The pain I was feeling felt as if it disappeared the second I made physical contact with them.

Wyatt kissed my head and I smiled as we pulled away. I kissed each of them on their cheeks as Willa held me close and Wynter held my hand.

Addison walked forward with a huge smile on her face.

"You found them, Del. We're happy for you." my favorite cheerleader said.

"Thanks." I said before we hugged and she looked at my mates, holding her hand out. They each shook it and I smiled before turning to look at my mates.

"I'll help you get registered and everything, okay?" I asked.

They smiled and nodded before I grabbed onto Wyatt and Willa's hands, leading them out of the building to get their schedules and stuff.

I finally found my soulmates and I couldn't be more happier.

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