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my heart beat accelerated and i couldn't fathom why. why was it suddenly beating so fast? i did not went to have a heavy workout or something, so why?

"stop your nonsense, jeon jungkook." i said. jungkook just shrug and casually entered my house. i decided to let him off since i was too frustrated from marking his work.

"ms jung, you are so hardworking hmm." jungkook commented as i closed the door and walked towards him.

"what?! why is all of these wrong?!" he suddenly exclaimed as he held onto his marked assignment.

"jeon jungkook, don't play innocent with me. all of your answers are nonsensical," i retorted back as i sat down on the chair.

"would you prefer if i play dirty with you?" he smirked.

"shut up, jeon jungkook." i said coldly as i ignored his stare at me, trying to concentrate on my work. my eyes tried so hard not to advert my gaze towards jungkook, but i failed to do so. especially when now his face was just few inches away from me, with his chin resting on his hand.

"ms jung?"

i tried not to stutter as i responded. "hmm?"

"do you know what math and my dick both have in common?"

i almost choked on air as i heard his question, "pardon?"

"they're both hard for you."

"excuse you? i'm teaching math so math isn't hard for me." i replied casually, trying to ignore the 'my dick' part. youngesters nowadays, i swear to god.


"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" i screamed as i saw jeon jungkook lying beside me while i was sitting up. due to extreme tiredness of marking assignments and dealing with jeon jungkook, i went to take a nap instead and made sure i locked my room door.

jungkook smiled innocently at me as he lifted up his finger and twirled around a bunch of keys.

"WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?" i hollered as i snatched the keys. jungkook smirked, "i have my ways."

"get off my bed now," i howled. instead, he turned to face me and pulled the keys that were hanging around my index finger which resulted me in falling back onto bed.

"ms jung, i'm really cold. hug me." he said as he pouted. my face flushed at his actions because even though i hated to admit, it was kinda cute.

"that's what blankets are for," i answered in a 'duh' tone as i tossed him the folded blanket that was lying on the edge of the bed. his lips twitched into a frown.

"human heat is more warmer, i'm really really cold," jungkook chattered as he gritted his teeth, wrapping his arms around. i looked at the air-con remote control, and saw that i switched on to 21 degrees.

i sighed but have no choice but to open my arms wide. i'm only doing this for my own's sake so he would nor pester or annoy me in the future anymore.

he immediately crash into me and wrapped his arms around my waist, as he snuggled closer. his chin was resting on my head since i was shorter than him. older than him but shorter than him, i would really like to blame his parent's genes.

"ms jung, you are really so warm," he spoke and i could feel the vibration of his voice on my head. my face was planted right into his chest now so thank god he didn't saw how red my face was.

we stayed in that position in silence until i heard my doorbell rang. my eyes immediately widened as i pushed jungkook away from me and i jumped down from my bed, opening my room door and scrambled towards the door.

it wasn't someone that i expected. it was someone that i least expected.



i hope this wasn't boring :((((

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