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"anyone in there?" the voice echoed. i immediately pushed jungkook away and composed myself. opening the door with shaky hands, i was greeted by mr kim seokjin.

"mr kim?" i asked, surprised. but still, i was lucky that it wasn't the principal or any other school heads. so i heaved a sigh of relief.

"what are you and jungkook doing there?" mr kim questioned, raising his eyebrows. he acted like he was the boss here.

"oh, e-erm we are having a lesson?" i stuttered, but it came out more like a question. mr kim continued to look suspiciously at me. oh god, how am i going to get out of this situation now?

"why are the lights turn off then?" he bombarded me another question.

"we were just about to exit." i heard jungkook's voice behind me. i blushed at his voice as the incident just now flashed in my mind.

"oh, alright then." mr kim smiled at us as i immediately walked to the staff room but jungkook held my arm back.

"what do you want–" i was interrupted with my question as jungkook place a peck on my cheek and he rushed off, leaving me dumbfounded.


"have you heard about the rumors?"

"there's a teacher and a student in this school dating!"

"guys look it's here! it's been printed and posted on the notice board!"

my ears perked up at students muffling and gibbering. what were they talking about? a student and a teacher dating? somehow, my heart beat started to increase.

i hastened my foot steps towards the notice board. students were gasping and giving me judging looks which made me even more confused.

gently pushing some students aside, i finally made my way to the front of the board as my eyes widened, my jaw dropped at the picture in front of me.

it was a picture of jungkook kissing my cheek earlier in the morning.

"ms jung!" i recognized that familiar voice. jungkook came beside me, and he himself was shock after seeing the picture.

"look! they are standing in front of us right now! ms jung jae in and jeon jungkook!"

my lips were dry, no words came out. my head spun and the last thing i know, i blacked out.


"ms jung?"

i opened my eyes and was greeted by jungkook. i then flickered my eyes and saw mr kim, as well as ms choi, the principal, standing near the door.

i immediately shot up as i realized the situation i was in.

"ms jung, explain this picture?" ms choi flashed me a picture of the same one i saw earlier on the notice board.


"it's not ms jung's fault." jungkook voiced out, and my heart immediately softened. why was he defending me? obviously it was my fault for not pushing him away.

"you do know that, a student and a teacher relationship is not allowed in the school right?" ms choi raised her eyebrows while her face was that resting bitch face.

"and you know the consequences right? the teacher will always take the fault so therefore, ms jung jae in will be fired from the school." ms choi stated clearly. i hung my head low in guilt as i bite my lip, a weird habit of mine when i'm guilty.

"if she's fired from the school, i would not continue my studies. and it's your fault that you lost another student in this school." jungkook fired back. weirdly, mr kim was being silent today. i mean, he would usually speak up when this kind of situation happens.

"do you want me to call your father, jeon jungkook?" ms choi asked. jungkook looked taken aback, and i guess that was a threatening to him. he shook his head slowly.

guess i will be leaving the school then.

"alright so ms jung, from tomorrow onwards, you are not to come to the school–"

a hand lifted my chin up and i was facing jungkook. in a matter of seconds, jungkook leaned in closer and closer, until his lips captured mine.


an update bc i'm having dinner now

and i'll try to update as often as possible bc i have a lot of homework like i HAVE TO WRITE TWO COMPOSITIONS WHICH INCLUDES ONE CHINESE AND ONE ENGLISH DAYUM MY BRAIN

school sucked my soul out

and i'm so sorry if this chapter seems so sHITTY

btw how many chapts do ya'll want this story to be?

i'm considering 15 or 20 chAPTS but i always end up writing only 15 chapts because mY BRAIN CELL SUCKS

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