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his sobs were soft. i really wondered what happened that made the boy that was always confident and full of hormones cry to this extend.

"jungkook, what's wrong?" i questioned as i pulled away from him. his eyes were really red and i seemed to realize that he's been crying for a while. he did not reply but he sniffed continuously. oh god, this innocent child (for now).

"h-hug me, ms jung." he choked out. i bobbed my head understandingly as i pulled him into an embrace and his arms circled around my waist.


jungkook wouldn't tell me what was wrong with him. no matter how much i pry, he would just simply reject my request. i guess i shouldn't pry any further, what if it would affect him a lot? why am i even being so interested in a student's life?

"look where you are going, fatty!" i looked towards the source of the sound and found jung hoseok, shouting at a obese girl. i squinted my eyes and saw that it was shin jae hee. she did not say anything but she bite her lips. i wanted to interfere but amother person came in. if i was not wrong, it was kim namjoon.

"apologize to her."

kim namjoon was defending her. my heart ached at the sight of it but i still decided to hide behind the wall to see what will they do.

and then they started throwing each other punches and shouting profanities. this time, i couldn't take it anymore as i rushed over and screamed in order for them to stop.

"what do you think you are doing?" i deadpanned.

"you'll be called into the principal's office later. for now, the two of you, please go to the clinic." i continued. hoseok just scoffed and went back his seat while namjoon walked outside, jae hee following behind.

just then, i saw jeon jungkook walking pass by but he stopped in his tracks and looked at me briefly. his eyes held no emotions as he just walked away just like that.

normally, he would either send me a wink or do a heart shape using his arms. i was really not used to him not bothering me right now.

why does my heart ache so much when he literally ignores me?


"ms jung?" mr kim's voice snapped me out of my thoughs. i gave him a sheepish smile as i sipped my cup of coffee.

"you always seem to be in deep thoughts," he chuckled, honestly, his voice wasn't really that low for a guy. but his voice sounded sweet and refreshing.

"yeah, too much problems." i sighed as i pushed my spectacles frame that landed on the bridge of my nose.

"mind if you share those problems with me?" he asked. i understood his kindness, but the problems that i was facing, even he could never have a solution to it.

"i'm fine, thank you." i gave him a small smile which he returned back. so far, i could see that mr kim seokjin was a really nice and generous person. i didn't regret coming on this friendly date with him.

"oh look, you have a coffee stain on your shirt!" mr kim bellowed, and i immediately looked down on my shirt but i couldn't see anything on it.

i furrowed my eyebrows, but soon i felt a pair of soft lips pecking my forehead. i lifted my head up and looked at a embarrassed mr kim.

if i were to be honest, that action didn't send my heart to be fluttering. my heart beat and my breathing were still maintaining originally.

i stared awkwardly at mr kim until he harrumphed and look away sheepishly. well, the atmosphere here just became awkward.

"erm s-so ms jung," he stuttered, but he still not dared to look in my eyes. i hummed in reply.

"i like you." he breathed out. i was stunned for a moment, because this was the first time someone actually confessed to me. i had to take time to digest the information in my brain.

"too bad, she's taken." i heard a voice behind me.


oho who do you think is that

omg happy 1k views holy god tysm <3

i'm so sorry if this is short & boring but i'll try to make the next chapter longer and more interesting :))

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