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jungkook's lips sealed tight as he averted his gaze towards the ground. i stood there, anticipating for his answer but a minute of silence just pass.

i was about to open my mouth when he was one step earlier than me, and said something.

"it's ketchup."

i stared at him in confusion. it took me a while to register what he said, and i brought his hands that was spreaded with crimson red liquid closer to my nose. indeed, the smell of ketchup engulfed me as i pushed away his hands sheepishly.

jungkook sighed as i made way for him to go and wash his hands. closing the door, i mentally face-palmed myself for jumping into conclusions.

for a moment, i thought that he was actually the killer of ms choi, jung hoseok and min yoongi. but at the same time, he couldn't possibly do these kind of deeds right? i was obviously jumping into conclusions.

i slapped my cheeks repeatedly as i took a deep breath, and that's when i heard his voice.

"ms jung, if you're wondering why my hands are full of ketchup, it's because some ill-mannered dude placed a bottle of ketchup with the cap left ajar up above the sky or something because i don't know where, and thus it dripped onto my hand!" jungkook complained as he let out a frustrated sigh. i gulped nervously as he sat down next to me on the couch.

was i still suspecting him for the murder?

"ms jung?" he waved his hands in front of me and leaned in closer to me. my first reaction was to pull away from him.

i was definitely still suspecting him.

i couldn't help but to suspect him.

the reason why the lights went off just now... was it because of him? he was the only one that has a copy of the keys to my home.

in addition, he said he went to do something just now. and he came back around one hour later. an hour... it's possible to do some killing and get rid of evidence right?

"ms jung? why are you sitting so far from me?" jungkook raised his eyebrows as he came nearer to my face. i screamed hysterically as i lifted up a cushion to cover my face.

i was extremely surprised at my own actions too.

"did i do something wrong?"

i bite my lip nervously. i didn't want to tell him the truth, but my guilt was killing me. my guilt was literally consuming me right now.

his hand removed the cushion away from my hands as his eyes penetrated into mine while i tried to avoid his gaze.

"ms jung, did i do something wrong?" he questioned in a pleading tone, and i was trying my best not to look into his eyes because i was afraid i would get lost in it.

i shook my head softly, "it's just," i tried to form out the words. "nothing. jungkook, you did nothing wrong."

"then why are you sitting so far away from me and when i come close to you, you scoot away?" jungkook frowned. i tried to choke out some words but i failed to do so.

his fingers made their way to my hair, and he softly played with it. the way he held my hair, it was as if my hair was made of glass and if he held it too tight, it would shatter into pieces any time.

i relaxed a bit at his touch.

his palm trailed down onto my face and he cupped it, turning my face to face him. his touch was gentle and soothing. it was really hard to believe that he was the murder. but my guts told me so.

"are you thinking about the murder?" he mumbled softly and i immediately froze. jungkook let out a heavy sigh, and his hands found mine as he intertwined it together.

"so you're suspecting that it's me?" jungkook questioned slowly. i nodded my head gently as i felt a heavy weight leaving my heart. a painful expression was painted on his face. i thought he was going to let go off my hand but instead, he gripped it tighter – not so tight that it would hurt me.

"do you trust me?"

i pondered over that question. do i really trust him? but if i do, i wouldn't have suspected him in the first place right?

"it's okay if you don't. but i'm still going to say who murder the three of them. it's really up to you if you believe it or not," jungkook said.

his thumb grazed over the skin of my palm as he took a deep breath before saying the next words which i totally
did not expect at all.

"it was mr kim." the words flew out from his mouth and i unexpectedly did not flinch. but i was too shock to say anything. and that's why there's this saying, 'expect the unexpected'.

"mr kim seokjin?" i emphasised on the syllabus of his name to make sure that my ears did not fail me. jungkook swiftly nodded his head.

"how did you know?" my voice came out shakily.

"he accidentally left his fingerprint on yoongi's wrist. i guess he had forget to wear his gloves." he explained.

now the only question that was running in my mind was ; why on earth would mr kim kill the three of them?


i'm so sorry for not updating yesterday (i was planning to actually) bc i have a lot of homeworks and tests in school rn!!

and jin mama IS THE MURDERER HAH did ya'll expect that

i made it longer for ya'll hoho ;)

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